
Law things with Sedrick Maverick

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Bliss gathered the papers in Jason's former study, since Sedrick was here for the time being he was taking up all of Jason's spaces. "We should be ready for their appoitment. And Remiel said he was on his way." She told her Uncle with a smile. // "Thank you Bee-bee. You're proving to be a very helpful assistant. I hope you wouldn't be offended if I asked you to stay for the meeting. Somehow you're so much better with words than I." He smiled and went to take a seat at the desk. "I might have to get a better looking desk down here." // Remy pulled up to the gates of the estate and waved at the gaurd before slowly rolling by. "Is this your business casual attire?" He asked with a smirk as he parked in the driveway behind Bliss' car.
  2. Covet: Cadence looked over at Remy with her own grin, "It's a sweaterdress, with a turtleneck. It's professional looking... enough. I didn't want to come full blown blazer and miniskirt. I'll save that for court." She told him as the pulled up into the driveway. She gave an exhale, "I'm hoping this goes well. I've been anxious all day."
  3. Tsaaq: "Of course. I don't mind staying." Bliss said before hearing car noises outside. "That must be them. We'll be right down." She said as she went to jog up the stairs and ran to open the door for them. "Hey guys. Come on inside." She waved them inside. // He nodded shuffling his papers and straightening them out on the table. // He nodded his head. "I hope it's enough thigh showing that reporters talk shit about it." Remy kissed her cheek and went to get out of the vehicle as he looked up, seeing Bliss. "Oh he's ready for us?" He took Cadence's hand and went inside, following Bliss down the stairs.
  4. Covet: "Let them talk shit. What's the worst they can say?" Cadence said with a soft smile, then set her jaw as she walked up towards the house, holding on to Remy's arm, seeing Bliss as she greeted them, she gave a wave and tucked her hair behind her ear,"Hey Bliss. Thank you again for helping us get this set up. I really really appreciate it." She said as they went downstairs.
  5. Tsaaq: She nodded her head at the two. "It's my pleasure. He's in dad's study. Right this way." Bliss led the way. "Uncle Sedrick is very excited about your case. He's pretty sure with the small details I've always fed him..." She said before opening the door to the office for them. "Uncle Sedrick? These are my friend Remiel Berkoff and his wife Cadence Berkoff." She waved her hand between the two. // Sedrick got up from the desk and went to greet the two. "Thank you Bee Bee." He smiled and held his hand out to shake their hands. "Please, take a seat. It's a pleasure to meet both of you. Seems like I've got great timing on this case." // Remy looked a little anxious but forced a smile. "Thanks." He muttered. He walked into the office and nodded his head. "Thank you sir." He went to offer a seat to Cadence before he sat himself.
  6. Covet: Cadence listened to Bliss, "That makes me feel hopeful." She said then walked in as they were introduced, shaking Sedrick's hand. "Pleasure to meet you." Cadence said politely taking the seat that Remy offered, as she crossed one leg over the other. "I would say so, of course it was our plan to discuss this with you before it all blew up like this." She said to him then pursed her lips. "I'm afraid our tactics are going to have to change a little now."
  7. Tsaaq: Bliss went to stand beside Sedricks desk and lowered her arms to her sides. // "Well they're making it into a full fledged court case... But I'm not too concerned. I was going to suggest something that you two might prefer... Are you two old enough to know about the O.J. Simpson trial?" He went to sit down and and placed his elbows on the desk.
  8. Tsaaq: ((FUCK I FORGOT REM.))
  9. Tsaaq: He furrowed his eyebrow as he sat up in his seat. "I guess... It's a pretty famous case. I don't know what that has to do with our case..." Remy trailed off as he glanced to Cadence before looking back to Sedrick.
  10. [11/15/2017 10:54:55 PM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Cadence listened to Sedrick and nodded her head, "Vaguely yes. Mostly... I don't want the city to basically cover their own asses for what happened. Pardon my language, but because of their neglect, this has been drug out for almost two years. Thaddeus is going to get whatever is coming for him, but the city needs to be held accountable for their fault towards Hayley and the rest of us."
