
My Jumpchain

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. I'm working under the assumption that I survive my jumps simply because dying partway through would be boring. That doesn't mean I can't get completely screwed over by my own actions though. I'm also alternating my jumps so at the start I alternate between two low power jumps to one middle power jump. Pokemon sets the bar for middle power. I also don't plan to take Body Mod for a while.
  3. Goals:
  4. On Vacation: Have fun being a tourist. Avoid introducing setting-breaking stuff unless I find the universe I end up in completely awful.
  5. REPENT!: Become a priest themed monster-who-hunts-monsters.
  6. Lover and a Fighter: Fight for love and peace!
  7. The Humanoid Typhoon: Avoid killing as much as possible no matter how much collateral damage I may cause.
  8. Magic Must Defeat Magic: Avoid getting non-innate magic as much as possible and only use spells to counter magic. I'm a monster, not a mage.
  9. I Got the Music in My Soul: Form the greatest band in the multiverse.
  11. Cosmic Warehouse
  12. Utilities:
  13. Forcewall 20cp
  14. Structures:
  15. Shelving Free
  16. Medbay 20cp
  17. Miscellaneous:
  18. Portal 30cp
  19. Stasis Pod x3 60cp
  20. Return 20cp
  22. 1. Pokemon
  24. Location: Kanto (Roll)
  25. Age: 15
  26. Origin: Small Town 50cp
  27. Starter: Bulbasaur Free
  28. Skills and Abilities:
  29. Pysical Fitness Free
  30. Survival Training 100cp
  31. Freerunning 100cp
  32. Mechanic 150cp
  33. Combat Training 100cp
  34. Aura 300cp
  35. Gear and Equipment:
  36. 3x Master Balls 100cp
  37. HM Collection 50cp
  38. Bicycle 50cp
  39. Drawbacks:
  41. Badges:
  42. Boulder Badge
  43. Cascade Badge
  44. Thunder Badge
  45. Rainbow Badge
  46. Soul Badge
  47. Marsh Badge
  48. Volcano Badge
  50. Pokemon:
  51. Venusaur
  52. Dragoniar
  53. Banette
  54. Espeon
  55. Ditto
  56. Clawitzer
  58. I start my adventure in Pallet Town where I head out on a quest to become champion, which I fail. I make it all the way to Giovanni before going, "screw it, this is hard. I'm going to go spend my time doing something worthwhile, like catching Latias so I can have a legendary flying healer!" I never do find that Latias, but I still have a pretty nice time catching Pokemon and learning how to play the guitar and use Aura. Maybe you could say I found myself? No you can't because I didn't. Never manage to find a keystone either, so all these mega stones I've bought over the decade are nothing but souvenirs. At least I got a lot of cool pictures.
  60. 2. Lord of the Rings
  62. Age: 27
  63. Race: Human (Free)
  64. Location: Gondar (Roll)
  65. Abilities:
  66. Forestry (Free)
  67. Elven Grace 100cp
  68. Sneakiness 100cp
  69. Might 150cp
  70. Riddle Master 150cp
  71. Mental Fortitude 200cp
  72. Blood of Kings 300cp
  73. Items:
  74. Money 50cp
  75. Lembas Bread 50cp
  76. Elven Cloak 100cp
  77. Drawbacks:
  78. My Word is My Bond +200cp
  80. Rather then help the Fellowship or fight in the war, I'm going to try and avoid combat all together. I end up spending my time traveling between various towns and cities as a bard. I somehow manage to avoid all the bloodshed with only the occasional sacked town reminding me what's going on. While my performances are not spectacular, they seem to bring a little happiness to the people of Middle Earth.
  82. 3. Generic Sugar Bowl
  84. Age: 12 (Roll)
  85. Background: Local (Free)
  86. Location: Arcadia (Roll)
  87. Abilities:
  88. We Can Get Along (Free)
  89. Sharing is Caring 100cp
  90. Let's Get Down to Business 200cp
  91. Song the Whole Day Long 200cp
  92. Let's Get Going 400cp
  93. Let's Put Our Hearts Together 400cp
  94. Equipment:
  95. Drawbacks:
  96. Oooh, Pretty! +100cp
  97. One-Note +200cp
  99. I didn't think anything would happen this jump, I'm essentially Singer Smurf, but it looks like I was wrong. One fateful morning I saw a magpie fly off with a neat looking silver necklace. I just had to see it, so I decided to give chase. Long story short, I ended up in chains for the better part of a decade entertaining some witch. Oh well, I'm sure things will turn out better next time.
