
Fap juice

Feb 28th, 2014
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  1. XavierBlace7853: @_@
  2. ReluxisSulris: Hey hey swigitty swagitty peoples! How's it chillin today? (,,,)<(=^u^=)>(,,,)
  3. ReluxisSulris: Was that too much?
  4. ReluxisSulris: I left them speechless! x'D!
  5. tomeeqe: wtf
  6. ReluxisSulris: What?
  7. ReluxisSulris: All I was trying to do was say Hi.
  8. tomeeqe: k
  9. ReluxisSulris: I guess it doesn't matter though.
  10. Kathelia: And you did let's agree on that
  11. ReluxisSulris: Awesome like a possum.
  12. ReluxisSulris: So how's everybody?
  13. Toast22A: Asleep
  14. Kathelia: Already?
  15. Toast22A: There are 55 people playing Just Chatting
  16. Toast22A: There are about four people chatting
  17. ReluxisSulris: And barely anyone talking.
  18. Ursarkar_E_Creed: That's a lie, toast.
  19. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Don't believe anything you read.
  20. ReluxisSulris: Why?
  21. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Why not?
  22. ReluxisSulris: I trust mostly everything I read.
  23. ReluxisSulris: Why don;t you?
  24. Kathelia: Trust me, apples are really purple
  25. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Because everything on the Internet is a lie.
  26. ReluxisSulris: Okie Dokie Lokie then.
  27. Toast22A: Creed
  28. Toast22A: You're awesome
  29. Kathelia: Ikr?
  30. Toast22A: Kat
  31. Kathelia: Toast
  32. Toast22A: Everything on the Internet is a lie
  33. Toast22A: Just think about that for a sec
  34. Kathelia: Not now, I'm concentrated
  35. Toast22A: Aaand that leaves me.
  36. tomeeqe: This statement is a lie.
  37. Toast22A: ^Someone's getting it
  38. ReluxisSulris: Everything is a lie then?
  39. Ursarkar_E_Creed: BUT
  40. tomeeqe: Does that mean I'm not getting it? :c
  41. Ursarkar_E_Creed: IF EVERYTHING IS A LIE
  42. Kathelia: So I'm a lie?
  44. Kathelia: I'm on the internet
  45. Ursarkar_E_Creed: IS A LIE
  46. Ursarkar_E_Creed: THEREFORE, IT IS NOT A LIE.
  47. Ursarkar_E_Creed: But if it's a lie, then it's not a lie.
  48. Ursarkar_E_Creed: But it's a lie.
  49. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Therefore.
  50. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Paradox.
  51. tomeeqe: Stop the ****ing flood please.
  52. Ursarkar_E_Creed: What's wrong, Tom? Can't handle the psychology?
  53. tomeeqe: How is this psychology?
  54. tomeeqe: Anyways, brb
  55. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Aight.
  56. Kathelia: I'm running out of pencil
  57. Toast22A: Stop using it
  58. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Buy more.
  59. Toast22A: It won't run out if you're not using it
  60. Toast22A: geez, creed
  61. Ursarkar_E_Creed: If won't run out if you used a pen.
  62. Kathelia: But I have to finish this fast
  63. Toast22A: you and your wasteful spending
  64. Toast22A: you're the reason the earth is dying
  65. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Obviously.
  66. Ursarkar_E_Creed: No, it's not my fault.
  67. Toast22A: kat
  68. Kathelia: It's not wasteful, I have to finish this, so I can start a new before I lose my inspiration
  69. Ursarkar_E_Creed: It's the pencil factory fault.
  70. Toast22A: can't you use a printer or something
  71. Kathelia: Yea, I'll draw with a printer
  72. Kathelia: Definitely
  73. Toast22A: creed
  74. Toast22A: if no one buys pencils
  75. Toast22A: no one makes pencils
  76. Kathelia: Pencils are good
  77. Toast22A: it's the people's fault that pencil factories exist
  78. Ursarkar_E_Creed: But if papers didn't exist, who would need pencils?
  79. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Therefore, it's the trees fault.
  80. Ursarkar_E_Creed: trees'*
  81. Toast22A: i'm blaming the sun
  82. Kathelia: I'll blame Toast
  83. Kathelia: Look what you've done Toast!
  84. Toast22A: :c
  85. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Goddammit, Toast.
