

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. I think online dating, long distance dating, is easier and more beneficial than dating in person, at least for me it is, I've had more successful and meaningful relationships that were long distance then the ones in person, to me it's way easier to find someone who's willing to date u online than inrl, inrl ur best chances to find people interested in maybe dating someone is at like a bar, which for 1 I don't even drink, also I don't like crowded/noisy places, that's just me tho most ppl r into those things, ur chances of just runnin into someone single on the street that will be interested is low, if ur me at least, if u look like Ryan Reynolds its different, but anyway yes easier to find someone willing to date, there's entire websites dedicated to dating, and if ur on there, chances r u r looking to date, so there's that, and finding someone with similar interests as u is easier too, I'm a huge nerd u know, and it can be hard to find ppl like me, u can maybe find someone at like a convention or something but a lot of the time people there go there with there partners, or are just there for the convention, there's sites where u can pinpoint and select ur interests and match with people who like the same stuff as u, also, and this is especially so if u meet someone on like gaia or wherever and not just an e harmony thing, the distance, people think the distance is a negative thing, and it kinda is, but its a blessing as well, distance allows for several things, 1 it allows people to really, and truly get to know and come to like each other based solely on who they are as a person instead of their looks first and foremost, unless ur selfie is on ur profile, looks r almost always secondary, even if u see the selfie first and ur like oh they're cute, ur still distanced, and u have to get to know them first regardless before u see each other inrl, which gets rid of the whole, oh they're just dating cause they wanna fuck me, like if its long distance that's just not a thing since u have to do so much before that ever happens, I feel like the distance apart at the beginning will make u appreciate being close in the future, much more so than if u had already met in person to begin with, u get this build up of all the time that goes by an with each passing day u build up more and more of a desire to see this person, so when u get to finally do it, it's masgical, an u get to keep that feeling, so all and all, that's why I think online dating is kinda superior, online and long distance is also a lot safer for the most part than dating normally in person, not that as a guy I have to worry a lot, but u know wut I mean, there's weirdos online sure, but there's a good chance the person you've been talkin to for a year or more, video chattin with, ect, ain't puttin in that much work just to kidnap u if u ever meet, when they could just kidnap anyone lul, but yeah so, not that I have anything against dating in person, I just feel it's better dating online, for me at least, everyone's different, and I am very much open to both, my luck with dating in person is very low, which is why I lean more towards online
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