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Jul 23rd, 2022
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  1. Order Overwatch Participants:
  2. Order|Valentin.Roka
  3. Order|Calamity
  4. Order|Rogue
  6. [23.07.2022 18:14:41] LV-Owl-[Fae: Order Boarding Party Leader: We got them!
  7. [23.07.2022 18:15:03] LV-Owl-[Fae: OBPL: Turn off that damn thing and lets repair the engines.
  8. [23.07.2022 18:16:42] LV-Owl-[Fae: OBPS: Engines back online in 3... 2... 1... We got it!
  9. [23.07.2022 18:17:00] LV-Owl-[Fae: OBPL: Now lets move out from here. Agent Rogue, lead on.
  11. [23.07.2022 18:35:43] Order|Rogue: We've secured the transports, seems as though they possess some sort of active artifacts. Worth investigating.
  12. [23.07.2022 18:36:15] Order|Calamity: We have arrived! With loads of many active artifacts. Now we have to dock and unload everything
  13. [23.07.2022 18:36:20] Order|Rogue: We've reached our destination, Damask administration is pleased to have us here.
  14. [23.07.2022 18:36:47] LV-Fog-[Fae: OBPL 2: Damascus in sight. Let's dock and do a little cleanup.
  15. [23.07.2022 18:36:59] Order|Rogue: Boarding Teams, give the station a couple minutes to active docking rights.
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