CYOA - Femanon Free For All (RD/AJ/FS/Big Mac) (Clop)

Jul 10th, 2013
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  1. >It's your third month here in Equestria
  2. >You've finally settled in properly
  3. >Got a place of your own
  4. >Accepted the whole idea of living with ponies
  5. >Life wasn't actually too bad here in Ponyville
  6. >Granted, some ponies still thought you strange
  7. >You were a human after all
  8. >At least you fit in, being a woman and all
  9. >There weren't a whole lot of men here
  10. >The female to male ratio was ridiculous
  11. >It was almost a wonder how these ponies reproduced
  12. >Since you have no job yet, every day is day off for you
  13. >And today is no different
  14. >You can do whatever you so please
  15. >Luckily the royal sisters helped you out with finances
  16. >They gave you way more money than you probably needed
  17. >Not that you're complaining of course
  18. >Today is a new day
  19. >You look out at Ponyville from your window
  20. >You can do whatever pleases you
  22. >In the sky you see a streak of light
  23. >Must be Rainbow Dash practicing again
  24. >That sweet, cyan mare
  25. >She was absolutely beautiful
  26. >You inhale deeply and focus
  27. >Today would be the day
  28. >You were going to tell her just how you felt
  29. >With confidence in your step, you exit the house
  30. >You knew that if Dash was practicing, she'd be out at the field
  31. >Smiling and waving at every pone you see, you walk out there
  32. >You see Dash passing you overhead multiple times
  33. >She was so damn fast and athletic
  34. >The perfect mare
  35. >You reach the field, and you were right
  36. >Dash is flying around here in the air
  37. "HEY! DASH!"
  38. >The mare stops midflight and looks around
  39. >She finally spots you and swoops down to you
  40. >"Hey, Anon! Did you see my new trick? What do you think?"
  41. >You smile and feel yourself blush slightly
  42. "It was awesome, Dash. But, listen, I came out here because there's something I wanted to say."
  43. >Dash snorts playfully
  44. >"Can't that wait? I'm in the middle of practicing here."
  45. "No, look, this is important. Dash I... I really like you. You know, special somep0ne and all that."
  46. >Dash looks at you in surprise
  47. >But then she turns into a laughing mess
  48. >"Good one, Anon! Was this Pinkie's idea? Hey, Pinkie! You can come out now!"
  50. >It hurts to see Dash brush you off like this
  51. >You really wanted her to know it was true
  52. >So as she's laughing her ass off, you move in
  53. >Dash doesn't have time to react
  54. >You plant your lips right on hers
  55. >"Mmph!"
  56. >The blue mare is taken by surprise
  57. >But she doesn't resist
  58. >In fact, just as you are about to break the perfect kiss, you can almost feel her return it
  59. >As you remove your delicate lips from hers, you look her in the eye
  60. >A slight blush is on her cheeks and her eyes are wide
  61. >Maybe she did like it after all
  62. >"Uh, I, uhm. Wow, Anon."
  63. >Dash really likes you
  64. >It's really happening
  65. >Oh, this couldn't be any better
  66. >"I, uh, gotta go. Twilight needs, uh, my help. See ya!"
  67. >Before you can protest, she is off
  68. >With the speed of light she flies away
  69. >Far, far away
  70. >You stand there, looking at the trail she left behind
  71. >You can't go fast like her
  72. >You'd never catch her
  73. >With a sigh you look to the ground and kick a rock
  74. >Stupid Dash
  75. >If only she would accept you
  77. >With sadness in your heart, you walk down the dusty road
  78. >The lonely road
  79. >The only one you have ever known
  80. >And you know exactly where it goes
  81. >To apples, cider, and southener-like ponies
  82. >Applejack could always cheer you up
  83. >You kick the dust as you walk along
  84. >Before long you reach the orchard
  85. >Among the trees you see Big Mac
  86. >Unf
  87. >He was big and muscular
  88. >Too bad he never said anything
  89. >You wave at him
  90. >He just nods and returns to work
  91. >You enter Sweet Apple Acres and look around
  92. >Applejack is on her break
  93. >Sitting on the porch, drinking homemade cider
  94. >You walk over to her
  95. >"Hey there, sugarcube! Yer lookin' mighty fine today. Whatcha doin' out here?"
