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Aug 16th, 2014
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  3. Places:
  4. 1&2: New York City: Everyone comes to the Big Apple. Avengers Mansion, the Baxter Building, and that Spider-Guy are just a few of the common sights, and the Xavier Institute is just a ways down the road. NYC is the hub of the Marvel Universe; lots of heroes to help you out, but on the other hand, the whole city gets blown up every few months.
  5. 3: Washington DC: The home of the American Government, expect lots of military sponsored and government-affiliated Superteams, as Captain America and others deal with foreign spies.
  6. 4: Wakanda: A small African nation, but one of the leaders of the world's technology as home to most of the plante's Vibranium. The Black Panther rules this land, possibly with his Queen, Storm.
  7. 5: Atlantis: The undersea nation of Atlantis is ruled by the almighty Namor, who does not lightly suffer fools. A rich nation, due to ocean oil deposits and taxes on trade, but if you can't shapeshift or breathe water expect some problems with daily life.
  8. 6: Latveria: A small Eastern European nation, and another technological powerhouse. Its ruler, DOCTOR DOOM, defends its borders personally, but you can expect to be surprised by the Fantastic Four at least every few months, and the nation may well be destroyed by a Doombot uprising.
  9. 7: Genosha: A small island nation, and a flashpoint of anti-mutant hysteria. Depending on your luck, the nation may be a home of anti-mutant prejudice and the center of the mutant slave trade, or it may be ruled by Magneto and home of most of the world's mutants.
  11. Additionally, roll a second D8 to determine what time you appear in. You may instead freely default to 2005.
  12. 1&2: You appear in the year 1990 in the Marvel World. A dark time, expect to see lots of guns and brooding antiheroes. Major Events: X-Tinction Agenda, Infinity Gauntlet, Operation: Galactic Storm, Infinity War, Infinity Crusade, Age of Apocalypse, Operation: Zero Tolerance, and the Magneto Wars.
  13. 3&4: You appear in the year 2000, immediately prior to the Maximum Security event. Expect a lot of change in the “rocks” of the Marvel Universe. Major Events: Eve of Destruction, Avengers Disassembled, House of M, Civil War, World War Hulk, and the Secret Invasion
  14. 5&6: You appear in 2005, a month or two prior to the Stamford Disaster. You'll have to deal with the Civil War, and then have problems with alien invasions. Major Events: Civil War, World War Hulk, and the Secret Invasion, Siege, Chaos War, Fear Itself, Schism, Age of Ultron, Avengers vs. X-Men, Dying Wish, and whatever happens next year
  15. 7: You appear now, in the present day. Nobody knows what the future holds for you, so your foreknowledge won't help much! Major Events: Axis, Time Runs Out, UNKNOWN.
  16. 8: You lucky bastard, it's your choice. You can appear any time between 1990 and 2014.
  18. Backgrounds:
  19. Drop-in 0 CP: You just appear one day on the streets or in your secret hideout, with no previous life in this place. No memories to help, but also none to hold you back, and you can completely control your debut as a hero or villain.
  20. Student 100 CP: You've always idolized those with superpowers, but never dreamed that you'd be one yourself. You're something of a fanboy, with a slightly naive view of the superpowered world, but you can identify a given hero by a flash of their boot.
  21. Military 100 CP: You were just a standard soldier, until your superpowers started to present. You have some combat training and a lot of friends in the forces, but the Government may already know who you are, and you haven't paid too much attention to all the capes...
  22. Criminal 100 CP: You were a hitman, a thief, or a thug until your powers presented. You are brutal in a fight and know your way around the seedy side of the world, but don't expect to be treated with respect by any heroes who know your background...
  25. Low-Tier Powers:
  26. Energy 100 CP, free Drop-In: You can harness a source of power and expel it in blasts of force. Heat-vision, Force Beams, special rayguns of your own design, or magic blasts, what form they take doesn't matter; you can blow through a light armored vehicle with a lot of effort, or through a car with ease.
  27. Brains 100 CP, Free Student: You're very smart, a good inventor and quick witted enough to always have a comeback in a fight. Expect have an IQ in the top end of the Mensa Genius range.
  28. Toughness 100 CP, free Military: Either from an iron skin, personal power armor, or just your own super-tough body, you're far more durable than your average hero. Expect to be inconvenienced only by specialized ammunition, high-powered weapons, or fellow superhumans
  29. Strength 100 CP, Free Criminal: You are really strong, able to throw cars and punch people through walls. You can lift up to 5 tons with just a little effort.
  30. Body 100 CP: Your body is at the edge of superhuman in all qualities, maybe actually breaking the boundary. You're not as strong as someone with Strong powers, or as tough as someone with Toughness, but you're far stronger and tougher than a baseline, in addition to enhanced intelligence, reaction speed, healing, running, and jumping.
