
Ben 10 (Update)

Mar 18th, 2016
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  1. ---------------------------------- Professor Paradox
  2. ---------Ben 10 Jump--------- Version 0
  3. ----------------------------------
  4. Intro
  6. You begin with 1000cp to help you blah blah blah.
  10. ---Backgrounds---
  12. Identity:
  14. Homeless (Drop-In): You wake up in an ally or subway station somewhere. This could be really dangerous for a kid, but you’re not an ordinary kid, are you?
  15. Cost: Free
  16. Age: 9+(1d8/2) rounded down
  18. +No new memories to cloud your judgements
  19. -You’re a homeless child
  23. Tennyson: You’re a Tennyson, specifically a cousin of Ben and Gwen. Who knew Grandpa Max had another kid?
  24. Cost: Free
  25. Age: 9+(1d8/2) rounded down
  27. +You have memories of growing up in the Ben 10 universe with all the friends and family that brings along.
  28. +You are on Grandpa Max's summer road trip with Ben and Gwen.
  29. +/-Buckle up, kid, because your plotbound.
  33. Plumber: The space police, military, and men in black all in one. Your job is to keep the universe clean of criminal scum.
  34. Age: 17+1d8.
  35. Cost: 200
  37. +You have memories and a background
  38. +You know about aliens
  39. +You have an advanced organization at your back
  40. +Not a child
  41. -You're a part of military police force with all the responsibilities that entails.
  45. Refugee: You are a human refugee from Legerdomain, the dimension where magic comes from.
  46. Age: 10+(1d8/2)
  47. Cost: 200cp
  49. +You can use magic
  50. +You have a family member to watch over you and mentor you in magic
  51. -Your people have been almost completely wiped and driven from Legerdomain
  52. -All but one member of your family is dead
  53. ?They may or may not be evil and abusive
  57. Forever Knight
  58. Age: 14+1d8
  59. Cost: free
  61. You protect Earth from the alien scum that seeks to corrupt humanity.
  63. +You have memories and a background
  64. +You're a part of a knightly order.
  65. -A xenophobic knightly order
  66. -You haven't made Knight yet, but you will soon
  67. ---Species---
  69. You can spend cp to be another species. If you chose the Homeless Background than you’re just a poor alien stranded on Earth while starting with the Tennyson Background makes you the adopted child of Max Tennyson. If you decided to be a Plumber than you’re just a Plumber. Forever Knights and Refugees can’t be aliens. (Discount: Plumber, Forbidden: Forever Knight and Refugee)
  71. -
  72. Arachnichimp: Despite having chimp in the name, you actually have more in common with a monkey. Much like a monkey you are incredibly agile and are much stronger then you appear. As you might have guessed from the “arachni” part of the species name, you can shoot webbing and stick to surfaces.
  74. +you are much, much stronger than your size would imply
  75. +Great hearing
  76. +Monkey-like agility
  77. +Spider-like wall crawling
  78. +Prehensile tail and hands for feet
  79. +Can shoot webbing stronger than steel from your tail
  80. +You’re basically Spider-Man
  82. 600cp
  85. Florauna: A mean green mother from outer space. You are very versatile with your great strength, agility, plant control, explosive seeds, regeneration, and thorns. As a further bonus you don't need to eat if you don't want to and you are immune to hypnosis.
  87. +Strong, agile, and extremely flexible
  88. +Photosynthesis
  89. +Regeneration
  90. +Thorns and explosive seeds for combat
  91. +Grow vines to bind people
  92. +Merge with and control plants
  93. +Burrowing
  94. +Able to stretch
  95. +Immunity to hypnosis
  97. 800cp
  101. Galvanic Mechamorph: Much like anything related to Galvans, you’re broken as fuck. Not only can you shapeshift and shoot laser eyebeams, but you can fuse with machines to improve and control them.
  103. +Strong
  104. +Breath in space
  105. +Regeneration
  106. +Can merge with technology to both control it and make it more powerful
  107. +Shoot powerful beams from your eye
  108. +Can stretch and change shape
  109. -Magnetic fields and electrical attacks can mess you up
  111. 1000cp
  115. Petrosapien: This species of alien is made from a crystalline material that makes them extremely durable and hardy. As a Petrosapien you will also gain the ability to generate crystal for offensive and defensive purposes. Very few Petrosapiens are left as Vilgax blew their planet up.
