

Oct 4th, 2013
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  1. (6:13 PM) Me: So, hey! We haven't ever talked yet, but you seem like a cool person xD
  3. (6:23 PM) Her: Oh hey! Haha, well thank you~ ^^
  5. (6:24 PM) Me: So, uh... shoot, I don't know how to meet new people xD What do you enjoy doing in your spare time, maybe?
  7. (6:33 PM) Her: Haha, don't worry about it. I'm the same way. ;^; But ah, I don't actually do much. Watching anime, playing video games, drawing and spending most of my time on the internet. xD What about you?
  9. (7:28 PM) Me: You do twice as many things as I do xD I like to just sit around on the internet, sometimes read a book. Sometimes, I try to draw, but the paper catches on fire. Sorry I took so long to respond, I was kidnapped by my cousin and forced to participate is a torture he likes to call "sports".
  11. (7:33 PM) Her: Ewww sports :c That suuucks, I'm sorry. ;~;
  13. (7:39 PM) Me: It's fine xD I've seen some of your drawings, they're really good and I'm totally not scrambling for something to talk about!
  15. (8:43 PM) Her: D'aww, thank you! And ahahahh, is that so? X3
  17. (8:45 PM) Me: It's totally so xD Uh, I really liked your Lucario drawing the other day.
  18. Dang, I can't use the "I'm not good at talking to pretty girls" excuse because Gaara will kill me 3:
  19. I'm even making up smilies now xD
  20. (Lucario drawing:
  22. (9:06 PM) Her: Aww, well thanks! ^w^ And hahahaa, tfw blushing now~ >///<
  24. (9:09 PM) Me: You hadn't responded, I thought you were offended or something and I was facepalming xD
  26. (9:17 PM) Her: OMG, I'm sorry! D: ;w; Had to go help my step dad, so I wasn't really on.
  28. (9:19 PM) Me: It's fine, I figured you were busy once you did respond xD Am I allowed to ask what?
  30. (9:24 PM) Her Haha, well I'm moving in a few weeks, and my step dad is driving down to our new house in San Antonio this weekend, and he needed help packing a few boxes of stuff to take down there. (So we'd have it when we got there)
  32. (9:25 PM) Me: San Antonio, that's California, right?
  34. (9:31 PM) Her: Nah, it's Texas. D:
  36. (9:34 PM) Me: I don't know my country very well, then xD Why are you moving?
  38. (9:44 PM) Her: ;w; My step dad is in the military, so we move a looot.
  40. (9:46 PM) Me: Oh, wow, I kinda know how that feels and it's not good xD
  42. (9:51 PM) Her: D: Yeah, it suuucks. ;o;
  44. (9:55 PM) Me: Sorry, spontanious computer shutdown xD
  45. I'm currently repeating 9th grade because of it
  46. What time is it for you?
  48. (10:27 PM) Her: Because of your computer shutting down? D: And it's about 9:30 for me~
  49. No, because of moving xD
  51. (10:28 PM) Me: 10:30 for me!
  52. School was out in the county I was in, but I moved and school was still in session. I promptly proceeded to fail every exam due to them being subjects I hadn't taken and get zero credits for 9th grade
  53. Enough with the sad stories xD How was your day?
  55. (10:44 PM) Her: ;w; D'aww, that's terrible! I'm sorry!! D: But it was pretty good! ^w^ And yours?
  57. (10:47 PM) Me: I spent most of it sleeping, woke up with a hangover despite never having drank anything resembling alcohol in my life, drank some water to get rid of it, and have spent the last couple hours alternating between talking to a cute girl and running my brother out of my room
  58. Oh, and I was tortured with sports, but you already knew that.
  60. (10:54 PM) Her: Hangovers sounds terrrrrible. ;w; >///< Oh yeah, sports are terrible too. ;~;
  62. (10:55 PM) Me: It's basically a headache times a thousand, from my understanding
  63. I've never had a real one, but I'm getting it from dehydration just like alcohol xD
  65. (11:03 PM) Her: Ohhhh I see D: D'aww, that sucks.. ;w; Ugghh, I gotta go sleep. I have school tomorrow and I'm super tired. So g'niiight~ You should message me tomorrow though. ^^
  67. (11:04 PM) Me: Finally, someone else who uses g'night
  68. Will you marry m- *shot*
  69. But I'll try to remember to message you!
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