  97. >Her cheer and joy brings tears to your eyes
  98. >It's not fair
  99. >Why does she get to be happy?
  100. >All you wanted was Rainbow Dash
  101. >Before you know it, you're crying like a baby
  102. >Hulking and sobbing
  103. >You throw yourself at Applejack and hug her
  104. >Ponies were nice to hug
  105. >Soft and cuddly creatures
  106. >Applejack gently returns the hug after her initial surprise
  107. >She's gently patting your head
  108. >Stroking your long, luscious hair
  109. >All the while you soak her shoulder in tears
  110. >"Hey, now, sugarcube. What are y'all so sad for?"
  112. >Through your intense sobbing, you manage to speak
  113. "I... I told Rainbow I liked her. A-and she... she rejected me."
  114. >Having finally told someone, you feel a pressure lift off your chest
  115. >Like someone lifted a great big rock and threw it away
  116. >It felt great
  117. >But at the same time, it only intensified the tears
  118. >You couldn't stop at this point
  119. >"Ya really like Rainbow, huh?"
  120. >Through your sobbing you just nod into Applejack's shoulder
  121. >"Well, Ah'm not sure, but Ah think Rainbow has the hots for someone else."
  122. >Those words sting like the most poisonous venom
  123. >Slowly you lift your head from her shoulder
  124. >And you look her right in the eye
  125. >Sometimes you'd prefer if Applejack wasn't so darn honest
  126. >A little white lie once in a while would be fantastic
  127. >Is that so much to ask for?
  129. >So many mixed emotions course through your body
  130. >Anger, sadness, disbelief
  131. >All of them turn into a nasty cocktail
  132. >You breathing gets quicker
  133. "Is it because I'm human? Am I ugly, Applejack?! Do THESE scare you?!"
  134. >You rip off your shirt in anger
  135. >Applejack almost leaps back in surprise as you sit there
  136. >You nearly shove your breasts right in her face
  137. >"WOAH! Hey, now!"
  138. >Applejack tries to move back, but you follow
  139. >You aren't having any of this xenophobia bullshit
  140. "Huh?! Is it all because of these?! I could just cut them off, you know!"
  141. >The orange mare tumbles over and lands on her back
  142. >You crawl over her and lower you head to hers
  143. "TELL ME!"
  144. >"Would ya just relax?! Ah don't know! Ah'm not Rainbow Dash! And git yer shirt back on, will ya?!"
  146. >As you lie there on top of Applejack, you realise something
  147. >You stare into those perfect, green eyes
  148. >The smell of sweat and apples fills your nostrils
  149. >How could you have been so wrong?
  150. "I don't want Rainbow anymore."
  151. >Your voice is calm and collected
  152. >No, Rainbow isn't who you want
  153. >"T-then who do ya want, s-sugarcube?"
  154. >Applejack gulps at the end of her sentence
  155. >Her eyes are wide with fear
  156. >Sweat is dripping down her face
  157. >Her whole body is shaking slightly as she looks at you
  158. >She looks you right in the eye
  159. >Ignores your breasts that are out in the open
  161. >There's no point in speaking
  162. >Actions speak so much louder anyway
  163. >You trail a finger down her chest
  164. >Through her rough, but perfect fur
  165. >Slowly you move in
  166. >Applejack is frozen in place
  167. >You push your lips against hers
  168. >The orange mare doesn't return the kiss
  169. >You never expected her to
  170. >But you need her
  171. >You lie down on top of her
  172. >Grinding your breasts into her fur as you kiss
  173. >With a little force you get your tongue into her mouth
  174. >She tastes amazing
  175. >Like hard work and honesty
  176. >The fur is making your nipples so very hard
  177. >And the entire sensation is making your thighs wet with anticipation
  178. >As you continue exploring Applejack's mouth with your tongue, you get two fingers ready
  179. >You slide them down her body
  180. >Making sure to carress every part of her
  181. >Applejack doesn't seem excited
  182. >As you reach her clit, she groans into your mouth
  183. >But you play with it
  184. >Massage it gently
  185. >Applejack seems to open up after a few moments
  186. >As you slide your fingers further down, she clamps down on your hand
  187. >But you get your fingers to her slit
  188. >Slowly you slide them in
  189. >"MMPH!"
