
Dev Notes

Oct 17th, 2020
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  1. I made a little script to farm the new mobs... sorry its not a GUI but I really hate messing with GUIs when there are only a few options you can change pretty easily.... I do not know the God Mode method for this game but it automatically equips your weapon when you die so its no big deal (sometimes the weapon glitches and doesn't show up in your hand but it still damages mobs) It has a table for mobs to attack (no reason to change this) and an option if you want to farm the witch (when farming witch it will pause when there are no mobs near witch but its only until she spawns more minions).. when witch has died it will farm the other halloween mobs until she respawns ... the script will only farm the witch once you are able to make the Formula potion needed to kill the witch and will make it automatically once you have the ingredients and assuming you have a Tier 3 workbench... let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! oh and yes, it is open source and you can download and learn from the code if you would like!
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