
Text Adventure Chapter 62 Log

Jul 31st, 2014
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  1. “I’m staying in the castle tonight as a guest of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, friends of mine, and I’d like to go in and talk to them about the healing spell I just learned so I can help cure the two guards from the outpost that are hospitalized.”
  2. >The two guards actually look at each other for a moment, then at you.
  3. >They burst into genuine laughter, leaning on each other for support.
  4. “W-what?”
  5. >”H-healing magic?! ...N-now I’ve heard some good ones for the crazies trying to get in here, but that takes the cake!”
  6. >”Y-yeah, you’re a real magical miracle, aren’t you?”
  7. >You cross your arms, your jimmies a little rustled from their reaction.
  8. “If you guys don’t know who I am, then I’d be worried about your competence.”
  9. >They aren’t laughing as much anymore.
  10. “Unless you’re screwing with me, but then that won’t make me pleased.”
  11. >Wheaties looks at you like you’ve just murdered someone.
  12. >The guards stand at attention, and look directly at you.
  13. >”You know what else won’t make you pleased? Jailtime.”
  14. >...Uh-oh.
  15. >Wheaties slowly backs away as the guards advance on you, spawning hoofcuffs from their armor.
  16. >Right as they turn you around, the gates suddenly swing open, revealing none other than Princess Cadance herself.
  17. >”May I ask what you two are doing to my guest?”
  18. >The guards scramble to turn around and salute the Princess.
  19. >”P-p-princess Cadance, w-we were just arresting t-this intruder!”
  20. >”We’ve never seen anything l-like him before, we didn’t k-know-”
  21. >Cadance interrupts them with a firm, but caring voice.
  22. >”I know you two are call ins from Canterlot, but if you would be so kind as to come back inside and actually read the bulletin in the guard’s quarters, that would be most helpful.”
  23. >”Yes Princess!”
  24. >”Yes Princess!”
  25. >The two guards instantly walk past her and get as far away from her as possible to avoid termination, and Cadance smiles at you two.
  26. “Thanks for the save…”
  27. >”Come inside. I see you brought a friend?”
  28. >You nod as Wheaties comes back to your side and the three of you walk inside.
  29. “Indeed. Cadance, this is Wheaties, Wheaties, well, you know.”
  30. >She nods with exuberant energy, completely dazzled to be in the presence of her ruler and in such a personal manner.
  31. >”It’s very.. very nice to meet you, my Princess!”
  32. >Cadance returns her starstruck gaze with a loving smile.
  33. >”It’s nice to meet you, too. Tell me, Anon, what made you change your mind about the artifacts?”
  34. >So she did look.
  35. >What do you say, and is there anything you’d like to ask Cadance on the way back to the bedrooms?
  39. “Well, at first I had planned on using the Circlet because I could get the most use out of it, but in light of the outcome of our last battle, I figured that I should do what I can to help the others stay safe as well... And the mask seemed like it would be of use to some of my friends, so I went with that and gave it to Applejack. Of course, she wasted no time giving me quite the scare with the thing, but what can you do?”
  40. >She nods.
  41. >”It’s quite the sight, really. I’ve never seen a pony master an artifact like that so quickly. Though, I do wonder why you chose to switch when you were going to replace your armor anyways.”
  42. >You look down and pull a bit at your robes.
  43. “Is it really that surprising?”
  44. >”Well, not really, but I do like the new look.”
  45. >She smiles, and you smile back.
  46. >”Now then, Wheaties, was it?”
  47. >She affirms so.
  48. >”I came with Anon because he said there were some spare bedrooms, and he would see if it was okay, so…?”
  49. >”Of course! After what he’s done for us, it’s the least we can do.”
  50. >”That’s great! We’re going shopping and drinking out tomorrow, it’s going to be so much fun!”
  51. >Cadance looks at you.
  52. >”Oh my. I suppose you’re relaxing a bit before heading off back into danger.”
  53. “More for my friends than me.”
  54. >”I see. Just… don’t keep that changeling here for too long, please? Shining is already in a huff because of your plans, and I don’t know how long I can keep up his good graces with you. He’s awfully upset about the whole thing, but he understands. It’s just with this and the whole shadow thing and his officer passing… He’s lost a lot, and I can only be there to support him.”
  55. “I understand.”
  56. >You, Wheaties and Cadance approach the bedrooms.
  57. >”Well, I’ll leave you both too, it. It’s past ten o’clock, and your group is very tired from the training. Especially Berry and Iron, they were swamped and sweaty the last I saw them.”
  58. >Jeez, you thought you were a horndog.
  59. >Those two were made for each other.
  60. >Is there anything you’d like to ask Cadance before she leaves?
  64. “How are your injuries shaping up?”
  65. >”They’re fine, thanks to you Anon. I might still be a little sore, but it’s nothing I haven’t come across before being such a polarizing figure in Equestria. You wouldn’t believe some of the zany schemes that ponies have tried to get me out of here, along with Aunt Tia and Luna.”
  66. “That’s good to know. I don’t suppose you uuh, remember our conversation after I fixed you up, do you?”
  67. >She ponders this for a moment, trying to scratch her brain for any resembling memory.
  68. >”I’m sorry, I guess I must’ve been pretty hurt. I don’t remember a thing after I gave you the artifact.”
  69. >You’ll probably have to tell her again, just not in a single breath.
  70. “By the way, I’ve been doing some studying in the magic here, and I’ve managed to come across Starswirl’s wand.”
  71. >Cadance looks back at you with a mixture of disbelief and intensity.
  72. >”Wait, Starswirl the Bearded?”
  73. “Yeah.”