  101. 3. Danny Phantom
  103. Age: 14 100cp
  104. Background: Half-Ghost 200cp
  105. Abilities:
  106. Ghost Sense (Free)
  107. Invisibility 100cp
  108. Ghost Shields 100cp
  109. Ecto-Blast 200cp
  110. Overshadowing 100cp
  111. Re-Boo-Able Resource 200cp
  112. Items:
  113. Ecto-Lined Thermos (Free)
  114. Drawbacks:
  116. I decide to make myself the same age as Danny and his friends so I can hang out with them. I don't really like Tucker, and Sam can sometimes be annoying, but I think with time I could consider them friends. I spend about a week trying to hide being a half-ghost from them before deciding it is too hard to be friends with people dealing with ghosts and keeping a secret ghost identity at the same time. After the first fight with Ember, I grab some whiskey from my warehouse that I picked up in my travels during LoTR jump and share it with her. We manage to put our differences aside and form the band Embers and Ashes.
  118. I manage to convince Danny's clone, Dani, to come live at my place; since she's a half-ghost it isn't too difficult to hide her from my mom. Somehow Dani manages to stay hidden for the entire jump. I manage to get Dani to agree to be the drummer in me and Ember's band. Despite the fact Dani is a novice and Ember is an egomaniac, we manage to stick together and become Youtube famous on Earth and moderately popular in the Ghost Zone. All the positive social interaction and fame seem to mellow Ember out a bit; she still wants to be the center of attention, but she doesn't run around terrorizing the populous and shouting at people to say her name anymore.
  120. I spend the decade trying to get Vlad to stop being an obsessive creeper towards Danny's mom, but I just end up pissing him off. Actually, pissing him off is an understatement seeing as how I rolled a 1. I'm now number two on Vlad's shitlist, right after Danny's father, Jack. Using my (admittingly shallow) knowledge of ghost science and general interest in the topic, I am able to work as an assistant for Jack Fenton. I eventually go to college and get a bachelors degree in applied physics or whatever degree is required for ghost science. I would have gone for a doctorate, but that would have eaten up valuable band and ghost fighting time. After spending all those years fighting Vlad and the other villains, it's time to move on to a new universe. Danni doesn't have much going on, so it isn't surprising she agreed to join me. Ember turns me down, but thems the breaks.
  122. Companion Gained: Dani Fenton
  124. 4. Cowboy "I swear this is the last time I abduct a tween girl, Danni and Ed are not a trend, besides they would totally be adults by the end of a jump" Bebop
  126. Age: 26
  127. Background: Cop (Free)
  128. Location: Bebop (Free)
  129. Abilities:
  130. Tell me Some More (Free)
  131. Play Ball! 100cp
  132. Like Clear Water 300cp
  133. You Look Ridiculous in that Outfit 150cp
  134. When I Bite 300cp
  135. Dreamer 600cp
  136. Items:
  137. Bounty Hunter's License (Free)
  138. Snoopers 50cp
  139. Drawbacks:
  140. Get Everybody and their Stuff Together +0cp
  141. Peppers and... +100cp
  142. Pierott le Fou +400cp
  144. I've been looking forward to this jump. Sure, it doesn't give me a bunch of flashy powers, but being a part of the Bebop crew seems really cool. While I do have my powers and Pokemon, I really don't want to use them if I don't have to; half the fun of Jumpchain for me is trying to blend in and go with the flow. My powers do really come in handy when it comes to Mad Pierott though. It may be incredibly terrifying to be chased by that psycho, but I only have to put up with it for 8 years before I manage to put him down, so there's that, right? I don't even get maimed, just banged up pretty bad. Espeon was the one who really kept me alive in the end though do to his psychic powers and cat-like appearance.
  146. Coming into this jump I had two goals: [spoiler](yes I am seriously not spoiling an anime from the 90s, sue me) Stop the deaths of Spike and Julia,[/spoiler] and adopt Ed and bring her along on my adventures. I really luck out with Vicious, as Venusaur managed to blindside him with Sleep Powder during Ballad of Fallen Angels. I make sure to get him to Spike and let him decide what to do with Vicious, thus getting him out of the way. I also manage to convince Ed and Ein to stick with me and Danni instead of going off to chase her deadbeat dad.
