
Undertale - Coda Part 4 (NEW FRONTIERS OF NSFW)

Dec 12th, 2015
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  1. “Wait… You’re a guy?”
  3. Frisk looked at Asriel in confusion. “Yeah? Did you not know?”
  5. “Honestly? I could never tell.”
  7. “Huh.”
  9. ***
  11. It was morning. Light was shining through the partially open blinds, rudely interrupting.
  13. Asriel enjoyed the moments between awakening and awareness. It was so uncomplicated. The bed was soft and comfortable, it was warm, and Frisk was snuggled up against his chest, cheek resting against his bare fur. He could see Frisk move slowly as they took slow, steady breaths, still asleep.
  15. It hardly seemed real. Last night had been… Well, he’d been thinking about the possibility of sleeping with Frisk for a very long time, but it had always seemed so out of reach. The desire, the reality, memory and fantasy, it was all mixed in his mind, still throwing off the last rictus of sleep. He’d dreamed about it after the fact, as they cuddled face to face for the first time, nuzzling at one another and trading sleepy banter for what seemed like hours.
  17. Asriel was pretty sure he’d dreamed that Frisk was a girl. That was weird. He definitely wasn’t, the, uh… “warm light of dawn” was currently poking Asriel in the leg.
  19. Speak of the human. Frisk stirred, curling fingers into Asriel’s fluff and burying his face further into his chest.
  21. “Mhrrn. Bright.”
  23. Asriel slid one of his arms free, grabbing the sheet and pulling it up over Frisk’s head.
  25. “S’not helping, asshole.”
  27. Asriel chuckled, peeking under the sheet to discover a grumpy looking Frisk, who rolled over onto his back and yawned, stretching out on his back. Asriel took this opportunity to rescue his arm out from under him, flexing his fingers and trying to massage some feeling back into it.
  29. “Good morning to you as well.”
  31. “Yeah, hey. Sleep alright?”
  33. “I haven’t felt this well rested in ages.”
  35. “That’s good.”
  37. Frisk crawled out from under the sheet, sitting up in the bed next to Asriel and crossing his legs. They looked at one another for a moment. Asriel looked so… Peaceful. Relaxed. A little embarrassed. As if to underscore the thought, he shuffled his pillows around and propped himself up on the bed head, conspicuously avoiding Frisk’s gase.
  39. “S-so…”
  41. “So?”
  43. “About… last night.”
  45. “What about it?”
  47. “It was… nice.”
  49. Frisk thought back. Watching Asriel squirm on his back, gripping the sheets, the way he had huffed and blushed, the tiny, airless noises he’d made as he came.
  51. “It was. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”
  53. “Yeah… Did you, uh, I dunno, did you still wanna… Date me?” He cleared his throat. “I mean, last night, we were both worked up and stuff. I-I’d understand if you… changed your mind.”
  55. Frisk stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm…” Asriel sat forward, eyes wide, intently waiting for Frisk’s response. He was so earnestly concerned, it was adorable. Frisk pounced.
  57. ***
  59. After Frisk had tickled the living daylights out of Asriel, he left him to recover on the bed while Frisk called room service and ordered some breakfast of the stacked pancake variety. Asriel flopped on the bed, trying to regain some of his lost dignity. He was finding it difficult to be upset. Frisk knew exactly what he wanted, for breakfast and in life, it seemed. Asriel had always been enamoured of Frisk’s ability to take charge and have a plan, his seemingly natural ability to lead. Confidence, that was it. That would be nice.
  61. It had been a while, but Asriel still struggled with confidence and trust, as well as self worth. There was a constant whisper, a voice that spoke with a high pitched voice Asriel knew all too well, always murmuring words of sabotage and poison. He was aware of it, he could tell when it was happening. He just couldn’t help it. And what was worse, was the way it bled into everything, even the great things in his life. Asriel was always second guessing himself, he was quick to assume the worst, that he’d screwed up something unintentionally and now something was ruined. Long term effects of a scarring that Asriel never expected to heal.
  63. But, recovery was a long path made up of small moments. Kind words, a gentle touch.
  65. Um. That thing Frisk did last night.
  67. Asriel realised he was looking at Frisk and blushing. And… Yep. Asriel rolled over, hiding his traitorous erection and feeling around under the sheets for his underwear. It had to be here somewhere.
