Guest User


a guest
Dec 24th, 2017
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
text 66.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. case "en":
  2. $phrases = array(
  3. // HTML allowed
  5. // Top strip //
  6. "register" => "Rejestracja",
  7. "login" => "Zaloguj",
  8. "search" => "Szukaj...",
  9. // Top strip //
  11. //Itemshop - START
  12. "isTitle" => "Item-Shop",
  13. "isZeroCategories" => "Kategorie nie zostały znalezione.",
  14. "isZeroItems" => "Przedmioty nie zostały znalezione w tej kategorii.",
  15. "isBuy" => "kup",
  16. "isNotEnoughCoins" => "Niewystarczająca liczba monet",
  17. "isYourCoins" => "Twoje Monety: ",
  18. "isBuyCoins" => "<a href='".Links::getUrl("monety")."'>(KUP)</a>",
  19. "isNotEmptyItemshopMall" => "Twój magazyn sklepu z przedmiotami nie jest pusty. Zakup przedmiotu nie powiódł się.",
  20. "isBuySuccess" => "Produkt (y) został (y) pomyślnie zakupiony (e). Produkt(y) znajduje (ą) się w magazynie przedmiotów.",
  21. "isVerifyAmount" => "Sprawdź ilość przedmiotów: ",
  22. "isSubmit" => "Kupmy",
  23. "isNotValidQuantity" => "Nieważna ilość",
  24. "isNotValidRange" => "Nieprawidłowa ilość. Możesz wybrać 1 - ",
  26. //Premium
  27. "isSilverActive" => "Już masz premię do srebra: ",
  28. "isGoldActive" => "Już masz premię do Złota: ",
  29. "isYangActive" => "Już masz premię do yang: ",
  30. "isActive" => "Już aktywowałeś premię.",
  31. "isSilverSuccess" => "Srebrne premium zostało pomyślnie zakupione.",
  32. "isGoldSuccess" => "Złote premium zostało pomyślnie zakupione.",
  33. "isYangSuccess" => "Yang premium zostało pomyślnie zakupione.",
  34. "isPremiumSuccess" => "Premium została pomyślnie zakupiona.",
  35. //Itemshop - END
  37. //Search - START
  38. "nothingFound" => "Nic nie znaleziono...",
  39. "playerFound" => "Gracz został znaleziony. Przekierowanie...",
  40. //Search - STOP
  42. // Server status + social links
  43. "serverStatus" => "Sprawdź status serwera",
  44. "service" => "Usługa",
  45. "status" => "Status",
  46. "online" => "Online",
  47. "offline" => "Offline",
  48. // Server status + social links
  50. //News
  51. "postedBy" => "Wysłane przez",
  52. "viewMore" => "Zobacz więcej",
  53. "addComment" => "Dodaj komentarz",
  54. "zeroComments" => "<i>Brak komentarzy.!</i>",
  55. "writeComment" => "Napisz komentarz",
  56. "notLogged" => "<p>Musisz się zalogować, aby komentować te wiadomości.</p>",
  57. "publishAsField" => "Publish as: ",
  58. "commentField" => "Comment: ",
  59. "commentRange" => "Comment must have 3-1000 characters.",
  60. "authorRange" => "Name must have 4-20 characters",
  61. "commentAuthorError" => "Please choose valid name.",
  62. "commentSuccess" => "Comment has been successfully submitted.",
  63. "commentsDisabled" => "Coments are disabled",
  64. "cannotChooseThisName" => "You cannot choose this name, because another registered user is using it.",
  65. "publishedAnonym" => "Anonym",
  66. "zeroNews" => "News were not found",
  67. "clickOnViewMore" => "<b> ... click on view more for full news</b>",
  68. //News
  70. //Registration - START
  71. "regTitle" => "Registration",
  72. "regDisabled" => "Registration is currently disabled. Try later, please!",
  73. "regDesc" => "Create your new account and became legend on our ".Core::getSiteTitle()." server.
  74. If you already have account, please <a href='".Links::getUrl('login')."'>login</a>",
  75. "regAlphanumeric" => "Username must consist only of alphanumeric characters",
  76. "regUsernameRange" => "Username must be between ".Registration::getUsernameMin()." and ".Registration::getUsernameMax()." characters.",
  77. "regPasswordRange" => "Pasword must be unique and must be between ".Registration::getPasswordMin()." and ".Registration::getPasswordMax()." characters.",
  78. "regPasswordNeedNumber" => "Password must contain at least one number.",
  79. "regDeleteCode" => "Delete code must have excatly 7 characters and consists only of alphanumeric characters",
  81. //Form
  82. "regUsername" => "Username", // Used for login too
  83. "regPassword" => "Password",
  84. "regPasswordAgain" => "Password again",
  85. "regEmail" => "Email address",
  86. "regEnter" => "Enter",
  87. "regDelete" => "Delete code",
  88. "register" => "Register",
  89. "regCaptcha" => "Enter the captcha code above",
  90. "anotherCaptcha" => "Different captcha code",
  92. //messages//
  93. "fillInAllFields" => "Fill in all fields, please.",
  94. "emailNotValid" => "Email is not valid.",
  95. "pwDontMatchPw2" => "Password do not match.",
  96. "captchaWong" => "You entered wrong captcha code.", // uses for login too
  97. "weakPassword" => "The password you provided is very weak. Please choose another one.",
  98. "usernameExists" => "Username already exists. Please choose another one.",
  99. "emailExists" => "Email already exists. Please choose another one.",
  100. "regSuccessful" => "You have been succsessfuly registred. You can download the client <a href='#'>here</a>",
  102. //Registration - END
  104. //Login - START
  105. "loginTitle" => "Login",
  106. "loginButton" => "Login",
  107. "wrongData" => "You entered wrong data.",
  108. "allFields" => "Enter all fields please.",
  109. "alreadyLogged" => "You are already logged in.",
  111. "pernamentBan" => "You have been pernament banned. Reason :",
  112. "tempBan" => "You are banned until : ",
  113. "reason" => "<br />Reason : ",
  114. "unbanned" => "Your ban has expired. You can login now.",
  116. "logged" => "You have been successfuly logged. You will be redirected now.",
  117. //Login - END
  119. //Team - START
  121. //Team - END
  123. //Forgotten password - START
  124. "fpHint" => "Did you forget your password?",
  125. "fpTitle" => "Forgotten password",
  126. "fpDesc" => "If you've forgotten your password use this form to reset your password. Link for changing your password will be send to your email.",
  127. "fpButton" => "Send password recovery request",
  128. "fpCombinationNotFound" => "Combination was not found.",
  129. "fpRequestExists" => "You have already got active request. Please check your email.",
  130. "fpSuccess" => "Success. We have sent you instructions on your email. The link we've sent you is available only for 24 hours.",
  131. "fpEmailTitle" => "Password recovery request",
  132. "fpEmailText" => "<h1>Hello,</h1><br />We have noticed your password recovery request.<br />
  133. Click on the link below. Link is available for only 1 day.<br />URL: ",
  134. "fpChangeTitle" => "Choose your password",
  135. "fpChangeDesc" => "Changing password for account: ",
  136. "fpChangeNewPassword" => "New password: ",
  137. "fpChangeNewPasswordAgain" => "New password (again): ",
  138. "fpChangeButton" => "Change password",
  139. "fpChangeSuccess" => "Your password has been successfully changed. You can login now.",
  140. //Forgotten password - END
  142. //Account - START
  143. "accountTitle" => "Your account",
  144. "logoutTitle" => "Logout",
  145. "logoutDesc" => "You have been successfully logout. You will be redirected.",
  146. "accountButton" => "Account",
  147. "logoutButton" => "Logout",
  149. //Account - END
  151. //Team - START
  152. "tNoCategories" => "Team categories were not found !",
  153. "tNoMembers" => "Team members were not found !",
  155. "memberSince" => "Member since:",
  156. "memberPosition" => "Position:",
  157. "memberContact" => "Contact: ", // You can change to skype, icq, whatever
  158. //Team - END
  160. //Download - START
  161. "dlTitle" => "Download",
  162. "dlNothing" => "Download links were not added yet.",
  164. //Table
  165. "dlTableTitle" => "Title",
  166. "dlTableDesc" => "Description",
  167. "dlTableSize" => "Size",
  168. "dlTableDownload" => "Download",
  169. //Table
  171. "dlAdded" => "Added : ", //This will show up only if description is omitted.
