
Anon Pisses off the Wood Elves

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. Story Started in Thread #3
  3. Guys, I fucked up, I fucked up real bad
  4. >Go on hunting trip
  5. >Local woods have become home to wood elves but I ain't giving up muh durr hunting spot because of some hippies
  6. >Later towards the night notice something along the usual deer path
  7. >Look through rifle
  8. >It's a massive elk
  9. >It also happens to be glowing green
  10. >Figure this will put to shame any basic bitch deer I could ever find
  11. >Shoot it
  12. >Perfect shot, thing drops almost instantly
  13. >As I'm trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to drag this thing back to my truck a bunch of the hippies come out of nowhere
  14. >They're screaming at me in their language
  15. >The only parts I do understand is the fact that they're really pissed
  16. >And I mean really pissed
  17. >As more and more keep coming and either screaming at me or collapsing on the elk crying I decide to just get the fuck out of there
  18. >All seems fine until later the next day I notice the fuckers are around my fucking house, watching me at all hours of the night
  19. >The disperse during the day, or whenever I call the cops, but they always come back at night
  20. >Stop sleeping, just sit in the bathtub with a loaded rifle and listening to the sound of them running across my roof
  21. What the fuck did I do, did I kill some kind of sacred fucking hippy god or something?
  23. (Anon replies) Fucking probably, did you get it back to your house or did they get the better of you?
  25. (Author replies to Anon) Thing must have weighed over a ton and I was being swarmed by angry keeblers, I left it and got the fuck on out of there.
  27. (Anon replies again) Good choice, maybe could've taken one of their females so it wasnt a complete waste?
  29. (Author replies to anon again) Dozens of elves swarming me with knives and bows and I'm supposed to trying to use my bolt gun to kidnap a female in front of all of them after killing something obviously super important to them?
  30. Nigga, I've heard these things go toe to toe with fucking orcs in melee, I'd be dead if I tried that shit.
  31. Then again, I might already be dead if they decide to break in.
  33. (Author posting several hours later)
  34. I'm alive boys, by some fucking miracle
  35. >Grab AK and get in front of the door, sweating up a storm
  36. >Hear them going through my house, cabinets, drawers, everything
  37. >My ears suddenly perk on on footsteps coming particularly close
  38. >Heart is probably throbbing so hard right now they can hear it
  39. >As the steps get closer and closer the deathgrip on my gun gets harder
  40. >Squatting in a pool of sweat
  41. >The footsteps stop
  42. >More sweating
  43. >Nearly shit myself when I hear the door knob slowly jiggle
  44. >When the realize it's locked the door starts shaking a little
  45. >They stop and start saying something in their shitty language
  46. >When I keep quite the door starts shaking violently
  47. >Absolutely panic, scream the only thing that comes to me head
  49. >Dump my entire magazine into the door at about waist height
  50. >Hear maybe two or three screams
  51. >When the gunfire finally stops I hear the last of the elves rush out
  52. >Just squat there with a fresh magazine until morning
  53. >In the morning slowly get out
  54. >About three dead elves outside my bathroom
  55. >Two males seemed to have died immediately, one female dragged herself to the stairs before sliding down them judging by the blood
  56. >Now in absolute panic mode
  57. I' just sitting here wondering if I got myself into a war with the keeblers or if they decided to fuck off for good, I'm gonna reinforce the shit out of my house just in case though.
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