  117. +Super strong and a diamond hard body
  118. +Transform your limbs into things like weapons and shields or to regenerate
  119. +Shoot crystals from your body
  120. +Grow crystals from the ground to create walls and ramps
  121. +Control and shape the crystals you produce
  122. +Immunity to lasers and some other energy based attacks
  123. +Heavy resistance to extreme temperatures
  124. -Strong sonic vibrations and other effects that heavily damage crystal could potentially kill you
  126. 800cp
  130. Piscciss Volann: Are you sure? While this species is strong, especially when it comes to swimming and biting, they don't do so well on land. If you decide to be a Piscciss Volanns you will be provided with a device that can keep your gills moist to make your time a little easier.
  132. +Strong
  133. +Amphibious
  134. +Incredibly fast and agile underwater
  135. +Razorsharp claws and large, strong jaws powerful enough to chew through steel like it was paper
  136. +You can turn your tail into legs and vice-versa
  137. +You have one of those glowing antenna that deep-sea anglerfish possess
  138. +Can withstand incredibly high pressures
  139. -Kind of clumsy on land
  140. -Can only stay on land for short periods of time before dying of dehydration without special equipment
  142. 400cp
  146. Polymorph: There‘s nothing wrong with being a puddle of acidic slime. While you need an anti-gravity projector to stay active on most habitable planets, you‘re also nearly impervious to harm and full of powerful acids.
  148. +Regeneration
  149. +Nearly invulnerable do to being a liquid and possessing no vital organs
  150. +Can stretch and change shape
  151. +Produce slime that is sticky or acidic
  152. +Anti-gravity projector allows you to fly
  153. -Without your projector you’re pretty much stuck wherever you are until you get a new one
  154. -Looks like you’re made of snot
  156. 400cp
  160. Vreedle: You seem to be one of them there Vreedles. I reckon your pretty strong and do not fear the vacuum of space. Make sure you make time for family ya hear? They is the most im-por-tant thing in life and you would not want to break your poor ol' Ma's heart, now would ja?
  162. +Pretty strong
  163. +Can breathe in space
  164. +/-Talk like a hillbilly
  165. +/-Your mother is Ma Vreedle, one of the universes most feared criminals and your father is Pa Vreedle, one of the universes most incompetent criminals
  166. +/-Got a bunch of incompetent criminal siblings too
  167. -People are going to assume you’re a criminal
  168. -Ma Vreedle will always love the Pretty Boys more than you.
  170. 50cp
  172. ---Skills and Abilities---
  174. I'm Hurt. Deeply Hurt: People trust you even when they shouldn’t. It doesn't matter if you screwed them over before, for some reason they just seem more willing to give you a second, third, or maybe even fourth chance. 100cp (Free: Homeless)
  178. Bug Whisperer: Despite the name, you can actually control other animals as well, insects are just the easiest by far. The smarter the animal the harder they are to control. If they don't like you then don't expect to keep very many intelligent animals under your control. This power maxes out at the smarter monkey level and cannot control species at great ape or dolphin intelligence or above. 300cp (Discount: Homeless)
  182. Osmosian: You can absorb matter to either form a protective coating around yourself or turn into it completely depending on how much you have available. You can even use this power to turn your limbs into weapons, create objects, and regenerate. What? Is all of this still not enough? Well, you could absorb energy to increase your ability to heal and produce energy blasts if you wanted to. You could also absorb living energy from others to gain their powers temporarily at reduced strength [see the Appendix for limitations]. All of this comes with a price: the more energy you absorb the more mentally unbalanced and violent you become. Willpower can help you control your violent, paranoid impulses but it won't protect you from becoming a complete sociopath. 600cp (Discount: Homeless)
  186. Lightbringer: Much like an Osmosian you can absorb energy, although it always expresses itself as a golden beam or energy shield if you use it for offensive or defensive purposes. The more energy you absorb the more energy you'll need to maintain your current level of power, but at higher levels your strength and durability increase and you gain the power to fly with a sparkling trail of light. At your maximum level of power your entire body turns gold and your ability to resist damage becomes truly frightening. Finally, if you feed on a living being they become attracted to you, making them easier to manipulate.
  188. The "drawback" to all this power is that if your energy reserves run low your body becomes a withered husk. You are still incredibly strong, durable, and can fly, but you lose the ability to passively feed on others. You can also produce and manipulate a form of negative energy that lets you attack and drain others at a distance, but you lack the pure power found at your higher energy states. Just so you know, you can eventually run so low on energy that even these abilities dwindle down to almost nothing.