  74. >You draw the wand in your fingers, your hand’s markings still glowing from its mere presence.
  75. >”Where… Where did you find it?”
  76. “Sunwhirl had it for sale down at his shop in Fortuna Potions. I needed the wand so I could unlock a few of his charms that I have, specifically his notes on Healing and Portals. I can do both now… Just no mana pool to do it. I was hoping to help those guards, but not with my level.”
  77. >”Is that right? I’ll have to write a letter to Tia for that.”
  78. “Actually, Twilight and I wrote one to her a few days back so we’ll call you down when it comes, maybe?”
  79. >”That’d be nice… So you have two of Starswirl’s own notes?”
  80. “Indeed. Actually, would you like to try learning the healing spell? Just a tap of the wand, and you could most likely use it unlike me right now.”
  81. >Wheaties slowly backs away.
  82. >”I think things are going to get a bit crazy, so… I’ll check this room out!”
  83. >She finds a vacant bedroom and closes it behind her, leaving you with a flustered Cadance.
  84. >”B-but, me? Learning… a healing spell, that’s very.. A-alright, we can try, at least…?”
  85. >You remove Starswirl’s healing notes from your pack as you flip the wand in your hand to give her the handle, and you flatten out the notes as she hesitantly takes it from you.
  86. >The instant her levitation takes the wand, its power is transferred over to her.
  87. >Her alicorn nature instantly reacts with the massive magical potential, and it’s all Cadance can do not to burst into stars and lights right there.
  88. >”Oooh…. Alright, just tap it on the page?”
  89. “Yeah.”
  90. >The wand lowers in her grasp, the both of you waiting for that special moment when it touches, the time seeming to stretch onto eternity…
  91. >And it hits.
  92. >The same powerful light eminates from the notes like before, and the charm is revealed as you see Cadance’s eyes locked like stone onto them.
  93. >The words’ power wisps away from the parchment as it envelopes her mind, the process of magical learning influxuating her with ancient, unbound knowledge that will hopefully help all of Equestria.
  94. >Soon enough, the charm relocks as soon as she takes off the wand, and she hands both back to you in a daze.
  95. >”Oh my… I haven’t been this dizzy since… well, yesterday. I… I gotta go try this on one of our patients! Thank you, Anonymous!”
  96. >She weaves to you and hustles out of the hallway, excited to try this new spell.
  97. >You’ll probably just have to ask her about those things next time you see her.
  98. >If you see her, hopefully.
  99. >Now you’re in the middle of the hallway at 10:20 P.M.
  100. >The same four bedrooms are on your right, while Wheaties took a vacant one across the hall.
  101. >What would you like to do?
  105. >You’re going to need to train the abilities you’ve learned some time.
  106. >Why not start now?
  107. >You look at the door of your own room, and you visualize the interior as you hope for the best…
  108. >Used Teleport (1/10)
  109. [-20 MP]
  110. Zap!
  111. >”AAAAAAAAAAH!”
  112. >In a flash of white and silver, you suddenly find yourself inside your room.
  113. >And there’s steaming hot vegetable soup all over the floor.
  114. >”ANON! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! Aww… It’s ruined...”
  115. >Redheart didn’t like you popping in.
  116. “S-sorry!”
  117. >She sighs heavily as she turns to go into the small kitchen to get something to clean up the mess, but she looks back at you with a double-take.
  118. >”Wait, what happened to your armor?”
  119. >Redheart’s checking you out, now.
  120. “Traded it out… like it?”
  121. >Your pristine violet robes are definitely catching her eye.
  122. >But now there’s soup soaking into the floor.
  123. >What would you like to do?
  127. “Here, let me help with this. It’s my fault anyways, right? Sorry about this...”
  128. >You quickly move to the kitchen and snag a few paper towels from the drawer, and you go back and begin cleaning up the mess.
  129. >”Thanks, it’s been a really long day… This is the first thing I’ve gotten to eat, not to mention I’ve missed you today.”
  130. “I’ve missed you too… Why couldn’t you eat before?”
  131. >Redheart is now in the kitchen, starting to make herself another bowl of what room service delivered.
  132. >”You told us to train, so I got my spear and shield, and went out with the guards. The problem was that Gable had already beat me there and he was getting his fair share of training already. By the time I got there, the only way I could get any help was by going on patrol with them.”
  133. “Oh.”
  134. >”It wasn’t too bad, though. I learned quite a bit from them, and I actually got to arrest somepony! Some random low-time thief was trying to take something from Gyro’s store, and since he was more or less harmless they waled me through the process and I bagged my very first shoplifter.”
  135. “Well, awesome! So you learned a lot?”
  136. >You finish cleaning up the mess and take the soiled bowl back to the kitche.
  137. >”Oh yeah. I know how to use my spear, now, and learned a little something with the shield.”
  140. [REDHEART HAS LEARNED CROSS-CUTTER! (Good attack, ½ chance to bleed for 3 turns, 3 turn CD)]
  142. [REDHEART HAS LEARNED SHIELD BASH! (+20 PA, stuns for 3 turns, 2 turn CD)]
  143. >She finishes making a second bowl for herself as you finish cleaning up.
  144. >”It’s vegetable soup if you want some, babe.”
  145. “Thanks. Hey, can I see your defibrillators?”
  146. >She blinks, going to set her bowl on the endtable of the bed.
  147. >Quickly pulling out the defibs from her bag, Red hands them to you.
  148. >Used Tesla’s Wrath (1/10)
  149. [-15 MP]
  150. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 215/250]
  151. >The small shock is enough to charge them up, and you hand them back to her.
  152. >”Wow… I guess you’ve been busy today yourself, huh?”
