
Hoof Sugar Murk GreenFarm Summer 2014

Jan 14th, 2015
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  1. 6[20:58] * GreenHoof smiles, about to respond about how this sort of makes them family as well, seeing as Golden and Hoof had informally adopted each other as brothers months ago. However, as he opens his mouth, he hears another knock on his door. With a creak of his bones, he stands up again, heading into the main room and calling back to Sugar. "I'll get it. Probably Tide back from his thing." He says as he turns the door's knob with a bald hoof, opening the door. Seeing Mercury, he blinks in slight surprise, not having expected the white stallion to come visit him. 'Probably came lookin' for Sugar...' he thinks to himself. Giving a slight smile, he steps aside, inviting him in. "Mercury? Er... Hey, come on in. Lookin' for Sugar, I'm guessin'?" he says with his hospitible southern accent.
  2. 06[21:04] * Mercury always liked to hear the stallion's accent, it sounded relaxing, like a west country farmers but more murrican sounding. He trots through the door, giving the pony a smile, the stallion only slightly taller than himself, which made him feel a lot more comfortable, manlets unite. "Heya Hoof, yeah just looking for Sug as usual hah, How is the fur growing by the way? It is
  3. 06[21:04] * Mercury growing back right...?" he wheels around and looks the stallion over some more. "The changeling stuff isnt permanant I hope?" He grows a bit frightened OOC, hearing masses of tacka from Sugar and fearing her wall.
  4. 06[21:04] * Sugarcoat can't resist following after the pony, feeling a sense of pity for the other pony due to his interesting condition, but not wishing to offend him only peeks her head out from the kitchen. If it was Tide, well... That wouldn't have been the end of the world, though it was nice to just speak with Hoof himself; and there was more she wished to say. Looking at the door
  5. 03[21:04] * Sugarcoat intently, but unable to see much from her vantage point, she waits patiently for the visitor to either announce themselves or for Hoof to mention who it was. She was surprised that Mercury would be one to visit, especially if he followed her here to do so.. Poor Hoof, to have a visitor that was probably after her. Walking quietly up to her green-bald friend, she looks over his
  6. 06[21:04] * Sugarcoat shoulder to look at Mercury as well. "Oh, ah, hey there.. Come to pay a visit~?" Looking up at him from her little vantage point, she hope he gets the point to not be awfully blunt with her friend who was so prone to depression.
  7. [21:05] <12Mercury> [sson of a bitch, i was waiting so long and i thought you would be typin longer :<]
  8. 06[21:10] * GreenHoof closes the door as the slightly-shorter stallion walks in, surprised that there's finally a stallion about his height, catching himself staring a bit as he walks past. Turning around, he puts on a weak smile, not letting the fact that he wasn't here to visit him bother him. It's not like he knew the other stallion much anyway (though they both happened to know one mare particularly well~). "Welp, she's right here, heh. Just been catchin' up on the past few days. And yeah, it's growin' back. Slowly but surely."
  9. 06[21:12] * Sugarcoat gives a pleasant wave and a smile to the pony, kind of inviting him to step inside, "Yup.. You wanna come and talk with us a while, Mercury? I mean, I told you before, but Hoof here's one of the ponies I'd always trust.. Been meaning to introduce you two properly, heh, insteada just while he was bedridden in the clinic."
  10. 06[21:12] * Mercury waves across to Sugar with a grin. "Heya sweet stuff." he giggles at his pun, snrk snrk Sugar is sweet. The stallion doesnt go and nuzzle her like usual, noticing how she usually ended up shying away from him, upsetting but kinda logical he guessed, he was rather intimidating after all. "Thanks for talking with me yesterday by the way, I had some other stuff I need your
  11. 06[21:12] * Mercury advice on sorry." he sheepishly rubs a hoof over the back of his neck, hoping the mare is comfortable with him dumping his issues on her. "Oh and Hoof! I need to talk to you later concerning weaponry. So dont go anywhere k?"
  12. 06[21:16] * Sugarcoat sticks her tongue out at the silly nickname, standing next to the stallionlet she knew best of all to prevent nuzzling and hugs, "Hey hey, it's no problem~ That's what friends are for, as I said. And stop thanking me! I mean it, hehe." The talk of weaponry actually did catch her interest, and though she hadn't quite wanted to visit Hoof today to talk to him about crossbow
  13. 06[21:16] * Sugarcoat practice, it couldn't hurt to broach the subject with him now. "Reminds me too, Hoof, I'd love to get some crossbow practice with you sometime, too. Nothing urgent though, so let's, heh, settle in some?"