  148. Companions Gained:
  149. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
  150. Ein
  152. 5. Carnivores: Tonight I Dine on Archelon Soup Edition
  154. Age: 29
  155. Background: Hunter
  156. Location: The Great Lake - Prehistoric (Roll)
  157. Abilities:
  158. Kill Spot (Free)
  159. Just Like Old Times 200cp
  160. My Favorite Food 200cp
  161. Just a Tranquilizer 300cp
  162. Prehistoric Park 400cp
  163. Equipment:
  164. Holographic Headset (Free)
  165. DinoHunt Corp.'s Premium Gold Plating Kit (Free)
  166. Drawbacks:
  167. Smell Good +100cp
  169. This jump was awful. Not only did I start in the Great Lake region, but no matter were I went the weather seemed to hate me. When it was hot it was blazing hot, when it was cold it was frostbite city. Rain, sleet, snow or drought, I couldn't get a break. After a while I couldn't help but wonder if Kyogre and Groudon had found their way here. Despite all this, I actually did okay when it came to the hunt. The weather may have driven much of my prey into hiding, but my deliciousness seemed to bring out the predators. Thanks to My Favorite Food I can eat as much T. rex buffalo wing as I want, providing I have have enough sauce.
  171. 6. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (Paradox the Suffering)
  173. Age: 26
  174. Background: Socialite
  175. Clan: Gangrel
  176. Disciplines:
  177. Animalism 1 (Free)
  178. Celerity 4 (600)
  179. Fortitude 1 (Free)
  180. Protean 1 (Free)
  181. Abilities:
  182. Blood Bond (Free)
  183. Embrace (Free)
  184. Haggling (Free)
  185. Seduction 100cp
  186. Equipment:
  187. Ghoul (Heather Poe) (Free)
  188. Fridge of Blood 100cp
  189. A Group of People Who Aren't Assholes 200cp
  190. Sauloscept 300cp
  191. Drawbacks:
  192. F.A.T. +100cp
  193. To Be Continued +200cp
  195. Lets go over the basics first: I woke up and did the whole LaCroix errand boy thing, saved Jeanette and Therese, kept Heather from dying by having Danni and Ed keep an eye on her (she is a companion, so I don't think it would have mattered anyway, but better safe than sorry), and generally did plot shit with me joining the Anarchs in the end. Time for a nice vacation after a week like that, eh?
  197. Nope, not for me, not ever. It isn't like I didn't want to take a break, but I took To Be Continued so it was crazy, crazy in my face all the time. Maybe it was Mental Fortitude from Lord of the Rings, maybe it was was all of my friends, or maybe it was because I just didn't give a fuck, but despite a decade of dealing with vampire politics, Camarilla trying to muscle into L.A., Sabbat trying to wreck my shit, Kuei-Jin making things difficult, and general cWoD bullshit of all stripes, I didn't crack under the pressure and go insane.
  199. Nines is my friend, Gorgeous Gary is my friend, the Voerman's are my friends, and thanks to Blood of Kings and Sharing is Caring (and a really good dice roll), they all not only had my back, but were working together. It's at this point I realize that I've somehow become head dracula of the Anarch Free State, so if anything bad happens in L.A. it is now my problem. My first order of business was to run Strauss out on a rail. Strauss is pretty cool, but he is not only Camarilla, but Tremere. Honestly, he would probably would have left on his own because it was too dangerous to stay, but I made sure to let him know he wasn't wanted around. I will admit that my first instinct was to murder him and rob the chantry, but I didn't need that kind of heat. There are many stupid things I'm willing to do, but pissing of vampire wizards is not one of them.
  201. My decade in Bloodlines was rough, but luckily I had the Nosferatu feeding me information and When I Bite from Cowboy Bebop so I was able to keep informed on current events and future threats (it doesn't help that me and Danni can turn into ghosts either). The Baron of Hollywood and me formed a mutual defense pact, mostly because it was in Isaac's best interest since he couldn't really do much to assist me and he knew I knew it. The pact was mostly a way to keep Hollywood from becoming an easy target for anyone causing trouble. I also started my own little pogrom to drive the Kuei-Jin out of L.A. who were already having problems do to me taking out their leader. I took care of them and any other threats to my city by having Mercurio (who was now my ghoul) outfit Nines, Damsel, and Skelter with some heavy weapons and us wrecking their shit.
  203. At the end of my ten year reign, the Anarch Free State was still free even if it was a war torn hellhole (once literally do to an incident with the Baali). With my time up, me, Danni, Ed, Ein, Heather, Nines, Damsel, Skelter, Jack, Tourette, Beckett, Gary, and Mercurio headed off to our next adventure.