  153. “Shocking, I know.”
  154. >She groans, but with a smile on her face, taking the defibs back.
  155. “Well, this day’s been electrifying for me, yeah.”
  156. >Another groan.
  157. >Knocking off the jokes, you tell her about your day, summarizing what happened with Twilight and Sunwhirl, learning the notes, trading out for robes and the wand and everything that happened, including Wheaties coming down.
  158. >Red is just as surprised as Cadance and Wheats was when you told her about the healing.
  159. >”That’s amazing, Anon! I can’t believe you actually pulled it off… So, you say your magic isn’t strong enough… so are you going to train it up?”
  160. “Hopefully. If I manage to be able to use this spell, I might actually get closer to being as good as you on the helping front. Of course, that’ll never happen.”
  161. >She blushes from the compliment.
  162. >After the two of you finish catching up, a small silence overtakes the peaceful moment before Red tells you something.
  163. >”By the way, the others were looking for you. They wanted to know where you went. Guess I’m not the only one that misses you, huh?”
  164. >It warms your heart, as vain as it probably is.
  165. >It is now 11:00 P.M.
  166. >What would you like to do?
  171. “Hey Red, I’m gonna go practice my magic a little bit more. I’ll be back in a jiffy, okay?”
  172. >Redheart is already settled in the bed, holding open her medical mastery.
  173. >”Oh, alright. I want to get to bed soon though, so don’t take too long.”
  174. “Got it.
  175. >You close your eyes and visualize the hallway, letting your mana flow freely.
  176. >Used Teleport (2/10)
  177. [-20 MP]
  178. >Seeing the hallway outside, you can conclude that it is a success.
  179. >For doing a higher-intensity spell for the first few times, you’re really good at this.
  180. >You step forward, and tip on your own foot and fall.
  181. >You take a moment to get the air back in your chest and you look back.
  182. >...Your foot is fused to the ground.
  183. >Shit.
  184. >You push up from the ground and get into a kneeling position, and then you sit back the other way so you have better leverage.
  185. >You pull and yank on your ankle to get your foot out, but there’s no way it’s coming up.
  186. >Leather and crystal seem to just love each other.
  187. >Getting an idea, you stand back up and close your eyes once again.
  188. >You make sure nobody else is looking, and you flow your mana once more.
  189. >Used Teleport (3/10)
  190. [-20 MP]
  191. >You zap yourself 3 inches into the air, and you feel your feel hit solid ground, unencumbered by the floor.
  192. >You look down and see that you are indeed free, but the crystal is a bit cracked.
  193. >Oh well, they fixed the entire wall in a few silent hours, they can take care of that.
  194. >You start walking forward, and you go down the steps.
  195. >Wait.
  196. >You pause at the top of the steps, and rub your increasingly bearded chin as you think for a moment.
  197. >Besides the fact that you need to find a way to shave, you have an idea.
  198. >This could be a good opportunity…
  199. >You raise your hands and look at them, and you try to cast a different spell.
  200. >Used Wallwalking (1/10)
  201. [-4 MP]
  202. >You take a step forward.
  203. >You take a step forward.
  204. >For fuck’s sake, if you get stuck to the ground one more time…
  205. >You silently wait the amount of time it takes to wear off, about 20 seconds.
  206. >Then you try again, this time focusing on making it only work for different angles.
  207. >Used Wallwalking (2/10)
  208. [-4 MP]
  209. >You raise your foot, and it’s not stuck.
  210. >Good, progress…
  211. >You walk up to the top step, and then you plant a foot onto the wall next to it.
  212. >With that working, you hesitantly jump up and then push your other foot to the wall, and your entire perspective changes.
  213. >Now you’re standing on the wall.
  214. >Without much time to lose, you quickly unstick your left foot, and put it in.
  215. >Then you take your right foot out, and put it back in.
  216. >You put your left foot out, and you shake it all about.
  217. >But really, you’re doing your best to run along the wall down the steps.
  218. >You make it down faster and faster until you reach the bottom, and the instant you jump off the wall to right yourself, the spell wears off.
  219. >Like a cartoon, your feet slip and slide right down the crystal at the same time you hop, culminating in you falling side-first down the last few steps, slamming into the ground and rolling down them.
  220. “AUUGH… ooohhh that’s gonna hurt in the morning…”
  221. >Not to mention your ass still hurts.
  222. >You get yourself off the ground and crack your neck, thankful that there wasn’t any lasting damage.
  223. >Scratch that, there’s damage.
  224. >Psychological damage as you see the patrolling guards that just watched your antics with funny looks.
  225. >Both mares.
  226. >Well, that was fun while it lasted.
  227. “Say, can you guys direct me to the kitchen?”
  228. >”There’s room service, you know.”
  229. >”It’s the third right door in the main hall, Mr. Spider.”
  230. >They both start laughing as they turn the corner, and you resist the urge to throw a fireball at them.
  231. >Oh, that’d be a good spell to have.
  232. >Instead of hurting yourself again, you decide to stretch the limits of the first spell you were working on.
  233. >Closing your eyes, you envision the Main Hall in your Mind’s Eye.
  234. >Used Teleport (4/10)
  235. [-20 MP]
  236. >You made sure to go up a bit more so you didn’t get stuck.
  237. >BAD IDEA!
  238. >You fall upwards of ten feet straight onto the crystal floor right on your sore ass.
  239. >It hurts, baby don’t hurt me no more!
  240. >You take a quick survey and see that nobody saw that, at least.
  241. >Getting up and dusting off your robes, you’re getting pretty frustrated at not knowing how these spells work.