  14. 06[21:22] * GreenHoof blushes in embarassment at Sugar's commendment of him, smiling warmly. He goes back to business at Mercury's request, however, soon addressing both mares (hue) on the subject as his pink friend shows interest. "Oh, uh, yeah sure. Dunno if I can help much with blades, but I might be able to give some tips on the crossbow. But Sugar's right, heh, no need to rush. Got all the time in the world."
  15. 03[21:30] * Mercury smiles to the partially green stallion. "Yeah crossbows! Thats what I wanted advice on, I need to learn you know, cant deal with melee ehh." he balks at the thought of blood before looking back at Sugar. The stallion wondered for a second, he barely knew Hoof, but Sugar seemed to trust him, so the stallion didnt mind his presense. "So uh... I guess I'll stop thanking you
  16. 06[21:30] * Mercury heh, maybe." he smiles at her warmly.
  17. 06[21:35] * Sugarcoat grins back as she chuckles under her breath, giving a good hearted shake of her head to the white coated pony. "I'll be holding you to that, then," she adds with a wink, taking a few steps back into the parlor of the room. "Shall we sit for a time? Plenty of light still out, by the looks of it, if you wanted to give a little demo later, or something, Hoof..." Waiting for
  18. 06[21:35] * Sugarcoat the pony to take the lead in the conversation, and hoping she wasn't offending him by offering him a place in, she just stands still. "Could maybe enjoy the summer air and talk by the river or something if we need a change of pace~"
  19. 06[21:36] * GreenHoof shrugs and starts heading back towards the kitchen, gesturing for the mare and trapstallion to follow. "Well, I can sure to my best to show you what I know. I ain't an expert, though I know what you mean about melee. Was never my strong suit." Leading them into the kitchen, he goes back to the kitchen table and sits down, gesturing towards the other chairs if the other two wanted to sit. "Y'all should kick back and relax. Can I get you two anything? Beer? Water? Snack? Or we could go take a walk along the river. Don't matter to me."
  20. 3[21:40] * Sugarcoat follows him into the kitchen, resting her forehooves on the table for balance without sinking down into a chair. "Sounds good to me," she agrees with a nod to Mercury, "Hey~ It's your place, just figured we could use some fun after, well, you know." Smiling at the green pony, she wonders if she was being too pushy, or too forward; but she truly did just want him to enjoy
  21. 06[21:40] * Sugarcoat some time together. "Wouldn't say no to a beer, though, whatever we do, hehe."
  22. 06[21:42] * Mercury shakes his head at the offer of alcohol and stuff. "Nah I'm good, I ate and drank before I came out, and I dont want to get fat eh. Though I am curious about how your beer tastes... didnt know we made any here." the pony snrks again and looks to the two. "Huh? you both want to go to the river? well I guess, what I wanted to talk about doesnt really depend on location heh."
  23. 06[21:42] * Mercury the stallion looks back to Sugar. "So yeah I guess I'll wait until we are out there heh."
  24. 06[21:50] * GreenHoof nods once and reaches into his 'cooler', pulling out two bottles of beer and placing them in front of the other ponies, smirking to Mercury. "Well, you can try one at least if you're curious, eh? Don't have to finish it." He looks to Sugar. "I'll let you decide, heh. Just as content stayin' here or walkin'." He casts a curious glance to Mercury again. "Oh... y'all needed to talk about somethin' in private..."
  25. 06[21:56] * Sugarcoat gives her best pony friend a bright smile, her gold eyes lit up with appreciation as she takes a bottle in hoof, popping the top off of the bottle and scenting it; the warm smell of hops and wheaty goodness making her salivate slightly. She would wait to properly sip at it though, of course, "I can attest~ His stuff is some of the best, I think the pub and inn have contracts
  26. 06[21:56] * Sugarcoat with you, if the rumors I've heard are right?" She tilts her head, not exactly anticipating an answer to her question. "But yeah, let's get some fresh air then! Must be stifling to wear that cloak around with how hot it's been, even indoors too. We can talk together, all friends here, hmm..?"