  11. [11/15/2017 11:07:29 PM] 【Amethyst】: Bliss frowned as she went to look between the two of them. // He nodded his head. "Yes well. I have a contingency plan for that. You see in O.J.'s trial the criminal case was glazed over because of sensationalism and the scandal. Which I have a sense will happen to Thaddeus. This is a nation wide case. It all depends on how he pleas on the opening statement." He shrugged his shoulders. "And it all depends on his attorney... But, the Goldman's the parents of the Ron, the man O.J. murdered, held a civil suit. And even though they lose the criminal trial. They won the civil lawsuit. Here's my proposal. We contribute as much to the criminal case as we can but we have a civil lawsuit against Thaddeus Wright and his family for reckless endangerment of the people of Portland." He suggested. "Are you guys following me?" Sedrick began to explain. // Remy watched closely. "Wait wait wait, what's the difference between a civil suit and a criminal suit? I was homeschooled." He asked with his eyebrows furrowed again.
  12. Covet: Cadence listened to Sedrick and nodded her head, "I'd be alright with that. If it means we'd be getting some sort of justice out of it. But I'm still pretty set on taking on the city of Portland as well. They are sitting on unprocessed Rape kits, and other evidence that they never thought to look into. We were met with flippant shrugs and maybes from both the police force and the College." Cadence said trying not to get worked up.
  13. Tsaaq: "Well a civil case is when you feel you've been wronged by a person's actions and deserve some type of compensation for it. Criminal is for sentencing a person for their crimes." He explained. He tilted his head. "The trouble with the city is... We would never get anywhere suing the police department. That's just me being honestly. However we can include them in the civil suit for negligence. Whether or not my jury will side with us, probably yes, they will be held accountable when it comes to fees and reinbursement. Not so much with... Actual justice that's the unfortunate thing with cases like this." He explained softly. "To be perfectly honest? I could compile the suit to Thaddeus and someone who you specifically feel neglected your concerns and cause this to spiral. That can be a police officer you've interacted with personally or somebody in the school?" He suggested. "They're picking a prosecutor for Thaddeus' case. They'll be looking for a jury for the criminal trial the rest of November. By Christmas? A they would have made opening statements. I can't butt in too much. I'm from New York after all. I can focus on our case." He nodded his head slowly. // He listened carefully and tucked some of his hair behind his ear. "So basically. We have to be specific about who we're suing. We can't be generally after the Portland PD and NWSU?"
  14. Covet: She felt a little defeated after hearing what Sedrick had to say, then nodded. "I'm sure the officers could be figured out. But as for the school. I'm not sure if there would be a way to pin point fault on any one person specifically, unless we go after the Dean." She said biting the inside of her cheek. "There's a few officers that were in charge of talking to all of us. A couple of them were the same ones that dealt with Hayley's initial rape allegations." Cadence said trying to think back but coming up with a blank image. She frowned then shook her head, not dwelling on it. "Thad's not going to get out of this scott free though, there's no possible way. He admitted to everything. We have video of it before he went to the cops."
  15. Tsaaq: "There was an officer Eli and I spoke to. When we went to the police station when Hayley was first assaulted. We never told anyone because he wasn't very friendly, about anything." She shook her head slowly. // "We can find out who that officer is, find out more about him. What about at the school? The dean could be a perfect target. If he's knowledgable about what's happened and has still failed to do anything about it." Sedrick suggested. 'There's no way he'd walk away free. I don't want you to worry about that. We'll worry about our case. The criminal case is about the overwhelming evidence against him. Our case is supposed to be the overwhelming evidence that these people have failed and people's lives have been ruined because of it."// He sat up in his seat and furrowed his eyebrows at Bliss. "You guys went to the cops?" He asked her. "So wait, what do we get out of the civil case then?" He asked. // Sedrick rose his eyebrows and began to chuckle. "If you could put a price on the pain and suffering you've all been through because of this... What would it be?"
  16. Covet: Cadence listened to Bliss then looked at Remy before looking at Sedrick, "A price? I mean, there's a lot of medical bills between all of us. Hayley was in a mental health recovery facility that wasn't exactly cheap. Nor did they initially help her like they were supposed to. I had a traumatic brain injury after the kidnapping, there's...still some.. mild complications with that." She said trying to gloss over her own injuries. "I.. I don't even know how much all of that would come to. Let alone the cost of your fees to be added into that."