  172. //Download - END
  174. //Rankings - START
  176. //Players
  177. "playerRankTitle" => "Player rankings",
  178. "playerRankOrder" => "#",
  179. "playerRankKingdom" => "",
  180. "playerRankName" => "Name",
  181. "playerRankLevel" => "Level",
  182. "playerRankChar" => "Race",
  183. "playerRankGuild" => "Guild",
  184. "playerRankInfo" => "Info",
  185. "playerRankNoGuild" => " - ",
  187. "playerRankNoPlayers" => "Players were not found !",
  189. //Guilds
  190. "guildRankTitle" => "Guilds ranking",
  191. "guildRankNoGuilds" => "Guilds were not found !",
  192. "guildRankOrder" => "#",
  193. "guildRankName" => "Name",
  194. "guildRankLevel" => "Level",
  195. "guildRankMembers" => "Members",
  196. "guildRankPoints" => "Points",
  197. "guildRankInfo" => "Info",
  199. //Rankings - END
  201. //Player - START
  202. "warrior" => "Warrior",
  203. "ninja" => "Ninja",
  204. "sura" => "Sura",
  205. "shaman" => "Shaman",
  207. "playerInfoTitle" => "Player info : ",
  208. "playerInfoName" => "Name",
  209. "playerInfoLevel" => "Level",
  210. "playerInfoKingdom" => "Kingdom",
  211. "playerInfoShinsoo" => "<span style='color:red;'>Shinsoo</span>",
  212. "playerInfoChunjo" => "<span style='color:goldenrod;'>Chunjo</span>",
  213. "playerInfoJinno" => "<span style='color:blue;'>Jinno</span>",
  214. "playerInfoGameTime" => "Game time",
  215. "playerInfoHours" => " hours",
  216. "playerInfoLastPlay" => "Last play",
  217. "playerInfoChar" => "Char",
  218. "playerInfoExp" => "Exp",
  219. "playerInfoGuild" => "Guild",
  220. //Player - END
  222. //User panel - START
  223. "notLogged" => "You are not logged in.",
  224. "userGreetings" => "Welcome, ",
  225. "userInfo" => "Account info",
  226. "userCoins" => "Buy coins",
  227. "userEditAccount" => "Edit account",
  228. "userChars" => "Your characters",
  229. "userTicketSystem" => "Ticket system",
  230. "userReferralSystem" => "Referral system",
  231. //Account info
  232. "accountInfoTitle" => "Account info",
  233. "accountInfoUsername" => "Username: ",
  234. "accountInfoEmail" => "Email: ",
  235. "accountInfoLastIP" => "Last logged IP: ",
  236. "accountInfoCoins" => "Coins: ",
  237. "accountInfoDeleteCode" => "Delete code: ",
  238. "accountInfoDCHidden" => "hidden ( <a href='".Links::getUrl('account send-delcode')."'>SEND ON EMAIL</a> )",
  239. "accountInfoWarehousePassword" => "Warehouse password: ",
  240. "accountInfoWarehouseHidden" => "hidden ( <a href='".Links::getUrl('account send-warehouse-pw')."'>SEND ON EMAIL</a> )",
  241. "accountInfoCreated" => "Account created: ",
  242. "accountInfoPremiumGold" => "Gold Premium: ",
  243. "accountInfoPremiumSilver" => "Silver Premium: ",
  244. "accountInfoPremiumYang" => "Yang Premium: ",
  245. "accountInfoPremiumActive" => "Yes - until : ",
  246. "accountInfoPremiumNotActive" => "No",
  248. //Coins
  249. "coinsTitle" => "Coins",
  250. "couponsTitle" => "Coupons",
  251. "couponDesc" => "If you have obtain any coupon code, you can use it here. You will get certain amount of coins
  252. if the coupon code is correct and was not used yet.",
  253. "couponCode" => "Coupon code: ",
  254. "applyCoupon" => "Apply coupon",
  255. "couponNotValid" => "Coupon is not valid",
  256. "couponAlreadyUsed" => "Coupon has been already used",
  257. "couponApplied" => "Coupon was successfully applied and you have received: ",
  258. "couponCoins" => " coins",
  259. "paysafecard" => "Paysafecard",
  260. "psc_pin" => "Paysafecard pin (without dashes)",
  261. "submit_psc" => "Submit paysafecard pin",
  262. "psc_pin_error" => "Paysafecard pin has wrong format. It must contain only numbers (without dashes) and length must be exactly 16.",
  263. "processingPscPinExists" => "You have already submitted one paysafecard pin that has not been checked by admin yet.
  264. Please wait until admin verify your pin.",
  265. "pscSubmitted" => "Paysafecard pin has been submitted. Please be patient now.
