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Dev Code

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Sep 25th, 2018
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  1. == Developer Code ==
  2. One must be playing with computers from a young age if he wants to fulfill developer code. He needs to have experienced as many technologies as he could get his hands on during his life, and the sooner he will practice the better he will be in harmony with the principles of programming.
  3. Because they cultivate their talents from a playful nature, developers tends to lack discipline and need to constantly cultivate their inner world in order to feel good to work hours on cutting edge technologies even when tired. They must avoid online internet communities where they can waste a lot of their time.
  4. Money usually come by itself to the fierce developer on long term, he may study, but he may also contribute to open projects or distribute his own, which could get him a good job. It is a rare privilege to have a profession where you can sell software by yourself on the internet, and it can generate a lot of money when someone hire you to develop his software.
  5. When you are young, it is good to fail at what is out of your reach repetitively, so you can learn where your reach is and how it does grow from each trial. Patience and dedication must become an habit of a good developers, bugs can be tricky.
  6. Excelling at something requires to make it an obsession, so whether you do something, do it in accordance with the dedication required to follow the way. Never hurry on a decision, sometimes only time can reveal the full set of choices you can make so think it right.
  7. Though planning is an art you need to master to avoid deception, agree on a clear opinion and act right away, greater traits of character are those of being decisive and determined.
  8. Exploring the world for new experiences must be at the core of the modern millennial developer, if he wants to be elite, he must do everything in order to fulfill his duty, and his duty requires him to be a complete human being by going to places, having relationships, interests in opinions, literature, and as well cherished objects.
  9. Books are one of his best tool to grasp an idea of the nature of things around him under the meticulous eyes of the greatest of our peers.
  10. A human being was born from and for his community, and must as a consequence repay with a life full of honor and honesty, having done the maximum to propagate the values he finds right and elevate his peers, must it be by constraining dangerous elements to his will.
  11. Because most important of all, one must be determined and have courage if he wants to stand for the compassion life involves.
  12. One model he must have in order to understand why people fight, is the group approach, groups are collections of individuals who identify as peers, they will always try to defends their privilege and ask for more respect, that is the nature of man. One may say that he stands for his values, and he may in fact stands for his peers and will not defend an enemy if one is not rightfully attacked by one of his own in the eyes of his displayed human values.
  13. This is because groups get emotional and clash by building mountains of ideas where it always exists contexts within which they are facing paradoxes and thus cannot set their minds in harmony.
  14. People who display low traits of character, such as hypocrisy, lie, and offense for the sake of small matter, must be regarded as collectively stupid, they might not be efficient in an environment where they need to collaborate with peers, and they deserve to be pitied for they are poor of spirit in regards of what they fight for and will always get to be at lower ranks. Real dangerous people won't fight over small matters.
  15. It is true that people don't display their internal wold to their close peers, and displaying too many ideas that are not linked to any relevant matter in a conversation is perceived as tiring.
  16. While discretion and modesty is required over any commitment to the way, pushing your peers to be in the right is essential, and knowing how to bring a conversation to a hurtful or uncomfortable matter without disturbing your peer's feelings must be mastered, especially when you make the person discover your point herself through a delicate story telling.
  17. In general, when having conversation, make it all about your peers, don't talk about yourself too much unless your conversation partner looks like he doesn't relate to you enough to talk. Try to ask about the last word he says, or engage in a debate on a matter of help.
  18. Suffering is a thing you must find a way to be happy with, because you suffer for what you want, and what you want must be good for you on the long run. If you are suffering about one person not returning your love, it is good to recognize that this feeling is selfishness, and that on the long run loving someone is needed as opposed to loving this particular person, whom you could find every trait in others.
  19. Also everything will come to an end, and you must not be bitter about something from the past, as it is part of a master-plan which always brings change and equilibrium. If things were or are not right and you're living in accordance to the way, life will bring equilibrium and chances are high than things won't be worst in the future.
  20. Moment is the currency of life, life is a succession of moments of different value according to what one is looking for. Speculating over the value of moments is the greatest sport of man, one cannot and won't neglect his time.
  21. Living better moments implies contemplating our environment and relating to our past and our culture to make sense and value of it.
  22. Words and emotions are closely related, each person having its own routing and habits, some words can trigger feelings, but feeling can also liberate high quantities of energy in the part of the brain handling language.
  23. High feelings implies complex language elements with a possible distortion of definitions and collected stimulus. They are dangerous because they can push one to build and throw claims that does not necessarily originates from a coherent picture but rather are product of feelings not directly related to the problem. Thus one should always welcome and recognize an obsessive though as a claim for something he needs to find clear answers for.
  24. Finding clear answers is not an easy thing, but it can be done by accepting to relate on approximate concepts, that might explain why depressive people are looking for details and happy people rather look at the big picture when being tested.
  25. When speculating on a moment or idea that is not right now, one must recognize that once he made his choice he must wait either to take profit or to stop losses. There is nothing else to do than getting one mind off the matter until a related signal emerges.
  26. The path we choose forces us to draw our attention off anything recurrent that don't have a significant meaning to our true matters.
  27. One must regard obsessive worrying as a highly-speculative product of his ideas, because it is when no answers can be found that we build language. So one will anticipate blurred and unlikely facts by having listened to his worries, and at the same time will dismiss any internal debate by stating which moment could validate or invalidate the claim. If you are dedicated to the way, you will grow a representation of how you produce flawed language from emotional validation, and how the scheduling of your attention over different matters tells who you are and what you really feel. "Being ourselves" becomes "constantly drawing our attention to our beloved duties". One could state than everything is not a duty in life, but it really is when you are acting responsible over all matters.
  28. Al through they may live lonely life, developers may be made of a different kind and enjoy spending lonely moments, they must love themselves and find through their peaceful life beauty to contemplate.
  29. One who will follow the way will probably encounter cryptocurrencies, while it is a good investment, one can loose it all over one panic and greed in margin, and offense quants by sharing overly simplistic automated trading software in their once small community of foreign exchange professionals.
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