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a guest
Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. on *:TEXT:*:# {
  2. if ((boo !isin $1-) || (!$read(badchan.txt,s,$chan))) {
  3. var %nicks2 1
  4. if ( !$window(@Pings) ) { window -e @Pings }
  5. while (%nicks2 <= $lines(nicks2.txt)) {
  6. var %i 1
  7. while (%i <= $0) {
  8. if ( $strip($remove($read(nicks2.txt,%nicks2),$chr(45),$chr(44),$chr(58),$chr(46),$chr(91),$chr(93),$chr(33),$chr(63),$chr(60),$chr(51),$chr(60),$chr(62),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(96)),burc) == $strip($remove($($+($,%i),2),$chr(45),$chr(44),$chr(58),$chr(46),$chr(91),$chr(93),$chr(33),$chr(63),$chr(60),$chr(51),$chr(60),$chr(62),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(96)),burc) ) {
  9. if ( %ping == on ) {
  10. beep 1 1
  11. splay invision\themes\sounds\default\nickspot.wav
  12. }
  13. echo @Pings 12«11 $+ $nick 12in11 $chan 12said at11 $timestamp $+ 12» $1- $+ 
  14. write pinglog.txt $date « $+ $nick in $chan said at $timestamp $+ » $1-
  15. if ( $chan != $active ) {
  16. echo -a 12«11 $+ $nick 12in11 $chan 12said at11 $timestamp $+ 12» $1- $+ 
  17. }
  18. var %nicks2 $lines(nicks2.txt)
  19. break
  20. }
  21. inc %i
  22. }
  23. inc %nicks2
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. on *:ACTION:*:# {
  28. if ((boo !isin $1-) || (!$read(badchans.txt,s,$chan))) {
  29. var %nicks2 1
  30. if ( !$window(@Pings) ) { window -e @Pings }
  31. while (%nicks2 <= $lines(nicks2.txt)) {
  32. var %i 1
  33. while (%i <= $0) {
  34. if ( $strip($remove($read(nicks2.txt,%nicks2),$chr(45),$chr(44),$chr(58),$chr(46),$chr(91),$chr(93),$chr(33),$chr(63),$chr(60),$chr(51),$chr(60),$chr(62),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(96)),burc) == $strip($remove($($+($,%i),2),$chr(45),$chr(44),$chr(58),$chr(46),$chr(91),$chr(93),$chr(33),$chr(63),$chr(60),$chr(51),$chr(60),$chr(62),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(96)),burc) ) {
  35. if ( %ping == on ) {
  36. beep 1 1
  37. splay invision\themes\sounds\default\nickspot.wav
  38. }
  39. echo @Pings 12«11 $+ $nick 12in11 $chan 12acted at11 $timestamp $+ 12» $1- $+ 
  40. write pinglog.txt $date « $+ $nick in $chan acted at $timestamp $+ » $1-
  41. if ( $chan != $active ) {
  42. echo -a 12«11 $+ $nick 12in11 $chan 12acted at11 $timestamp $+ 12» $1- $+ 
  43. }
  44. var %nicks2 $lines(nicks2.txt)
  45. break
  46. }
  47. inc %i
  48. }
  49. inc %nicks2
  50. }
  51. }
  52. }
  53. on 1:LOAD:/echo -at 4Thanks for loading the Ping Script | /addnick $me | /echo -at 3Add other nicks or delete them using: /addnick /delnick Or list them using /lnick
  54. alias addnick {
  55. if ($1) {
  56. if ($2) { echo -at 3Please add 1 nickname at a time. }
  57. write nicks2.txt $1
  58. echo -at 3Added $1 to the pings list.
  59. }
  60. else { echo -at 3Please use /addnick Nick for this command to work. }
  61. }
  62. alias badchan {
  63. if (#* iswm $1) {
  64. if ($2) { echo -at 3Please add 1 channel at a time. }
  65. write badchan.txt $1 1
  66. echo -at 3Added $1 to the bad channel list.
  67. }
  68. else { echo -at 3Please use /badchan #Channel for this command to work. }
  69. }
  70. alias lchan {
  71. var %badchan2 1
  72. echo -at $iif($lines(badchan.txt),3Listing channels on bad chan list:,3There are no channels on the bad chan list.)
  73. while (%badchan2 <= $lines(badchan.txt)) {
  74. echo -at 3 $+ $chr(91) $+ %badchan2 $+ / $+ $lines(badchan.txt) $+ $chr(93)  $+ $read(badchan.txt,%badchan2)
  75. inc %badchan2
  76. }
  77. }
  78. alias lnick {
  79. var %nicks2 1
  80. echo -at $iif($lines(nicks2.txt),3Listing nicks on ping list:,3There are no nicks on the ping list.)
  81. while (%nicks2 <= $lines(nicks2.txt)) {
  82. echo -at 3 $+ $chr(91) $+ %nicks2 $+ / $+ $lines(nicks2.txt) $+ $chr(93)  $+ $read(nicks2.txt,%nicks2)
  83. inc %nicks2
  84. }
  85. }
  86. alias delchan {
  87. if (#* iswm $1) {
  88. if ($2) { echo -at 3Please delete 1 channel at a time. }
  89. write -ds $+ $1 badchan.txt
  90. echo -at 3Deleted $1 from the bad channel list.
  91. }
  92. else { echo -at 3Please use /delnick #Channel for this command to work. }
  93. }
  94. alias toggleping {
  95. if ( !%ping ) {
  96. echo -a Pings have been turned on.
  97. set %ping on
  98. }
  99. else if ( %ping == on ) {
  100. echo -a Pings are now off.
  101. set %ping off
  102. }
  103. else if ( %ping == off ) {
  104. echo -a Pings are now on.
  105. set %ping on
  106. }
  107. }
  108. alias delnick {
  109. if ($1) {
  110. if ($2) { echo -at 3Please delete 1 nickname at a time. }
  111. write -ds $+ $1 nicks2.txt
  112. echo -at 3Deleted $1 from the pings list.
  113. }
  114. else { echo -at 3Please use /delnick Nick for this command to work. }
  115. }
  116. alias pinglog {
  117. //echo -at 3To view your ping log, go to Start > Run > $mircdir $+ pinglog.txt alternatly it should open now.
  118. /open $qt($mircdir $+ pinglog.txt)
  119. }
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