  266. You have to wait until admin verify your pin.",
  267. "last5Pins" => "Last 5 submitted pins:",
  268. "pin" => "Pin",
  269. "allowed" => "ALLOWED",
  270. "denied" => "DENIED",
  271. "delete" => "[delete]",
  272. "pinDeleted" => "Paysafecard pin has been deleted.",
  273. "confirmDenyPSC" => "Do you really want to deny this PSC ?",
  274. "confirmDenyAmazon" => "Do you really want to deny this amazon code ?",
  275. "confirmAllowPSC" => "Do you really want to allow this PSC and add coins to the user ?",
  276. "confirmAllowAmazon" => "Do you really want to allow this amazon code and add coins to the user ?",
  277. "PSCHowManyCoins" => "How many coins will user get ?",
  278. "cannotNegativeCoins" => "Number of coins must be greater then 0.",
  279. "PSCSuccess" => "You have successfully added coins to this user. Status of this PSC pin has been set as 'allowed'.",
  280. "amazonSuccess" => "You have successfully added coins to this user. Status of this amazon code has been set as 'allowed'.",
  281. "PSCDenied" => "PSC status has been set as 'denied'.",
  282. "amazonDenied" => "Amazon code status has been set as 'denied'.",
  283. "amazonCode" => "Amazon code",
  284. "processingAmazonCodeExists" => "You have already submitted one amazon code that has not been checked by admin yet.",
  285. "amazonCodeSubmitted" => "Amazon code has been submitted. Please be patient now. Admin must check the code manually.",
  286. "submitAmazonCode" => "Submit amazon code",
  287. "amazonCodeDeleted" => "Amazon code has been deleted.",
  288. "last5AmazonCodes" => "Last 5 submitted amazon codes",
  289. "paypal" => "Paypal",
  290. "choosePlease" => "Choose please:",
  291. "payWithPaypal" => "Pay with paypal",
  294. //Send delete code
  295. "sendDCTitle" => "Send delete code",
  296. "sendDCHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />We can send you delete code on your email
  297. in :",
  298. "sendDCEmailTitle" => "Your delete code",
  299. "sendDCEmailText" => "<h1>Hello,</h1><br />We have noticed your request for delete code.<br />
  300. Your delete code is : ",
  301. "sendDCSuccess" => "Delete code has been successfully sent to your email.",
  303. //Send delete code
  304. "sendWarehouseTitle" => "Send warehouse password",
  305. "sendWarehouseHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />We can send you warehouse password on your email
  306. in :",
  307. "sendWarehousePasswordMailTitle" => "Your warehouse password",
  308. "sendWarehouseMailText" => "<h1>Hello,</h1><br />We have noticed your request for warehouse password.<br />
  309. Your warehouse password is : ",
  310. "sendWarehousePasswordSuccess" => "Warehouse password has been successfully sent to your email.",
  312. //Edit account
  313. "editAccountTitle" => "Edit account",
  314. "editAccountChangePW" => "Change account password",
  315. "editAccountChangePWMailVerificationInfo" => "We will send you verification code on your email for changing your password.
  316. The code will be available for 2 hours.",
  317. "editAccountChangePWMailContinue" => "Continue",
  318. "editAccountChangePWMailTitle" => "Change account password",
  319. "editAccountChangePWMailText" => "<h1>Hello,</h1><br />We have noticed your request for changing password.<br />
  320. Verification code is available for 2 hours.<br />Verification code is : ",
  321. "editAccountChangePWMailNotSent" => "We have send you last email at : ",
  322. "editAccountChangePWNextMail" => "<br />We can't send you another email for security issues until : ",
  323. "editAccountChangePWEmailCode" => "Verification code (from email)",
  324. "editAccountChangePWOldPW" => "Old password",
  325. "editAccountChangePWNewPW" => "New password",
  326. "editAccountChangePWNewPWAgain" => "New password (again)",
  327. "editAccountChangePWButton" => "Change password",
  328. "editAccountChangePWVerificationCodeNotValid" => "Verification code is not valid.",
  329. "editAccountChangePWOldPWisWrong" => "Old ( current ) password is not correct.",
  330. "editAccountChangePWSuccess" => "Password has been successfully changed.",
  331. "editAccountChangePWHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />You can change your password in:",
  332. "changeWarehousePasswordTitle" => "Change warehouse password",
  333. "changeWarehousePasswordRange" => "Warehouse password must be alphanumeric and have exactly 6 characters.",
  334. "changeWarehousePasswordOld" => "Old password (do not enter, if is default)",
  335. "changeWarehousePasswordNew" => "New password",
  336. "changeWarehousePasswordNewAgain" => "New password (again)",
  337. "changeWarehousePasswordButton" => "Change password",
  338. "changeWarehousePasswordOldNotValid" => "Old password is not valid.",
  339. "changeWarehousePasswordNotAlphanumeric" => "Password is not alphanumeric.",
  340. "changeWarehousePasswordNot6Chars" => "Password don't have 6 characters.",
  341. "changeWarehousePasswordNotMatch" => "Password verification failed.",
  342. "changeWarehousePasswordHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />You can change your warehouse password in:",
  343. "changeWarehousePasswordSuccess" => "Warehouse password has been successfully changed.",
  344. "changeEmailTitle" => "Change email",
  345. "changeEmailDisabled" => "Change email is not possible at this time.",
  346. "changeEmailVerificationInfo" => "We will send you verification code on your email for changing your
  347. email address associated with this account.",
  348. "changeEmailContinueButton" => "Continue",
  349. "changeEmailOldEmail" => "Old email address",
  350. "changeEmailYourPassword" => "Your password",
  351. "changeEmailNewEmail" => "New email address",
  352. "changeEmailNewEmailAgain" => "New email address (again)",
  353. "changeEmailButton" => "Change email",
  354. "changeEmailHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />You can change your email in: ",
  355. "changeEmailBadOldEmail" => "Old (current) email is not correct.",
  356. "changeEmailBadPassword" => "Password is not correct.",
  357. "changeEmailBadFormat" => "Email address has not valid format",
  358. "changeEmailAlreadyExists" => "You cant use this email. This email is already using another user.",
  359. "changeEmailNotMatch" => "Emails don't match.",
  360. "changeEmailSuccess" => "Email has been successfully changed.",
  361. "changeEmailMailNotSent" => "We have send you last email at : ",
  362. "changeEmailNextMail" => "<br />We can't send you another email for security issues until : ",
  363. "changeEmailMailTitle" => "Change email",
  364. "changeEmailMailText" => "<h1>Hello,</h1><br />We have noticed your request for changing email.<br />
  365. Verification code is available for 2 hours.<br />Verification code is : ",
  366. "changeEmailVerificationCode" => "Verification code (from email)",
  367. "changeEmailVerificationCodeNotCorrect" => "Verification code is not correct.",
  369. //Characters
  370. "charsTitle" => "My characters",
  371. "charsNoChars" => "You have not created any character yet.",
  372. "charsDebugInfo" => "If you are stuck in map, use 'debug' function near your character name.<br />
  373. You have to be at least 5 minutes disconencted from server for using debug function.",
  374. "charsDebugButton" => "debug",
  375. "charsDebugHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />
  376. You can debug your character in: ",
  377. "charDebugNotDisconnected" => "You cannot use debug because u are not disconnected more then 10 minutes.<br />
  378. If you disconnect right now, you can use debug in: ",
  379. "charDebugSuccess" => "Your character has been successfully debuged. Please wait now 5 minutes before you login.",
  381. //Ticket system
  382. "ticketSysTitle" => "Ticket system",
  383. "ticketSysNotEnabled" => "Ticket system is not enabled.",
  384. "ticketSysCreate" => "Create new ticket",
  385. "ticketSysView" => "View your tickets",
  386. "ticketSysAddHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time.<br />
  387. You can create new ticket in: ",
  388. "ticketSysAddSubject" => "Subject",
  389. "ticketSysAddSubjectDesc" => "Please choose short phrase that describe your problem...",
  390. "ticketSysAddCategory" => "Choose the category",
  391. "ticketSysCategoriesNotFound" => "Categories not found.",
  392. "ticketSysAddText" => "Text ( what is the problem? )",
  393. "ticketSysSubjectRange" => "Subject must be 5-30 characters.",
  394. "ticketSysInvalidCategory" => "Invalid category",
  395. "ticketSysTextRange" => "Text must be 15-2000 characters",
  396. "ticketSysAddSuccess" => "Ticket has been successfully created. We will answer you as soon as possible.",
  397. "ticketSysNoTickets" => "You have not created any ticket yet.",
  398. "ticketSysStatus" => "Status",
  399. "ticketSysStatusOpen" => "<span style='color:dodgerblue;'>Open</span>",
  400. "ticketSysStatusClosed" => "<span style='color:indianred;'>Closed</span>",
  401. "ticketSysStatusProcessing" => "<span style='color:green'>In Processing</span>",
  402. "ticketSysUser" => "User",
  403. "ticketSysCategory" => "Category",
  404. "ticketSysNoAnswers" => "There are not any answers.",
  405. "ticketSysAdminAnswered" => "Administrator answered:",
  406. "ticketSysAnswered" => " answered:",
  407. "ticketAddAnswer" => "Add answer",
  408. "ticketAnswer" => "Answer:",
  409. "ticketAnswerRange" => "Answer must have 5-2000 characters.",
  410. "ticketAnswerHasBlock" => "You have performed this action in recent time. You can add answer in: ",
  411. "ticketAnswerClosed" => "Ticket has been closed.",
  412. "ticketAnswerSuccess" => "Answer has been successfully added.",
  413. "ticketInfoTitle" => "Ticket info",
  415. //Referral system
  416. "referralSysTitle" => "Referral system",
  417. "referralSysIntroduce" => "Referral system is great thing. You can get really cool ingame items for almost nothing.<br />
  418. All you need is to invite your friend/s. Read more below...",
  419. "referralSysHowDoesItWork" => "How does it work ?",
  420. "referralSysHowDoesItWorkDesc" => "Simply.<br />Just send your unique link to your friend: ",
  421. "referralSysHowDoesItWorkDesc2" => "When your friend register with this link you will receive rewards.",
  422. "referralSysWhichRewards" => "Which rewards will i get?",
  423. "referralSysRP" => "Referral points: ",
  424. "referralSysRPShort" => "RP",
  425. "referralSysRewards" => "You will receive <b>referral points</b> (RP) as reward.