  190. >Applejack tries to push you off
  191. >But her strength lies in her rear legs
  192. >You keep yourself planted on top of her
  193. >Exploring both her mouth and pussy
  194. >Your thighs are soaking wet
  195. >All you want is this one mare
  196. >Right here, right now
  197. >"What in the hay is goin' on here?!"
  198. >Big Mac's strong, deep voice fills your head as you violate Applejack
  200. >You break the kiss and look up at the red stallion
  201. >God damn he was a sexy motherfuckers
  202. >You wouldn't mind a piece of that
  203. >With lust on your lips and in your eyes, you ask him
  204. "We're just having a little fun together. Care to join?"
  205. >You jiggle your ass as you speak
  206. >Playfully inviting him to join the festivities
  207. >His eyes twist into a mix of surprise and need
  208. >"I, uh... I..."
  209. >You bite your lower lip and really start pumping your fingers into Applejack
  210. >Letting out cute moans as you do so
  211. "Come on, Big Mac. You know you want to."
  212. >You start kissing Applejack again
  213. >All the while looking right at Big Mac
  214. >Applejack doesn't know what to do
  215. >She's just lying there, taking it all
  216. >You spot something underneath Big Mac's body
  217. >Something long and thick
  218. >"I... I..."
  220. "Please, Big Mac."
  221. >You put on your sweetest voice
  222. >Speaking almost while kissing Applejack at the same time
  223. "I'm heartbroken."
  224. >And out comes the puppy eyes
  225. >You stare at him, longingly
  226. >His member growing larger by the second
  227. >"Don't!"
  228. >Applejack finally protests
  229. >"But, sis, Ah..."
  230. >Slowly he starts walking towards you
  231. >"Ah..."
  232. >He's standing right next to you
  233. >Watching your fingers slide in and out of his sister
  234. >With lust in his eyes he stares
  235. >Watching everything you do
  236. >Your thumb on her clit, your fingers going deep inside her
  237. >He bites his lower lip as he stands there
  238. >Sweat on his brow, a tremble in his legs
  239. "Come on, Big Mac. Please?"
  240. >After you speak, you continue the sweet moaning
  241. >You keep it nice and quiet
  242. >Just enough to pique his interest
  243. >Just enough for him to want more
  244. >"Big Mac, don't!"
  246. >You shuffle around and perk up your butt
  247. >Really showing off your wares
  248. >Big Mac can't resist any more
  249. >Finally he moves behind you
  250. >You feel his long, hard cock slide up between your cheeks
  251. >Throbbing with love and care
  252. >It feels so very strong
  253. >"Sis, Ah have to."
  254. >Those are exactly the words you wanted to hear
  255. >You feel Big Mac's strong hooves on your back
  256. >He's heavy, but you can take it
  257. >Anything for that sweet release
  258. >He positions himself properly
  259. >You inhale sharply as you feel his massive cock at your entrance
  260. >Slowly it parts your delicate pink lips
  261. >Pushing inside you
  262. >It's way too big for you
  263. >But you don't care
  264. >You want him
  265. >You want him deep inside you
  266. >Slamming you silly
  267. >"MAC, PLEASE!"
  268. >Applejack is screaming at her brother
  269. >But he's too lost in you
  270. >Lost in your sweet cunt
  271. >He's slowly filling your entire body with it
  272. >Ripping you apart with his massive erection
  273. >You have to stop tending to Applejack
  274. >The sensation is overwhelming
  275. >As he finally hilts you, you scream in pleasure
  276. >Scream louder than you ever have before
  277. >You collapse on top of Applejack
  278. >"A-anon?"
  279. >You hear a sad voice in the distance
  280. >So far away
  281. >"I... I thought you..."
  282. >You turn your head and see something blue
  283. >A mare with flowers in her hoof
  284. >Watching you getting penetrated by Big Mac
  285. >"I thought..."