  242. >As you start walking towards the door, that’s when you notice something.
  243. >The Main Hall has a fireplace, but it isn’t currently lit.
  244. >A good way to blow off steam, if you don’t fuck it up.
  245. >You walk up to it and keep a safe distance as you raise a hand, knowing that you’ve already had experience with this one.
  246. >Used Ignite on fireplace (3/10)
  247. [-1 MP]
  248. >Your hand glows a bright red, and the logs suddenly cast themselves aflame, lighting up the nightly dimness of the hall.
  249. >You brush your hands in satisfaction, and turn to look at the kitchen.
  250. >You haven’t seen it yet, so it’d be best if you walked in this time.
  251. >Opening the door, you look inside and see there’s a few 3rd shift ponies starting work on cleaning up the place, sealing leftovers and doing dishes.
  252. >As you walk inside, you spot one of the counters that haven’t been cleared off yet.
  253. >The dessert counter.
  254. >From lush, succulent apple dumplings to pecan pies and blueberry cupcakes, there’s one thing that you know Redheart would love.
  255. >Cookie-topped vanilla cake with strawberry frosting.
  256. >It makes your mouth water just looking at it.
  257. >It’s Redheart’s favorite treat, in cake form.
  258. >You think about how to get it, until one of the cooks spots you.
  259. >”Oh, hello there doctor! Congratulations on the tournament win.”
  260. “Oh, thanks.”
  261. >”Did you need anything?”
  262. “Well, I was wondering if I could get a few slices of that cake, maybe. It’s for my, uh, marefriend.”
  263. >She smiles and looks back.
  264. >”Rise! Cover the cake!”
  265. >The stallion known as Rise promptly follows her orders.
  266. >”This was just a selection for room service that never got taken out, but we’ll give it to you. Not much more room in the fridge for it anyways.”
  267. >The stallion comes up to the cook and hands the entire cake to you, which you take with gusto.
  268. [ACQUIRED COOKIE-TOP CAKE (8 slices, +50% HP each)]
  269. “Thanks a million.”
  270. >”No problem, the least we could do for an esteemed battle medic like yourself.”
  271. >She continues to help clean the kitchen.
  272. >Before you leave, you see that one of the furnaces has its grill open, but it’s not lit.
  273. >You outstretch your fingers to it, and try another spell.
  274. >Used Ignite on furnace(4/10)
  275. [-1 MP]
  276. >With cake in hand, you close your eyes and envision the Main Hall again.
  277. >Used Teleport (5/10)
  278. [-20 MP]
  279. >Carefully planning the position you imagine with precision, you land on the ground in the middle of the main hall with just a few inches off the ground, allowing an easy landing.
  280. >You close your eyes again, and imagine the first floor’s left wing.
  281. >Used Teleport (6/10)
  282. [-20 MP]
  283. >You zap right to the position you were at before where you busted your side open on the steps.
  284. >With this bigass cake in hand, you realize somehting.
  285. >Your hands begin to glow as you slowly levitate the cake away from your grasp, keeping it at your side.
  286. >It’s surprisingly heavy to your mind, and feels like you’re lifting an equivalent of 100 pounds with your body.
  287. >Deciding to make this quick, you raise your hands again and carefully measure the amount of power to go into this next spell.
  288. >Used Wallwalking (3/10)
  289. [-4 MP]
  290. >You make sure you’re not sticking to the ground, and you instantly run and jump up to the sidewall of the stairs.
  291. >You begin to run with the cake flying along with you as you ascend the stairs from the wall.
  292. >You decide to go even farther and you run at a left angle until you’re rocketing up, and now you’re running along the ceiling with the cake underneath you.
  293. >By the time you reach the top of the steps to the second floor, you quickly fall back down and bunnyhop off the wall safely this time, reveling in your success.
  294. >Then you envision the right corner to the hallway holding the bedrooms.
  295. >Used Teleport (7/10)
  296. [-20 MP]
  297. >You reappear in the middle of the bedrooms with another success.
  298. >Among the idle humming of magic everpresent within the Palace, you now hear some sort of old monster movie emanating from AJ and Pinkie’s room, giving you a few feelings of nostalgia.
  299. >To block it out, you close your eyes and envision the inside of your bedroom where Redheart is.
  300. >Used Teleport (8/10)
  301. [-20 MP]
  302. >It must’ve been an interesting sight for the nurse to suddenly see you pop up in a white flash with a big ol’ diabeetus-inducing cake hovering next to you.
  303. >”Oh gh… I should’ve expected that… Oh, that’s a really big cake!”
  304. “Yeah, like it?”
  305. >She gets off the bed to come take a closer look.
  306. >Not today.
  307. >You envision the kitchen, keeping your eyes open for the short distance.
  308. >Used Teleport (9/10)
  309. >With one quick motion, you levitate the cake onto the counter, uncover it, levitate a plate and knife from the cabinets, slap a piece on there, and you envision the main bedroom again.
  310. >Used Teleport (10/10)
  311. [-20 MP]
  312. [Spell: Teleport has been fully learned, now working at 100% efficiency and able to upgrade.]
  313. >You pop up in front of Redheart, and slowly give her a piece.
  314. >She’s nearly overwhelmed by your magical abilities, but she takes the plate on her hooves and smiles at you.
  315. >”My goodness, Anon. You’re really getting into magic after training with Twilight, huh?”
  316. >As if to answer her, you look at the room’s own fireplace and raise up a glowing red hand to it, markings flaring again.
  317. >Used Ignite (5/10)
  318. [-1 MP]
  319. >The logs flare to life as Redheart giggles, taking a bite of the cake.
