
TakeNoteTyping course answers

Jan 12th, 2019
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  1. Good Morning. Sarah: Hello. Thanks for coming today, did you get here okay? Sarah: Yes, I got a bit stuck in the car park but otherwise, it was fine. Great. As you know, we are here today to discuss typing for TakeNote. Before we get started, can you tell me a bit about yourself? Sarah: I'm Sarah, I live with my husband and two boys in Bicester near Oxford, the boys are six and eight. We have also got a dog and some goldfish. So sometimes a bit, it can be quite hectic as you can imagine. I work part-time in an office but I'm looking for something I can do from home to earn a bit of extra cash. Lovely, you've definitely come to the right place then. If you weren't here now, where would you be? Sarah: I think, I think I'd be out walking the dog, or maybe getting ready to cook dinner. That sounds lovely, what sort of dog do you have? Sarah: She's a Bichon Frise. When we got her my husband said 'She's going to be a handful.' And he was right, she's a bit of a primadonna. Thanks, Sarah, one last question for my own curiosity, is that a fitness tracker, which one is it?
  3. Sarah: Oh, it's called a Moov NOW. I thought about getting a Fitbit, but this was just a bit cheaper. Great, I've been thinking about getting one so I've been asking everyone, sorry. So, have you done any transcription before? Sarah: No, I haven't but, I'm a really fast typist and I've got great spelling and grammar. Do you know what your typing speed is? Sarah: Yes, I think the test said it was 65 words per minute which sounds pretty quick to me. Yes, that is quick. The average person can only type at 40 words per minute. In that case, it should just take a few files for your fingers to get used to the hotkeys and your ears to get used to the audio. Do you have any questions about TakeNote? Sarah: I've got a couple, yeah. What sort of files will I be typing? Well, a lot of our files are interviews like this one with two or three speakers, but once you are up to speed with those, we also offer files with more than four speakers, they are things like focus groups and meetings, and they are paid at a higher rate. We can also get you trained up in other file types, once you've got a bit more experience. Sarah: Okay, that sounds good. What about, you know, are there lots of rules to learn before I can get started? There are ten golden rules you will need to know like the back of your hand, but otherwise, you can look up anything you're unsure of using the TakeNote help centre as you type. Sarah: What are the ten golden rules? Well, they are all the basics which make sure your transcripts are consistent. They are things like emboldening moderator speech, time coding inaudibles and phonetic guesses and typing out one to twenty as words. Sarah: That makes sense, and so how long will the files I'll be typing? So, you'll start off with files that are around 30 minutes or less and once you've got a bit of experience, with those, we'll start to send you longer files, around an hour for a shift. You can also just let us know how much you're looking for if you're available to type outside of any shifts you've signed up to. Sarah: Oh, yeah, I wanted to ask about shifts, what are the shift patterns, and what happens if I'm on that shift? We have three main shift times during the week at 6am to 1pm. ten till four. And six o'clock to six o'clock in the evening till the morning. If you're on shift, we'll send you work that's available within one hour of the start of your shift and it will be due back at the end of the shift. If it gets to an hour after the start. We won't send you anything without checking if you're free first. Sarah: Great, I think that would really suit me. Okay, let me think, I want to, you know, ask all the questions I can think of, while I'm, you know, right here. How long should it take me to type up a file? Once you're up to speed, it should take between three and five times the length of the audio. So, 30 minutes should take a maximum of about two and a half hours, if the audio quality is good. Sarah: And how regularly do I need to type for TakeNote? Well, that's really up to you. We have work most days of the year, if you book yourself in for a shift, but you can also come forward for work last minute if you're not sure of your schedule. If you want a flourishing invoice then taking on work at least twice a week should give you a nice lump of cash on payday. Sarah: Lovely, how do I get paid? All you need to do is submit an invoice at the end of each month and we will pay directly into your bank account. Sarah: what kind of work is this? Would I be employed? No, you wouldn't, this is self-employed work, so if you're successful in this test, you'll need to register as self-employed with HMRC and let us know your unique tax reference number when you receive it. Sarah: Thank you. I think you've answered all my questions now. I'm excited about getting started. Great, well, if you think of any more questions, you can check out the FAQ's page on our website, or email us at Thanks so much for coming in to talk to us today and good luck with your application.
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