  286. >Her eyes are full of water
  287. >Her voice frail and quiet
  289. >As you watch Rainbow's sad face
  290. >Watch her standing there
  291. >In much the same way you did earlier
  292. >All the while Big Mac is pounding away at you
  293. >You realise what you've done
  294. >You wanted Rainbow Dash
  295. >All you ever wanted was Rainbow Dash
  296. >Not this
  297. >Guilt and fear creep into you
  298. >Like a tiny parasite, eating away at your soul
  299. >With all of your strength you push Big Mac away
  300. >You grab your shirt and run
  301. >As you run past Rainbow, all you can think of to say is
  302. "Kay, thanks, bye."
  303. >You run away from the orchard
  304. >Far, far away
  305. >Down to the pond
  306. >Where you just sit and stare at the calm water
  307. >You just raped Applejack
  308. >While Big Mac was screwing you
  309. >Like a wild animal
  310. >And all you wanted was Rainbow
  311. >This day has turned out... strange
  312. >In the reflection of the water, you see not a woman
  313. >You see a strange, deranged, impulsive creature
  314. >You sigh heavily
  315. >It happened, and you had to live with it
  316. >This was your life now
  317. >And you still had a day to live out
  319. >You've gotta set things straight
  320. >And there's only one pony who could help you
  321. >Fluttershy
  322. >With determination in your heart you get up
  323. >Slowly walking down the road
  324. >Outside the boundaries of Ponyville
  325. >Out to the little house surrounded by animals
  326. >Across the little bridge
  327. >You knock on the door
  328. >As Fluttershy opens, she smiles
  329. >"Hi, Anon."
  330. "Can I come in?"
  331. >Fluttershy holds the door open for you
  332. >You go inside her quaint home and sit down in her couch
  333. >Fluttershy goes to the kitchen
  334. >She hands returns with a cup of tea
  335. >She always made the best tea
  336. >It's tasty and calming
  337. >"So, why are you here, Anon?"
  339. >You sigh and look to the kind mare
  340. "I did some things I shouldn't have done."
  341. >Fluttershy perks her ears at that
  342. >She puts a gentle hoof on your shoulder and rubs it
  343. >"That's okay. Everyone does that, Anon."
  344. >Just as you're about to speak, you her a knock on the door
  345. >A loud, hard knock
  346. >"Eep!"
  347. >Fluttershy ruhes under the pillow on the couch and hides
  348. >You go to the door and open it
  349. >Rainbow is there
  350. >She doesn't look too pleased
  351. >"What the hell was that?! You tell me you like me and then go fuck Big Mac?! What the fuck, Anon?!"
  352. >Her anger takes you by surprise
  353. >Your body wasn't ready for that
  354. >She's almost visibly fuming hot air
  355. >It's too much for you
  356. "I wanted you! But you ran off! You didn't want me! What the fuck did you expect me to do?!"
  357. >"WHAT?!"
  358. "Yeah! I felt terrible when you rejected me! I thought you hated humans! And maybe nobody wanted me! So I had to make sure!"
  360. >You stop yourself from slapping Rainbow
  361. >But she is pissing you off to no end
  362. >Fluttershy is almost crying in the couch
  363. "I'm sorry about that! Especially AJ! She didn't deserve that! But I needed to make sure! I just want YOU!"
  364. >Rainbow Dash opens her mouth
  365. >All she can come up with is a groan
  366. >After a while she finally retorts
  367. >"You! I! I can't do this right now! What the fuck, Anon. What the fuck."
  368. >With that she turns to leave
  369. >Spouting profanity on her way
  371. >Before you can do anything, you see Fluttershy rush out the house
  372. >"Rainbow, wait!"
  373. >For once, Dash actually listens
  374. >She stops and turns her head
  375. >"You shouldn't be mad at Anon. She did something wrong, but she really regrets it."
  376. >Rainbow Dash just snorts
  377. >"Yeah, sure."
  378. >"She does. She was really sad when she came here."
  379. >Fluttershy is visibly in tears
  380. >"S-she really like you, Rainbow."
  381. >Rainbow Dash actually turns all the way around
  382. >She's looking from you to Fluttershy
  383. >"Really, Anon?"