  320. >”Mmmmhhh~... That’sh sho ghood. C’mon, gef a peesh an’ come th’ bed with mhh!”
  321. >She swallows her first bite.
  322. “Oh, thanks babe, this is amazing!”
  323. >She definitely likes the cake.
  324. “Just one sec.”
  325. >You feel like you have a bit of mana left, and you want to practice as much as you can.
  326. >You raise both hands to the fireplace, and set one hand up for ignition with the other for … ungnition.
  327. >Used Ignite on fireplace (6/10)
  328. [-1 MP]
  329. >Used Ignite on fireplace (7/10)
  330. [-1 MP]
  331. >Used Ignite on fireplace (8/10)
  332. [-1 MP]
  333. >Used Ignite on fireplace (9/10)
  334. [-1 MP]
  335. >To make sure the fire stays up, you ignite the back logs instead of putting it out.
  336. >Used Ignite on fireplace (10/10)
  337. [-1 MP]
  338. [Spell: Ignite has been fully learned, now working at 100% efficiency and able to upgrade.]
  339. >”Anon, stop playing with the fire and get into bed this instant!”
  340. “Sorry, sorry…”
  341. Anon: [HP: 130/130][MP: 7/250]
  342. >There’s some delicious cake on the counter and your stomach is growling.
  343. >She’s enjoying her cake, why not have some of your own?
  344. >What would you like to do?
  348. >You go over to the kitchen, walking this time.
  349. >You get yourself a slice of cake on a plate, and you walk back over to Redheart, getting in on your side of the bed after stripping properly.
  350. >As you turn to her to speak, you feel a fork pushed into your mouth.
  351. >Heaven follows right after.
  352. >Redheart watches your eyes glaze over as you taste the cake off of her fork, nodding along.
  353. >”Seeeee? This cake must be enchanted or something, I’ve never had anything like it!”
  354. “That is delectable, I’ll admit…”
  355. >You take your own fork and dig in, wasting no time in stuffing yourself.
  356. >You and Redheart finish and you offer to take the plates back, by simply levitating them back out to the sink as you settle into bed.
  357. >Before getting to bed, you take something out from your bag and hand it to her.
  358. [You give Redheart Medical Mastery: Volume XXVI.]
  359. “Here, I found this in the library for you. Tell me when you’re done with the first one, okay?”
  360. >”Ooh, why thank you. Such a gentleman.”
  361. >Redheart leans over and plants a deep, sweet, sugary kiss right on your lips, and rubs your chest as she cuddles up next to you.
  362. >”G’night, babe.”
  363. >You turn off the lights and wrap your arms around her, letting the stresses of the day melt as you fall right into the soft pillows and velvety chest of Red.
  364. “Night…”
  365. >...
  367. [Party fully rested and healed, all status effects cured!]
  370. [GABLE HAS LEARNED FURY OF THE STORM! (Good attack, +20 PA, x5, 80% bleed chance for 5 turns, 7 turn CD)]
  372. [PINKIE PIE HAS LEARNED DODGE! (Passive: Increases chance to dodge by 10% / Active: Completely dodge the next incoming attack, 5 turn CD)]
  373. [Berry Punch and Iron Will did not train today.]
  374. >...
  376. [spoiler]>”...Ssh… Don’t wake them up…”
  377. >”Ah know, ah know… sec…”
  378. >”Carefullllllll!”
  379. >”Pinkie!”
  380. >”...Ok, there we go… hope we didn’t make the water too warm…!”[/spoiler]
  382. >...
  383. >You love dreaming of babbling brooks and waterfalls.
  384. >It’s some of the most peaceful dreaming you can have.
  385. >Luna even came in and noted how beautiful it was, before she suddenly turned into a glass of water.
  386. >Wait, why so much water…?
  387. >You slowly open your eyes, and you see two big wet spots coming from yours and Redheart’s legs.
  388. >The stench is horrible.
  389. >You look over and see someone dipped hand and hoof in water.
  390. >Well that’s just fucking perfect.
  391. >It is currently 8:30 A.M.
  392. >What would you like to do?