  69. Frisk hung up, feel satisfied with himself for negotiating a deal for lunch as well as breakfast. Asriel was wriggling about on the bed, checking in the sheets.
  71. “Hey Az. Looking for these?” Frisk dangled the boss monster’s underwear from one finger, just out of reach. Azriel emerged from the sheet, flustered and blushing, looking up and snatching for it. Frisk easily jerked it out of reach. “Ah ah! Waaaay too slow.”
  73. “C-come on Frisk! Why?”
  75. “Because it took years to get you outta these, and I’m in no hurry for you to put them back on.”
  77. That shut him up but good. He just kind of shrugged into the sheet a little, a delicious shade of red.
  79. “B-But…”
  81. “Tell you what, you can have them back after we shower. Gotta get cleaned up before breakfast gets here, after all.”
  83. Before he had a chance to protest, Frisk was gone.
  85. Asriel hunched over in his sheet burrito. Damn it. Although, a shower did sound like a good idea, he was kind of… sticky.
  87. By the time Asriel made it to the shower, the room was thick with mist. A high end hotel’s hot water system was always one of the highlights of an overnight stay, and this place was no exception. Frisk was barely visible inside.
  89. “Frisk? Can I have those back now? They were kind of my only pair…”
  91. “After you get in here! I gotta wash you off. It is kind of my fault you got dirty in the first place, after all.”
  93. Asriel swallowed nervously, cracking the glass door open. A wash of heat and moisture billowed out, inviting him inside. Frisk was facing away from him, rinsing his long, androgynous hair.
  95. As far as he could remember, Asriel hadn’t ever seen Frisk totally naked before. He was thin, smooth, kinda… shapely. Soft shapes and round edges. Human anatomy was something of a mystery to him, still, but Frisk seemed to have all the necessary parts. Frisk glanced over his shoulder, smiling at him.
  97. “Quit looking at my ass and get in here, you’re letting all the steam out.”
  99. Asriel shuffled meekly into the cubicle. It was a nice shower, roomy, with a wide showerhead. Plenty of room for two. He was still a little awkward and unsure. Frisk supposed that went with the territory, now that it was the morning after and light was shining on the situation.
  101. Huh. Asriel’s situation was certainly shining. He was trying to hide it with a hand, without looking like he was trying to hide it, and it was not working. Honestly, he was kind of hung. Frisk wondered if that was genetic, or perhaps a species thing. Questions for later. Questions to never, ever ask Mum and Dad. Ever.
  103. Frisk reached out and grabbed Asriel’s other hand, dragging him into the stream of water.
  105. “Am I making you uncomfortable? I really will give you back your undies after this, and you really did need a shower.”
  107. “No, no, it’s fine. If I couldn’t put up with your teasing, I’d be in trouble. It’s just…”
  109. He looked away, struggling to find the right words. Frisk was happy to wait. He was already so much more forthcoming than Frisk had ever seen him, no need to push any harder.
  111. “I… I was wondering. About… That thing you did.”
  113. The thing? What thing could Frisk have done that could get Asriel’s goat so completely?
  115. “Oh. Oh! You mean, bottoming?”
  117. Asriel couldn’t even bring himself to say yes. He just nodded, looking torn between embarrassment and desire. “...You seemed to enjoy it a lot, is all.”
  119. Frisk did his best to stay calm. “Well, you know, it’s a learned skill, but it can feel really good if you do it right. Besides which… You still eat mostly monster food, right?”
  121. Asriel nodded again. “Never could get used to the, uh, side effects of human food.”
  123. “Well, cultural differences aside, monster food is handy for a few reasons. It makes for great travel food, and if you have it for long enough you end up… well, clean.”
  125. “Clean?”
  127. “Well, not to put too fine a point on it Az, but everybody poops. And that can be a problem, if you’re bottoming.”
  129. Frisk watched Asriel genuinely consider this problem for the first time. Confusion first, then realization, and then disgust. “Oh, gross!”
  131. Frisk chuckled. “Fortunately for you, not a problem. You barely ever have human food. Heck, you’re probably clean enough to… n-nevermind.” Frisk abandoned that particular line of thought, and struck out for new ground. “The point is, if you wanted to try it… Well, you’ve kind of already prepared.”