  27. [22:01] <12Mercury> "The pub imports most things, the inn imports everything sooo..." he shrugs, mocing to take the bottle, now much more adept with hooves than last month. "And I dont mind, heh, maybe I need a males perspective on this since well... Sug and I both have women's brains and you dont heh." the stallion chuckles slightly, tasting some of the alcohol and wondering if he likes it, leaving
  28. [22:01] <12Mercury> the descision to kek.
  29. [22:01] <12Mercury> !roll d20 affinity for Hoof's beer.
  30. [22:01] <14GameServ> 1 == 1
  31. [22:02] <12Mercury> [oh shit...]
  32. 01[22:02] <14GreenHoof> [woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow]
  33. 01[22:02] <14GreenHoof> [nuuuuu roll with a +5 modifier cause it's with fresh ingredients!]
  34. 06[22:04] * Mercury spits the beer out of his mouth, the foul taste washinf across his senses and making his nose flare up in disgust, dropping the bottle to the ground as it tips over and spills the contents ont he floor. "Eeeuuuugggghhhh!" he blehs, frowning intensely, before growing embarrassed at his rudeness. "S-sorry... I-I g-guess this new tongue is uh... not good with alcohol..."
  35. 06[22:11] * GreenHoof smiles at Sugar and nods as Mercury starts to take a sip. "Yep. I get fifty percent of the profit from the pub and the Inn-..." he's cut off at Mercury's reaction to the taste and he rears back a bit, blinking in surprise at the suddenness. His ears fold back, but he chuckles. "Aw... I'm sorry. Eh... Maybe it's not for everyone. I'm always tryin' to perfect it." He gets up, coughing a bit, and goes over to a drawer and fetching a towel in his mouth. Going over to Mercury, he drops the towel on the floor and moving it around with his hoof to dry up the mess after picking up the bottle. Finishing up, he picks the towel back up and brings it over to his chair, placing it next to the table. "...Wait..." he says, changing the subject, "What'd'you mean you both have woman's brains?" He says curiously, looking back up with a smirk and pulling at the neck of his cloak. "Y'all were both girls?" he says timidly.
  36. 03[22:16] * Mary_ONette[sweaty] ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  37. 06[22:16] * Sugarcoat gives Mercury a pat on the back, hoping to help him if he was choking, and gives Hoof a sympathetic look as he cleans up. "Aw, well, plentya other ponies around town like the craft well enough, heh. You alright there, Mercury?" She asks while she runs a hoof across his back once more, the action meant to soothe; a little trick she had picked up from dealing the Goldie's
  38. 06[22:16] * Sugarcoat foals for so long. Satisfied her friend wasn't choking, she steps back a little, so she wouldn't be overcrowding her delicate little stallion friend. "Oh, yep.. I was a girl before, still am now. I kind of thought, for a while, everyone kept their original genders, but heh. Sorted that out fast enough."
  39. 06[22:20] * Mercury nods up and down, his own ears back like a chastised dog, he didnt want to offend the stallion. "I'm f-fine... yeah fine, s-sorry..." the stallion smiles sheepishly, surprised at the contact a bit from his friend. "And yeah, I was a girl too, kind of a shock to be shoved in this body I must admit. You males have some odd... thought patterns." the stallion leaves it at
  40. 06[22:20] * Mercury that, not wanting to tell of how hard it was not to just stare at Sugar's butt and drool sometimes. At least she wasnt smelling nice like all the other mares, fucking estrus i swer.
  41. 6[22:26] * GreenHoof tilts his head, blinking in surprise. He pretty much assumed most mares in Four Cannon used to be guys, considering the website they all congregated on, but at this rate, looks like many here used to be female back on Earth. He :/ faces in sympathy to Mercury, half from his hard time with the beer, and half from knowing he used to be a girl. He always wondered how the gender-swapped ponies dealt with the inevitable existential crisis. He remembered when he woke up in that Canterlot park and shortly after seeing the reactions of many former humans to their situations. Some seemed to be barely functioning due to the shock of gender change along with species. Some others didn't seem to care, and others still seemed to love it. Images in his head of the train ride over to Four Cannon - seeing a stange doctor pony (who later turned out to be Hospik) trying to give exams while surrounded by various mares and stallions in an orgy, surprised at how some of these people who had been male less than a couple of hours ago were now happily being railed as mares. Internally he thanked whatever force that sent him here that he got to keep his gender before snapping out from his inner thoughts, turning Mercury's words over in his head. "Hm... I reckon. I wouldn't know though since I was a guy back on earth too..."