  394. >ANONYMOUS (cc) / SIR DUCKSALOT [HP: 25/25]
  395. [HP: 130/130][MP: 250/250][Stats: 10 PD, 165 MD / +15 MA base, +150 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  397. Inventory: Wallet, Bit pouch (112 bits, 3 small gems, 7 medium gems, 3 large gems), Roll of duct tape, Rope, Starswirl’s Notes: Portals, Potion-making Kit (Allows brewing of potions, E: +100% potion effectiveness), Blowdart, Blue herbs (3), Red herbs (1), Supply Medkit (2), Small mana potion (33%, 1), Lifeleaf (12), Rizzleberry bunch (7), Alchemy Book (Transmogrification), 9 oz. of Kablooie powder, 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (8), 2 handfuls of bolts, Haze Flower (9), Yeti Hair (2), iPhone, Pickaxe (+10 PA, grants ability Mine), (Book) Introduction to Architecture, Screwdriver kit (reduces bolt and screw cost by 3), Socket wrench kit (reduces wheel & axle and nut cost by 1), 1 Oz. of Thermite, Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (14, +25 PA to fight), Black Marker, Hoofcuffs (3), Cock Ring, Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Expertise: Volume XXVII, Medium Healing potion (66% restore, 3), Firewood (2), Window of Reality (Allows you to see into the future of different possibilities of your choices with limitations), Iron-Hide Brew (3, +5 PA for 3 turns), 1 piece of coal, Iron ingot (4), Platinum Ingot (1), Small mana crystal (1, restores 33% mana), Uncut Ruby, Dr. Frank Fort’s Psychology 102: For Dummies, Dr. Frank Fort’s Love is in the Air: You and Your Ponymate, Dr. Frank Fort’s Back in Time: Guide to your Childhood, Dr. Frank Fort’s Post-Trotmatic Stress of Magic: When Spells Attack, Dr. Frank Fort’s Depression, Anxiety and All Those Unfortunate Thingamajigs: What to Do for a Friend Near You, Empty Chest, Shadow-Infused Rune, Doctor’s Mask, Crystal Poleaxe (2H, 35 PA, Grants Parry), Half-eaten Sandwich, Vial of Pod-Liquid (3), Magical Scroll: Temporary Horn, Medium Mana Crystal (1, restores 66% mana), Starswirl’s Notes: Healing, Medium Mana Potion (5, restores 66% MP), Unlocking Flask (4, removes manaseal), Double-bladed spear (+10 PA, +15 MA, E: Can attack spectrals. Abilities: Redheart Cummer (-1 MP, +25 magic dmg, 2 turn CD), Flamescythe (-1 MP, Good attack, +10 MA, 4 turn CD)), Picture of Inter-Dimensional Monster, Sunwhirl’s Findings, Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Cap (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail (+7 P.D./+2 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Talons (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Sabatons (+3 P.D./+1 M.D.), Cookie-Top Cake (8 slices, +50% HP each)
  400. Current questlog (7/10 total):
  401. [Investigate Shadow] - Find it (0/1); Exterminate it (0/1); Report to Celestia (0/1)
  402. [Become a Legendary Doctor] - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (1/3); Learn Basic Psychology Knowledge (0/1)
  403. [Spear Mastery] - Learn Spear Juggling (0/1)
  404. [Vigilante Justice] - Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinkie Pie (0/3); Take in the engineer responsible for ripping your schematic (0/1)
  405. [Mare in the Family] - Ask a high-level Unicorn about uncurable diseases (1/1); Find a way to help Charm Rose’s brother (0/1)
  406. [Just like Clockwork] - Travel to Appleoosa and speak to Frizzy Gear (0/1)
  407. [In the Belly of the Beast] - Travel to Queen Chrysalis’ hive (0/1), Clear the hive of corruption (0/1), Negotiate with Queen Chrysalis (0/1)
  409. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Expert medical use (+75% medkit efficiency, removes poisons/diseases), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (0-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Expert spear combat (+15 dmg, ½ crit chance), Call Shot (Call specific location to attack, focus dmg and -66% hit chance), Very High Magical Defense (+20 MD), Shoot dart (50% hit), Brew potion (non-com), Giga Buster (R, -3 MP, Good attack, +25 MA, 3 turn CD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Heart’s Calling (5tcd, Gives 50% attack boost to entire party for next turn), Mine, Shoot (Shoots F.U.C.K.E.R.), Expert knowledge of magical properties (Allows learning of basic/intermediate/expert tomes/spellbooks and great control of magic), Weak Levitation (noncom), Luminate (Light source, free), Wallwalking (Lets your hands and feet stick to surfaces for 20 seconds, -4 MP), Ignite (-1 MP, Fire source, +25 MA, 50% chance to burn for 3 turns, 3tcd), Shockwave (-4 MP, AoE +36 MA each, 25% chance to stun for 3 turns each, 7tcd), Blessing of Harmony (-8 MP, releases a powerful magical spell that soothes, rejuvenates and calms any two targets that the blessing is given to, and removes all mental and spiritual status effects.), Teleport (-20 MP, Allows small distances to be traveled instantly, Com: Couple with another attack for x3 damage, 5tcd), Starswirl’s Restoration (-800 MP, heals the target for 100% of their HP, 10 turn CD), Ancient Wrath (-100 MP, +300 MA AoE split, 10 turn CD), Portal of Speedy Travels (-360 MP, Creates a portal to intended destination for a short period to a certain distance), Tesla’s Wrath (R, -15 MP, Good attack, +25 MA, ½ chance to blind target for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), Arcane Chains (R, -10 MP, immobilizes target for 5 turns, 5 turn CD), Aphitis Cuffs (-2 MP, Permanent manaseal until special word is spoken, strength increased proportional to time sealed), Invisibility (-50 MP, suppresses vision and hearing of others for 3 turns, 10 turn CD), Mirror Image (- 25/50/75/100/125/150 MP, multiplier increase of next turn by amount of copies, 8 turn CD), Vice Shout (-75 MP, immobilization AoE for 5 turns, 10 turn CD. Mana cost is free if Mask of the Dragon Aspect is equipped), Dragoon’s Roar (-100 MP, increases MD by 100 for 3 turns, 10 turn CD. Mana cost is free if Mask of the Dragon Aspect is equipped)
  411. Equipped: Redheart-inscribed ‘Legendary’ Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+15 HP to medkit usage), Mysterious markings, Amulet of Heart’s Calling (+5 HP), Avian Leather Boots (Lowers exhaustion), F.U.C.K.E.R. (R, +75 PA, 7 turn reload, 1 oz. of Kablooie powder per 24 shots {1 shot is one full reloaded round, fires all 4 for each shell}), Thick Winter Coat, Starswirl’s Wand (+200 MP, +150 MA, +125 MD), Grants ability Ancient Wrath), Highguard Robes (+12 MP, +15 MA, +10 MD)
