
FoE RPG G0 - #034 Nnoto Village: The Dream That Would Not Be

Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. [20:07]<Knick_Knack> Knick Knack rubs her achy muzzle again and looks around, trotting through the calming village after Royal_Lace with an aimless and nervous pace.
  2. [20:11]? Royal_Lace seems to be wandering alone, lost in thought. She only half way pays attention to the festivities around her.
  3. [20:17]<Knick_Knack> Knick Knack sights Royal Lace and trots closer, changing her mind halfway and making a detour to a nearby hut. She takes a few deep breaths, then peeking at Royal_Lace.
  4. [20:23]? Royal_Lace takes a seat away from the crowd
  5. [20:25]<Knick_Knack> After some time of deep hesitation, Knick Knack puts her chest high and trots to Royal_Lace, her resolve melting into sweat along the way. "Lace, h-hi."
  6. [20:27]? Royal_Lace turns to see Nick nack and offers her a genuin smile. "Oh, hello Nick Nack. Want to have a seat?"
  7. [20:29]<Knick_Knack> "Oh? Yes!" She smiles and hops to her side. "Soo... uh..." She scrunches her muzzle a bit.
  8. [20:30]? Royal_Lace smiles expetantly as she waits for Nick Nack to composer herself. "Yes?"
  9. [20:31]<Knick_Knack> Her eyes drift towards Laces, but she faces away. "Umm, nice party. Right?"
  10. [20:32]? Royal_Lace nods, "Yes, one of the best I have ever been to. Not that I had a chance to attend many as a guest before..."
  11. [20:52]<Knick_Knack> "Oh, that's right..." She shrinks a bit. "I never had a party as big as this. It was just me, father and the house slaves."
  12. [21:00]? Royal_Lace nudges Nick Nack, "Well then thats something we have in common. You know I used to be what you call a house slave, the only ones who ever did anything for me were them. But I dont think this is what you wanted to talk about.... did you have something on your mind?"
  13. [21:07]<Knick_Knack> "Sorry, uh, it's..." ,
  14. [21:08]? Royal_Lace nudges her, "Yes? You know you can tell me right, I mean we are friends right?"
  15. [21:11]<Knick_Knack> She shrinks a bit, turning to Royal_Lace, in a deep blush. "I-I was kinda...I was... hopingyoudbemymarefriend!"
  16. [21:11]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Ummm... one more time, slowly?"
  17. [21:14]? Knick_Knack opens her eyes, shaking slightly. "I w-was.... would you be... my m-marefriend?"
  18. [21:21]? Royal_Lace blinks some more, "Oh... I thought that was what you asked... ummm..... Nick Nack I.... your very nice and I do feel like we could be great friends but im not so sure that.... Its just that, well if I was 'into mares' I would pick you hooves down but as it is...."
  19. [21:21]? Royal_Lace mumbles and stuters through her reply
  20. [21:22]? Royal_Lace stares at her hoof as she shuffles it in the dust
  21. [21:26]? Knick_Knack 's little composure melts into a slump. She stares down at her hooves. "...but..." She lets out a weak whimper.
  22. [21:28]? Royal_Lace frowns and steps closer to Knick Nack and presses up against her side, its not the touch of a lover but its definatly more intimate than most ponies would normaly touch. "Nick Nack, Im sorry I cant be what you want but dont think we cant be close, maybe even closer than friends. Belive it or not we have similar histories and I see so much of myself and what I belive in in you"
  23. [21:29]? Royal_Lace "I dont want to loose your frienship, I think in time we could be closer, best friends maybe. Like sisters, but not as lovers... im sorry"
  24. [21:53]? Knick_Knack sobs and pulls away, tears muffling her weak mumbles. "...why... whaddid I do? I... I, no... I'm not like father... I, just... you think I'm ugly, I knew it... and I'm weak... and I don't have nothing... I'm going to be alone forever... I should never..." She turns away and gallops into the village.
  25. [21:57]? Royal_Lace eyes start to water up as she pauses for a moment to think about what to do, one thing was as clear as day... Nick Nack could never hope to get away from her. With a flash and a pop she was gone, suddenly before Nick Nack, "No wait, I didnt say that!"
  26. [22:01]? Knick_Knack turns away and buries her face on the grass, crying. "'s t-true, I know..."
  27. [22:04]? Royal_Lace leap hugs her, "NO! no its not"
  28. [22:07]? Knick_Knack leans away from her hug. " don't like me... nopony does..."
  29. [22:10]? Royal_Lace cries into her back, "Of course we like you! I threw away my first chance at freedom for your sake Nick Nack, dosent that show I care? The others have spent time wtih you, they see you are not your father".
  30. [22:13]<Knick_Knack> "But... b-but..." She looks up at her her quivering lip failing to come with words, leaving only another whimper.
  31. [22:18]? Royal_Lace sobs into her coat, "I never meant to make you feel like anything ells than the special mare you are. Nick Nack please, I have faild so many times whenever I try to help somepony but please, dont think that me or any of us dont like you"
  32. [22:21]<Knick_Knack> She sobs and sniffs, until she finally mutters an "Okay." Dry from tears and heart.
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