  426. <br />You can use these RP in <a href='".Links::getUrl('referral-shop')."'>referral shop</a>.",
  427. "referralSysLimit" => "You can still invite: ",
  428. "referralSysLimitFriends" => " friends",
  429. "referralSysHowManyRB" => "How many referral points (RB) will i get?",
  430. "referralSysRewardInfo" => "If your friend reach ",
  431. "referralSysRewardInfo2" => " level, you will get ",
  432. "referralSysInvitedFriends" => "Invited friends",
  433. "referralSysNotReferrals" => "You have not invited any of your friends yet.",
  434. "referralSysUsername" => "User",
  435. "referralSys1" => Referral::getLevel(1).". lvl",
  436. "referralSys2" => Referral::getLevel(2).". lvl",
  437. "referralSys3" => Referral::getLevel(3).". lvl",
  438. "referralSys4" => Referral::getLevel(4).". lvl",
  439. "referralSys5" => Referral::getLevel(5).". lvl",
  440. "referralSys6" => Referral::getLevel(6).". lvl",
  441. "referralSys7" => Referral::getLevel(7).". lvl",
  442. "referralSys8" => Referral::getLevel(8).". lvl",
  443. "referralSys9" => Referral::getLevel(9).". lvl",
  444. "referralSys10" => Referral::getLevel(10).". lvl",
  445. "referralSysYourRB" => "Your RB: ",
  446. "referralRewards" => "Referral rewards",
  447. "referralRewardsNotFound" => "Rewards not found.",
  448. "referralRewardName" => "Name",
  449. "referralRewardDesc" => "Description",
  450. "referralRewardImg" => "Image",
  451. "referralRewardPrice" => "Price",
  452. "referralRewardAction" => "Action",
  453. "referralRewardBuy" => "Buy",
  454. "referralRewardNotEnoughPoints" => "Not enough referral points.",
  455. "referralRewardSuccess" => "Item was successfully added into your itemshop warehouse.",
  459. "userLogout" => "Logout",
  460. //User panel - END
  462. //Panel addons - START
  463. "rankingsTitle" => "TOP 5",
  464. "rankingsPlayers" => "Players",
  465. "rankingsLVL" => "LVL",
  466. "rankingsGuild" => "Guilds",
  468. "statisticsTitle" => "Statistics",
  469. "statisticsAccounts" => "Accounts",
  470. "statisticsPlayers" => "Players",
  471. "statisticsOnlinePlayers" => "Online players",
  472. "statisticsMaxLevel" => "Max level",
  473. //Panel addons - END
  475. //Maintenance - START
  476. "maintenanceTitle" => "Maintenance",
  477. //Maintenance- END
  479. //Administration - START
  480. "administration" => "Administration",
  481. "loginTitle" => "Login",
  482. "loginToContinue" => "Login to continue...",
  483. "youAreNotAdmin" => "You are not administrator !",
  485. //Tasks
  486. "pendingTasks" => "You have ".Tasks::count(true)." pending tasks.",
  487. "viewAllTasks" => "See all tasks",
  489. //Tickets
  490. "pendingTickets" => "You have ".TicketSystem::pendingTickets()." unanswered tickets.",
  491. "viewAllTickets" => "See all tickets",
  493. //Notifications
  494. "newNotifications" => "You have ".Notifications::count()." new notifications.",
  495. "errorFound" => "Web error occurred",
  496. "userAnsweredTicket" => "User answered ticket",
  498. //Me
  499. "profileMe" => "Me",
  501. //Menu
  502. "dashboard" => "Dashboard",
  503. "news" => "News",
  504. "addNews" => "Add news",
  505. "viewNews" => "View all news",
  506. "settings" => "Settings",
  507. "ticketSystem" => "Ticket system",
  508. "players" => "Players",
  509. "newsSettings" => "Settings",
  510. "newsComments" => "Comments",
  511. "downloads" => "Downloads",
  512. "addDownload" => "Add download",
  513. "viewDownloads" => "View downloads",
  514. "teamMembers" => "Team members",
  515. "viewTeamMember" => "View all members",
  516. "addTeamMember" => "Add team member",
  517. "addCategory" => "Add category",
  518. "viewCategories" => "View categories",
  519. "viewOpenTickets" => "View tickets",
  520. "ticketCategories" => "Categories",
  521. "viewItems" => "View items",
  522. "addItem" => "Add item",
  523. "paysafecardPins" => "Paysafecard pins",
  524. "amazonCodes" => "Amazon codes",
  525. "paypalSettings" => "Paypal",
  526. "administrators" => "Administrators",
  527. "viewGameAdministrators" => "View game admins",
  528. "viewWebAdministrators" => "View web admins",
  529. "addGameAdmin" => "Add game admin",
  530. "addWebAdmin" => "Add web admin",
  531. "tasks" => "Tasks",
  532. "viewTasks" => "View tasks",
  533. "addTask" => "Add task",
  534. "referralSystem" => "Referral system",
  535. "rewards" => "Rewards",
  536. "templateContent" => "Template content",
  537. "customPages" => "Custom pages",
  538. "menuLinks" => "Menu links",
  539. "statusServer" => "Server status",
  540. "slider" => "Slider",
  541. "partners" => "Partners",
  542. "footerBox" => "Footer box",
  543. "panels" => "Panels",
  544. "game" => "Players",
  545. "viewPlayers" => "View players",
  546. "viewBanList" => "View ban list",
  547. "logs" => "Logs",
  548. "logChat" => "Chat log",
  549. "logCommand" => "Command log",
  550. "logShout" => "Shout log",
  551. "logHack" => "Hack log",
  552. "logBan" => "Ban log",
  553. "logGameChat" => "GM chat log",
  554. "logGameCommand" => "GM command log",
  555. "logHackLog" => "Hack log",
  556. "logShoutLog" => "Shout log",
  557. "logChangeEmail" => "Change email log",
  558. "logChangePW" => "Change password log",
  559. "logWarehousePW" => "Change warehouse password log",
  560. "logCoupons" => "Coupons log",
  561. "logItemshop" => "Itemshop log",
  562. "logPasswordRecovery" => "Password recovery log",
  563. "logReferral" => "Referral rewards log",
  564. "logPaypal" => "Paypal log",
  565. "Configuration" => "Configurations",
  566. "mainConfiguration" => "Main config",
  567. "registerConfiguration" => "Register config",
  568. "otherConfig" => "Other config",
  570. //Dashboard
  571. "home" => "Home",
  572. "dashBoard" => "Dashboard",
  573. "regUsers" => "Registered users",
  574. "guilds" => "Guilds",
  575. "tickets" => "Tickets",
  576. "onlinePlayers" => "Online players: ",
  577. "workProgress" => "Work progress",
  579. //Web application error
  580. "webApplicationError" => "Web application error",
  581. "error" => "Error log",
  582. "errorLogIsClear" => "Error log is clear...",
  583. "clearLog" => "Clear log",
  585. //Search
  586. "searchHint" => "You can search Accounts, Players, IP addresses...",
  587. "accountsNotFound" => "Accounts with this username were not found.",