  384. >She's a lot calmer now
  385. >Her voice frail again
  386. >"Anon, I just... What you did..."
  388. "I did it thinking about you and only you, Dash."
  389. >You can feel the tears coming
  390. >You move closer to the blue mare
  391. "I'm so sorry... It will never happen again..."
  392. >The tears are streaming down your face
  393. >Rainbow is finally coming towards you
  394. "Please, Rainbow... I need you in my life..."
  395. >You dare not touch her
  396. >She needs to decide what happens
  397. >It's up to her now
  398. >You've said all you needed to
  399. >Rainbow looks you in the eye
  400. >Staring at you with those beautiful eyes
  401. >She sighs
  402. >"Anon, I... I need time. To think."
  403. >Her words sting in your heart
  404. >Ripping away the layers and piercing the very core
  405. >You feel the boulder return to your chest
  406. >"You're great... but. That, before... It was too much, Anon."
  408. >With sadness in your voice you accept
  409. "I understand..."
  410. >You gently put your arms around the mare and hug her
  411. >You're glad she returns it
  412. >It's a good hug
  413. >A nice, warm hug
  414. >"I gotta get going."
  415. >Rainbow breaks the hug and moves down the road
  416. >She doesn't look back
  417. >Just treks on like the soldier she is
  418. >"You can stay here, if you want."
  419. >You look to Fluttershy and smile
  420. "I think I'd like that."
  421. >The two of you walk back inside
  422. >The sun is setting in the distance
  423. >Casting a beautiful, red light over the sky
  424. >You stand at the window, watching it for a while
  425. >"So, I guess you really like Rainbow, huh?"
  426. >Fluttershy smiles at you
  427. >But you see a twinkle in her eye
  428. >An ever so slight twinkle
  429. >An emotion you can barely see
  430. >She's hiding it masterfully
  431. >Years of training can do that
  432. >Years of seclusion
  433. >Of being alone
  434. >Poor Fluttershy
  436. "Yeah. She's great."
  437. >Fluttershy smiles and nudges you with her hoof
  438. >"You need to rest. Come on."
  439. >You nod and follow Fluttershy up the stairs
  440. >You're exhausted
  441. >Both physically and mentally
  442. >All you need is a good night's rest
  443. >The two of you enter the bedroom
  444. >The bed is plenty big for the two of you
  445. >It'd be nice
  446. >Like a sleepover
  447. >You get in and sigh in relief
  448. >The soft mattress feels amazing
  449. >Fluttershy is lying next to you, watching you
  450. >But you don't care
  451. >You feel sleep coming so quickly
  452. >And within minutes, the darkness takes you
  454. >Something is shuffling in the bed
  455. >It wakes you
  456. >Slowly you open your eyes and look around
  457. >The room is dark
  458. >You want to rub your eyes, but can't
  459. >You can't move your arms
  460. >Nor your legs
  461. >Panic sets in
  462. >You try to call out but fail
  463. >Something is stuffed in your mouth
  464. "MMPH! HMPH!"
  465. >"Now, now, Anon. Be quiet."
  466. >Fluttershy's calm voice comes from somewhere in the room
  467. >You can't see her
  468. >Everything is so dark
  469. >She turns you over
  470. >You're lying on your stomach, face in a pillow
  471. >You feel a hoof on your bare ass
  472. >"You're beautiful."
  473. >Her voice is so calm and methodical
  474. >She sounds like a serial killer to you
  475. >Oh, God, you're going to die
  476. >"Get ready for momma."
  477. >With that, you feel something strange
  478. >Something rubbery at your rear
  479. >You try to scream, but there is no room in your mouth
  480. >And in one instant, Fluttershy pushes into you
  481. >Plunging her strapon deep inside your ass
  482. >Tearing it apart
  484. >The pain is unbearable
  485. >Absolutely horrible
  486. >Your anus is being torn apart by Fluttershy
  487. >And all you want to do is scream
  488. >Scream for help and safety
  489. >But Fluttershy isn't letting you
  490. >She's spanking your ass as she ravages it
  491. >Plunges deep within you
  492. >Just as you thought you were done for, you feel a hoof at your head
  493. >The gag is removed and you scream in pain
  494. >Finally letting out everything you have
  495. >"Oh, yes, Anon. Scream! Scream my name!"