  42. [22:30] <12Mercury> [That freaking train orgy]
  43. 01[22:31] <14GreenHoof> [hue]
  44. 06[22:32] * Sugarcoat wonders how Mercury was adapting to being a stallion; their little incident at the spa, and from what happened between he and Aurora certainly gave her all the certainty she needed to know the pony was getting used to his new body in all the ways which would have been unknown to him. Thank goodness that no ponies around seemed to deal with the whole transgender business,
  45. 06[22:32] * Sugarcoat she probably would get really confused if Mercury still wanted to be called a girl or anything like that. Shaking her tail a little bit, she smiles to the two, "Hehe, it never crossed my mind that you might've been a girl before, Hoof. Mercury though, yup, he even looks a little bit girly as a pony still. I don't think I'd have minded if I ended up as a stallion, really, but I
  46. 06[22:32] * Sugarcoat would've been mistaken for a colt or something if I stayed so small." She chuckles to herself, better to be mistaken on and off for a filly than that; and truth be told, she didn't really mind being so small, either, if it meant others would dote on her to compensate. "Say~ What was it you wanted our opinions on, Merc?"
  47. 06[22:41] * Mercury relaxes back slightly, recovering from the beer and wiping his foreleg on his mouth to clear off the taste blehblebleh. "Well uh..." he pausees, unsure of how to put it, not wanting to say too many things at once. "So... I guess you know by now what happened between Rory and I right...?" he looks at the pink mare. "So we have kinda been sleeping together since, but I told
  48. 06[22:41] * Mercury her at the beginning that I wasnt looking for romance yet... And then this new mare comes along... remember Hazel?" the stallion took her to the spa, and wonders if Sugar remembers. "A few nights back we kinda got into an... awkward situation... you know what I mean..." He carries on talking before they can respond. "So my issue is that I dont know what I'm doing any more, I have
  49. 03[22:41] * Mercury two mares sleeping in the same bed as me, trying to keep both platonic... and... ugh... this stupid male brain, no offense Hoof." the stallion is rather surprised at his own willingness to speak with the green pony present.
  50. 06[22:44] * Mercury shakes his head. "Jeez... sorry to dump my lovelife on you all, but bleeeh im so confused..."
  51. 06[22:50] * GreenHoof 's ears fold back as Aurora is mentioned, unable to hide an embarassed blush as he tries to keep his expression neutral. Shit... Does mercury know I slept with her? Would he be mad?... Must not be if he knows... he then figures the other stallion probably doesn't care either way with the way he talks about the situation, and he gives the former-woman a soft smile and nod when she says 'no offense,' having not had all that many mares wanting him in that way, though the stallion wasn't much for polygamous relationships even if a pang of envy did shoot through him.
  52. 06[22:51] * Sugarcoat gives a huge internal sigh of relief as she was thankful she didn't end up watch Aurora cheat on Hoof that ~fateful~ night, "So, basically, you're just, hrm, friends with benefits to both of them? Have they been trying to push for something more?" The mare frowns slightly, she wasn't really the biggest fan of polygamy; but it would be pretty hyprocritical for her to condemn
  53. 06[22:51] * Sugarcoat Mercury for having some casual sex on the side when she, more or less, was guilty of the same thing. "I don't mind listening, heh, but I'm a bit at odds here. Are you happy with the current situation? Are they, erm, happy with sharing? Because, that's what I'd be worried about most... Hurting one and you might end up losing both if the message isn't perfectly clear you don't
  54. 06[22:51] * Sugarcoat want anything more. But if the three of you are already all sleeping together.." She blushes, trailing off as she loses her train of thought to briefly imagine the lewdness that her friend (who, while not quite her type with that white coat, wasn't that bad on the eyes.. maybe a bit too short.) could get up to.
  55. 06[22:51] * GreenHoof looks to Sugar, glad that it'd be more appropriate for her to give advice in this situation. As he normally prefers to do, he listens to her answer.