  133. Asriel grabbed at his own arms, looking conflicted.
  135. “Tell you what. I’ll go grab something, and then we can just… try stuff out, ok? If you don’t like it, we can stop.”
  137. ***
  139. Asriel rinsed the suds off of his face. Monster soap, specifically for fur, was a lot like shampoo in a bar. He’d made do with just using a bunch of Frisk’s shampoo in the past, the idea of squirting the pearlescent liquid all over his own face lingering uncomfortably in his mind. It was amazing what was bubbling up from the depths of his imagination, now that the floodgates were open.
  141. Frisk returned, looking cold from having to go back out into the bedroom whilst still wet. Asriel added the wet carpet to the mental list of things to tip the cleaning staff for. He was holding another one of his mysterious bottles, this one a different colour. Just how prepared had he been?
  143. “This one is good for shower stuff, doesn’t wash away with water. Here, hold out your hand.”
  145. Asriel did as he was told, watching intently as frisk flipped the cap and squeezed a small amount onto his fingers. Asriel rubbed it, surprised at the slick feeling and how much it spread.
  147. “Huh. I can see how this would help.”
  149. “You can do more than see, if you’d like. If you’re comfortable enough, go ahead and try a finger. It’s probably better that you do it, so you can feel what you’re doing.”
  151. Asriel took a deep, calming breath. It was probably a good idea to be relaxed for this. Trying not to be too conscious of Frisk’s intent observation, he reached down with his lubed hand and gingerly brushed at his own rear. It was hardly the first time he’d touched himself there, but this…
  153. He audibly gasped as he pressed a fingertip against himself, feeling it slip easily past the pucker and inside. He had expected it to hurt, but instead, there was just a wealth of sensations. He leant forward, pushing further inside himself, wiggling the finger around experimentally. Another sharp gasp as he brushed against something sensitive, his cock twitching. Frisk looked pleased.
  155. “That right there? Prostate. It’s every guy’s best friend.”
  157. Asriel panted lightly, pulling the finger back out. “I’ve had that the whole time?”
  159. Frisk did his best to keep smiling. Jesus christ, he wanted to slam Asriel against the shower wall and fuck him in half, right the fuck now.
  161. Patience. Focus. Determination.
  163. “Yeah! You can imagine how it might come in handy if you had something a bit… wider and longer in there. Speaking of, think you could do two fingers?”
  165. Asriel nodded, looking back down and going back to tenatively fingerfucking himself. Frisk couldn’t tear his eyes away, or help the hand that slowly crept back onto his own penis, slowly stroking as he watched. Asriel managed a third finger, making a small noise as it slipped inside.
  167. “Ah! That’s…”
  169. “Just relax, ok? The ache only lasts a few seconds, your muscles get used to it pretty quickly.”
  171. “Oh… Yeah, ok.” He reached a little deeper inside of himself. “Nh! This is… weird.”
  173. “Are you ok?”
  175. “Yeah, but… I dunno. I’m kinda… Fingering myself while you watch. If you’d told me that this would happen a week ago…”
  177. Frisk reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t get hung up on it. Hey, you wanna try the real thing? I’m kind of… well.” Frisk gestured down at his cock, which was desperate for some attention. Asriel looked at it and went, somehow, an even brighter shade of red.
  179. “I… Uh… I-I guess?”
  181. Yesssss.
  183. “Alright. Turn around, you might wanna rest against the wall. Tell me if it hurts, ok?” Frisk guided Asriel around, pressing him up against the wall, reaching up and snagging the lube off of the shelf and giving himself a generous coating with it. No reason to be conservative now, there was unlikely to be a better time than the present.
  185. Asriel squirmed up against the wall nervously, looking over his shoulder. Frisk looked… Extremely determined. He was fiddling with himself, and Asriel felt Frisk’s skin against his back. Frisk whispered in his ear.
  187. “Deep breath, ok? Relax.”
  189. Asriel tried to do both of these things and failed miserably. Instead, he jumped a little as something wet and hot pressed against his most sensitive spot, meeting a moment of resistance before the tip slowly slid inside of him. Asriel shivered, letting a small, high gasp free before he clamped his mouth shut. He was going to do his best to keep a lid on any girly noises or bleats. He felt like he owed himself that much.