  588. "playersNotFound" => "Players with this name were not found.",
  589. "account" => "Account",
  590. "accounts" => "Accounts",
  591. "emails" => "Emails",
  592. "accountIP" => "Account IP addresses",
  594. //Custom pages
  595. "pageUpdated" => "Page has been updated.",
  596. "pageAdded" => "Page has been successfully created.",
  597. "rangeTitleError" => "Title range must be 1-50 characters.",
  598. "addToMenu" => "Add link to the menu",
  599. "createNewPage" => "Create new page",
  600. "pageDeleted" => "Page has been deleted. Don't forget to delete link from menu.",
  602. //Logs
  603. "message" => "Message",
  604. "command" => "Command",
  605. "server" => "Server",
  606. "username" => "Username",
  607. "oldEmail" => "Old email",
  608. "newEmail" => "New email",
  609. "oldPw" => "Old password",
  610. "newPw" => "New password",
  611. "couponID" => "Coupon ID",
  612. "itemName" => "Item name",
  613. "itemID" => "Item ID",
  614. "price" => "Price",
  615. "token" => "Token",
  616. "enterName" => "Enter name",
  617. "payed" => "Payed",
  618. "currency" => "Currency",
  619. "paypalName" => "Name",
  620. "email" => "Email",
  623. //Players
  624. "banned" => "Banned",
  625. "ok" => "OK",
  626. "banAccount" => "Ban account",
  627. "unbanAccount" => "Unban account",
  628. "created" => "Created",
  629. "coins" => "Coins",
  630. "lastPlay" => "Last time active",
  631. "referrer" => "Referrer",
  632. "rPoints" => "Referral points",
  633. "registerIP" => "Register IP",
  634. "lastIP" =>"Last IP",
  635. "safeboxExpireAdmin" => "Safebox_expire",
  636. "goldExpireAdmin" => "Gold_expire",
  637. "silverExpireAdmin" => "Silver_expire",
  638. "autolootExpireAdmin" => "Autoloot_expire",
  639. "fishExpireAdmin" => "Fish_expire",
  640. "marriageExpireAdmin" => "Marriage_expire",
  641. "moneyExpireAdmin" => "Money_expire",
  642. "banReason" => "Ban reason",
  643. "length" => "Length (minutes)",
  644. "userBanned" => "User has been banned.",
  645. "userUnbanned" => "User has been unbanned.",
  646. "userBannedUntil" => "User is banned until: ",
  647. "editCoins" => "Edit coins",
  648. "amount" => "Amount",
  649. "add" => "Add",
  650. "remove" => "Remove",
  651. "type" => "Type",
  652. "coinsUpdated" => "User coins were updated.",
  653. "editRP" => "Edit RP",
  654. "rpUpdated" => "User referral points were updated.",
  655. "noCharacters" => "User haven't created character yet.",
  656. "accountChars" => "User characters",
  657. "bannedDate" => "Banned",
  658. "banExpire" => "Expire",
  659. "ban" => "Ban",
  660. "unban" => "Unban",
  661. "userNotBannedYet" => "User haven't been banned yet.",
  662. "userBanLog" => "User ban log",
  664. //Configuration
  665. "siteTitle" => "Site title",
  666. "headerTitle" => "Header title",
  667. "headerSlogan" => "Header slogan",
  668. "language" => "Language (do not change if you didn't edit Language.class.php)",
  669. "enableSlider" => "Enable/Disable slider",
  670. "fbLink" => "Facebook link (leave empty if your server don't have one)",
  671. "twitterLink" => "Twitter link (leave empty if your server don't have one)",
  672. "ytbLink" => "Youtube link (leave empty if your server don't have one)",
  673. "twitchLink" => "Twitch link (leave empty if your server don't have one)",
  674. "enablePartners" => "Enable/Disable partners(logo) panel",
  675. "enableFooterBox" => "Enable/Disable footer box",
  676. "footerText" => "Footer",
  677. "enableRegister" => "Enable/Disable register",
  678. "minPWLength" => "Min. password length",
  679. "maxPWLength" => "Max. password length",
  680. "minNameLength" => "Min. username length",
  681. "maxNameLength" => "Max. username length",
  682. "pwNeedNumber" => "Password must contain number",
  683. "enableWeakPasswordProtection" => "Enable/Disable weak password protection",
  684. "weakPasswords" => "Weak passwords (separate by comma)",
  685. "enableCaptcha" => "Enable/Disable captcha",
  686. "leaveEmpty" => "Leave empty if you want to disable",
  687. "safeboxExpire" => "Safebox_expire (how many days)",
  688. "goldExpire" => "Gold_expire (how many days)",
  689. "silverExpire" => "Silver_expire (how many days)",
  690. "autolootExpire" => "Autoloot_expire (how many days)",
  691. "fishExpire" => "Fish_expire (how many days)",
  692. "marriageExpire" => "Marriage_expire (how many days)",
  693. "moneyExpire" => "Money_expire (how many days)",
  694. "startCoins" => "Start coins",
  695. "loginCaptchaAttempts" => "After how many fail login attempts will show captcha up",
  696. "dateFormat" => "Date format",
  697. "enablePlayerInfo" => "Enable player info",
  698. "playersPerPage" => "Players/Guilds in rankings per page",
  699. "prefixDontShow" => "Prefixes - don't show players in rankings with these prefixes<br />(separate by comma)",
  700. "deleteCodeShow" => "Delete code",
  701. "classicShow" => "Show normal",
  702. "mailSendShow" => "Send on user email",
  703. "enableCoupon" => "Enable/Disable coupon system",
  704. "couponLog" => "Enable/Disable coupon log",
  705. "mailType" => "Email type",
  706. "mailNormal" => "Normal - php function",
  707. "mailSMTP" => "SMTP server",
  708. "serverEmail" => "Server email address",
  709. "serverEmailName" => "Server name (in email)",
  710. "smtpProtocol" => "SMTP protocol",
  711. "smtpHost" => "SMTP hostname",
  712. "smtpPort" => "SMTP port",
  713. "smtpUser" => "SMTP username",
  714. "smtpPw" => "SMTP password",
  715. "actionSpamPenalty" => "How often can user perform actions [minutes]",
  716. "changePWType" => "How will user change password",
  717. "changePWNormal" => "Without email verification code",
  718. "changePWMail" => "With email verification code",
  719. "warehousePassword" => "Warehouse password",
  720. "changePWLog" => "Enable/Disable user password change log",
  721. "changeWarehouseLog" => "Enable/Disable user warehouse password change log",
  722. "userCanChangeMail" => "Users can change email",
  723. "changeEmailType" => "How will user change email",
  724. "emailChangeLog" => "Enable/Disable user email change log",
  725. "waitBeforeDebug" => "How many minutes need to user wait after logout from game before debug",
  726. "shinsoDebugMap" => "Shinsoo debug map index",
