

Jul 11th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. "
  2. and gives them a hug.;
  3. but falls on their face.;
  4. but trips on a rug.;
  5. and gives them a hug.;
  6. but sprains their ankle on the way.;
  7. but has a coughing fit.;
  8. but pulls a muscle in the process.;
  9. but decides they are tired and goes to take a nap.;
  10. but questions their sanity and changes their mind.;
  11. but walks away to reflect on their life choices instead.;
  12. but remembers social distancing and stays 6ft away.;
  13. but considers that maybe they haven’t showered so backs away slowly.;
  14. but realizes how dangerous that is so they walk away carefully.;
  15. but sees they have a deadly weapon and says not today.;
  16. but forgot the stove was left on so rushes off to the kitchen instead.;
  17. but is suddenly thirsty and instead immediately goes to find a drink.;
  18. but is hit with artistic inspiration and runs off to make a new masterpiece.;
  19. but is interrupted by an important phone call they must take.;
  20. but realize that life is all a dream and what even is reality.;
  21. but slips into an alternate dimension instead.;
  22. but are interrupted by a lich who would like to borrow your soul.;
  23. but are distracted by cute pictures of corgis.;
  24. but step into a ritual circle and can only pray for the best.;
  25. but a bolt of lightning strikes the ground between you both, so maybe not.;
  26. but trips over a dead body, so maybe they need some time to sort things out.;
  27. but that rug was a mimic and now your leg is a tasty snack.;
  28. but they randomly turn invisible and can't be found.;
  29. but they rolled a Nat 1 and end up hugging the wall.;
  30. but stepped on a crack and broke their mother's back.;
  31. but is turned to stone when they see Medusa.;
  32. but find a pot of gold and decide to go on a shopping spree.;
  33. but find a pot of gold and decide to be responsible and go put it in their savings for a rainy day.;
  34. but are interrupted by a group of individuals jumping on them yelling, 'Protect the President!'.;
  35. but are distracted by a cute bunny, and it's the cutest thing they've ever seen.;
  36. but are hit by a sudden attack of the hiccups.;
  37. but are ambushed by ninjas and dragged away.;
  38. but find themselves suddenly being told to roll for initiative.;
  39. but hear the familiar sound of the drums from Jumanji and decide to brace themselves.;
  40. but failed a Charisma throw and find themselves banished to another plane of existence.;
  41. but are suddenly attacked by a goblin riding on the back of a pig.;
  42. but are approached by a potion seller saying that his potions are too strong for them.;
  43. but are caught off guard by Shia LaBeouf. Wait! He isn't dead, it's a Shia surprise!;
  44. but a rabid animal rushes out and chases them.;
  45. but are distracted by a glowing fungus that blasts out a cloud of toxic spores in response to sound.;
  46. but it turns out they are a mimic. Roll for initiative.;
  47. but are blinded by the rapid growth of their own eyelashes and can't find them.;
  48. but the ground shakes and the earth erupts forth gushing spilling across the floor.;
  49. but hear a quiet voice that slowly gets louder until you can make out the words. 'Never gunna give you up, never gunna let you down...';
  50. but Law threw down the hammer and is yelling like the big baby he is, so maybe later.;
  51. "
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