
Fluffy Speech

Jul 15th, 2012
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  1. Neurologic Function:
  3. Speech:
  4. Scientists and Neurologic specialists made painstaking efforts into giving Fluffy Ponies the ability to formulate and comprehend basic speech patterns. In early trials, bio engineers tried to develop a rudimentary speech pattern based on the parrot’s use of the medio-rostral neostriatum to mimic human speech. However the Fluffy ponies had trouble forming distinguishable words, making guttural grunts and huffs which led to the conclusion that a refinement of the upper airway would also be necessary along with further development of the brain. This being the case, Efforts were made to duplicate or in the least case, forge an area similar to Broca’s area, the part of the human brain that articulates speech and verb association in the temporal region, and the Wirnickes area, responsible for noun association.
  6. Speech development in early age
  7. Development of vocabulary in foals is not, contrary to popular belief, pre-programmed. It is instead a direct result of the well known talkative nature of Fluffy Ponies. Laboratory tests concluded that exposure to verbal stimulation within the first 15-30 days of birth is paramount to the mental development of the foal. Early on, it was realized that the most well-rounded fluffies were those “taught” by their mothers. To ensure this, scientists looked for a way to stimulate the frontal lobe of a Fluffy Mare’s brain after giving birth which they hoped would cause for a more verbal Fluffy.
  9. At first, bioengineering teams looked towards synthesizing a controlled and temporary form of a well known human condition, Tourettes, in an attempt to elicit a more verbal behavior pattern. However, the results were less than stellar when overstimulation of the basal ganglia, caused irreversible tics as well as other involuntary motor afflictions. In some severe cases, fluffies would even suffer from ischemia which were often followed by Cerebro-Vascular Accidents (Stroke) within 12-24 hours following the initial Transient Ischemic Attack.
  11. After realizing that forced stimulation was not the route to take, team members realized a much simpler solution could be devised. They decided to link the act of nursing foals to the release of dopamine, and other neurosteroids in the body which would elevate the mother’s mood, and stimulating the speech centers of the brain.
  13. The syntax, elocution and execution of speech is at best, permanently abecedarian with Fluffies. If compared to humans, Most average adult Fluffy Ponies have the language comprehension of a early adolescent human age 3-4. Fluffy ponies tend to avoid long words with more than 3 syllables and will often use one word to describe a multitude of situations or feelings. Sentence structure is also very limited and often grammatically incorrect as fluffy ponies only possess the cognitive ability to get only the basic understanding of their thoughts across to the listener. On top of that, they also only deal in absolutes due to their difficulty in understanding subtle cues in social behavior.
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