
RingMaster 05

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. <RingMaster> "Ladies and gentleman, We are having a renwal of this show on this dimension"
  2. <TheQuietAuthor> Must have forgotten the Alarm or some-
  3. <NNin> "Oh, um."
  4. <TheQuietAuthor> ...oh my
  5.  TheQuietAuthor starts running in the opposite direction
  6. * TheQuietAuthor is now known as Faconner
  7. * Faconner is now known as ChineseMaid
  8. <RingMaster> "And by popular demand the return of a cute champion....The petal!"
  9. <RingMaster> "Petal Lang to be exact"
  10. <RingMaster> "But first turn your attention to the left arena where the lovely Fey_Witch_Jink is battleling a manticore. I'm sure that's a massacre you'll all want to see"
  11.  Fey_Witch_Jink glares.
  12.  Pucchito eats popcorn
  13. <Fey_Witch_Jink> The Manticore is already as good as dead!
  14. <RingMaster> "And a new competitor, This cute ChineseMaid will be aiding Lang on her quest!"
  15. <ChineseMaid> "What aru?!"
  16. <NNin> RingMaster can't summon Petal for some reasons.....
  17. <NNin> "Maybe she is shopping....."
  18.  RingMaster looks at the manticore. "Seriusly? What now!"
  19. <NNin> (Wait for her 30 minutes)
  20. <ChineseMaid> (Same for mine aru)
  21. <RingMaster> "Fine, Then you die NNin!"
  22. <NNin> :o
  23.  RingMaster opens a portal behind NNin and Fey_Witch_Jink they are now near the ChineseMaid. All of them in the central arena.
  24. <NNin> "This looks bad...."
  25.  Pucchito rode on top her now larger Manticore and watched the fight from afar
  26. <RingMaster> * A woman in black robes arrives at the arena she giggles and walks slowly towards NNin. "Hey there Yummy...."
  27. <Pucchito> (Whoa, NNin's Yummy~ :D)
  28. <NNin> "Hm? Who are you?"
  29. <RingMaster> *The name is not impotant....What is, It's that you are going to become part of me"
  30. <RingMaster> "Now....Open wide for me"
  31. <NNin> "No, I played enough vore game to know where this will go"
  32. <RingMaster> "YOu don't have a choise!"
  33. <RingMaster> *The woman grabs NNin's head and pulls him over her. She opens her mouth wide showing two rows of fangs intead of teeth. She bites NNin
  34. <NNin> "Whatttt!???"
  35.  ChineseMaid jumps in and uses her needles on the creatures back
  36. <ChineseMaid> *throws her needles
  37.  ChineseMaid then jumps in between NNin and the creaturee
  38. * RingMaster is now known as Tatiana
  39.  NNin is bit!
  40. <NNin> (Did she devored me? :o)
  41. <ChineseMaid> (Gah! I thought I saved you aru!)
  42. <NNin> (It's up to Baku too :3)
  43.  Tatiana growls and reels fowards due to the needles. However it' seems that the needles bounce on her cape. She hisses and tries to grab NNin again
  44.  NNin draws out his dual Bastard Swords and swings them... like an drunkard...
  45.  ChineseMaid jumps in and kicks Tatiana in the chest, planting her hands on the ground and giving a snap kick
  46. <ChineseMaid> "You won't stop won't you, aru!"
  47.  Tatiana covers herself with her cape do NNin's attack in surprise to her the Chinese Maid is rather quick and she has no time to cover her stomach. She is forced to be doubles and reels backwards "Arrgh! I have no bussness with other women! You will die servant!"
  48.  Fey_Witch_Jink leaps on Tatiana's back "NONONO!!! Do not do that!!"
  49. <Tatiana> "What the...:Arrgh! Get off me you fool!"
  50.  Fey_Witch_Jink tries to lock my legs around the strange woman... and then HAMMER my fists down on her head. "I am no fool!"
  51. <ChineseMaid> (Umm...Baku?)
  52.  Tatiana grabs Jink's legs and spins aroud. Her cape protect her from the hammering on her head. She smashes Fey_Witch_Jink into the ground. Creating a small crater
  53.  Fey_Witch_Jink squeals and is HAMMERED into the ground. For a short moment I am way too dizzy to move, and when I do, it is mainly to arch my back and gasp for air. I reach out with one arm, as if up there was something I could hold on to. "AAAARRRH!!! My back!"
  54. <ChineseMaid> "Tch..."