  190. If all this wasn't enough, with the proper knowledge and the absorption of mana you can cast spells. Be warned that if you make a habit of absorbing mana you will find other sources of energy less nourishing. 600cp (Discount: Homeless)
  194. Technopath: You can move, communicate, analyze and control machines with your mind. You are likely to run into some machines that are so complex and advanced that you won't be able to manipulate them, but it doesn't really matter because you can use your powers to breakdown and build your own advanced machinery. 600cp (Discount: Homeless)
  198. Annoying: You know just what to say to get under someone’s skin. With a few choice words you can draw someone into an argument or infuriate an enemy into making a mistake. 100cp (Free: Tennyson)
  202. Alien Harem: There’s just something about you that seems to attract the romantic attention of aliens, magical beings, mutants, and people with weird stuff going on in general, whom you might find attractive. This will usually manifest as a low level crush unless you do something to draw their attention further or are really their type, but if you aren’t careful there is a small chance you might just start a galactic war. Luckily with some careful social maneuvering it shouldn‘t take much work to turn a romantic attraction into a platonic one as long as they aren’t crazy for you. 300cp (Discount: Tennyson)
  206. Anodite: Not many people are lucky enough to be descended from an Anodite. You not only possess an innate talent for magic, but you can draw on a lot more power than your average spell caster as well. On top of all this you can turn into an Anodite [1]. Be careful, if you spend too long as an Anodite without the proper training you could lose yourself to the power and forget your pre-Anodite existence. Of course all of this is meaningless if you can't use magic. 600cp (Discount: Tennyson)
  210. It’s Hero Time!: If you try and save someone the chances they survive increases exponentially, essentially giving them a minor form of plot armor until the danger passes or you stop trying to save them. In addition, you‘ll be able to avoid permanently injuring or killing the people you’re fighting as long as you don’t attack them with killing intent or hit them with something that would be ridiculously and overwhelmingly lethal to them. 600cp
  214. Plumber Training: You’re a veritable encyclopedia of galactic law and know how to operate Plumber equipment whether it’s a gun, tank, or spacecraft. You’re only as good as a standard Plumber (so not very), but as they say, practice makes perfect. 100cp (Free: Plumber)
  218. Revonnah Kai: You are a grandmaster of Revonnah Kai, a fighting style which can give you an edge against some of the more physically inclined aliens in the galaxy. You can even use the Stone Cutter, a technique which can be used to split rocks and break armor. 300 CP (Discount: Revonnahgander and Plumber)
  222. R&D: You have the technical knowledge to build and even improve on Plumber equipment. You shouldn’t have much of a problem reverse-engineering other alien tech with enough time either. 600cp (Discount: Cerebrocrustacean, Plumber | Free: Galvan)
  226. Bravery: They may be bigger, stronger, faster, and better armed than you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t get in there and fight them anyway. This doesn’t mean you’re without fear, you’re just better at pushing through it than most.
  230. Weirdness Magnet: If there’s an alien in the city or some magical artifact laying around, you’re probably going to bump into something that could lead you to it, if you don’t bump into the thing itself that is. 300cp (Discount: Forever Knight)
  234. Saint: Much like Old George, you are immortal, have increased physical capabilities to the point that you could crush rocks with your bare hands, and a will of iron. Not only that, but you‘re a master swordsman who can go toe-to-toe with eldritch abominations, read minds, and sense magic. You lack the ability to use magic yourself unless gotten from a different source. 600cp
  238. Forever King: You’re a natural born leader. If you send out the call, others will flock to your banner and you’ll find organizing your followers and putting them to good use second nature. (600cp Discount: Forever Knight)
  242. Studious: While this perk doesn’t make you any smarter per se, it does allow you to absorb information easier and study for much longer periods of time without growing tired. 100cp (Free: Refugee)
  246. Sanctum: You know how to arrange your magical possessions in such a way that as long as they're nearby you can draw upon their ambient power to increase your own magical capabilities. This takes time and careful arrangement to set up, so don't expect to do it on the fly. 300cp (Discount: Refugee)
  250. Magic: --- 600cp (Discount: Geochelone Aerios and Human | Free: Refugee)