  205. Companions Gained:
  206. Heather
  207. Nines Rodriguez
  208. Damsel
  209. Skelter
  210. "Smiling" Jack
  211. Tourette
  212. Beckett
  213. "Gorgeous" Gary Golden
  214. Mercurio
  216. 7. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Jumpers End
  218. Age: 28
  219. Background: Pirate 100cp
  220. Location: Port Royal 100cp
  221. Abilities:
  222. Swordsman (Free)
  223. Plunder and and Pillage 100cp
  224. Nobody's Tool 600cp
  225. Sea Turtles, Mate 300cp
  226. Equipment:
  227. Magic Compass 200cp
  228. Drawbacks:
  229. Missing Some Bits +100cp
  230. Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner +100cp
  231. Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew +300cp
  233. This jump didn't go exactly as planned and in some ways it was a complete disaster. I thought dealing with Davy Jones would be easy seeing as how I had the Compass and knew his heart was his weakness. Unfortunately, much like with Jack, he called my bluff. I knew I couldn't kill him because then I would be forced to take his place and I found hammering on his heart to cause him pain a less then effective means of stopping him. I eventually tried to get out of my debt by patching things up with Calypso, but I just ended up opening up old wounds. In the end the only thing Davy Jones and Calypso hated more then each other was me. With no other course of action available, I was forced to drag Will Turner into the conflict so I could convince him to kill Davy Jones in order to save his father and the rest of his crew.
  235. I never wanted to kill anyone, especially in such cold blood. While I know that according to the way I classify things Davy Jones is a monster, it still ways heavily on me. It wasn't all bad though because the second and third movies basically didn't happen which meant I was able to steal the dead Captain Barbossa's crew and claim his title as Pirate King of the Caspian Sea. From that point on I spent my time hunting lost treasure, raiding slaver ships, and fighting off and robbing the military ships that inevitably came after me for raiding slaver ships. Smiling Jack in particular seemed to have gotten a kick out of reliving his human days as a pirate.
  237. 8. 80's Action Movie Jump: Jumpmando
  239. Age: 28
  240. Background: Arnold Swarzenegger 100cp
  241. Abilities:
  242. One-Liner (Free)
  243. Bulging Muscles (Free)
  244. Commando (Free)
  245. Don't Look at Explosions 100cp
  246. Boxer 100cp
  247. Theme Music 200cp
  248. If It Bleeds... 800cp
  249. Equipment:
  250. Cool Shades (Free)
  251. Drawbacks:
  252. Easy Way Out +200cp
  254. I swear, when I threw together my list of jumps I didn't realize that Carnivore gave you the power to use weapons non-lethally. Because of this, when I'm doing stuff like saving the president's daughter and hunting down people who have hurt my own, nobody dies. I wanna keep that R rating, because who want to see a PG-13 action movie? Luckily, there is plenty of blood. My blood. Everywhere. It turns out taking down a group of paramilitaries non-lethally isn’t very good for your health. Just to be on the safe side, I kick up the swearing and gratuitous nudity a notch. Because of my drawback, I don't bother interrogating anyone, and rely on Ein and Django's noses and When I Bite instead. While being able to kill the unkillable is cool, I'm more excited about finally getting some background music and becoming absolutely ripped.
  256. 9. Pacific Rim: Vacation Fun Time Edition
  258. Age: 22
  259. Identity: K-Science 100cp
  260. Location: Anchorage 100cp
  261. Abilities:
  262. Djawadi's Favor (Free)
  263. Kaiju Behavioral Studies (Free)
  264. Optical Kaiju Analysis 100cp
  265. Mental K-Watch 200cp
  266. An Extra Pair of Hands 500cp
  267. Equipment:
  268. Acid Pustule Jacket (Free)
  269. Strange Notes 300cp
  270. Drawbacks:
  271. Kaiju Groupie +100cp
  272. Two-Way Street +200cp
  274. Can you believe that this is a vacation for me? I just spent the last three decades getting shot at, being chased by a maverick pirate/grim reaper/squidman, and ruling vampire society in Los Angelas while anything and everything weird came out of the woodwork to make my life more difficult. Kaiju Groupie was both difficult and barely existent seeing as how it just magnified feelings that already existed in me and I had an army of Kaiju at my beck and call. My companions turned Two-Way Street into a bit of a joke so I spent my time kicking back and doing research. Well, it was a vacation up until it was time to assault the Breach and Tomato Bop got its shit pushed in. The only reason Ed and Ein came out of that incident seriously injured instead of in body bags is because of the ridiculous amount of Kaiju backup they had. At least I got to geek out about Kaiju with Newton.