  413. >REDHEART: [HP: 140/140][Stats: 30 PD, 25 MD / +5 PA base, +40 PA wep]
  415. Abilities: Moderate Spear Combat, Expert Med. Skill (+75% medkit efficiency, removes poisons/diseases), {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate dmg.. 5 turn CD}, Block (+5 PD and 25% chance to negate all dmg.), Tesseract-bound (+20 MD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Downforce (Good attack, +12 PA, split between all enemies, 3tcd), Cross-Cutter (Good attack, 50% bleed chance, 3tcd), Shield Bash (+20 PA, stuns for 3 turns, 2 turn CD)
  417. Inventory: Medkit (2), Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Mastery: Volume I, Defibrillator, Recipe for Defibrillator, Recipe for Healing potions, Lube, Ribbed Strap-on, Doctor’s Mask, Latex Hoof Gloves, Medical Mastery: Volume XXVI
  419. Equipped: Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Coronet (+4 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Breadth (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Buckler (+10 PD, +1 MD, grants Block), Highguard Glaive (1 hoofed, +40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce), Medic-Issued Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  421. >PINKIE PIE: [HP: 105/105][MP: 25/50][Stats: 27 PD, 6 MD, -25%B / +100 PA wep / +15 PA ranged]
  423. Abilities: Sugar Rush [Highly energetic attacks] (+3/+3 PA, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD), Darkstrike (Epic attack (rnd) single, or Good attack AoE split, 90% chance to bleed enemies hit, 7tcd), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Shoot Bow, Dodge (Passive: Increases chance to dodge by 10% / Active: Completely dodge the next incoming attack, 5 turn CD)
  425. Inventory: Party Cannon, Various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”), Knife, Anal Beads, Bit pouch (1 bit), Quiver (empty) Equestrian Wildlife: A History of the Evolution of Animals
  427. Equipped: Sir Prize and Miss Direction (+60/+40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Darkstrike), Manticore Leather Armor (+12 PD, +6 MD, -25% chance to bleed), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Hypno-Necklace (0-4 fail, 5-9 win, confuses enemy), Thick Winter Coat Hunting Bow (R, +15 PA), Quiver (3 yew arrows [+3 PA]), Element of Laughter (Grants magic, +50 MP up, grants ability Harmonic Laughter)
  429. >BERRY PUNCH: [HP: 220/220][Stats: 40 PD, 60 MD, +10% Fire D +15 HP / +44 PA wep]
  431. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon (9.6x multiplier AoE, 24x against wood/frost, 3tcd), Fisticuffs (Basic attack), Do No Evil (Good Attack, +25 PA, 5tcd), Trample (+25 PA, 50% chance to crit for x2.5, 2tcd), Scorch (R, +30 MA, x2.5 and 75% chance to burn, 5tcd)
  433. Inventory: Bit pouch (empty), Box of matches (14), Bottle of hard liquor (DD up), Vibrator, Torches (2), Rags (5), Bulletin (Animal Aggression), Firewood (2), 2 bundles of sticks, White Rum Flask (Increases alcohol-related abilities’ damage by x2)
  435. Equipped: Clawed Thick Iron Horseshoes (Modified, +20 PA/+24 Claw PA), Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat, Neck-Ring of Kinich Ahau (Increases MD by 40, decreases fire damage by 10%, Grants ability Scorch)
  437. >APPLEJACK: [HP: 240/240][MP: 50/50][Stats: 115 PD, 80 MD, +15 HP / +5 PA base, +50 PA wep]
  439. Abilities: Treekicker (x2 damage, 2 turn CD), Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns), Bash (Basic attack), Cyli-Spin (Good attack, +25 PA AoE split between enemies, 90% chance to stun affected enemies for 5 turns, 4tcd), Stratus Swing (R, +100 PA, +20 MA, ½ chance to crit for x3, 7tcd)
  441. Thu’um: Voice Change (-5 MP, changes pitch and inflection of voice for a short time), Fury Wind (3 turn CD, +50 PA AoE solid, knockback out of combat), ~
  443. Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), Tri-braid rope, apples (12), Bit pouch (1 bit), Dildo, Foal’s Guide to Magic (Gives basic knowledge of magical theory, allows learning of basic level spells, levitation and luminate)
  445. Equipped: Stetson hat, Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Empire Express (2 hoofed, +50 PA, Grants ability Cyli-Spin), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat, Mask of the Dragon Aspect (+60 MD, +75 PD, grants ability Thu’um), Element of Honesty (Grants magic, +50 MP up, Grants ability Harmonic Honesty)
  447. >GABLE: [HP: 200/200][Stats: 20 PD, 12 MD / +10 PA base, +20 PA,+25 MA wep]
  449. Abilities: Tough Hide (+10 PD, prevents one incapacitation), Expert Hand to Hand Combat (+15 basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2), Winged Fury (x5, 3 turn CD), Screech (+15 PA, 20% chance to fear for 5 turns, 3 turn CD), Flight (Allows 3-dimensional travel / +20 PA, 40% bleed chance for 5 turns, 4 turn CD), Basic medical use (Able to use medkits), Rip and Tear (Good attack, 25% bleed chance for 5 turns, 5 turn CD), Frost Nova (5tcd, +75 MA AoE solid, immobilizes for 3 turns), Fish, Slash (Basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2), Fury of the Storm (Good attack, +20 PA, x5, 80% bleed chance for 5 turns, 7 turn CD)
  451. Inventory: Red Headband, Bit pouch (138 bits, 1 Large Gem), Karate Instruction Manual (Raises HtH combat ability), Fishing Rod and kit (Grants ability Fish)
  453. Equipped: Avian Leather Salet (+2 PD), Avian Leather Harness (+3 PD), Avian Leather Gloves (Modified: Fingerless, +1 PD), Avian Leather Greaves (+2 PD), Enchanted Talonguard Bracers (+12 MD), Thick Winter Coat, Sword of the Windigo Spirit (2H, +20 PA/+25 MA, Grants ability Frost Nova)
  455. >IRON WILL: [HP: 275/275][Stats: +10 PD / +10 PA wep]
  457. Abilities: Minotaur hide (+10 PD), Pummel (Basic attack), Charge (+25 PA, 2 turn CD), Enrage (+75% PA, -25% PD for 5 turns, 8 turn CD), Assertive Annihilation (Good attack, 50% chance to stun for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), OOOH YEEAAAH (Increases Party defense by 25% for 3 turns, 6 turn CD)
  459. Inventory: Protein Shakes (3, increases HP by 20 temporarily), Bit pouch (277 bits), Coupon to Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (20% discount for one checkout), Yeti Hide
  461. Equipped: Pure rock hard knuckles (+10 PA base), Microphone (Increases voice volume at will), Necktie, Thick Winter Coat
  465. >This ain’t gonna fly.