  31. Mid-tier powers:
  32. Flight 250 CP: Whether you have a jetpack, levitation spells, wings, or just a superhuman ability, you can FLY. Not as fast as a fighter jet, but somewhere in the 100 MPH range.
  33. Invisibility 250 CP: What do you think? You can make yourself invisible to everything but specialized sensors. Beware, doing things to other objects (picking up anything larger than a beer can, punching someone, charging an energy blast) will usually break your invisibility!
  34. Regeneration 250 CP: You heal far, far faster than normal, and from things which would normally be irreperable. A bullet to the head will still kill you, as will extremely dangerous poisons, but you can regrow limbs and organs within hours and heal from “minor” injuries like bullet holes in just a few minutes. Expect a long, long life, as you arenow effectively immune to cancer and all but the most ravaging diseases.
  35. Kinesis 300 CP: You have the ability to control things with your mind. You may have basic telekinesis, in which case you can lift and move objects as if you were physically touching them, or a form of energy control such as pyrokinesis or aquakinesis.
  36. High-Tier Powers:
  37. Teleportation 600 CP, discount Drop-In: You can teleport. If you're just teleporting yourself, it takes just a second's focus to go anywhere within a mile, or up to 10 minute's focus to go anywhere on the planet. When taking others with you, your range is limited to LOS for quick hops, and it may take up to an hour to teleport more than 10-15 miles.
  38. Precognition 600 CP, discount Student: You can see a few seconds into the future as a form of 'danger-sense,' or can have long visions that require a dangerous trance.
  39. Speed 600 CP, Discount Military: You have super-speed. You can run up to 300 mph, catch bullets, and disarm people before they can blink. However, I hope you have Toughness or Regeneration, because if you hit a wall at that speed, you're in trouble.
  40. Intangibility 600 CP, discount Criminal: You can reduce your density until you can phase through solid objects. In this state, you are untouchable by all but energy blasts and force fields, are easily overlooked, leave no footprints, can slowly drift through space and objects, and are invisible to most sensors. On the other hand, it's not possible to touch things while you're intangible, and beware phasing back while an object is inside you. It will usually be disintegrated, but you will suffer crippling pain.
  43. Skills:
  44. Swinger 100 CP: Nothing to do with wives, you have the skill and ability to swing on webs, whips, ropes, your arms, or something else entirely. Acrobatics is in your blood, and even if you can't fly you can always find the high ground.
  45. Cosmic Fact 100 CP: Rather than being a newcomer to superheroics, you've been a part of it all along. The events of the Marvel Universe have occurred just the way you remember, but you remember being part of the major events since you were 11 as well, and so does everyone else. You may have a history with heroes, good or bad, and have a more in-depth knowledge of the superpowered scene than even the most devoted fan. Incompatible with Drop-IN (though I HATE doing that, I can't think of a way to make it work)
  46. Hawkeye 200 CP, Discount Military: You have superior aim, reflexes, and understanding of angles. Any ranged weapon or ability you use is GOING to hit; the only question is if you'll hit them in the left eye or the right.
  47. Combat Training 200 CP Discount Criminal : All those powers are nice, but it takes skill to know how to use them Super-strength is well and good, but even a superman needs to know how to hit someone where it hurts. You have trained with your powers to use them optimally in combat situations, and you'll always keep your head when the bullets, shields, webs, and blasts start flying. Those barely trained punks that pop up and think their powers are all that matters are gonna learn a lesson.
  48. Agent 200 CP: The skills of espionage are in your bones. You may have been a SHIELD Agent, a servant of the Hand, or just really sneaky, but in any case you're good at doing things unseen. Making up and keeping cover stories, infiltrating secure areas, and spotting a tail are just a few of your talents.
  49. Friend of the Media 200 CP: Your heroism/vigilantism/criminality is always seen in the best possible light. If you're a criminal, you're seen as a freedom fighter; if you're a mutant, most report you as being the best of their "foul breed," and if you're already a hero, expect to be a media darling.
  50. Cosmic Fact 300 CP: Rather than being a newcomer to super-heroics, you've been a part of it all along. The events of the Marvel Universe have occurred just the way you remember, but you remember being part of the major events since you were 11 as well, and so does everyone else. You may have a history with heroes, good or bad, and have a more in-depth knowledge of the super-powered scene than even the most devoted fan. Incompatible with Drop-IN (though I HATE doing that, I can't think of a way to make it work)
  53. Items:
  54. Lots of Money 50 CP: $500,000
  55. Blade 50 CP Free Drop-In: Maybe not a real blade, but some form of useful melee weapon that can stand up you your use. A katana, a slightly magic spear, or just a really big club, you have a weapon that you can hit people with until they break.