  727. "chunjoDebugMap" => "Chunjo debug map index",
  728. "jinnoDebugMap" => "Jinno debug map index",
  729. "shinsoDebugX" => "Shinsoo debug coor X",
  730. "chunjoDebugX" => "Chunjo debug coor X",
  731. "jinnoDebugX" => "Jinno debug coor X",
  732. "shinsoDebugY" => "Shinsoo debug coor Y",
  733. "chunjoDebugY" => "Chunjo debug coor Y",
  734. "jinnoDebugY" => "Jinno debug coor Y",
  735. "enableTicketSystem" => "Enable/Disable ticket system",
  736. "enablePasswordRecoveryLog" => "Enable/Disable user password recovery log",
  737. "enableMaintenance" => "Enable/Disable maintenance",
  738. "maintenanceText" => "Maintenance text",
  739. "enableReferralLog" => "Enable/Disable referral log",
  740. "enableItemshopLog" => "Enable/Disable itemshop log",
  741. "configUpdated" => "Configuration has been updated.",
  744. //Server stats
  745. "ip" => "IP Address",
  746. "port" => "Port",
  747. "addNewService" => "Add new service",
  748. "serverServiceDeleted" => "Server service was deleted.",
  749. "serverServiceAdded" => "Server service successfully added.",
  750. "serverServiceUpdated" => "Server service has been updated.",
  752. //Panels
  753. "active" => "Active(visible)",
  754. "addPanel" => "Add new panel",
  755. "panelUpdated" => "Panel has been updated.",
  756. "panelDeleted" => "Panel has been deleted.",
  757. "yes" => "Yes",
  758. "no" => "No",
  759. "panelAdded" => "Panel has been successfully added.",
  761. //Footer box
  762. "contentHtml" => "Content (you can use HTML)",
  763. "footerBoxUpdated" => "Footer box updated.",
  765. //Partners
  766. "addPartner" => "Add new partner",
  767. "altDesc" => "Alt (description)",
  768. "imgUrl" => "Image (URL)",
  769. "partnerDeleted" => "Partner logo has been deleted.",
  770. "partnerUpdated" => "Partner logo has been updated.",
  771. "openInNewWindow" => "Open in new window",
  772. "partnerAdded" => "Partner logo has been added.",
  774. //Slider
  775. "addNewSliderItem" => "Add new slider item",
  776. "youHaveToUploadImage" => "You have to upload image.",
  777. "sliderAdded" => "Slider item has been successfully added.",
  778. "sliderUpdated" => "Slider has been successfully updated.",
  779. "sliderDeleted" => "Slider has been deleted.",
  781. //Links
  782. "visible" => "Visible",
  783. "link" => "Link",
  784. "parentLink" => "Parent link",
  785. "linkDeleted" => "Link has been deleted.",
  786. "canNotDelete" => "You can not delete this link, because its a part of system. You can only make this link invsibile.",
  787. "addLink" => "Add new link",
  788. "nothing" => "- NOTHING -",
  789. "invalidParent" => "Invalid parent...",
  790. "linkAdded" => "Link has been successfully added.",
  791. "linkUpdated" => "Link has been updated.",
  793. //Referral system
  794. "refEnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable referral system",
  795. "logEnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable referral log",
  796. "rewardDeleted" => "Referral reward has been deleted.",
  797. "rewardsPerPage" => "Rewards per page",
  798. "rewardAdded" => "Reward has been successfully added.",
  799. "rewardUpdated" => "Reward has been successfully updated.",
  800. "addReward" => "Add reward",
  801. "referralLimit" => "How many friends can user invite",
  802. "priceRP" => "Price (RP)",
  803. "perPageError" => "Result per page cannot be less then 0.",
  804. "limitError" => "Limit cannot be less then 0.",
  805. "goal1EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 1st goal",
  806. "goal2EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 2nd goal",
  807. "goal3EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 3rd goal",
  808. "goal4EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 4th goal",
  809. "goal5EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 5th goal",
  810. "goal6EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 6th goal",
  811. "goal7EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 7th goal",
  812. "goal8EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 8th goal",
  813. "goal9EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 9th goal",
  814. "goal10EnableDisable" => "Enable/Disable 10th goal",
  815. "goal1Level" => "Goal - level (player must reach this level to get reward)",
  816. "goal1Reward" => "Goal - reward (RP)",
  818. //Tasks
  819. "taskDeleted" => "Task was deleted.",
  820. "added" => "Added",
  821. "markAsDone" => "Do you really want to mark this task as done ?",
  822. "taskDone" => "Task was marked as done. Good job.",
  823. "percentFinished" => "Percent finished",
  824. "youMustFillInAllFields" => "You must fill in all fields.",
  825. "invalidPercent" => "Percent must be in range 0-100 ...",
  826. "taskAdded" => "Task was successfully added.",
  827. "editTask" => "Edit task",
  828. "taskNotExists" => "Task with this ID doesn't exist.",
  829. "taskUpdated" => "Task was updated.",
  831. //Administrators
  832. "authority" => "Authority",
  833. "gameAdminDeleted" => "Game admin has been deleted.",
  834. "webAdminDeleted" => "Web admin has been deleted.",
  835. "usernameAccount" => "Username (account)",
  836. "contactIP" => "Contact IP (do not change if u don't know what it is)",
  837. "accountNotExists" => "This username (account) doesn't exists.",
  838. "playerNotExists" => "This player doesn't exists.",
  839. "gameAdminAdded" => "Game admin has been successfully added.",
  840. "editGameAdmin" => "Edit game admin",
  841. "reset" => "Reset",
  842. "adminNotFound" => "Admin was not found.",
  843. "adminUpdated" => "Admin has been updated.",
  844. "rights" => "Rights",
  845. "adminSince" => "Admin since",
  846. "userIsAlreadyAdmin" => "This user is already admin.",
  847. "editWebAdmin" => "Edit web admin",
  848. "webAdminAdded" => "Web admin has been added.",
  849. "checkAll" => "Check all",
  850. "adminViewTasks" => "View tasks",
  851. "adminViewNotifications" => "View notifications",
  852. "adminAddNews" => "Add news",
  853. "adminViewNews" => "View news",
  854. "adminEditNewsSettings" => "Edit news settings",
  855. "adminDeleteComments" => "Delete comments",
  856. "adminEditNews" => "Edit news",
  857. "adminDeleteNews" => "Delete news",
