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Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. \author{TeXniCie}
  2. \date{\today}
  3. \title{Manual for thesis}
  5. %%% overview of this file in order:
  6. % most packages which don't need options
  7. % geometry package
  8. % header/footer settings
  9. % theorem styles
  10. % enable/disable parindents
  11. % reference and bibliography settings
  12. % front/main/back-matter
  15. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  17. \usepackage{
  18. %layout, % Allow visualisation of all the margins
  19. subfiles, % For seperate main and sub documents
  20. graphicx, % For image modifications and the figure enviroment
  21. amsmath, % For the AMS math styles
  22. amssymb, % The extended AMS math symbol list
  23. amsthm, % For use of theorems (works together with thmtools)
  24. fancyhdr, % For fancy headers and footers on pages
  25. %gensymb, % For easy generic symbols (uniform use in math and text mode)
  26. %sidecap, % For use of captions next to a float (figure, table, etc)
  27. %subcaption, % For easy subfigures in a plot (with nice captions)
  28. tikz, % Difficult drawing of awesome vector plots
  29. %listings, % For listing pieces of code in a nice and neat way
  30. multicol, % For easy local multicolumn use
  31. color, % For handy color deafinitions (used cause of styling)
  32. %calc, % To calculate stuff for the back-end
  33. %mdwlist, % For customizing lists
  34. thmtools, % Lets you define your own theorem style (used for all the fancy theorems, definitions etc.)
  35. etoolbox, % Allows adjustment of commands (used to reset the claim counter at the end of a proof).
  36. xspace, % Makes latex not eat spaces after commands
  37. hyperref, % Makes links, references, the Table of Contents, etc. clickable.
  38. url,
  39. apacite,
  40. dirtytalk,
  41. caption,
  42. lipsum,
  43. wrapfig
  44. }
  45. %^\usepackage[cm]{fullpage}
  47. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  49. %\sepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % Change the shape of a page (custom margins etc.)
  50. \usepackage[left=3cm,right=2cm,top=2.5cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}
  51. %paper=a4paper slightly changes the style through the whole document.
  52. %%%% We set the margins for whole document here, except the titlepage. The titlepage uses special margins; see titlepage.tex.
  55. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  57. %%% This is about changing the headers and footers (i.e. Top and bottom of the page)
  59. \pagestyle{fancy}% use fancyheaders with the bar on the top
  60. \fancyhf{} % Clear the normal style
  61. \fancyhead[L]{\bfseries\leftmark} %this places the section number and name in the top left
  62. \fancyhead[R]{\bfseries\thepage}% this places the pagenumber in the top right
  65. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  66. %%%% Theorem style
  68. % The set-up is as follows, first you give the 'style' of your theorem. This determines whether it for instance is plain, or italic. Secondly you can give an option for the symbol on the end, normally it is nothing. But you could add some to increase the readability of your text. Finally you can use numberwithin to add the number of your section/theorem before your equations. This is useful if you want to keep the numbers of your equation in check (In this thesis there where over a 100) and keeps in order where the equations are.
  69. %Finally you can use sibling to let different 'theorems' count together. Hence you will get Theorem 1 Definition 2 Claim 3, instead of Theorem 1 Definition 1 Claim 1. This is a matter of taste.
  71. % Theorem definitions
  72. \declaretheorem[style=definition,numberwithin=subsection]{definition} %If you want your theorems to be counted per section instead of subsection, then just remove the sub from the numberwithin
  73. \declaretheorem[style=definition,qed=$\triangle$,sibling=definition]{example}% sibling says with what type of theorems you wan the numbering to count with.
  75. \declaretheorem[style=plain,sibling=definition]{theorem}
  76. \declaretheorem[style=plain,sibling=definition]{lemma}
  77. \declaretheorem[style=plain,sibling=definition]{proposition}
  78. \declaretheorem[style=plain,sibling=definition]{corollary}
  79. \declaretheorem[style=definition]{claim}
  80. \declaretheorem[style=definition,sibling=example]{remark}
  82. \AtEndEnvironment{proof}{\setcounter{claim}{0}} % Sets the claim number to 0 after ending a proof
  84. % these environments are very nice and all, but it is a bit much to type every time, so for normal theorem-proof cases you can make your own commands like these.
  86. \newcommand{\thm}[2]{\begin{theorem} #1 \begin{proof} #2 \end{proof} \end{theorem}}
  87. \newcommand{\lm}[2]{\begin{lemma} #1 \begin{proof} #2 \end{proof} \end{lemma}}
  88. \newcommand{\df}[1]{\begin{definition} #1 \end{definition}}
  89. \newcommand{\clm}[1]{\begin{claim} #1 \end{claim}}
  91. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  93. % Comment/uncomment the following to disable/enable parindents:
  94. \setlength\parindent{0pt}
  95. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  97. %%%% Add the bibliography with some settings:
  98. % package:
  99. \usepackage[]{natbib}
  100. % choose brackets: default: round (), square [], curly {}, angle <>
  101. % choose separation between multiple citations (\cite{a,b}):
  102. %% default: colon ;, comma ,
  103. % choose citation style:
  104. %% default: authoryear Johnson (2017), numbers (25) or super ^[25]
  105. % option: choose sort (\cite{13,5} gives [5,13]) or sort&compress
  106. %% in authoryear mode, sort&compress changes Johnson[2016] Johnson[2017] to
  107. %% Johnson[2016,2017].
  108. % option: longnamesfirst (author names will be shortened (et al.) after the first time
  109. % option: nonamebreak (can solve hyperref bugs, but will instead cause hbox problems)
  110. %
  112. % bibliography sort style:
  113. \bibliographystyle{apacite} %references in order of call
  114. %more options: default: plainnat, apsrev, unsrtnat, abbrvnat, rmpaps (different sortings and abbreviation settings, no idea which is which)
  116. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  118. %%%%% frontmatter/mainmatter/backmatter:
  119. \newcommand\frontmatter{%
  120. \cleardoublepage
  121. \pagenumbering{roman}} %small Roman numbers
  123. \newcommand\mainmatter{%
  124. \cleardoublepage
  125. \pagenumbering{arabic}} %normal numbers
  127. \newcommand\backmatter{%
  128. \cleardoublepage %% double page style
  129. %\clearpage %% single page style
  130. \pagenumbering{Roman}} %capital Roman numbers
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