  191. Any further consideration was immediately discarded as Frisk, having waited a moment to let Asriel adjust, began to slide himself fully inside. Asriel gave a shocked bleat as he was stretched, the cock pressing against virgin muscles and nerves. It ached, but also, it was amazing, a sense of fullness he hadn’t ever experienced before.
  193. Frisk wrapped one arm around Asriel, holding him up just in case he lost his footing in the shower. He was squirming like no tomorrow, arched back against him, making all manner of cute noises as Frisk managed to push that last few centimeters home, feeling navel against fur and responding in kind, pressing Asriel up against the wall with his chest.
  195. “A-ah~! Frisk!”
  197. Frisk curled around his neck, poking his nose in close. “Let me know if you want me to stop. Or, you could bleat if you want me to go harder.”
  199. Asriel groaned. “Y-you… asshole.”
  201. “Mmhmm.”
  203. Frisk pulled back, and Asriel took a deep, shuddering breath, the sensation of being empty both a relief and a disappointment. When Frisk thrust back inside, Asriel bit down on his lip, only giving a strained whimper. The second time, Frisk thrust a little higher, grazing that same spot again, and Asriel bleated, cursing himself internally as each of the steadily harder thrusts pushed him up against the wall, his own cock sliding against warm wet tiles and his own belly.
  205. He was incredibly tight. Every time Frisk pushed inside of him, he squirmed and pushed back, all of Asriel’s hesitation replaced by lust and fervor. Frisk wasn’t going to waste this chance, although it was nice that Asriel was enjoying the experience.
  207. After so much waiting, Frisk wasn’t going to take long.
  209. Asriel spluttered, attempting to talk in between thrusts. “Ah! F-Frisk! It, it feels, I f-feel- Ah!”
  211. Frisk slipped his other hand around Asriel’s front, holding him close and in place with a fist full of belly fur in one hand, and he gripped Asriel’s dick with the other. He gave it a firm squeeze and was rewarded with a shudder and a soft moan, Asriel leaning back against him and panting lewdly. Frisk held his hand steady, pushing and pulling with his body against Asriel’s, causing the boss monster to slip against his hand and pleasure himself as he was getting fucked.
  213. The pressure inside of Asriel was already building to a fever pitch, but Frisk’s touch propelled it to new heights. It was intense, way more intense than Asriel was expecting, almost to the point where it was painful but stopping just short, his orgasm coming as a long slow build instead of the more familiar burst of his own private explorations. The boss monster whimpered, his breath catching in his throat as he painted the wall a creamy off-white, his pants becoming steadily more intense as Frisk totally ignored his attempts to pull away, instead redoubling his efforts and attention to Asriel’s increasingly over-sensitive cock, each press against his insides extending the crescendo well beyond his normal limits. Asriel felt something hot spurt inside of him, another sensation the the chaos, and then Frisk finally stopped, leaving him panting against the wall, legs shaking, tongue hanging out as he desperately tried to draw breath. Frisk’s belly and chest were nice against his back, the pressure inside of him fading as Frisk pulled out, being replaced with a warm, dull feeling of well massaged muscles and some kind of lewd dripping.
  215. “Hh… Az… Y-you get… really tight when you cum, you know that?” Frisk managed, and Asriel was pleased to note that he was finally a little flustered.
  217. “I… I guess, I know for next time. I can see why you were… hah, so enthusiastic about bottoming last night.”
  219. “Well… I had a few reasons. I wanted you, but I also wanted… Uh, you, if you know what I mean.” Frisk slipped a hand around Asriel’s front and grabbed his cock again, making him jump. “I’d be lying if I said I haven’t ever looked at this monster and wondered.”
  221. “H-ah! God, I’ve never been so sensitive in my entire life. Be careful with that, sheesh.”
  223. Frisk sighed. “Well… It would be a shame if we wasted any more time in here, as much fun as it is to make you squirm and bleat. Wouldn’t want pancakes to go to waste, would we?”
  225. “I… guess not.” Asriel tried not to sound disappointed. Despite his protests, squirming in Frisk’s grip beyond the threshold of sensitivity had been kind of… fun.
  227. “I mean, if you wanna keep your strength up for round two, you have to eat, right?”
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