  858. "adminViewDownloads" => "View downloads",
  859. "adminAddDownloads" => "Add downloads",
  860. "adminEditDownloads" => "Edit downloads",
  861. "adminDownloadSettings" => "Edit download settings",
  862. "adminDeleteDownloads" => "Delete downloads",
  863. "adminViewTeamMembers" => "View team members",
  864. "adminAddTeamMember" => "Add team member",
  865. "adminEditTeamMember" => "Edit team member",
  866. "adminDeleteTeamMember" => "Delete team member",
  867. "adminTeamCategory" => "Add/edit/remove team member category",
  868. "adminViewTickets" => "View tickets",
  869. "adminAnswerTickets" => "Answer tickets",
  870. "adminCloseTicket" => "Close/Reopen tickets",
  871. "adminTicketCategory" => "Add/edit/remove ticket category",
  872. "adminEditTicketSettings" => "Edit ticket settings",
  873. "adminViewItemshop" => "View itemshop items and category",
  874. "adminAddItemshop" => "Add itemshop items and category",
  875. "adminEditItemshop" => "Edit itemshop items and category",
  876. "adminDeleteItemshop" => "Delete itemshop items and category",
  877. "adminEditItemshopSettings" => "Edit itemshop settings",
  878. "adminCoupons" => "Add/delete coupons",
  879. "adminViewCoupons" => "View coupons",
  880. "adminViewGameAdmins" => "View game admins",
  881. "adminViewWebAdmins" => "View web admins",
  882. "adminGameAdmins" => "Add/edit/delete game admins",
  883. "adminWebAdmins" => "Add/edit/delete web admins",
  884. "adminEditTasks" => "Add/edit/delete tasks",
  885. "adminEditReferralSystem" => "Edit referral system",
  886. "adminTemplateContent" => "Add/edit/delete template content (server status, footer box, partners, panels, links, slider)",
  887. "adminGame" => "Edit players / Search",
  888. "adminLogs" => "Access logs",
  889. "adminConfiguration" => "Configurations",
  891. //Itemshop
  892. "itemDeleted" => "Item was deleted.",
  893. "editItem" => "Edit item",
  894. "itemVnum" => "Item vnum",
  895. "chooseType" => "Choose type: ",
  896. "classicItem" => "Classic item",
  897. "premium" => "Premium",
  898. "quantity" => "Quantity",
  899. "description" => "Description",
  900. "userCanChooseQuantity" => "User can choose quantity (make sure the item is stackable)",
  901. "maxQuantity" => "Max. quantity user can choose",
  902. "enableDisableTimeLimit" => "Enable/Disable time limit",
  903. "timeLimitInSeconds" => "Time limit (seconds)",
  904. "enableSocket0" => "Enable/Disable socket0 (stone slot)",
  905. "enableSocket1" => "Enable/Disable socket1 (stone slot)",
  906. "enableSocket2" => "Enable/Disable socket2 (stone slot)",
  907. "averageDamage" => "Addon type -1 (average damage)",
  908. "emptyErrorIsAddItem" => "Name, item vnum, quantity and price cannot be empty.",
  909. "quantityMustBeGreaterThenZero" => "Quantity must be greater then 0.",
  910. "itemAdded" => "Item was successfully added.",
  911. "selectType" => "Select type",
  912. "silverPremium" => "Silver premium",
  913. "goldPremium" => "Gold premium",
  914. "yangPremium" => "Yang premium",
  915. "premiumAll" => "Silver premium + Gold premium + Yang premium",
  916. "howManyDays" => "How many days",
  917. "nameCannotBeEmpty" => "Name cannot be empty.",
  918. "invalidPremiumType" => "Invalid premium type.",
  919. "invalidPremiumDuration" => "Invalid premium duration (in days). Must be greater then 0.",
  920. "premiumItemUpdated" => "Premium item successfully updated.",
  921. "itemUpdated" => "Item was successfully updated.",
  922. "cannotDeleteCategoryItemsExist" => "You cannot delete this category because it contains items.",
  923. "itemsPerPage" => "Items per page",
  924. "enableDisableISLog" => "Enable/Disable IS log",
  925. "isCurrency" => "IS Currency",
  926. "isDiscountEnableDisable" => "Discount action - enable/disable",
  927. "discountPercent" => "Discount percent",
  928. "discountUntil" => "Discount until (YEAR/MONTH/DAY)<br />Hour and Mins will be automatically set to 00:00 (midnight)",
  929. "itemsPerPageInvalid" => "Items per page invalid. It must be greater then 0.",
  930. "coinsColumn" => "Coins column in database (do not change)",
  931. "invalidDiscountUntil" => "Invalid discount until date. You have to enter newer date then today's one.",
  932. "ISSettingsUpdated" => "Item Shop settings successfully updated.",
  933. "coupons" => "Coupons",
  934. "coupon" => "Coupon",
  935. "couponDeleted" => "Coupon was deleted.",
  936. "value" => "Value",
  937. "used" => "Used",
  938. "notUsed" => "Not used",
  939. "addNewCoupon" => "Add new coupon",
  940. "youCanGenerateCoupon" => "You can simply generate coupon or choose your own",
  941. "iWantToAutomaticallyGenerateCoupon" => "I want to automatically generate coupon",
  942. "iWantToChooseOwnCoupon" => "I want to choose my own coupon",
  943. "messageCoupon" => "Message that will show up to user, when he successfully activate coupon<br />(not required)",
  944. "valueCoins" => "Value (coins)",
  945. "couponError1" => "You wanted to generate coupon automatically but entered your own coupon name. Please choose only one of options.",
  946. "couponError2" => "Please choose coupon that will have at least 5 characters.",
  947. "couponError3" => "Value field can not be empty and can not be less then 0.",
  948. "couponError4" => "This coupon is already in database. Please choose another one.",
  949. "couponAdded" => "Coupon successfully added.",
  950. "paysafecardEnabledDisabled" => "Enable/Disable paysafecard payment for coins",
  951. "amazonEnabledDisabled" => "Enable/Disable amazon payment for coins",
  952. "paypalEnabledDisabled" => "Enable/Disable paypal payment for coins",
  953. "zeroPins" => "There are not any paysafecard pins...",
  954. "zeroAmazonCodes" => "There are not any amazon codes...",
  955. "paypalEmail" => "Your paypal email",
  956. "paypalCurrency" => "Paypal currency",
  957. "paymentOptions" => "Payment options",
  958. "paypalOptionsNotAdded" => "Paypal options does not exists, yet. Create one, for full working this payment method.",
  959. "paypalOptionAdded" => "Paypal option has been successfully added.",
  960. "paypalOptionDeleted" => "Paypal option has been deleted.",
  962. //Ticket system
  963. "unread" => "unread",
  964. "doYouWantToCloseTicket" => "Do you really want to close this ticket ?",