  276. 10. Ace Attorney: Turnabout I'm Kind of Mediocre When it Comes to This Job
  278. Age: 29
  279. Identity: Drop-In (Free)
  280. Abilities:
  281. I'll Allow It (Free)
  282. Logic 100cp
  283. Sidekick (Ema Skye) 100cp
  284. Insiders 200cp
  285. Rusemaster 200cp
  286. Civil Procedure 150cp
  287. Great Revival 250cp
  288. Equipment:
  289. Attorny's Badge (Free)
  290. Sharp Suit (Free)
  291. Office (Free)
  292. Cell Phone 50cp
  293. Magatama 150cp
  294. Drawbacks:
  295. Accident-prone +100cp
  297. I know with how rough the Ace Attorney law system is a 69% win/lose ratio is actually pretty good, but I'm a Jumper dammit, and I need to hold myself to a higher standard. I personally blame it on all those accidents I got in over the decade. It was still a pretty interesting ride and I did get some cool stuff out of it. It also wasn't until this jump that I realized how awkward casually introducing someone to a bunch of vampires is when they don't know vampires exist.
  299. Damsel wouldn't stop making fun of me for being a lawyer :(
  301. Companion Gained: Ema Skye
  303. 11. Mount and Blade: Let's Get Down to Business
  305. Identity: Drop-In (Free)
  306. Location: Reyvadin (Roll)
  307. Abilities:
  308. Strength (Free)
  309. Intelligence 300cp
  310. Surgery: 600cp
  311. Equipment:
  312. Saddle Horse (Free)
  313. Basic Weapon (Free)
  314. Heroes 100cp
  315. Drawbacks:
  317. I like to avoid killing whenever possible, so going on the offense isn't my style. Once I got myself situated, I gathered what troops I could and trained and organized them to drive off any invaders that dared to threaten the kingdom. The king supported both my military and governmental reforms more often then not, and by the time I was done the Kingdom of the Vaegirs was a nearly impenetrable constitutional monarchy. Now, to be fair, I DID technically have a Kaiju for when things got way too hairy, but I never had to rely on her. Beside from Mercurio, Gary, and Tourette, my companions didn't actually do much. Mercurio and Tourette kept the army supplied while Gary got involved in politics despite apparently being a former poacher. The Anarchs didn't particularly like the place and they liked the leadership even less, but they've had to put up with autocratic leaders before and I made sure they never got hassled. As for the others, Dani really only served as a deterrent and Jack just kind of fucked off to parts unknown most of the time.
  319. 12. Kantai Collection: Of Waifus and Wars
  321. Identity: Admiral (Free)
  322. Age: 27 (Roll)
  323. Abilities:
  324. Captain's Orders (Free)
  325. Innocence 100cp
  326. Role-Model 200cp
  327. Winds of Fortune 150cp
  328. Ballad 300cp
  329. Malicious Aura 300cp
  330. Beacon of Hope 300cp
  331. Equipment:
  332. Admiral's Uniform (Free)
  333. Marriage Ring and Documents (Free)
  334. Gear:
  335. Range (Arizona)
  336. Detection (Arizona)
  337. Auxiliary (Arizona)
  338. Fleet:
  339. Destroyer x5 (Free)
  340. Abyssal Fleet Girl Demon (Flagship) 250cp
  341. Drawbacks:
  342. Compass-chan's Wrath 100cp
  343. Limited Resources +200cp
  344. Forsaken +300cp
  346. Looks like I'm still at war, and apparently back at sea. It's like I can't escape the ocean or something. I really was not looking forward to dealing with the stress of resource management and having to comfort all those heart-broken ship girls whenever they got their transfer notices. It wasn't all bad though, because I had something to look forward. Over the last few decades things had been getting kind of weird between me and Tourette. Despite how weird it was for me, them, and the others, we somehow hooked up one night and it kind of just progressed from there. Kantai Collection seemed like the perfect time to pop the question, and when I asked, they agreed to marry me.
  348. I knew the wedding wouldn't be fancy, we just didn't have the money for it. Luckily I had a bunch of crap in my warehouse and the ship girls were able to scavenge up some other junk. Despite what we had to work with, I can at least say this about how the decorating turned out: it wasn't awful. Thanks to Carnivore jump, the reception was good; you know, up until the bombs started to drop.
  350. Dani was the first to go down; the poor girl didn't even have time to transform. The fleet tried to rally, but nobody but the flagship Arizona managed to get off more then a single shot and it only took a few seconds before she too died in a fiery explosion. I even got the privilege of watching what remained of Tourette wither into a desiccated husk before turning to ash and blowing away on the wind.