  496. >You cry out in the darkness
  497. >Tears falling onto the sheets
  498. "RAINBOW DASH!"
  499. >Fluttershy stops her pounding
  500. >It's relieving
  501. >Finally the pain stops
  502. >For just a brief moment
  503. >"I SAID MY NAME!"
  504. >Fluttershy's hoof strikes your back
  505. >White, hot pain blurs your mind
  506. >She returns her thrusting
  507. >Harder than ever before
  508. >"SAY IT! SAY MY NAME!"
  509. >Fluttershy keeps striking you
  510. >Over and over
  511. >All you can do is roar in agony
  512. >You feel the blood dripping from your anus
  513. >"SAY IT!"
  515. >You want it to end
  516. >The pain, the humiliation
  517. >You want your life back
  518. >All you want is a normal life
  519. >Equestria isn't what you want
  520. >You just want your life
  521. >Not this
  522. >You want Fluttershy to stop
  523. >Why couldn't you just be a normal girl?
  524. >With a normal life and a normal boyfriend
  525. "F-F-Fluttershy."
  526. >You manage to squeak it out
  527. >Whimpering and trembling as you speak
  528. >"Louder!"
  529. "F-Fluttershy!"
  530. >"LOUDER!"
  531. "FLUTTERSHY!"
  532. >Over and over you scream her name into the night
  533. >The yellow pegasus goes wild
  534. >Slamming into you over and over
  535. >Destroying whatever spirit you had left
  536. >You stop resisting
  537. >You just lay down and take it
  538. >Take everything she gives to you
  539. >You do not scream, you only cry
  540. >Silently the tears fall
  541. >You only whimper when she spanks you
  542. >Strikes you with her hooves
  543. >You just wanted a life
  544. >A perfectly normal, average life
  545. >Sometimes, the world is cruel
  546. >A cold and unfair place
  547. >A barren wasteland with nothing but agony
  549. >You take Fluttershy's thrusting for ages
  550. >Simply lie there and take it
  551. >She keeps speaking, but you don't listen
  552. >Your mind is blank
  553. >You just want it to be over
  554. >A loud crash snaps you out of it
  555. >"FLUTTERSHY?!"
  556. >You turn your head and look to the door
  557. >You can just barely make out the shape of a pony
  558. >But the voice is indistinguishable
  559. >Rainbow Dash
  561. >Fluttershy doesn't even get a chance to reply
  562. >In one fell swoop you feel the strapon glide out of you
  563. >A loud thump fills the room
  564. >You hear a loud noise
  565. >Like a skull being crushed
  566. >Then silence
  567. >Only Rainbow Dash panting
  568. "R-Rainbow?"
  569. >You call out to her
  570. >Want her to free you
  571. >Hold you tight
  572. >Tell you it's all going to be okay
  573. >You just want Rainbow Dash
  574. "Rainb-bow?"
  575. >You can hear her panting somewhere
  576. >But she doesn't speak
  577. >Not for a while
  578. >For a long, long while
  579. >It feels like ages
  580. >The pain is slowly fading
  581. >But you are still trembling
  582. >Shaking with fear and pain
  583. >"Anon..."
  585. >You shuffle around in the bed
  586. >Through the pain and exhaustion you move
  587. >Closer and closer to Rainbow Dash
  588. >You see her standing over Fluttershy's limp body
  589. >Staring at her
  590. "Rainbow..."
  591. >You manage to whisper at her
  592. >She turns her head to look at you
  593. >Her eyes are full of tears
  594. >The darkness is coming
  595. >Coming to take you
  596. >You move forward, lean in
  597. >You plant your lips on hers
  598. >Kissing her gently
  599. >The darkness comes
  600. >And in the end, as darkness takes you, you are nothing
  602. >After God knows how long, you wake
  603. >In a soft, cuddly bed
  604. >Your entire body hurts
  605. >Everything hurts
  606. >Everything is pain
  607. >Sharply inhaling you remember what happened
  608. >The tears come
  609. >They fill your eyes
  610. >Just as you are about to scream, a hoof keeps you down
  611. >"Shh, Anon. Just relax. Are you okay?"