  55.  ChineseMaid tries to grab NNin and bring him as safe as possible afar. "...your Petal owes me one aru!"
  56.  Tatiana rushes towards the ChineseMaid. She has become faster. Her eyes glow but her human form is being dissolved. She can no longer seduce NNin but she doesn't care she just wants his blood. She growls
  57. <ChineseMaid> "Aiya!!"
  58. <NNin> "What the....!?"
  59. <NNin> (5 more minutes :s)
  60. <Pucchito> (For what?)
  61. <ChineseMaid> (He is busy aru)
  62. <ChineseMaid> (Maybe I shoudl restart my computer its lagging like bad)
  63. <ChineseMaid> (Can you tell me what I miss later Baku?
  64. <Raden> (That usually helps)
  65. <ChineseMaid> (I hope so)
  66.  Tatiana grabs the ChineseMaid's arms and drags her agaist her will towards the floor. She floats for a second to gain momentum and slam her on the floor
  67. <Tatiana> (Sure)
  68.  ChineseMaid was slammed on the ground mercilessly being the target of the creature. "AHHH!!!"
  69. <ChineseMaid> She is slammed on the ground with the hands on her pinning her down, a small crater underneath the ground. "Too....strong aru..."
  70. <ChineseMaid> (Tell me what happens after this one
  71.  ChineseMaid has quit (Quit: Disconnected. Must be bad internet...)
  72.  Tatiana opens her cloak to reveal her yellow eyes and white teeth. Her face no longer appears human but more like a bat. She tries to bite NNin
  73. * NNin is now known as Petal
  74.  Petal jump kicks Tatiana in the head!
  75. <Tatiana> "Aaaauugh! Where did you came from?!"
  76. <Petal> "Don't know!" Petal Lang speaks after landing! "I was dragged by a mysterious force while...."
  77.  Fey_Witch_Jink slowly tries to get up again. "Ooouuuh" I shake my head and see Petal and Tatiana.... I stumble to my feet. "You little..."
  78.  Petal follows with a thrust kick to the stomach! "Shopping!"
  79.  lasthero ( has joined #ryonani
  80.  Tatiana recives the kick with her cloak. As if she had predicted the attack. She reveals herself from the cloak for a brief second to reveal a claw that slashes Petal's body
  81.  TheQuietAuthor ( has joined #ryonani
  82. * TheQuietAuthor is now known as ChineseMaid
  83. <Petal> The claw swipes barely hit the Chinese fighter as she backflips! It torn some of her cloths!
  84. <ChineseMaid> (What did I miss here aru?)
  85. <Petal> [23:58] * Tatiana opens her cloak to reveal her yellow eyes and white teeth. Her face no longer appears human but more like a bat. She tries to bite NNin
  86. <Petal> [23:59] * Petal jump kicks Tatiana in the head!
  87. <Petal> [00:00] <Tatiana> "Aaaauugh! Where did you came from?!"
  88. <Petal> [00:01] <Petal> "Don't know!" Petal Lang speaks after landing! "I was dragged by a mysterious force while...." Petal follows with a thrust kick to the stomach! "Shopping!"
  89.  Pucchito has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  90. <ChineseMaid> (after almmming me down?)
  91. <Petal> [00:01] * Fey_Witch_Jink slowly tries to get up again. "Ooouuuh" I shake my head and see Petal and Tatiana.... I stumble to my feet. "You little..."
  92. <Petal> Yes
  93. <Petal> [00:04] * Tatiana recives the kick with her cloak. As if she had predicted the attack. She reveals herself from the cloak for a brief second to reveal a claw that slashes Petal's body
  94. <Petal> [00:05] <Petal> The claw swipes barely hit the Chinese fighter as she backflips! It torn some of her cloths! (That's all)
  95. <ChineseMaid> (thank you~)
  96. <Fey_Witch_Jink> /me ducks low. Then I flash forward with a series of VERY quick steps. My hands unleash a colorful flash of energy to distract Tatiana, so I can actually snap a BRUTAL kick into her belly with this inhuman speed.
  97. <Fey_Witch_Jink> ((FAIL!))
  98.  ChineseMaid turned to Petal and grinned. "What took long, aru..."
  99.  Pucchito (Mibbit@ has joined #ryonani
  100. <Petal> "That's gorgeous skirt...."
  101. <Petal> *that
  102. <ChineseMaid> "..."
  103. <ChineseMaid> "...not the right time to talk..." She tried standing up, but stumble a little.
  104.  Tatiana can actualy see Fey_Witch_Jink move. She evades the kick and with a quick move she slashes her back.
  105.  Fey_Witch_Jink shrieks as my uniform gets torn off. I throw my arms up and crash forward in pain
  106. <Fey_Witch_Jink> ((and has to take a break. BBL!))