  352. Knowing they comand would probably think I had gone rouge and committed treason, I decided to fake my death. After what I had seen and the fact I had to become a ghost to survive, I might as well have been dead. I spent the next couple of years rounding up a posse of abyssal ship girls. Now, I may not be strong enough to take on an abyssal ship girl one-on-one, but I am strong enough to turn invisible, split into multiple bodies, and possess some people who can. It may have taken me a while, but I was once more in command of a small fleet. Using my detective skills and magic compass, I tracked down the ship that betrayed me and made her pay. My fleet took her sisters by surprise much like they had to me on my wedding. Eventually I managed to shoot her into unconsciousness by possessing a submarine and launching torpedo at her. The thing of it is I'm not a cruel person by nature, so I didn't end up doing much to her. I took her to my fleet's makeshift headquarters, removed her armor and weaponry, and put her in the brig. She's lucky she was unconscious for the procedure, because I imagine having your organic weapons and armor cut out of you is really painful.
  354. Boy am I grateful I'm out of that shithole.
  356. 13. Career Model Jump: In Which Paradox is a Catty Bitch
  358. Age: 19 (Roll)
  359. Identity: Designer 50cp
  360. Location: Shanghai (Roll)
  361. Abilities:
  362. Jet Set Schedule (Free)
  363. Tailor Made (Free)
  364. Touch of Glam 100cp
  365. Natural Makeup Artist 100cp
  366. Piano Key Necktie 100cp
  367. Shot Heard Round the World 200cp
  368. Bikini Bod 200cp
  369. Makeover Montage 200cp
  370. Equipment:
  371. Jewelry Box (Free)
  372. Studio Makeup 50cp
  373. Invisible Needle and Thread 50cp
  374. The Entourage 300cp
  375. The Short Skirt, Long Jacket (Tourette) 50cp
  376. Drawbacks:
  377. Rival +100cp
  378. World of Clash +300cp
  382. This world was ugly as sin. I swear, if I wasn't so opposed to killing I would line every other fashion designer up against a wall and execute them for crimes against high fashion. When I first arrived the latest style looked like a toddler ate a box of crayons, threw them up, and bundled them in a brown belt and black shoes. It wasn't long before my controversial ideas of “color coordination” and “taste” caught on, in no large part because of my associates and natural charisma. I had a rival in the actually good at fashion game and we were merciless with one another. Unlucky for her, my designs were more popular nearly 2/3rds of the time. Sweet women once you got to know her though and she always gave a lot of money at charity events, even if she did tend to get drunk off her ass at them. Please don't tell her I said that last part.
  384. 14. Tomb Raider: Raiding Tombs is Hard
  386. Age: 21
  387. Background: Heir
  388. Era: Tomb Raider 2013
  389. Location: Paris, France (Roll)
  390. Abilities:
  391. Stiff Upper Lip (Free)
  392. Top-Flight Education 100cp
  393. What Doesn't Kill You... 200cp
  394. Killdozer 300cp
  395. Longest Tick of Time 600cp
  396. Equipment:
  397. College/Carnage Casual (Free)
  398. 8 Companions 300cp
  399. Drawbacks:
  400. Class +100cp
  401. Lost World Title-Holder +200cp
  402. Rival Raider +200cp
  404. Companions
  406. This world wasn't super dangerous for me, plus I had Beckett to help me out when it came to archeology, but even with the abilities I picked up and the companions I had, I just couldn't get the hang of it. After some heckling from my companions I decided to stop being a good sport when it came to my little rivalry with Lara. While being able to phase through walls and fly did make me better at my job, somehow I was still completely outclassed. I wasn't good enough to recruit Lara, but at least me and the hardest hit of my companions aren't suffering from terrifying flashbacks to Kantai Collection every time fireworks go off anymore.
  408. 15. The Big O: No, Not THAT Big O
  410. Age: 23 (Roll)
  411. Background: Negotiator 100cp
  412. Location: Underground (Roll)
  413. Abilities:
  414. Style (Free)
  415. Mega-Deus Training 100cp
  416. Negotiable 150cp
  417. Shaken to the Bone 300cp
  418. Valuable Memories [Chimera Creation] 300cp
  419. Action! 300cp
  420. Equipment:
  421. Suit (Free)
  422. Watch (Free)
  423. Film Noir 50cp
  424. Comrades 200cp
  425. Archetype 300cp
  426. Drawbacks:
  427. R.D. +200cp
  428. Robot Crusher +300cp
  429. You're so Sweet +300cp
  431. Companions:
  433. “Paradigm City, a metropolis were everyone lost their memories 40 years ago when some sort of cataclysmic event occurred. My one purpose in this jump is to uncover the mysteries of this city of amnesia. Hmm? What's that Beckett? You have Memories about Memories? Cool, I was hoping to get that information out of Gordon Rosewater, but at least the greater mystery of what happened 40 years a- what do you me you know what happened Mercurio? Crap, what am I going to do now!?”
