

Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. command /unei <text> <text=true>:
  2. permission: skript.admin
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 2 is "true":
  5. set {%arg 1%.op} to true
  6. message "<green>[OP]%arg 1%に運営の権限を付与しました"
  7. if arg 2 is "false":
  8. set {%arg 1%.op} to false
  9. message "<green>[OP]%arg 1%から運営の権限を剥奪しました"
  10. if arg 2 is "all":
  11. set {%arg 1%.op} to true
  12. console command "op %arg 1%"
  13. message "<green>[OP]%arg 1%に全権限を付与しました"
  15. command /name <text>:
  16. trigger:
  17. if {%player%.op} is true:
  18. if arg 1 is "unei":
  19. set player's tab list name to "&a運営 %player%"
  20. if arg 1 is "player":
  21. set player's tab list name to "%player%"
  22. if arg 1 is "sabakan":
  23. set player's tab list name to "&9鯖主 %player%"
  24. else:
  25. message "<green>[NAMETAG]<red>[ERROR]あなたはこのコマンドを実行する権限がありません"
  27. command /set <text>:
  28. trigger:
  29. if {%player%.op} is true:
  30. if arg 1 is "spawn":
  31. set {admin.spawn} to location of player
  32. if arg 1 is "aoda":
  33. set {aokaku.da} to location of player
  34. set {toumei.%player%} to false
  35. if arg 1 is "hansei":
  36. set {hansei} to location of player
  37. else:
  38. message "<green>[SET]<red>[ERROR]あなたはこのコマンドを実行する権限がありません"
  40. command /mute <player> <text=true>:
  41. trigger:
  42. if {%player%.op} is true:
  43. if arg 2 is "true":
  44. set {%arg 1%.mute} to true
  45. message "<green>[MUTE]%arg 1%のミュートを有効にしました"
  46. if arg 2 is "false":
  47. set {%arg 1%.mute} to false
  48. message "<green>[MUTE]%arg 1%のミュートを解除しました"
  49. else:
  50. message "<green>[MUTE]<red>[ERROR]あなたはこのコマンドを実行する権限がありません"
  52. on chat:
  53. {%player%.mute} is true
  54. cancel event
  55. message "<green>[MUTE]<red>[ERROR]あなたはチャットをする権限がありません"
  57. on explode:
  58. cancel event
  60. on craft:
  61. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  62. cancel event
  64. on burn:
  65. cancel event
  67. on ignite:
  68. cancel event
  70. on spread:
  71. cancel event
  73. on block physics:
  74. block is sand
  75. cancel event
  77. on block physics:
  78. block is gravel
  79. cancel event
  81. on block physics:
  82. block is anvil
  83. cancel event
  85. on join:
  86. message "ようこそ"
  87. broadcast "<green>【接続】%player%さんがサーバーに接続しました"
  88. teleport player to {spawn.join}
  89. teleport player to {home.%player%}
  92. on quit:
  93. broadcast "<green>【切断】%player%さんがサーバーから切断しました"
  94. message "ありがとうございました"
  96. every 5 minutes:
  97. broadcast "<yellow><bold>このサーバーが面白ければ/prvoteで投票していただけるとありがたいです。"
  98. broadcast "&d&lディスコードリンク : &b &d&l是非入ってください"
  100. #--=--=--=--#--=--=--=--#
  101. #Skript - AntiSwear
  102. #By: CelestialSatyr
  103. #--=--=--=--#--=--=--=--#
  104. #You are NOT allowed to:
  105. #- Edit this skript
  106. #- Resell this skript / send it to other people.
  107. #--=--=--=--#--=--=--=--#
  108. #Some useful tips:
  109. # - Want to change your prefix that the messages have? Look at line: 16
  110. # - Want to add more swear words? simply add: or "your word" to line: 22 (<!> Don't forget to add your word to line: 32 <!>)
  111. # - Want to change the amount of warnings it takes before someone gets banned? Look at line: 27 (and replace the '5' with another number)
  112. # - Want to change the command that gets executed when someone has 5 warnings? Look at line: 28 (and replace: 'tempban %player% 1' with your command.)
  114. options:
  115. ban: &6[&3Anti&9Swear&6]
  117. variables:
  118. {warning} = 0
  120. on chat:
  121. if message is "fuck" or "shit" or "bitch" or "nigga":
  122. add 1 to {swearing.%player%}
  123. message "Please don't swear, thank you."
  125. on chat:
  126. if {swearing.%player%} is 5:
  127. execute console command "tempban %player% 1"
  128. set {swearing.%player%} to 0
  129. stop
  130. on chat:
  131. replace all "fuck", "shit", "nigga" and "bitch" with "****" in the message
  133. command check [<offline player>]:
  134. permission: SkriptAntiswear.check
  135. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to check the amount of swears from another player.
  136. trigger:
  137. if {swearing.%arg-1%} is 0:
  138. message "&9%arg-1% &3have no warnings."
  139. stop
  140. if arg-1 is not set:
  141. message "&3You have &9%{swearing.%player%}% &3warnings."