  466. >You very slowly get out of bed, trying not to make the mess any worse than it is as you reach over and shake Redheart awake.
  467. >”Red… Hey..”
  468. >Redheart stretches and yawns immensely, but after a moment her muzzle scrunches and she looks down.
  469. >The shade of red her cheeks turn could be mistaken for a sunset.
  470. >”Oh… Oh my…”
  471. “Check your hoof.”
  472. >She looks at you, then back at her arm, and pulls out her wet hoof and shakes it off.
  473. >”So we got pranked, did we?”
  474. “I think so…”
  475. >You ball up the sheets once Redheart gets out and throw them in the wastebin.
  476. “I know who did it, too.”
  477. >Redheart trots out to the bathroom as she speaks.
  478. >”Then get them back! My fur’s all matted… eugh..”
  479. >The door closes, leaving you to fend for yourself on cleanliness.
  480. >You settle for going into the kitchen and wetting a rag, wiping yourself off.
  481. >You rinse it off in the sink and look over to the left.
  482. >There are two extra pieces of that cake missing.
  483. >Oh, were they going to get it.
  484. >...
  485. >You and Redheart get dressed after taking some nice, long showers as Red sits upon one of the piss-free chairs and begins to read a little more.
  486. >”Just come back when you’re done, babe. We’re going out today, right?”
  487. “Yeah, just let me do this real quick…”
  488. >You gather your bearings and raise your hands in concentration, letting your markings flare up in power as you prepare multiple spells at once.
  489. >Hopefully this will work, and you won’t end up a splatter on a wall when you do it.
  490. >You close your eyes, and envision AJ and Pinkie’s room within your mind’s eye.
  491. >While you do this, you charge up within your hands a bit of lightning with a lumination spell to complete the loo.
  492. >With a final breath of confidence…
  493. Zap!
  494. >Used Teleport, Tesla’s Wrath (2/10)
  495. [-35 MP]
  496. >The instant you warp through dimensions and appear in front of Applejack and Pinkie Pie, you throw down the wrath spell and lightning arcs across your entire body, crackling against the floors and combined with the lumination spell, turns the entire room a vibrant, shocking, pulsing blue.
  500. >Disoriented and completely taken off-guard, Applejack falls off the bed and smacks her face on the ground trying to reach for her hammer, while Pinkie had jumped up on the bedpost and holds herself on it like an ornament, teeth chattering with her frightened eyes darting across the room.
  501. >You let off the light and lightning spell, and you focus one more that you have yet to test, hoping to finish it off.
  502. >Used Invisibility (1/10)
  503. [-50 MP]
  504. >A bubble suddenly forms around your body, making you completely transparent and soundproof from the inside.
  505. >It worked!
  506. >The stillness of the air renders the two mares nearly catatonic, but they slowly snap out of it.
  507. >Applejack slowly gets herself off the ground, shaking like a mess with dirty bedhead and sunken eyes as she looks around.
  508. >”...That was… that was Anon, righ’...?””
  509. >Pinkie slithers down the bedpost and back onto the sheets like a piece of paper, sinking into the sheets with a relieved look on her face.
  510. >”Wowie zowie… he.. he really got us good, huh AJ?…”
  511. >That’s when you make your move.
  512. >Used Teleport
  513. [-20 MP]
  514. Anon: [MP: 145/250]
  515. >You appear behind them right on their pillows, but they can’t tell.
  516. >As AJ hops back up on the bed, you reach out and suddenly throw them together, using your ‘magic’ fingers to wriggle and slide over their tummies.
  517. >”Whoa whoaaahahahahaha, hahahahahah s-stop!, Anon… I’m..hahahaha I’ma buck ya inta next s-s-sunday…”
  519. “What, like you made us last night!?”
  521. >After you get your fill and think they’ve had enough, you let go of them and your invisibility wears off, taking a noticeable dent in your mana.
  522. >Totally worth it as you see the sweaty, bed-stricken mares defeated, laying in front of you like prizes.
  523. “So, gonna prank us again?...”
  524. >They both take their time to catch their breaths and recompose themselves.
  525. >”...Probably, yeah..”
  526. >You reach out and they instantly start pushing you away.
  527. >”Wait WAIT! Okay, we’ll stop, Nonny!”
  528. >Pinkie nearly collapses into laughter again, and your work is done.
  529. >You jump off their bed, and start walking out of the room.
  530. >That is, if you hadn’t tripped and fallen on something.
  531. >You crash to the ground for the fourth time in a 12 hour period, and look to see what was going to get its ass kicked.
  532. >Until you realize it kicks ass itself.
  533. >It’s a bunch of beads.
  534. >That kind.
  535. >AJ and Pinkie haven’t noticed that you fell at all.
  536. >What would you like to do?
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