  254. Animojo: When it comes to genetics you‘re one of the best in the universe. Not only can you manipulate the DNA of living things to change them to suit your purpose, but you can even bring long dead species back to life. On top of all this, you also possess the knowledge to build the equipment you need from components you could find at your local electronic and home repair stores. (Discount: SPELLCHECK Cerubrocrustecian, Galvan, and Human) 600cp
  256. ---Items---
  258. Nemetrix: A variant of the Omnitrix invented by the Cerebrocrustacean Dr. Psychobos, the Nemetrix was designed to counter the Omnitrix by allowing the wearer to turn into the non-sapiant natural predator[2] of whatever creature they are facing. WARNING: Do not wear if you value your intelligence and sanity, the biofeedback will destroy most intelligent minds. I suggest you put it on a dog or something. 500cp
  262. Evolutinary Function: This device can take DNA and simulate millions of years of total war to create even more powerful aliens when installed in a Nemetrix or Omnitrix (or maybe even something else if you’re feeling creative). Unfortuanatly the Evolutinary Function also has a built in Jumplock, limiting it’s usefulness. 500cp
  266. Cincotrix: The Mark 5 Nanoshift Enabled Exo-Armor is a powerful Techadon weapon in the shape of a wristband. When activated it becomes a nearly indestructible suit of armor armed to the teeth with a vast arsenal of ranged weaponry. It can also grow a thruster back to allow flight, wheels for high-speed acceleration on land, and a face mask to allow you to survive in oxygen-less environments. 500cp
  270. Omnitrix: 1000cp
  274. Rust Bucket: You own a replica of Max Tennyson's motorhome. Do not let apperances fool you, this vehicle is armed to the teeth and even possesses a machine that can let you enter other people's dreams. 300cp (Discount: Tennyson)
  278. Proto-Tech Armor: Armor strong enough to withstand extreme punishment without hindering movement. 200cp (Discount: Plumber)
  282. Proto-Tool: An extremly difficult to use piece of equipment that can turn into a variaty of different weapons and tools. If you can think of it and it is not too big the Proto-Tool can probably become it. 300cp (Discount: Plumber)
  286. Plumber Ship: Pretty lackluster as far as spacecrafts go, but it can still travel faster-than-light so who cares? 400cp (Discount: Plumber)
  290. Proto-TRUK: What appears to be a truck belonging to a local plumbing company can transform into a highly advanced faster-than-light spaceship. Comes equiped with a Tri-Blaster Turret and a holding cell for prisoners. 600cp (Discount: Plumber)
  294. Null Void Projector: A gun that lets you send people to the Null Void. Outside the Ben 10 multiverse they are sent to a mini Null Void prison that especially determined people will somehow eventually find a way to escape. 600cp (Discount: Plumber)
  299. ---Companions---
  301. You may spend 100cp per Companion to give them a Background and 600cp to spend. If you spend 300cp you can import eight Companions instead of one. Any Companion you import gets 300cp for free that can only be spent on what species they are.
  305. Partner: You have a friend that will stick by your side through thick or thin. They start with a Background of your choice and 600cp to spend along with an extra 300cp you can only spend on a species for them to be. Plumbers get one Partner for free, but they always have the Plumber Background and they can be any selectable alien species for free. You two will be assigned as partners by the Plumbers, so try not to break any laws. They’ll ultimately choose you over their loyalty to the Plumbers, but they won’t be happy about it. 200cp (One free purchase: Plumber)
  309. Ship: An animalistic Galvanic Mechamorph the size of a small dog, just like the one Julie Yamamoto has. While it can't upgrade technology it can absorb and replicate it. 300cp (Discount: Homeless)
  313. Unitrix: This prototype of the Omnitrix can only store one DNA sample at a time and cannot be used to transform into an alien. When activated it becomes a sapient being that takes on the form of an alien that matches the DNA sample stored in it. The Unitrix can also absorb animal and alien DNA to gain some of their abilities for about ten minutes. There is also a button on the back of the Unitrix’s neck (or similar region) that when hit will return it to canister form. 400cp (Discount: Tennyson)
  317. Forever Ninja: An android bodyguard created using stolen alien technology. A master at close combat, it is equally skilled in the use of hand to hand combat and its beam swords. While less dangerous at long distances, it can still shoot deadly shurikens at foes who are unwilling to come into melee range. It also possesses limited self-repair functions. 300cp (Discount: Forever Knight)
  321. Pretty Boy: Ma Vreedle has entrusted you with a Pretty Boy, even if none have been made yet. They aren't good for much besides being spoiled brats, but that doesn't mean Ma Vreedle won't mess you up if you get him hurt. For an extra 100cp you can get a giant Pretty Boy that is twice as big and many times stronger than a normal Pretty Boy. 100cp-200cp (Discount: Vreedle)