  56. 03[22:53] * Aurora is now known as Aurora[Sleep]
  57. [22:59] <12Mercury> "I told Aurora at the beginning that I wasnt looking for romance... but then I'm not sure it really sank in, and she was really upset when I slept with Hazel... Asked me if she wasnt enough for me..." the pony sighs heavily. "I had to tell her yes, she wasnt, Its still too soon to get into a romantic relationship for me... And after that we went back to what we were doing, she
  58. [22:59] <12Mercury> still wanted to sleep with me and everything, I'm just worried." the white pony looks back to Sugar, remembering the situation they themselves almost got in, the shorter mare was very pretty he had to admit, but he feared what sex could have done to their relationship. "I cant say I'm not happy... hell, I can get off practicaly every night, this is a male's dream. But I know Rora
  59. [22:59] <12Mercury> probably wants more, and I'll be honest when I say I can never tell what Hazel wants... She is rather emotionallty... unavailable, as it were, though she has definately warmed up to me..."
  60. 6[23:04] * Sugarcoat gives him a nod as his words slink in, a thoughtful expression crossing her dainty features. Her ears flicker against her mane, she never really was the best of ponies to talk so plainly about lewd with, but after months of living with Weiss she was as prepared as she was going to get to be able to speak of it plainly. "Well... You said your piece with them, but I don't
  61. 06[23:04] * Sugarcoat think it could hurt to repeat the message; I think they could be pretty easily mislead, and well, it's estrus season again.. Emotions always do seem to fly highest, so, they might be a little -- volatile. Maybe you should ask them clearly, or have an actual discussion together, since they're, ah, both your 'partners' for the time being."
  62. 02[23:10] * EyeSpy (~kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
  63. 06[23:10] * Mercury dips his head a bit. "I just never wanted to hurt anyone... I didnt want to get into anything serious because I dont think I'm emotionally ready for it yet, and I'd just hurt people... But then this male brain decided it would be fantastic if I would suddenly lose control around mares in heat... I was originally just going to be platonic with both, and now I'm desperately
  64. 06[23:10] * Mercury trying to claw to that ehhh..." the stallion is clearly flustered, before he looks to Sugar. "Its estrus right now... and either I've built up a resistance, or you have found a cure it seems, otherwise my body would want me to jump you... ruin another friendship..." he grumbles and lays on the ground all mopey like.
  65. 06[23:13] * GreenHoof slinks back a little, his big green fluffy ears well suited for his propensity to listen rather than talk. But the stallion can't help but feel a out of place, even in his own home. Here he was with (pretty much) two girls talking about sex drama. The stallion wasn't very active himself, and he was far from having mares interested in him in that way. Swallowing, he slowly sits back down on his haunches, scratching under the cloak at some stubble growing back. A slight feeling of dissapointment and maybe even envy passes through the stallion, noiselessly sighing through his nose. He didn't feel like he belonged. He felt a little guilty, having these two trusting him enough to talk about something so personal that he'll probably never have to go through, but something in the pony's mind made him wish his biggest trouble in life was dealing with too many mares that wanted to have sex with him. He could certainly identify with the issue of dealing with mares in heat, having lived with Hesi for the better part of a year before she left, and the effects of estrus on the little stallion were relatively muted from being around it so much, despite the fact that he still had his biological urges like anyone else.
  66. 06[23:17] * Sugarcoat loses the will to textwall somewhat, and so yay dialogue times. "There's nothing wrong with not wanting to get into something deep, dear, especially when relationships have a propensity for being so short lived... Plus, I'm really not a pony to ask if it's a stability question, I.. Ehh.. I have my own problems, always have, with getting involved with others.. There's not
  67. 06[23:17] * Sugarcoat really a cure for going into, well, heat, just.. Things that work in the shortterm. Able said that getting smashed drunk would work just about as well, but Aurora has a job to do, so that's one thing tossed out. And hey, your friendships aren't ruined! Aurora always talks of you like a friend when I see her around, heh..."
  68. 06[23:18] * Sugarcoat gives Hoof a sidelong look, "What do you think of all this? I mean, you're a stallion too... And I think you're a better judge of situations like this than I am."
  69. 06[23:25] * GreenHoof shrugs, speaking quietly. "I'm... I don't have much experience in this either. Ain't got all that many mares into me, heh," he says with a sheepish, forced smile, "I'm probably not the best to give advice on this. Was never good with relationships myself, I guess. But... the honesty and communication is the most important with any relationship, so really all you can do is talk to 'em about it and tell 'em how you feel, and make sure they know where you stand."
