
FE:AR Clarisse Verun [Twinwolf]

Nov 6th, 2015
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  1. Name: Clarisse Verun
  2. Affinity: Slack
  3. Class: Fighter > Hero
  4. Character Specific Skill: Aptitude
  5. Class Skills: Forest Walk, Clear a Path
  7. Personal Fault: *Hack, Cough*: Poison does +2 damage per turn.
  8. Personal Skill: Feels Natural: When equipped with Hack subcategory, +10 Crit
  9. Personal Skill: Me and This Army: When within 3 spaces of 3 allied units, +2 AS
  10. \ Personal Skill: TBD
  12. Preferred Stats: STR, SKL
  13. Proficiency: Hack (C), Axe (D)
  14. Progression Spent: 370%/370%
  15. Total Level: 1/0
  16. Level: 1
  18. HP: 22 (65%)
  19. STR: 7 (70%) +1
  20. MAG: 0 (05%)
  21. SKL: 3 (60%) +2
  22. LUK: 2 (15%)
  23. DEF: 3 (65%)
  24. RES: 0 (25%)
  25. SPD: 3 (65%) +1
  27. CON: 10
  28. AID: 9
  29. MOV: 5
  31. Levels:
  33. Current Stats:
  35. HP: 22 (65%)
  36. STR: 8 (70%)
  37. MAG: 0 (05%)
  38. SKL: 5 (60%)
  39. LUK: 2 (15%)
  40. DEF: 3 (65%)
  41. RES: 0 (25%)
  42. SPD: 4 (65%)
  44. CON: 10
  45. AID: 9
  46. MOV: 5
  48. Supports:
  50. Inventory:
  51. Name Type (-) RNG WT MT HIT CR QL
  52. Iron Axe Hack (E) 1 10 8 75 0 45
  53. Iron Axe Hack (E) 1 10 8 75 0 45
  54. Vulnerary (3/3) Heals 10 HP for 3 Rounds, 1/2 Healed each Round
  55. -
  56. -
  57. -
  59. Battle Stats (Iron Axe)
  60. AT: 16
  61. Hit: 86
  62. AS: 4
  63. Eva: 10
  64. Crt: 2 (+10)
  65. DG: 2
  67. Backstory (3):
  68. -Clarisse was born 23 years ago in Tavo, in a small town on the Tavo-Uxinan border, with a older brother, older sister, and younger brother. She never knew her parents, her older siblings taking that role.
  69. -She learned how to use an axe as a weapon from a mercenary, whose group was based in the town.
  70. -Eventually, she grew bored of her small town. She left it, and has been wandering- sometimes alone, sometimes with a group- ever since.
  72. Beliefs (3):
  73. -If life isn't interesting, it isn't worth living. Interesting does not necessarily mean fun.
  74. -Real friends are worth more than any amount of gold.
  75. -Hope for the best, and if you don't get it, make do.
  77. Goals (3):
  78. -Have everyone on the continent know her name, in one way or another.
  79. -Wants to eventually go home and tell her siblings about all the cool stuff she's done. This of course includes not dying before she can do this.
  80. -When she eventually has kids, she *will* be there for them. No leaving them to fend for themselves.
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