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Restoration Story

a guest
Mar 31st, 2020
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  1. Brief Overview
  2. The story is set in a universe where our world is surrounded by several other special worlds, each one being responsible for controlling part of our own, whether it be the how the world functions, the elements and resources within it or even the life itself. Each of the other worlds are ruled by a powerful deity who control everything about their own world while coexisting with the others so they can all thrive, however now through disagreements and hunger for more worth and power, the balance of these worlds has been thrown off and our world is in grave danger. The players of this round are the elite adventurers chosen to attempt to save and restore balance to our world and the surroundings worlds, as a result each season will involve players having to travel to foreign worlds while also defending their own against the potential balance upsets and the characters themselves will also play certain roles and influenece the story rather than just be figureheads.
  4. Season 1
  5. Players will now be split up into teams of two and trusted with the mission of defending your home world from the first major universal balance upset. The element of fire is controlled by a young demon named Flare who is still immature and inexperienced in comparison with the other deities, meaning she lacks wisdom and often behaves recklessly. Flare has always been greedy and eager to gain more power over the other more significant deities but has always been kept in the shadows by those stronger than her, however, when the rulers of other worlds began feuding she was given the perfect opportunity to unleash her attack on the world, weakening her foes and gaining the power that she has desperately sought after, and by opening portals from her world to yours her power is already beginning to take effect: rivers begin to dry up, new creatures begin to rise, replacing some of those native to your world; but nothing is on fire because having frames is more fun. In order stop the attack you must take the fight back to Flare's world. To do so you must collect the burning souls of creatures from your world and use them as a sacrifice in order to gain a key needed to activate the portals. Due to Flare's greedy nature, the fire world is well fortified but contains many valuable resources missing from your own world that you must find and take for yourselves in order to conquer her world before she takes over yours. However, with the knowledge that those who are successful in the mission will return as heroes and receive rewards, Flare's nature begins to rub off on the adventurers, and soon the mission turns competitive, as you fight to defeat each other as well as your enemies, only the strongest can survive.
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