  612. >Rainbow Dash
  613. >She's sitting by you side
  614. >Smiling gently at you
  615. >Stroking your hair
  616. >Her eyes full of remorse
  617. >Of love and care for you
  618. >Only for you
  620. >Rainbow's characteristic, cocky smile returns
  621. >She chuckles before speaking
  622. >"Are you a little... butthurt?"
  623. >You want to hit her
  624. >Smack her right in the face
  625. >But you find yourself laughing
  626. >Chuckling with Rainbow
  627. >She ruffles your hair with a hoof
  628. >Right before moving into a hug
  629. >You hold that blue pony tight
  630. >Your saviour
  631. >Your one and all
  632. >The only pony for you
  633. >You sit there in the bed
  634. >Just enjoying each other
  635. >Hugging all the pain away
  636. >Laughing at your problems
  637. >Rainbow Dash tickles you
  638. >Puts her hooves at your sides
  639. >Gently tickling away
  640. >It hurts to laugh
  641. >But it feels good in your heart
  642. >Like nothing needs to hurt anymore
  643. >Rainbow Dash is perfect
  644. >A great mare
  645. >After a hectic amount of tickling, she finally stops
  646. >She looks up to you with those purple eyes
  647. >Smiling at you with only her eyes
  648. >"You're the best, Anon."
  649. >She gives you a quick peck on the lips
  651. >You smile down at your mare
  652. >Your mare
  653. >It felt weird thinking that
  654. >She was your mare
  655. >And it was great
  656. >All you ever wanted was her
  657. "Rainbow, I only want you."
  658. >She fights to keep back the tears
  659. "Please, get out the strapon and ravage me. I want only you."
  660. >Rainbow scrunches up her face at that
  661. >"... What?"
  662. >You smile gently at her
  663. >Carressing her cheek with a finger
  664. "Please, Rainbow. I only want you."
  665. >Slowly she realises you're serious
  666. >"But... you just got raped."
  667. >The laughter returns
  668. >Joyous laughter
  669. >It eases the pain of the memory
  670. "I know. That's why I want you to do it properly. Make me your human."
  671. >Rainbow contemplates it for a while
  672. >Lost in deep thought
  673. >She finally jumps down from the bed
  674. >She goes to your drawer
  675. >You realise this is your room
  676. >She opens up the bottom drawer and pulls out the strapon
  677. >How did she even know you had it there?
  678. >Oh, well
  679. >Putting it on, she plays around with it for a while
  680. >You feel yourself get wet simply looking at her
  681. >Rainbow looks up to you
  682. >"Are you sure about this, Anon?"
  684. >As you look at the size of the strapon, you get second thoughts
  685. >That thing is monstrous
  686. >Absolutely enormous
  687. >Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all
  688. "You're right. Take it off. But come over here."
  689. >You gently pat the bed next to you and smile
  690. >Rainbow sighs in relief and gets the strapon off
  691. >She quickly rejoins you in bed
  692. >You shuffle around and lay down flat next to her
  693. "My ass hurts, Rainbow. Could you kiss it better?"
  694. >You give her a sly smile and lift your rear
  695. >Dash snickers and crawls on top of you
  696. >She stands over you, her rear right over your head
  697. >As she lowers her head, she slowly lifts her tail for you
  698. >Gives you a good look at her
  699. >Suddenly you feel Rainbow's wet tongue at your anus
  700. >Gently licking and pressing against it
  701. >You don't want to wait for her
  702. >So you grab her flank and pull her down
  703. >You bury your face in her slit, much to her surprise
  704. >Dash moans loudly and suddenly and as you get to work
  705. >There is no foreplay, no teasing
  706. >With greed and lust you lap at her folds
  707. >Taking care of whatever needs the mare had
  708. >Rainbow picks up the pace and finally pushes her tongue into you
  709. >It's so soft and fleshy
  710. >It hurts just slightly, but the pleasure far outweighs it
  711. >The two of you lie there
  712. >Faces buried in each others' rears
  713. >Doing everything you can to please
  714. >Moaning and panting into the empty house
  716. >You can't take it anymore
  717. >You need Dash
  718. >Right here, right now
  719. >Through your panting and moaning you manage to whisper
  720. "I need you."