  86. Toast22A: sry nature
  87. Kathelia: You should be ashamed
  88. Kathelia: Get in the corner!
  89. Toast22A: :cc
  90. Kathelia: Now!
  91. Toast22A: ok :ccc
  92. Kathelia: Wont talk to you =I
  93. Toast22A: :cccc
  94. Kathelia: Nu uh, don't even try that puppy face.
  95. Toast22A: :ccccc
  96. Kathelia: We both know you did it
  97. Toast22A: :c^2
  98. Kathelia: You can come out when I tell you to.
  99. Toast22A: ok :c
  100. Kathelia: I love how you don't even argue xD
  101. Toast22A: i can't argue with people
  102. Wondroid: He's a masochist.
  103. Toast22A: ^
  104. tomeeqe: Back.
  105. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Welcome back.
  106. Kathelia: I'd wish you were my little brother then. I could just blame you if sth happened
  107. tomeeqe: Thank you.
  108. Toast22A: well yeah
  109. Toast22A: you could
  110. Kathelia: =O
  111. Kathelia: That could be awesome
  112. tomeeqe: :c
  113. shyataroo: good morning everyone excpt for....
  114. Toast22A: no worries, tom
  115. Toast22A: you're still important
  116. shyataroo: ....tomeege you don't get a good morning.
  117. tomeeqe: Because it's not morning.
  118. tomeeqe: Retard.
  119. shyataroo: its morning here
  120. tomeeqe: Who cares?
  121. Kathelia: Yes Tom, you're the best butler I've had =D
  122. shyataroo: I do.
  123. Kathelia: (and the only)
  124. tomeeqe: Good, keep it to yourself then.
  125. Toast22A: why does time even exist
  126. Toast22A: you know what
  127. shyataroo: the shit is your problem are you really that upset that I didn't say good morning to you?
  128. Toast22A: we should remove time zones
  129. Toast22A: screw time zones
  130. Toast22A: utc for all
  131. Toast22A: nine in the morning and it's dark as shit outside
  132. tomeeqe: Upset for not getting a good morning when it's not even morning?
  133. tomeeqe: And from a person I don't give a shit about?
  134. tomeeqe: lol
  135. tomeeqe: Yeah, I'm very upset.
  136. shyataroo: you should be I'm quite important
  137. tomeeqe: Mr. Presidento retardo?
  138. shyataroo: I once made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using only one hand
  139. SomeGamer: brb fap tim
  140. Wondroid: What were you doing with the other hand, Shya?
  141. SomeGamer:
  142. tomeeqe: Hi Wondroid.
  143. shyataroo: playing games duh
  144. Wondroid: Hello tomee.
  145. Toast22A: I've never seen "playing games" as a euphemism for that before
  146. Toast22A: It's usually just "choking the chicken" or something
  147. shyataroo: I know. but when I divide my dick I need two hands, for stability
  148. tomeeqe: Turturing the cucumber.
  149. tomeeqe: *torturing
  150. Toast22A: Two hands? At once?
  151. Toast22A: How small are your hands?
  152. shyataroo: I can cover my face with my hand
  153. Wondroid: Children's hands.
  154. Toast22A: How small is your face?
  155. shyataroo: I don't know.
  156. shyataroo: but I would assume at least resonably large
  157. shyataroo: my penis isn't large or anything I just find two hands work better than one.
  158. Toast22A: Right
  159. Toast22A: You better wash your hands before you make that sandwich then
  160. tomeeqe: So that's why you're bitching today.
  161. shyataroo: of course clean hands= clean mind bruh
  162. Ursarkar_E_Creed: How do clean hands equal a clean mind?
  163. Ursarkar_E_Creed: Please expound.
  164. Toast22A: (clean hands = clean mind) รท clean
  165. Toast22A: hands = mind?
  166. shyataroo: well if your hands are clean, you can leave your mind open to explore the possibilities of life
  167. shyataroo: without having to worry if you're getting your fap juice or shit all over someones counter
  168. Ursarkar_E_Creed: That's irrelevant.
  169. Ursarkar_E_Creed: >fap juice
  170. Wondroid: haha
  171. tomeeqe: wtf
  172. Toast22A: fap juice
  173. Toast22A: now with pulp
  174. Toast22A: because f/ck you, that's why
  175. Wondroid: pulp= fat spermatozoa
  176. shyataroo: yeah, sperm that's been drinking a lot of soda
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