  107. <Petal> NNin: -helps ChineseMaid get up
  108. <ChineseMaid> (See ya~)
  109.  ChineseMaid was pulled up. "thanks..."
  110.  Tatiana growls and looks at Petal "You have no idea of what you face bodyguard, Protect your own life and leave and I might spare you"
  111. <Petal> (See ya)
  112. <Petal> "And lose my money bag? Sorry, I refuse."
  113. <Tatiana> -(Bye)-
  114. <Tatiana> "Then you'll pay your greed with your life, I have no use foy you"
  115.  Petal draws her pistol with her right hand, and shoot at Tatiana! "I see."
  116.  Pucchito has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  117.  ChineseMaid at the same time threw poisonous needles at Tatiana
  118.  Pucchito (Mibbit@ has joined #ryonani
  119. <Tatiana> *The bullets bounce on her cloak. She stans stills looking at Petal. So did the needles. She just giggles and regains a little part of her human for. Her claws and fangs are still showing tough.
  120.  ChineseMaid snarl a little..
  121. <ChineseMaid> "Looked a little a plan?)
  122.  Petal shoots again at a body part outside the cloak. "Let's see if she is still fleash."
  123. <Petal> *flesh
  124.  ChineseMaid threw some needles, but this time in the face and crotch, hopefully sensitive and soft area
  125.  Tatiana is shoot at leg. Blood came out from it her eyes widen "You are quick to shoot....Let's see how quick you really are...."
  126. <ChineseMaid> The needles if fortunate could hit her in the eyes.
  127.  Tatiana covered herself from the needles with the cloak but this time she catched them. She threw them back at both
  128. <ChineseMaid> "Aiya!" She tried her best dodging as much needles as she can...
  129. <ChineseMaid> (does any needles hit anywhere Baku?)
  130.  Petal jumps aside to dodge! "(So her cloak is what durable....)"
  131. <Tatiana> *The needles were hitted the dirt due to the agility of the two girls and the woman's inexpirience with them. However this game her a chance to grab Petal once she jumped to the side
  132.  ChineseMaid manages to flip backwards.
  133.  Petal is grabbed in her left arm! "!!... Fast!"
  134.  Petal attacks back with a snap kick to the leg of Tatiana, though!
  135. <ChineseMaid> "!!!"
  136.  Tatiana punches Petal on the gut with her claw closed. She punches the bodyguard three times on the gut.
  137. <ChineseMaid> "Petal!"
  138. <Petal> But the kick is interrupted!
  139.  Tatiana realises Petal when she feels the hit on her leg "Rwaaaa!"
  140.  Petal grunts 2 times from each blows! But she manages to block the 3rd punch before Tatiana released.
  141. <Petal> (not release. Just halt)
  142. <Tatiana> (Ok)
  143. <Petal> (I saw realises as release >.>)
  144.  ChineseMaid tried to rush in with a flying heel kick to Tatiana's face.
  145.  Tatiana grabs Petal closer to her and whispers "Chi armor....I know your secret" as she says this she grabs petal by the neck and tightens her grip
  146. <ChineseMaid> (if it is too close to PEtal, then the kick would be in the shoulders...)
  147. * Pucchito is now known as Vier
  148. <Petal> The body blows are heavier than Petal Lang expected, forcing her to pant.... And another neck grab begins to make her lose of air! "...kgnh!"
  149.  Tatiana 's head is uncovered. She laughs as she chokes Petal
  150. <ChineseMaid> ( kick?)
  151.  Vier sat atop a high ledge and watched the fight from afar
  152. <Vier> She took her spear in hand and raised her helmet's visor
  153. <Petal> (Maybe Baku is typing descript :a kick to da head 3)
  154. <Tatiana> (ChineseMaid....YOu can finish her now)
  155. <Fey_Witch_Jink> ((XD))
  156. <Petal> (FINISH HER!!)
  157. <Fey_Witch_Jink> ((YAY!!!))
  158. <Petal> (Press fatality command, but misses and ends up with high kick :s)
  159. <ChineseMaid> (?)
  160. <ChineseMaid> (What do you all mean aru?)
  161. <Tatiana> (Her head is revelaed and you have poison needles)
  162. <ChineseMaid> (ahh...
  163. <Petal> (Maybe the maid can perform a deadly move after the kick.)