  142. stop
  143. if arg-1 is set:
  144. message "&3The player: &9%arg-1%, &3have &9%{swearing.%arg-1%}% &3warnings."
  145. stop
  147. command resetwarnings [<offline player>]:
  148. aliases: rw
  149. permission: SkriptAntiswear.reset
  150. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to reset warnings.
  151. trigger:
  152. if {swearing.%arg-1%} is 0:
  153. message "&9%arg-1% &3have no warnings."
  154. stop
  155. if arg-1 is not set:
  156. set {swearing.%player%} to 0
  157. message "&3Your &9Warnings &3have been reseted."
  158. stop
  159. if arg-1 is set:
  160. set {swearing.%arg-1%} to 0
  161. message "&3You have reseted &9%arg-1%&3's warnings."
  162. stop
  164. command tempban [<offline player>] [<number>]:
  165. permission: SkriptAntiswear.tempban
  166. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to tempban someone.
  167. trigger:
  168. if {ban.%arg-1%} is higher than 0:
  169. message "&9%arg-1% &3is already banned"
  170. stop
  171. if arg 1 is not set:
  172. message "&3/ban &9<player> &3<days>"
  173. if arg 1 is set:
  174. set {ban.%arg 1%} to number-argument
  175. broadcast "&9%arg 1% &3was banned by &9%player%"
  176. kick arg-1 due to "{@ban} &cYou have been banned."
  178. every 1 day in "world":
  179. loop all players:
  180. if {ban.%loop-player%} is more than 0:
  181. remove 1 from {ban.%loop-player%}
  182. else:
  183. delete {ban.%loop-player%}
  185. on connect:
  186. if {ban.%player%} is more than 0:
  187. kick player due to "{@ban} &cYou are banned!"
  189. command unban [<offline player>]:
  190. permission: SkriptAntiSwear.unban
  191. permission message: &cYou don't have permission to unban someone.
  192. trigger:
  193. if arg 1 is not set:
  194. message "&3/unban &9<player>"
  195. if arg 1 is set:
  197. options:
  198. prefix: &f&l[&6&lArtheriaProtect&f&l]&3&l->&8Tento prikaz neni pro tebe pristupny.
  200. command /pl:
  201. trigger:
  202. message "{@prefix}"
  204. command /plugins:
  205. trigger:
  206. message "{@prefix}"
  208. command /about:
  209. trigger:
  210. message "{@prefix}"
  212. command /version:
  213. trigger:
  214. message "{@prefix}"
  216. command /?:
  217. trigger:
  218. message "{@prefix}"
  220. command /bukkit:?:
  221. trigger:
  222. message "{@prefix}"
  224. command /help:
  225. trigger:
  226. message "{@prefix}"
  228. command /bukkit:pl:
  229. trigger:
  230. message "{@prefix}"
  232. command /bukkit:plugins:
  233. trigger:
  234. message "{@prefix}"
  236. command /bukkit:ver:
  237. trigger:
  238. message "{@prefix}"
  240. command /ver:
  241. trigger:
  242. message "{@prefix}"
  244. command /bukkit:help:
  245. trigger:
  246. message "{@prefix}"
  248. command /cwarn <player> <text>:
  249. permission: skript.cwarn
  250. trigger:
  251. if {warn.%arg 1%} is larger than or equal to 1:
  252. add -1 to {warn.%arg 1%}
  253. broadcast "&a%player%さんが%arg 1%さんのことを%arg 2%の理由により警告スコアを1減らしました!"
  254. if {warn.%arg 1%} is 0:
  255. message "&cこれ以上減らすことはできません。"
  257. command /warn <player> <text>:
  258. permission: skript.warn
  259. trigger:
  260. add 1 to {warn.%arg 1%}
  261. if arg 1 and arg 2 is set:
  262. broadcast "&c%arg 1%さんが&4%arg 2%&Cの理由により警告されました。"
  263. if {warn.%arg 1%} is 3:
  264. execute console command "/ban %arg 1% 警告回数が三回に達したためBAN"
  266. command /warns <player>:
  267. permission: skript.warns
  268. trigger:
  269. message "&e%arg 1%&bの警告スコアは&e%{warn.%arg 1%}%&bです。"
  271. command /frz <player>:
  272. description: Toggle for the freezing.
  273. usage: /frz <player>
  274. permission: skript.icess
  275. trigger:
  276. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% minecraft:resistance 10000 10 true"
  277. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% minecraft:blindness 10000 10 true"
  278. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% minecraft:slowness 10000 200 true"
  279. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% minecraft:jump_boost 10000 200 true"
  280. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% minecraft:mining_fatigue 10000 10 true"
  282. command /unfrz <player>:
  283. description: Toggle for the freezing.
