
Fluffy Dash and Fluffyshy: Chapter 5 [Hugboxfag Mode]

Jul 10th, 2012
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  1. >he crouches down in front of you two
  2. >”Now, make sure you don’t tell your daddy I was here, alright?”
  3. >you’re confused
  4. >”Buh you daddeh fwend! He wan know!”
  5. >Dave shakes his head
  6. >”No, no. He really wouldn’t. Only a bad fluffy would tell him I was here.”
  7. >the words bad fluffy sting your heart
  8. >tears form in your eyes as you start to cry
  9. >you’re not a bad fluffy!
  10. >you have to make sure not to tell daddy
  11. >or else you’ll be bad forever
  12. >he’ll stop giving you spaghetti
  13. >he’ll hate you
  14. >he just might even make you sleep forever
  15. >you shudder and sob, but gradually you calm down
  16. >Dave pets your back, and this soothes you further
  17. >”You’re a good fluffy. But you’d better want to keep it that way, or else.”
  18. >you know what else
  19. >”O-otay, Daii.”
  20. >he smiles
  21. >”There ya go. Same goes for you, Dash.”
  22. >she looks angry, but she understands
  23. >the man shouts from outside
  24. >”Hey, hurry the fuck up! We don’t have all day!”
  25. >Dave hurries out the door
  26. >”Bye, now. Remember, I was never here.”
  27. >he closes the door behind him, and just like that, he’s gone
  28. >you and Dash turn to each other at the same time
  29. >you know what you’re gonna do
  30. >go upstairs and play with some blocks, that’s what
  32. >you come home from work, yet again
  33. >as is customary, you head on upstairs
  34. >the two fluffies are playing together
  35. >after some “Hewwo, daddeh!”s and some hugs you hear downstairs with a fluffy under each arm
  36. >you let the two outside and play with them a bit
  37. >after that, you take them into the forest to, erm, “do their business”
  38. >you begin to wonder if potty training a fluffy pony would be a viable option
  39. >maybe you’ll write a little story on that some day
  41. >following a brief cleaning, the three of you head inside
  42. >it’s 5:30, meaning of course that it’s time for “Spaghetti Land", the duo’s favorite show
  43. >really, it’s not even a show, just the same little thirty minute advert for some theme park, everyday at this time
  44. >fluffy ponies are far too easy to entertain
  45. >anyways, you bring them into the living room and sit down on the couch
  46. >you grab the remote and turn on the TV
  47. >…where’s the TV?
  49. >you spout a few cusses and run up to your bedroom
  50. >sure enough, your laptop, consoles, and games are missing
  51. >”Oh fucking, what the…why in the fuck…”
  52. >you’ve been robbed
  53. >it quickly begins to sink in as you pound your fist into the wall
  54. >however, in your fit of blind rage, you remember something
  55. >both fluffies were home today
  56. >maybe they saw who it was
  57. >you rush down the stairs to see them both shaking and hugging each other
  58. >you must’ve been a lot louder than you thought
  59. >this is no time for apologies, though
  60. >you take a breath and begin
  61. >”Okay, someone broke in. Who was it?”
  62. >the two of them look at you, confused
  63. >”There was somebody else who wasn’t daddy in the house today. Who?”
  64. >the two of them think hard
  65. >Fluffyshy’s obviously distressed, but Dash is trying to just sort out her thoughts
  66. >”Fluffyshy. Who was in the house today that wasn’t me?”
  67. >”Um…uh…”
  68. >you’ve seen this before, back when she “hurt the ball”
  69. >her fluffy mind is trying to dodge the question
  70. >”…Dasii and Fwuffysii…?”
  71. >you glare at her and grit your teeth
  72. >”I’m not in the mood for jokes right now! Who else was in the house?”
  73. >she shrinks a little bit, and tears have already started matting her fluff
  74. >as soon as you’re about to apologize, Dash pipes up
  75. >”Daii! Was Daii!”
  76. >Fluffyshy gasps and runs over to Dash
  77. >”Dasii, nuu! Daii say yuu be bad fwuffy! No wan Dasii sweep fuhevah!”
  78. >she’s starting to scare Dash, so you step in
  79. >”Who’s Day?”
  80. >she’s a bit more hesitant to answer now, but she does anyway
  81. >”Owd daddeh.”
  82. >”Wait, you mean Dave? The farm guy?”
  83. >she nods and Fluffyshy crys some more
  84. >”Daii say Dasii an’ Fwuffysii bad fwuffy foh tewwin’! Pwease no hewt! Wuv daddeh!”
  85. >fuck yeah, you know who it is
  86. >”Hey, it’s alright. I’d never hurt you. Either of you. You’re very good fluffies for telling me.”
  87. >they both smile up at you
  88. >”W-weawwy?”
  89. >”Yes, wea-I mean, really. You know what we’ll have tonight?”
  90. >they both begin to cheer in unison
  91. >”Sketties!”
  92. >damn right, they deserve it
  93. >you call the police, and Dave is arrested
  94. >the two fluffies are brought in to testify in court
  95. >it’s unnecessary, but just for shits and giggle you make them wear little ties
  96. >they plead their case, and Dave confesses to the theft, and also rats out his accomplice
  97. >you didn’t even know there was a second guy
  98. >either way, justice is served
  99. >fluffy ponies make the best security cameras
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