  965. "ticketClosed" => "Ticket has been closed. You can reopen it in section 'Closed tickets'.",
  966. "viewTicket" => "Ticket info",
  967. "open" => "OPEN",
  968. "closed" => "CLOSED",
  969. "processing" => "PROCESSING",
  970. "openedBy" => "Opened by ",
  971. "answers" => " answers",
  972. "noTickets" => "There are not tickets at this moment.",
  973. "createdTicket" => " created ticket:",
  974. "answered" => " answered:",
  975. "closeTicket" => "Close ticket",
  976. "reopenTicket" => "Reopen ticket",
  977. "addAnswer" => "Add answer",
  978. "userWillSeeThisName" => "User will see this name. You can write your ingame name or just simply 'Admin'...",
  979. "answer" => "Answer",
  980. "setStatus" => "Set ticket status",
  981. "emptyErrorAddTicket" => "You need to enter name and answer.",
  982. "answerAdded" => "Answer successfully added.",
  983. "cannotAnswer" => "Ticket is closed. You cannot answer.",
  984. "ticketReopened" => "Ticket has been successfully reopened.",
  985. "ticketsPerPage" => "Tickets per page",
  987. //Team members
  988. "nameMustBeAtLeast2chars" => "Name must have at least 2 characters.",
  989. "categoryAlreadyExists" => "Category with this name already exists.",
  990. "categoryAdded" => "Category successfully added.",
  991. "categoryDeleted" => "Category was deleted.",
  992. "editCategory" => "Edit category",
  993. "categoryWasNotFound" => "Category was not found. (probably deleted)",
  994. "categoryUpdated" => "Category successfully updated.",
  995. "thereAreNotCategories" => "There are not categories. You need to create category before adding new member.",
  996. "ingameName" => "In-game name",
  997. "position" => "Position",
  998. "contact" => "Contact",
  999. "emptyError2" => "You need to enter Name, In-game name, Position and category.",
  1000. "categoryDoesntExists" => "Category doesnt exists",
  1001. "memberAdded" => "Member was successfully added.",
  1002. "memberDeleted" => "Member has been deleted.",
  1003. "editMember" => "Edit member",
  1004. "memberWasNotFound" => "Member was not found.",
  1005. "newAvatar" => "New avatar",
  1006. "memberUpdated" => "Member has been successfully updated.",
  1008. //Downloads
  1009. "descriptionOptional" => "Description (optional)",
  1010. "size" => "Size",
  1011. "withHttp" => "With HTTP://",
  1012. "includeUnits" => "Don't forget to include units (GB / MB / KB )",
  1013. "youNeedToEnter" => "You need to enter title, link and size.",
  1014. "linkInvalid" => "Link is invalid.",
  1015. "downloadAdded" => "Download has been successfully added.",
  1016. "downloadsPerPage" => "Downloads per page",
  1017. "downloadRemoved" => "Download has been removed.",
  1018. "addedBy" => "Added by",
  1019. "editDownload" => "Edit download",
  1020. "downloadWasNotFound" => "Download was not found. (probably deleted).",
  1022. //News
  1023. "title" => "Title",
  1024. "introNews" => "Intro (optional)",
  1025. "fullNews" => "Full news",
  1026. "stickToTop" => "Stick to top",
  1027. "author" => "Author",
  1028. "newsImg" => "Image",
  1029. "emptyError" => "Title, full news and author cannot be empty.",
  1030. "isNotImage" => "File is not image.",
  1031. "notSupportedImage" => "Not supported extension. You can use only .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif ...",
  1032. "imageExists" => "Image already exists. Please make action again",
  1033. "imageTooBig" => "Image is bigger then your php settings allow.",
  1034. "imageErrorCorrupted" => "Error while uploading file. Make sure you have enough disc space and
  1035. upload function is allowed on your web server.",
  1036. "newsSubmitted" => "News was successfully added.",
  1037. "content" => "Content",
  1038. "comments" => "Comments",
  1039. "action" => "Action",
  1040. "areYouSure" => "Are you sure ?",
  1041. "newsRemoved" => "News was successfully removed.",
  1042. "editNews" => "Edit news",
  1043. "newsWasNotFound" => "News was not found. (probably deleted ?)",
  1044. "update" => "Update",
  1045. "newImage" => "New image",
  1046. "successfullyUpdated" => "News was successfully updated.",
  1047. "newsPerPage" => "News per page",
  1048. "enableComments" => "Enable comments",
  1049. "onlyUsersCanComments" => "Commenting only for registered users",
  1050. "commentsPerPage" => "Comments per page",
  1051. "settingsUpdated" => "Settings was updated.",
  1052. "deleteComment" => "Delete this comment",
  1053. "showingCommentsFor" => "Showing comments for news ID: ",
  1054. "commentDeleted" => "Comment has been deleted.",
  1056. "accessDenied" => "Access denied",
  1057. "accessDeniedDesc" => "We are sorry, but you dont have permissions to view this page.",
  1058. "updated" => "Successfully updated.",
  1059. //Administration - END
  1061. //Global - START
  1062. "404" => "Error 404 - Page not found",
  1063. "back" => "Back to Homepage",
  1064. "invalidDate" => "Invalid date.",
  1065. "right" => "Right",
  1066. "mid" => "Middle",
  1067. "left" => "Left",
  1068. "disabled" => "Disabled",
  1069. "admin" => "Administrator",
  1070. "created" => "Created",
  1071. "userIP" => "User IP",
  1072. "information" => "Info",
  1073. "avatar" => "Avatar",
  1074. "image" => "Image",
  1075. "category" => "Category",
  1076. "facebook" => "Facebook",
  1077. "twitter" => "Twitter",
  1078. "gplus" => "Google plus",
  1079. "notRequired" => "Not required",
  1080. "name" => "Name",
  1081. "submit" => "Submit",
  1082. "emailFooter" => "<br /><br />Request has been performed by IP address: ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."
  1083. <br />This email is generated automatically - please do not answer.<br /><br /><a href='".Links::getUrl('index')."'>".Core::getSiteTitle()."</a>",
  1086. //Months
  1087. "date" => "Date",
  1088. "january" => "Januray",
  1089. "february" => "February",
  1090. "march" => "March",
  1091. "april" => "April",
  1092. "may" => "May",
  1093. "june" => "June",
  1094. "july" => "July",
  1095. "august" => "August",
  1096. "september" => "September",
  1097. "october" => "October",
  1098. "november" => "November",
  1099. "december" => "December"
  1100. //Months
  1102. //Global - END
  1103. );
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