  323. ---Drawbacks---
  325. You may take up to three for points, beyond that you get nothing but trouble.
  327. -
  328. Another Time, Another Place: If you want to you could always start your journey at a different point in time. You can choose to start at the beginning of any series rather than just the first one and your Background will adjust to make up for any discrepancies. Alternatively you can choose to start in the Ben 10,000 future or any of the alternative universes shown in the show, like a universe where Gwen got the Omnitrix instead of Ben or a Mad Max-esque wasteland ruled over by an evil Ben with an Australian accent. +0cp
  332. Arrogant: You have an extremely high opinion of yourself and often overestimate your capabilities. This can make you extremely annoying to be around and may occasionally cause you to bite off more than you can chew. +100cp
  336. Bro: You’ve been infected with Fistrick’s bro essence, turning you into a bro. You’ll find yourself using the word “bro“ a lot, have a decreased attention span, and a strong urge to work out and party. In addition to all this you’ll become extremely competitive to the point of cheating and sabotaging your closest friends if it allows you to gain an edge. The choice to add “Fist” to the beginning of your name is optional, but encouraged. +100cp
  340. Null Void: Congratulations! Instead of starting somewhere normal, you get to begin your adventure in an inhospitable dimension full of hardened criminals. Escaping the Null Void is almost impossible, but it has been done before. +100cp
  343. Walkatrout: You just can’t catch a break, can you? You’re Omnitrix and/or Jumpertrix always seems to time out at the worst possible moment and for some reason it almost always seems to grant you a different form than the one you wanted. +100cp (Omnitrix and Jumpertrix only)
  346. Numbernumber: Sixsix, a dangerous bounty hunter is after you. He’ll stop at nothing to kill you, and even if you manage to take him out one of his relatives will come after you seeking revenge. Don’t worry about running out of bounty hunters, for some reason new relatives seem to pop into existence whenever you kill enough of them ensuring your 10 years will remain interesting. +200cp
  350. Wanted: For whatever reason the Plumbers consider you a dangerous criminal and want you taken into custody. While they will try and take you in alive, they will shoot to kill if you don’t surrender and try to fight them. If you do get caught expect to spend time in a prison onboard a Plumber station, or worse, in the Null Void. Even if you do manage to escape they’ll just try and arrest you again. +200cp
  354. Jumpertrix: It sure was lucky you found that watch that gave you all those powers, eh? Its apparently been loaded with a bunch of different powers and alternate forms gathered from across the multiverse, which could be very useful for an ordinary person like yourself. Sucks about that cooldown timer though.
  356. If you haven’t guessed yet, all your powers and alternate forms from other jumps have been stored inside the Jumpertrix, which much like the Omnitrix will only stay active for several minutes before shutting down to recharge for a short period of time. If this wasn’t bad enough, you can only access the powers of one jump at a time. You keep your Jumpertrix after the end of this jump without any of your powers inside (or indeed, any apparent way to have stored your powers in the first place) it as a memento. It’s basically worthless, but you might be able to figure out something to do with it seeing as how it does have some fairly advanced alien technology in it.
  358. If you’re feeling lucky you can take this drawback for +800cp instead of just +200cp, but if you do an extremely powerful and dangerous alien known as Vilgax will know about the Jumpertrix and wish to claim it for his own nefarious purposes. +200cp or +800cp
  362. The Most Dangerous Game: Khyber, the greatest hunter in the galaxy, has learned of your existence and wants to see your head mounted on his wall. Until your final year he will always manage to survive whatever you throw at him and he always seems to have something up his sleeve that can threaten your life. +300cp
  366. Rooting You Out: The Rooters, a black ops branch of the Plumbers, has learned of your existence and considers you a grave danger to the universe. When they strike it will come unexpectedly and they will be bring top secret technology to bare against you along with genetically altered super soldiers (even if they don’t get Kevin, they’ll still find a way). Even if the Plumbers find out about the things the Rooters have been doing, they’ll just give them a pass. If you manage to take out Servantis and his followers even more dangerous people will rise to take their place. FYI, be careful, because you never know who’s a sleeper agent. +300
  370. Freaked Out: Not only do you have an Ectonurite form stored in your Omnitrix, but oddly enough, Ghosfreak seems to have been replaced with Big Chill in Ben's first ten available aliens. This choice is not for the faint of heart...
  372. The funny thing about Ectonurites is that their minds are stored in their DNA and it just so happens the DNA sample in your Omnitrix belongs to High Ecto-Lord Zz'Skayr. Zz'Skayr is none too thrilled to be trapped in a watch and put on like a suit, so when he breaks out, and he will break out, expect him to do whatever he can to take your body and/or conquer a world and try and take your body or kill you. Also, killing him won't help, he will always find a way to survive.
  374. Look on the bright side, if you manage to survive until the end of the jump your Omnitrix will get an actually usable Ectonurite form added to it. +300cp (Omnitrix only)
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