
Character Sheet

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. Chomai Lollip
  2. Echeladder: Uppity Underling
  3. Race: Troll (Yellow-blood)
  4. HP Max: 17
  5. HP Current: 13
  6. AC: 5+?+1
  7. Initiative: ?
  8. Speed: 30+1
  9. XP: ?
  11. Strength: 8 (Mod: -1)

  12. Constitution: 18 (Mod: +4)
  13. Dexterity: 13 (Mod: +1)
  14. Intelligence: 15 (Mod: +2)
  15. Wisdom: 9 (Mod: -1)
  16. Charisma: 17 (Mod: +3)
  18. Acrobatics (Dex): +1
  19.         Animal Handling (Wis): -1
  20.         Arcana (Int): +2
  21.         Athletics (Str): -1
  22.         Deception (Cha): +3
  23.         History (Int): +2
  24.         Insight (Wis): -1
  25.         Intimidation (Cha): +3
  26.         Investigation (Int): +2
  27.         Medicine (Wis): -1
  28.         Nature (Int): +2
  29.         Perception (Wis): -1
  30.         Performance (Cha): +3
  31.         Persuasion (Cha): +3
  32.         Religion (Int): +2
  33.         Sleight of Hand (Dex): +1
  34.         Stealth (Dex): +1
  35.         Survival (Wis): -1
  37. Equipment:
  39. Fetch Modus: Ringing Bell - She rings the bell, as she is so used to doing at home, in the hopes that something she needs will fall out of it. It's a fairly random modus, though she has learned that talking nicely to it tends to get her what she wants, as was the case when she rang it for other trolls.
  40. Stife Specibus: Glovekind
  42. Characteristics (Backstory works?):
  43. Since we’re doing different worlds/time periods, I’mma say she’s from Beforus, back when lowbloods were taken into the care of highbloods. Because of this, she has next-to-no idea how to care for herself. She also doesn’t know how to use her psionics or if she even has them, since she’s never needed them, and the indigo-blood who culled her told her not to use them.
  45. She’s a huge whiner who's used to getting what she wants, so she doesn’t really understand why everyone’s not dropping to their feet to serve her. Still, when she’s not complaining, she can be highly persuasive - she’s cute with a bit of a naughty streak.
  47. All her life, she was given injections that she was told she needed due to her blood... but they were not really for her health. Not exactly, at least. She was part of a secret movement to increase the resiliency and longevity of lower-bloods, which explains her high constitution (at least by yellow-blood standards). Her gloves hide the injection scars.
  49. Age: Between 7 and 8 Solar Sweeps
  50. Height: 5ft
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