  164.  ChineseMaid kicked Tatiana in the shoulder making her stagger back
  165.  Tatiana stumbles foward but doesn't leaves Petal's neck.
  166. <Petal> "....argh..."
  167.  ChineseMaid then flipped back to the ground and jumps onto Tatiana's shoulder, pressing her crotch onto Tatiana's face.
  168. <ChineseMaid> "HIYAAA!!!"
  169. <Tatiana> "What the...Aaah....Aaaauuuhh...."
  170.  Tatiana let's go of Petal as she once again preprase herself to slam the ChineseMaid to the floor as she did to Jink
  171. <ChineseMaid> The smell of the slightly sweaty panty might have stunned and shock Tatiana for a while...but that is not all yet!
  172.  Petal takes some steps back and gasps for air... "...Cough!"
  173.  ChineseMaid pulled out two paralysis needles, and stabbed them on the back of the creature's neck with both of her hands hard.
  174. <Tatiana> "Aaaaarghh!"
  175.  Tatiana 's hand go limb and her face is completly human. She can barely keep up with the ChineseMaid "Uuuh....Uuuh...Noo....Not now...."
  176.  ChineseMaid then grinned at Tatiana
  177.  ChineseMaid twists her hips to one side to weaken her and damage her neck before jumping off of her. "PETAL! Your Revenge Aru!"
  178.  Tatiana stumbles and falls to the floor twitching. The vemon goes trough her veins fast.
  179. <ChineseMaid> (Wait....its only paralysis)
  180. <Tatiana> "D-Damn you.....This is not over"
  181.  Petal tries to aim and shoots!
  182.  Tatiana tries to get up. In fact it looks like she is making it.
  183. <Petal> 3 times in Tatiana's face!
  184. <ChineseMaid> (I was hoping for her to remain standing maybe her neck at the wrong direction, then for Petal to do a finisher...)
  185. <ChineseMaid> (Aww....just gun shots? Not as impressive, aru...)
  186.  Tatiana 's head is penetrated. She falls to the floor death.
  187. <Vier> (It's realistic, ze...)
  188. <Petal> (lol But she's somewhat weak to do stunning motion now and a few steps away.)
  189.  Petal is panting. She still aims at the body, just in case....
  190. <Tatiana> (Time for breakfast n.n)
  191. <ChineseMaid> (Yeah...I was hoping for a cool looking killing finisher from far I only see them kill with Guns...not swords or martial arts as of yet)
  192. <Tatiana> (See ya in a bit
  193. * Tatiana is now known as Baku|Eating
  194. <ChineseMaid> (See ya~)
  195. <Petal> (Maybe :s Most of the time they failed to kill without a gun.)
  196. <Petal> (With unknown reason >.>)
  197. <Petal> (But I think she slashed some zako back then.)
  198. <ChineseMaid> (Ahh...)
  199. <ChineseMaid> (Maybe I should give you missions too...)
  200. <ChineseMaid> (I wouldn't mind seeing them using their seduction, intellegence gathering and assassination tactics to their fullest~)
  201. <Petal> (Maybe, I can't go in full scale RP lately, but feel free to ask :D)
  202. <ChineseMaid> (Ahh...)
  203. <ChineseMaid> (Just poke at me whenever you wish)
  204. <ChineseMaid> (Maybe...which day you feel free that I can try to drop in more)
  205. <Petal> (=b)
  206. * Vier is now known as Acht
  207.  Bryanthunder_ ( has joined #ryonani
  208.  Bryanthunder has quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  209. <ChineseMaid> "...are you ok, aru?"
  210.  ChineseMaid was panting and facing Petal
  211.  Petal nods.... she recovers almost all from the sudden attacks.
  212.  ChineseMaid walks over and put her hand on Petal's shoulder.
  213. <Petal> "Luckily her flesh is normal compare to the strength..."
  214. <ChineseMaid> " you need a cure or medical assistance?"
  215.  ChineseMaid looked at the dead creature. "...that is true aru..."
  216.  ChineseMaid starts walking over the creature and starts cutting bits of flesh and materials as samples...
  217. <Petal> "Thanks, but I will be alright."
  218.  Petal controls her breathing to normal
  219.  ChineseMaid held a knife high before plunging it in, splattering some blood in her unifrom...."Too bad I didn't bring my electric saw..." She muttered to herself..
  220.  lasthero has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  221. * Baku|Eating is now known as RingMaster
  222. <RingMaster> "Well done! Congratulations to our two lovely contestants!"
  223. <RingMaster> "I've said they won themselves a price"
  224.  ChineseMaid stood up from the creature. Her face got a blood splatter, as she wiped her bloodied hands on her apron.