  284. usage: /unfrz <player>
  285. permission: skript.icess
  286. trigger:
  287. execute console command "/effect %arg-1% clear"
  289. command /commandblock:
  290. permission:skript.commandblocks
  291. permission message: &c実行する権限を持っていません。
  292. aliases: /c, /cmd, /command
  293. trigger:
  294. execute console command "/give @p minecraft:command_block 1"
  295. stop
  297. command /clearchat:
  298. permission: chat.clear
  299. trigger:
  300. loop 100 times:
  301. broadcast " "
  302. broadcast "&c[&bO&3ChatManager&c]&aChatは&d%player%によって&c&l削除&f&aされました"
  304. command /fakeop [<offline player>]:
  305. permission: skript.fakeop
  306. description: enjoy that!
  307. trigger:
  308. if arg 1 is not set:
  309. send " "
  310. send " Test Skript By ASDGamerHd14"
  311. send "usage: /fakeop [playername]"
  312. send " "
  313. if arg 1 is set:
  314. broadcast "&7&o[%player%: Opped %arg 1%]"
  316. options:
  317. setwarpperm: warp.set
  318. delwarpperm: warp.delete
  319. noperm: &cNo Permissions!
  320. p: &c[&6WARP&c]
  322. command /setwarp [<text>]:
  323. permission: {@setwarpperm}
  324. permission message: {@noperm}
  325. trigger:
  326. if arg 1 is not set:
  327. send "{@p} &cPlease use &6/setwarp [Warp Name] &cto set a warp to your current location!"
  328. if arg 1 is set:
  329. set {warpssize::*} to size of {warps::*}
  330. if {warpssize::*} is less than 54:
  331. if {warp.%arg 1%} is not set:
  332. add arg 1 to {warps::*}
  333. set {warp.%arg%} to player's location
  334. send "{@p} &cYou have set the warp &6%arg 1% &cto &6%player's location%"
  335. else:
  336. set {warp.%arg%} to player's location
  337. send "{@p} &cYou have set the warp &6%arg 1% &cto &6%player's location%"
  338. else:
  339. send "{@p} &4You have reached the max amount of warps!"
  341. command /warp [<text>]:
  342. trigger:
  343. if arg 1 is not set:
  344. execute player command "/warps"
  345. if arg 1 is set:
  346. if {warp.%arg%} is set:
  347. teleport player to {warp.%arg%}
  348. send "{@p} &cYou have warped to &6%arg 1%"
  349. else:
  350. send "{@p} &4That warp doesn't exist!"
  352. command /delwarp [<text>]:
  353. permission: {@delwarpperm}
  354. trigger:
  355. if arg 1 is not set:
  356. send "{@p} &cPlease use &6/delwarp [Warp Name] &cto delete a warp!"
  357. if arg 1 is set:
  358. if {warp.%arg%} is set:
  359. remove arg 1 from {warps::*}
  360. delete {warp.%arg%}
  361. send "{@p} &cYou deleted warp &6%arg 1%"
  362. else:
  363. send "{@p} &4That warp doesn't exist!"
  365. command /warps:
  366. trigger:
  367. set {warpssize::*} to size of {warps::*}
  368. if {warpssize::*} is greater than 0:
  369. open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lWarp Menu" to player
  370. wait 2 ticks
  371. set {_list} to 0
  372. loop {warps::*}:
  373. format slot {_list} of player with 160:4 named "&c%loop-value%" with lore "&7Click me to warp to &c%loop-value%" to close then run [execute player command "/warp %loop-value%"]
  374. add 1 to {_list}
  375. else:
  376. send "{@p} &4Their are no warps!"
  379. # __________________________________________________________
  380. # / / / /\ \
  381. # \_\___________________________________________________\_\/ /
  382. # / / _____ __ __ / /
  383. # / / / ____\ / / /_/ /\ / /
  384. # / / / /__ / /___ ___ __ ______ __/ /_ / /
  385. # / / \___ \ / __/ / __\ / / / __ //_ __/ / /
  386. # / / ____/ / / /\ \ / / / / / /_/ / / / / /
  387. # / / \_____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / ____/ /_/ / /__
  388. # / / ========================== / / ========== / / \ \
  389. # | | /_/ | | | |
  390. # \_\_________________________________________________\_\_/_/
  393. # CommandSpy By Yopon
  394. # Discord :
  395. # YouTube :
  396. # Twitter :
  399. options:
  400. enabledmsg: &a CommandSpy が有効になりました。
  401. disablemsg: &a CommandSpy が無効になりました。
  402. permission: admins.cmdspy
  403. prefix: &6[&dCmdSpy&6]&a
  404. cmdspy: &6&l%player%&f: &e/%full command%
  406. command /cmdspy:
  407. aliases: commandspy
  408. trigger:
  409. if player has permission "{@permission}":
  410. if {cmdspy::%player%} is not set:
  411. set {cmdspy::%player%} to true
  412. send "{@prefix} {@enabledmsg}"
  413. else:
  414. delete {cmdspy::%player%}
  415. send "{@prefix} {@disablemsg}"
  417. on command:
  418. player is online
  419. loop all players:
  420. {cmdspy::%loop-player%} is true
  421. if player is op:
  422. send "{@prefix} {@cmdspy}" to loop-player
  423. else:
  424. send "{@prefix} {@cmdspy}" to loop-player
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