  721. >Rainbow looks up and back at you
  722. >She lifts herself off of you
  723. >You lie there, a panting mess
  724. >Your wetness almost aching
  725. >Aching for salvation
  726. "Put it on. Take me. Right now!"
  727. >Rainbow doesn't even waste time with cocky smiles
  728. >Doesn't waste time teasing you
  729. >She quickly goes to get the strapon
  730. >As she returns, you can almost feel it inside you
  731. "Take me!"
  732. >You pratically yell at the mare
  733. >And she wastes no time
  734. >Immediately she positions herself over you
  735. >Pushing the huge strapon into you
  736. >Sliding into your wet, aching cunt
  737. >It fills you up perfectly
  738. >Like it was made just for you
  739. >One long moan fills the room
  740. >Right until Rainbow hilts you
  741. >She lets it sit there for a moment
  742. >Filling you to the brim
  743. >Spreading your insides perfectly
  744. >You look up to your mare
  745. "How fast can you go?"
  746. >The cocky smile returns
  747. >Without warning, she pulls back
  748. >And then it happens
  749. >Rainbow goes into overdrive
  750. >Slamming you with speed you have never known
  751. >Faster than anything you have ever experienced
  752. >The entire bed shakes underneath you
  753. >You can't breathe
  754. >The pleasure is too much
  755. >Too perfect
  756. >Within mere minutes you feel it
  757. >Ecstacy spreads in your entire body
  758. >Courses through you
  759. >You lose control, your body trembling
  760. >Rainbow just continues the cocky smile
  761. >"That fast."
  764. >From the bottom of your lungs
  765. >With all the force you can muster
  767. >And then it hits you
  768. >The most powerful orgasm you have ever experienced
  769. >Your entire body goes into wild spasms
  770. >Everything is a blur for your eyes
  771. >Your mind goes numb
  772. >Only pleasure courses through you
  773. >For the first time in your life, you actually squirt
  774. >Shooting your juices at Rainbow
  775. >Soaking her blue fur
  776. >Your body keeps trembling and shaking
  777. >Rainbow just keeps pounding
  778. >You ride the high for minutes
  779. >The orgasm never settles
  780. "R-Rainbow!"
  781. >You can't tell her to stop
  782. >It's too much
  783. >You are at her complete mercy
  784. >Dash laughs at you before finally slowing down
  785. >Finally the orgasm fades
  786. >Leaving you in a state of numbness
  787. >Your mind and body is broken
  788. >Rainbow pulls out of you and takes the strapon off
  789. >She cuddles up next to you
  790. >A hoof gently playing with your breasts
  791. >She kisses your cheek
  792. >You don't have the strength to turn around and return it
  793. >Everything around you is bliss
  794. "I... Dash, you..."
  795. >Rainbow giggles at kisses you again
  796. >"I know. You're the best."
  797. >She puts her hooves around you and hugs you tightly
  798. >For half an hour you just lie there
  799. >With your mare
  800. >The best mare in all of the world
  801. >You would have to face Applejack one day
  802. >Make everything all right again
  803. >But that day is not today
  804. >For now, lying here with your mare is the only thing you want
  805. >Just lie here for the rest of your life
  807. >In the Everfree Forest lived darkness
  808. >There is no sunlight in this place
  809. >It is a place of death and evil
  810. >But it is the place she must go
  811. >The yellow mare journeys on
  812. >Leaving her former life behind
  813. >Her animals, her friends
  814. >There is no place for her in Ponyville
  815. >For her kind
  816. >She must journey on
  817. >Find a new home
  818. >A new life
  819. >Atone for her sins
  820. >But first
  821. >First she must visit the Shaman in the forest
  822. >She must have guidance
  823. >And so, through the forest she travels
  824. >Alone and unguarded
  825. >Not even her bunny is with her
  826. >Now, now she is alone
  827. >She must deal with this on her own
  828. >Find the friendship in her heart once more
  829. >For she is no longer a pony
  830. >She is a monster
  831. >And monsters live in the Everfree Forest
  834. End.
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