  225. <RingMaster> "However...."
  226. <RingMaster> "Jink must stay here...She didn't complete the challengue"
  227. <ChineseMaid> "..."
  228. <Petal> (She's breking after all lol)
  229. <ChineseMaid> "...who are you?"
  230. <RingMaster> "Just a silly clown, Don't worry"
  231.  ChineseMaid starts to walk next to Petal, and being defensive...
  232. <Petal> "More like an annoying clown...."
  233. <RingMaster> "That's just what I am....You will return here...."
  234. <RingMaster> "The rules have change a little..."
  235. <ChineseMaid> "...."
  236.  ChineseMaid stood next to Petal, crossing her arms around her chest
  237.  RingMaster opens a portal and points towards it. "You can leave....Or you can take something bigger, more powerfull and stay here"
  238. <Petal> "I suggest you to add a rule about paying us a money too."
  239.  Petal speaks while carrying NNin up
  240. <ChineseMaid> "...did you are going to give us prizes aru?"
  241. <ChineseMaid> "What do you have, if we win?"
  242. <ChineseMaid> "...and what did we earn the last fight?"
  243. <Petal> "Yes. We don't like to entertain your people without a prize...."
  244.  RingMaster snaps his fingers. Two sords of chinisse origin appear in front of the girls. They glow as if they were made out of gold.
  245. <Petal> (Swords?)
  246.  Petal 's sparkles as she tries to grab one.... "Looks expensive."
  247. <RingMaster> "It's from a metal that is not from your dimention"
  248. <RingMaster> "It cannot brake"
  249. <RingMaster> "Or you can sell it as...What was it you called that again? Gold?"
  250. <Petal> "Ohhh"
  251. <ChineseMaid> "Hmm..."
  252.  ChineseMaid stared at the sword for a long time...not believing her luck...and seeing Petal touch it without problems, meaning that it is not a trap..
  253.  ChineseMaid picked up the sword and look at it with awe...
  254. <ChineseMaid> " who is our next opponent, aru?"
  255.  Petal looks at the maid "Huh? You want more?"
  256. <Petal> "But it can worth a prize...."
  257. <ChineseMaid> "...if it is reasonable.."
  258.  ChineseMaid looked at RingMaster and shouted out.
  259. <ChineseMaid> "What prize do you have in mind?"
  260. <RingMaster> "True power"
  261. <RingMaster> (I have to go u.u)
  262. <ChineseMaid> (Aww...alright then)
  263. <RingMaster> (My dog is DEMANDING to be taken to a walk....Poor thing i haven't take her to a walk in a long time)
  264. <ChineseMaid> "...."
  265. <ChineseMaid> "...only true 'power' aru? No thanks..
  266. <RingMaster> (You were going to fight a demoness...If you won you win her powers)
  267. <ChineseMaid> "I will keep this sword, thank you~" She puts it in her prize in her sid
  268. <ChineseMaid> (Well...being MAterialistic, I don't think she would care about more powers...I wonder whether Petal is the same?)
  269. <Petal> (NP Baku :D)
  270. <Petal> (Petal won't take that for now)
  271. <Petal> "Then we should leave now...."
  272.  ChineseMaid nodded
  273.  RingMaster shrugs. Both Petal and the ChineseMaid appear on a park. birds sing and the sun shines
  274. <ChineseMaid> "...thank you very much but no thanks..."
  275. <ChineseMaid> "Huh?"
  276.  ChineseMaid looked around.
  277. <ChineseMaid> " he a demon of sorts, aru?"
  278. <Petal> "You guessed."
  279. <RingMaster> *However something is up....Netiher Fey or NNin are there
  280. <RingMaster> (Sequel bait! =D!!)
  281. <Petal> (Damn NNin! >:o)
  282. <ChineseMaid> (Aww come on!)
  283.  ChineseMaid looked around.
  284. <ChineseMaid> "..err...where is your Guard aru?"
  285. <Petal> "......."
  286.  Petal facepalms
  287. <ChineseMaid> "Aiya...I tried to keep him safe aru..."
  288. <RingMaster> (That'll be your price next time!)
  289. <Petal> "I... must... demand... for... addition payment...."
  290. <ChineseMaid> ( are evil and crafty...)
  291.  ChineseMaid pats on Petal's shoulder. "...don't worry I will be glad to help you save him..."
  292. <RingMaster> (Anyway. Dog is going insane)
  293. <RingMaster> (I hope we can continiue this soon. Bye Bye)
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