  70. 06[23:31] * Mercury sighs. "I guess you are right... Hazel shouldnt be a problem, but I'm afraid I might upset Aurora if I confront her again about this... The last thing I want her to do is go out of her way to do nice things for me to prove she has feelings, or flirt around and try and make me feel jealous... I just want to be friends." he looks down and away from the other two, his typing
  71. 06[23:31] * Mercury ability fading rapidly. "I wouldnt mind still sleeping with them though...£
  72. [23:35] <13Sugarcoat> "Well, just think at how upset she'll be if she keeps believing that there's something more to your, ah, relationship than there is. It really does seem to me that the longer you let her believe that, if she does think it'll be something romantic, then the worse the blowup will be after once it does come to light." Her muzzle scrunches a bit at the latter half of the statement;
  73. [23:35] <13Sugarcoat> if Aurora had.. Slept with Hoof, and she was nearly certain that was what happened, could it have been an act motivated by jealousy..? The other mare had seemed sober, enough, if her memories weren't failing her.. Some of that night was already a blacked out daze to her. "So.. Yeah. If they're your friends, they owe it to you to hear you out, and for you to be honest with them.
  74. [23:35] <13Sugarcoat> Make sure you're all on the same page and all."
  75. 06[23:40] * GreenHoof 's forced smile immediately fades as the trapstallion mentions that she'd been trying to make him jealous. Was Aurora just using me to get back at Mercury? Did she do it to make him jealous? His ears fold back as the stallion's mind decides that that must be the case. She didn't want him. She just used him. And why should he be surprised? The stallion never considered himself very likeable, and despite the fact that he considered Sugarcoat his friend and trusted her, he wasn't stupid enough to see that most of her interest in him was just cause she felt sorry for him. He also remembers that the pink mare was almost certainly sexually, if not romantically, involved with High Tide, and couldn't help but feel a bit more alone from the fact that no one felt like telling him. It seemed like all his friends were pairing (or more than a pair, in Merc's case) off and happily sleeping with each other and having relationships. The bald earth pony tenses up a little, suddenly wishing he could just... dissapear. But he couldn't. He ignores Mercury's last sentence, knowing what it's like to have those urges, even if he was dejected by the situation and maybe a little jealous. His posture visibly slouched, he forces a nod in agreement with Sugarcoat.
  76. 6[23:47] * Mercury sighs once more, looking to the two ponies. "I guess thats what I should do then... Thanks guys, it really means a lot that you listen to me, usually there were only two or three people back on earth who even gave a shit about what I said or tried to help, and I knew them a lot longer than a month so... thanks... for caring." the white pony has a sort of sad smile on his
  77. 06[23:47] * Mercury face. "I cant help but think that getting into romantic relationships in this town is probably a bad idea in general... but I'm probably projecting. Just..." he pauses and shrugs, chuckling a bit in the back of his throat. "Friendship is magic yo." he says all gangsta like.
  78. 06[23:52] * Sugarcoat smiles genuinely to Mercury, "Glad to help you, dear. This isn't quite Earth, but, well, maybe being out here kinda forces friendships to crop up just to keep on keepin' on, you know?" She shifts her weight from hoof to hoof, lowering her glance to the table; "We-ell.. There's still some happy couples around, Golden and Weiss, Al and Weather.. In the end we're all just
  79. 06[23:52] * Sugarcoat people, you know? But hey, we'll have your back~" Giving a nod to Hoof to include him in the gesture of friendship, hoping the stallion would feel emotionally closer to her white coated friend after all of this. Both ponies, in her eyes, needed more friends; and she felt she fit the role terribly.
  80. 03[23:54] * Strong_Metal ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  81. 06[23:56] * GreenHoof gives a weak, half hearted chuckle to the fellow manlet's last comment, looking up and giving a tired nod. "No problem. Surprised you trust me after just meetin' me. It'll all work out in the end. I know it seems fucked up now but..." he swallows and lowers his voice slightly, speaking quietly, deliberately, and carefully, "Sometimes... Relationship troubles aren't the worst thing to deal with." He says uncharacteristically, and unintentionally, ominously.