  56. Sidearm 50 CP: You have a sidearm and 20 clips/magazines/speed loads. Anything from a derringer to a .44 revolver, with a stop in between with small machine pistols, this will help against AIM and Hydra goons but don't expect it to be useful against real villains.
  57. Unstable Molecule Uniform 50 CP Free Drop-In: You have a uniform or costume made out of unstable molecules. While it offers little protection, the uniform itself is nigh-indestructible, self-cleaning, auto-sizing, and never impedes your powers.
  58. Shootin' Iron 100 CP: You have a long-arm of some kind. Maybe an M16, an AK47, or just Pa's Shotgun, it'll serve you well against most foes, and you have 20 clips or magazines.
  59. Web-Shooters 100 CP Free Student: You have designed a pair of devices that shoot a durable and sticky foam webbing. Usable to grab things, disable enemies, and with the right skills, swing between buildings.
  60. Super-Juice 150 CP: You have access to a supply (150 doses) of a drug that enhances your superpowers. Effectively, all of your Marvel CYOA abilities are twice as strong for 2 hours after taking this drug. However, it is illegal, and there are side effects; you may become enraged, lose your powers for days after a dose, or lose all memory of those actions you take while drugged up.
  61. Military Ordnance 200 CP: You found, bought, or stole some military weapons somewhere along the line. You have a SAW, RPG system, a Barret .50, or some other big weapon. It'll help against all but the toughest of heroes/villains, but beware; the military probably won't be a fan of you flaunting their merchandise.
  62. Avengers ID 200 CP: You somehow have a pass into Avengers Mansion. You can also flash it for easy admission into, well, pretty much anywhere. However, if overused, expect Earth's Mightiest Heroes to come check you out; of course, that may not be a problem...
  63. Helm of ??? (Still don't have a good name, Magneto's helmet) 300 CP: A mystical helm that, while unfashionable, keeps you safe from all mental attacks while worn. You are totally immune to all attempts to read or influence your mind directly while worn.
  64. Adamantium X 300 Points: You have a object made of adamantium. If a shield or armor, it is large and heavy but nigh-indestructible; if it's a weapon, it can cut through almost anything.
  65. Vibranium X 300 Points: You have a object made of Vibranium. If a shield or armor, it is light easy to cut but prevents any beating from carrying through to you. If a weapon, it does not cut easily, but can shatter almost anything given enough time.
  66. Power Armor 300 CP: You have a suit of genuine knock-off Iron Man Armor. Either Hammer-tech or something mass-produced the Armor Wars or in a crisis, it's nowhere as good as the real thing, but it still has working repulsors (weaker than Energy and slower than Flight), working power servos (weaker than strength), an AI or targeting system, and is simply a good suit of armor (Weaker than Toughness).
  67. Super-Vehicle 400 CP: You have a specialized vehicle that is in some way incredible. Your own Quinjet, Fantasticar, Battle Van, Blackbird, (whatever Captain America's motorcycle is called). It has weapons and speed far in excess of a normal vehicle.
  68. Life Model Decoy 500 CP: You have a fully-operational Life Model Decoy and the computers required to program it. It will perfectly duplicate your physical appearance, your speech, your opinions, and your intelligence, but due to hardware limitations it can only be programmed with powers that you gain the Marvel world. It will become one of your Companions, not requiring a Stasis Pod.
  70. Drawbacks
  71. Broke the Switch 150? CP: Your powers are always on. If you have Strength, be careful opening doors and hugging friends; if you have Energy, get a capacitor or you'll start killing people by staring at them.
  72. 4th-wall Avoidant 150 CP: You have lost all knowledge of the Marvel Universe upon arrival. The only things you know are those that you find out here. You still have any other powers or abilities that you had from other worlds, but simply believe them to be parts of your superpowers. Good Luck!
  73. 4th-Wall Reliant 150 CP: You remember everything you already knew about the Marvel universe, but good luck getting people to believe you. No matter how many times you prove your knowledge, everyone will think you're just as insane as that Deadpool guy.
  74. Changed 200 CP: Your superpowers have changed your body drastically. Blue fur, a rocklike skin, or terrible scars, you look decidedly inhuman from the start.
  75. Parker Luck 300 CP:No matter how powerful a hero you are, you can't hold down a day job, and you're still living in your parent's basement (if an orphan, you're homeless). Any loved ones are constantly under threat, and every good deed you do just gets you in more trouble.
  76. Mutant 300 CP: It is well-known (or at least commonly believed) that your powers are mutant in origin. Therefore, everyone hates you. Expect to be vilified by the press even for saving people, and mobs, Sentinels, the Government, and various other groups are already out for your blood.
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