  435. Big O was fun, even if all of my mystery hunting plans went belly up 5 seconds into the jump. Me and my companions started out underground, which was a bit disconcerting, but we're all pretty tough and Ein had a map so I wasn't too worried. I forced everyone to take a detour so we could find the Archetype for Damsel. This took a while and we did get into a few scrapes, but all in all everything turned out just fine. Me and Roger had a bit of a friendly rivalry going on, which was made all the friendlier by me hunting down old equipment and spying on the Paradigm Corporation most of the time instead of working.
  437. R.D. Was pathetic. She failed to get the drop on me do to my theme music and she wasn't able to stand up under the (mundane) force I brought to bear. I ended up putting her in my warehouse for future study. Allen Gabriel was a bit more difficult, but even then I didn't suffer more then then a few cuts and bruises from his ambushes. Speaking of my warehouse, I had a very special Heaven's Day gift for the elderly of Paradigm City. I've always found it kind of sad that they gathered every year to sing in church without knowing why, so I decided to give them Bibles. Now you may be asking, “why do you have so many Bibles?” The answer to that question is I thought they would prove useful in some jumps, and in this case I was right.
  439. I had three goals besides from uncovering the secrets of Paradigm City. The first was to take a bunch of pictures of the World Trade Center for kicks, the second was to beat the crazy out of Schwarzwald and make him a companion, and the third was to get Big Fau. Pictures were taken, Big Duos were punched, and by working together, me, Roger, Damsel, Tourette, and Mercurio were able to steal most of Big Fau's parts and the information the Paradigm Corporation had on it. Luckily for Murcerio and my wif/ve(s), Alex Rosewater could never find any proof of their involvement. We even managed to set the whole thing up so it looked like Damsel was the pilot of Big Fau for safeties sake.
  441. Things got kind of boring after that because I had nothing to do between monster and Megadeus fights. While Damsel wasn't able to give me any back up during the fight with Big Duo Inferno because her Archetype was being turned into a new model of Big and my Megadeus wasn't done being converted into Big Fau, the fight with Big Duo Inferno, still wasn't as challenging as I had hoped. To this day I wonder were Allen Gabriel got that thing seeing as how Schwarzwald was still the Dominus of Big Duo and Damsel had the Archetype. Even with Beckett, Mercurio, and Tourette on the case I couldn't find any information.
  443. After Big O was all said and done, I asked Schwarzwald if he wanted to come along with me on my adventures, but he turned me down because he wanted to keep on trying to uproot the corruption in the city. Him and Roger actually ended up becoming friends strangely enough, so while I was a bit disappointed, I couldn't help but be happy for him.
  445. We have come to terms
  447. 16. Gargoyles: The Masquerade
  449. Age: 24
  450. Background: Big Business 200cp
  451. Race: Gargoyle 100cp
  452. Location: Manhattan Island, New York 100cp
  453. Abilities:
  454. Toughness (Free)
  455. Pragmatism (Free)
  456. Doing Machiavelli Proud 200cp
  457. Technosorcery 400cp
  458. Equipment:
  459. Loadsamoney x2 (Free)
  460. Import Companions 400cp
  461. Gargbeast (Annis) 100cp
  462. Personal Assistant (Edgar) 100cp
  463. Drawbacks:
  464. My Own Clone! +600cp
  466. I fucked up Jumpchain, I fucked up bad. I swore I would never take anything like My Own Clone! Especially My Own Clone! I got too cocky and I REALLY needed that extra 100cp for Technosorcery. I should have dumped Gargbeast or decided to take on the Illumanati, but I wanted to have the most Gargoyles experience possible. To answer the most important question: no, I didn't lose the jump, it wasn't a walk in the park, but I survived. What I did was worse: I ruined Gargoyles.