  82. 03[23:57] * Dreamcatcher (~Dreamcatc@2606:6000:e5c1:f901:11d:28c8:2bfa:6238) has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  83. Session Time: Fri Jul 04 00:00:00 2014
  84. [00:02] <12Mercury> "Thanks Sugar, you are right I guess..." she chuckles a bit at Hoof. "Oh sweetie, if Sugar here trusts you then you must be a pretty special horse." he grins to the two. "Also yeah I certainly have more troubles than just relationships heh, gotta get all kitted out for the pathfinders. I'll need to learn how to use a crossbow, Quick always said keeping at range and always able to
  85. [00:02] <12Mercury> run away was the best plan for expeditions."
  86. 03[00:03] * Mary_ONette ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  87. 02[00:03] * Mary_ONette[sweaty] ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  88. 06[00:09] * Sugarcoat looks between the two, her face neutral from the shift in conversation, but she could appreciate Hoof's honesty here. They had spoken enough, at length, of the problems which plagued the two; relationships certainly did seem to be on the backburner, but due to the immediate reactivity of being in such a small town, and everypony knowing everypony else, it was surprisingly
  89. 06[00:09] * Sugarcoat easy to get caught up in interpersonal dramas as opposed to any kind of trouble. Though, if she had to guess, her friend might find it better than the advice he was being asked for tended to be on the more lighthearted side of things since his release. "Mm-hmm.. I do trust Hoof here with my life.. And, eh, yeah, you and your adventurer-to-be job.." She shakes her head a little,
  90. 06[00:09] * Sugarcoat her arguments earlier were definitely not convincing enough to affect his naive enthusiasm -- not that she could really blame him all too much. "We-ell, I talked your ear off about that earlier, heh."
  91. 06[00:10] * GreenHoof nods. "Quick's right. That's by far the best tactic if you're gonna be goin' on missions." He says, not bothering to try to dissuade the stallion from going on adventures. He remembered when he was just starting out, he was the same way. It made him a little sad, but a little refreshed at the white stallion's enthusiasm. The green pony didn't really believe in a god or gods, but he did say a little prayer, to whatever might exist, or just reality itself, for the dainty looking stallion to be safe. Studying the stallion's appearance, he was pretty relieved he'd be going for ranged combat. He was short and pretty thin. Hoof was pretty short himself, but at least he was relatively stocky.
  92. 03[00:13] * Mary_ONette is now known as Mary_ONette[Sleeptime]
  93. 06[00:19] * Mercury moves closer to nuzzle her, buuut then decides against it, remembering her aversion to physical contact. "I'm really thankful for that by the way Sugar, helping make me less excitable you know haha. Gotta keep it in perspective and remember the dangers." the stallion thinks forward to what could possibly happen on the pathfinder expeditions, wondering what will be the
  94. 06[00:19] * Mercury worst thing that will happen.
  95. [00:19] <12Mercury> [fuck my ability to wall is gone]
  96. [00:19] <12Mercury> [/me gets ADD when tired]
  97. 06[00:22] * Sugarcoat leans in just enough to brush a comforting hoof across his back, the touch barely registering before she took her hoof off of him. "Ech~ And then your excitement caught to me in in exchange," she adds with a little chuckle, but the mare wuould definitely do some serious soul searching later to find the answers she sought with regards to joining. "I.. Well.. You'll be
  98. 06[00:22] * Sugarcoat careful, that's the best you can do. Bitta preparation for it all can't go wrong, though, no matter what happens."
  99. 06[00:26] * Mercury nods to Sugar. "Yeah I noticed hah, are you suuure you dont want to come with me and be my expedition buddy? We could have aaall kinds of fun together that you definately wouldnt have stuck in the spaaa~" the pony giggles a bit.
  100. 06[00:27] * GreenHoof smirks and nods. "I'll help y'all best I can. I'm no expert in adventurin' or any of that, but I can definitely help you out, and teach you on the crossbow." He looks to Sugar and nudges her. "And... you know I'd never let anything happen to you." He says with a soft smirk.
  101. 3[00:31] * Sugarcoat swivels her ears towards her green friend, nudging him in return. "Yup~ You'd save my hide if I ever got in trouble, hehe.. Might have to fight Golden for that spot though of getting to me first." Rubbing a hoof against her cheek, she half-smiles, the excited light to her eyes dimming. "I don't know if it would be real fun; I'm tempted, to get out, and see the world...