  468. I convinced myself that I should take My Own Clone! because If I couldn't beat myself he obviously deserved the chain more than me. More importantly, I had the realization that even if he had all my powers and clones of my companions he didn't have my experience and you can't clone vampirism. The fatal flaw in my plan was it completely slipped my mind that he could just embrace them all. Worse than that, I didn't take into account him embracing a bunch of mooks and thereby turning Gargoyles into a Cainite infested shithole like Bloodlines. It wasn't so bad, I did take into account him creating a bunch of chimera gargbeasts and you can't clone being a cyborg either.
  470. I started out selling fabulous clothing on the streets of Manhattan using Mercurio and Edgar as middlemen. Mercurio was a little bit freaked out by being in New York, if only for a second. I wasn't going to settle for selling ties, but Edgar was rebuffed when he tried to approach Xanatos with a business proposition. Xanatos probably wasn't to happy after doing some digging and discovering Edgar was working with a Gargoyle who had merged his clan with the Manhattan Clan, thus bolstering its ranks. I suppose this incident is how Xodarap came to be in addition to Thailog. Me and my companions preceded to play whack-a-10th generation Gangrel for the next decade. Xodarap lives, Gargoyles is worse, I continue on (along with Sevarius who I poached at the last second), story ends.
  472. 17. Inside out Jump: On the Rocks
  474. Host: Riley 100cp
  475. Host Age: 6
  476. Background: Drop-In (Free)
  477. Location: Imagination Land (Roll)
  478. Abilities:
  479. Emotion Form (Free)
  480. Just Kinda There (Free)
  481. Companion Import x2 200cp
  482. Read the Manuel 100cp
  483. Memory Jog 200cp
  484. Fright 200cp
  485. Perfectionism 200cp
  486. Mind Projection 300cp
  487. Drawbacks:
  488. Superpowered Puberty +300cp
  490. I was a little surprised when I ended up here as I wasn’t totally sure this movie existed. Then again, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it only existed in Pacific Rim and I’m in some sort of alternate universe Pixar movie. Either way it looks like watching all those old movies with Newton is paid off.
  492. The first 5 years of this jump weren’t really anything to write home about, which you would think would be a relief after all the “excitement” of Gargoyles. There really wasn’t much to do except make stuff, sightsee, and hang out with Bing Bong. I would have been fairly content with this even if it would kind of drag after a while, but Arizona and Tourette didn’t have much to do. My marriage of more or less 30 years pretty much fell apart. We didn’t break up or anything (even if we did, what would have been the point?), but things aren’t great between us right now. Once the plot kicked in me, Joy, Sadness, Arizona, Tourette, and Bing Bong caught a ride to Headquarters. The other emotions weren’t thrilled at the unexpected guests, but they were quickly won over with the ol’ Paradox charm. We lived out of the warehouse, but I did end up busting out the old Admiral outfit and setting up a swivel chair in the back of Headquarters so I could sit in it and feel like I was important. After all, I soon would be.
  494. Once they hit the puberty button it was my time to shine. I helped them guide Riley through her super powered puberty. Fear wasn’t happy with all the weirdness and Sadness didn’t feel strongly either way, but Disgust, Joy, and Anger were pretty happy about it. Joy, because Riley could do so many cool things and help people, Disgust because Riley became extremely charismatic, and Wrath because she had all those neat powers. I actually spent a lot of time commuting between Headquarters and Imagination Land so I could teach Riley how to better use her powers in her dreams. Both Jeanette and Therese managed to find some entertainment by teaching her other stuff. It wasn’t much, but it kept them from becoming even crazier.
  496. Unsurprisingly, Riley was loved by everyone and praised as a polymath prodigy. I made sure to give her the Uncle Ben treatment in her dreams so she wouldn’t get a big head. Riley ended up going to college at the age of 13. By day she was Riley, genius student and world famous fashion designer, by night she was the caped crime fighter Banshee. Being a superhero in a mundane world is really hard as a young girl because it’s difficult to find crimes, but she managed it fairly well with her amazing detective skills and powers of manipulation.
  498. A decade of helping guide Riley made me grow extremely attached to her, so a couple of weeks before the jump ended, I sent Riley a dream asking her if she wanted to come with me on my journey through the multiverse. To my mild surprise, she accepted. This didn’t technically break my oath of not whisking away tween girls in my figurative candy van because she was six years old at the start of my jump. Unlike Dani and Ed, she was still a minor and had a family, but I felt Riley was old and smart enough to make that decision for herself. The one thing that let her make the difficult decision to leave her family behind was the knowledge that time wouldn’t pass while she was away so they wouldn’t miss her while she was gone.
  500. I’m gonna have to do something to fix my marriage next jump.
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