  102. 06[00:31] * Sugarcoat I'm not interested, really, in combat, but I guess the two go hand in hand for these parts. To think cartoon magical pony land would end up being so, well, brutal.. It's a shame."
  103. 03[00:33] * [1]Alten_Stahl (~Alten_Sta@ has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  104. 06[00:34] * GreenHoof 's ears fold back and he looks down at the floor with his bright green eyes with a nod, partly in agreement to how much of a shame the situation is, and partly in silent dissaproval of Sugar's wish to adventure.
  105. 02[00:35] * Alten_Stahl (~Alten_Sta@ Quit (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
  106. 03[00:35] * [1]Alten_Stahl is now known as Alten_Stahl
  107. [00:37] <12Mercury> "Daww you two, you remind me of my best friend and her twin bother, always looked out for each other and were adorable together hehe." the stallion gushes slightly as he watches them. "And Goldie and Hoof would both have to fight me as well~ heh." the stallion swivels his ears and raises a brow. "You know that not every expedition is gonna be dangerous right? Quick said only a
  108. [00:37] <12Mercury> couple of the adventures she went on were really dangerous."
  109. 02[00:37] * Dreamcatcher (~Dreamcatc@2606:6000:e5c1:f901:11d:28c8:2bfa:6238) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  110. 03[00:39] * Dreamcatcher (~Dreamcatc@2606:6000:e5c1:f901:598f:cfd4:c5dd:90c4) has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  111. 06[00:41] * Sugarcoat crinkles the corners of her eyes in a warm expression, giving another one of her cryptic smiles before catching up on Hoof's mood; she could guess one of the many reasons he wouldn't want to hear about her going off. "That sounds cute.. Well, Hoof's not quite my brother, but he's my best friend, heh. I know that they aren't all like that, but just having the risk of having
  112. 06[00:41] * Sugarcoat something go wrong, well, it's sobering to think about."
  113. 06[00:41] * GreenHoof hesitates to respond, trying to come up with the exact words. He speaks quietly again. "Sometimes..." he says, "...Things can go wrong even on the safest of expeditions." Although typically his speech manner is somewhat lighthearted and straight forward, the tone and inflection of his voice hints to a cryptic reference to various past events that the stallion had participated in and witnessed. The look in his eyes suggest that images of such experiences play through his mind even now, making it appear as if he were staring right through the floor.
  114. 03[00:46] * Dusksleep ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  115. [00:50] <12Mercury> [back]
  116. 06[00:56] * Mercury shrugs and sighs. "I guess no reward without risk eh. I just dont think there is much for me in this town... Though I guess if all else fails I'll just get a deskjob in townhall like one of my friends..." the pony seems convinced about his view, looking to the others.
  117. [00:57] <12Mercury> [Bleh sorry guys, gonna have to call it off today...]
  118. 01[00:57] <14GreenHoof> [no worries. Sleep well]
  119. 02[01:29] * Alten_Stahl (~Alten_Sta@ Quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- In tests, 0x09 out of 0x0A l33t h4x0rz prefer it :))
  120. 03[01:34] * Quick ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  121. 03[01:35] * Al_Dente|2 ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  122. 03[01:35] * Quick is now known as Merc
  123. 02[01:37] * Al_Dente ( Quit (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
  124. 02[01:37] * Mercury ( Quit (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
  125. 03[01:37] * Merc is now known as Mercury
  126. 03[01:38] * Al_Dente|2 is now known as Al_Dente
  127. 03[01:47] * Weathervane is now known as Weathervane[Sleep]
  128. 06[01:55] * Sugarcoat slides over to where Hoof was seated, giving her friend a tight hug as her hooves squeeze around his cloaked body, figuring the gesture would help stir him from his thoughts; because she had few words that could come to mind, to help ease him off the fact he had lost so many threads. Bob, Phoenix.. And she was certain there were other tragedies that she wasn't aware of,
  129. 06[01:55] * Sugarcoat but hadn't pried into his past to find out. Turning her head to regard Mercury while still gently holding Hoof, letting the embrace end. The trio talk idly for a few more minutes, but it seemed the only unicorn of the group had something to do. The two earthies continue to chatter, finding they had a mutual errand in going to the library!
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