  17. Tsaaq: She went to lean over to her uncle after the mention of fees. Bliss covered the side of her face as she whispered into his ear before standing once more with a victorious smile. // Sedrick nodded his head and turned to the two of them. "My niece has informed me that I will be taking your case with no charge to you. Since you've all gone through enough." He smiled at the two of them. "Think of it as a gift from one family to another. Tell you what. You guys come up with an estimate and get back to me. We have time." He nodded. "And I know about the Portland Five, the other girls who were assaulted? Let them know I'm willing to represent them if they want to Sue Thaddeus, the dean and whoever else too." He offered. // Remy's eyes widened. "Wow, thank you so much sir. You don't have to do that..."
  18. Covet: "I.. Are you sure? That's.. more than we could ever ask for." Cadence said looking between Bliss and Sedrick then smiled at Remy as she felt her eyes water up. "Thank you. I'll make sure to pass that along to them. There's at least one more that I know of, Steph. But I'm not sure about Aubrey or Harper. They're not even in the state anymore."
  19. Tsaaq: She smiled and nodded again. "Fantastic." She applauded softly. // "It's the least we could do. My mother always taught me two things. We treat our friends well and only children drink alcohol from straws." He started to smile once more. "Well it's unfortunate that they won't be joining us. But the show must go on. Any other questions for me?" He glanced between the two of them. // "I always knew I liked that lady." Remy smiled. He turned to Cadence and took her hand, squeezing it. "Don't be sad. He's helping us." He whispered. "Uh... I don't know... How public do you think the criminal trial will be?" // Sedrick's eyes widened a bit. "It's going to be massive. They're already talking about telelvising it."
  20. Covet: "I'm not sad... I'm overwhelmingly greatful." Cadence said sniffling, as she smiled, "I feel like there's one bit of information we might need to get out ahead of. I'm asking on Hayley's behalf, She was in a fight with Thad, before he confessed, like...hours before he confessed, she attacked him. People watched, nobody tried all that hard to stop her. But she did stop...that's not going to be something that becomes an issue?" Cadence asked then bit the inside of her cheek at how public this was going to be, "This is going to be a long Holiday..."
  21. Tsaaq: "She what?" Bliss immediately asked with a bit of a gasp. // He grit his teeth then sputtered his lips. "To be perfectly honest? If his lawyers get wind of it they might use it in their favor. Try to paint Hayley as some type of wild, mentally unstable girl. Whatever they can do to get a favorable sentence for Wright." He explained forlornly. "And that COULD effect how a jury would feel about her but luckily, I'm the master at picking juries. The prosecutor for the criminal trial? No way to know yet." He shrugged. "Just, don't talk to any reporters. And try to just stay as out of sight as possible. Up until it's time for you to have to testify. " Sedrick instructed. "And I'll have to talk to Hayley... She's probably going to be the face of our case. Since it looks like she's been through a lot from this whole thing. Of course all of you girls are important. But her story will probably resonate with the country." // Remy went to kiss his cheek. "Thanks Mr. Maverick?" He shrugged. "Oh man... I don't know if she'll like that. I guess we gotta set up another meeting?" He turned to Cadence. "Well... There's no denying she'd been dealt a shitty hand."
  22. Covet: Cadence nodded at Bliss, then looked at Sedrick, "Okay, I mean, if she's unstable, it's because of him. So it's not like she didn't have pleanty of reason to do it given how the doctors appointment went. I think they call it a crime of passion?" She said then nodded, "We haven't said anything to any of them, and I had already took this under consideration, when we came up with hiring a lawyer. She's had it the worst out of all of us. We can talk to her and hopefully she'll be on board. She said she would be willing to talk to you at the very least, when I talked to her yesterday" She said then grabbed Remy's hand giving it a squeeze.
  23. Tsaaq: "I'm sure it was. But remember. I'm the one on your side. Whoever Wright's lawyers are will use any and everything to minimize his sentence. We can't really do anything about it. It'll be up to the jury at that point" he shrugged. "Well, my assistant here is great at scheduling just pick a time and day. We'll talk. See how she feels." He nodded. "Anything else you two need?" // "Fine." He whispered. "As long as it doesn't freak her out." Remy agreed "Well... I don't think so. Anything else babe?" He turned to Cadence.
  24. Covet: "No...I think that covers everything. Thank you again Mr. Maverick. And Bliss...It's comforting to know that someone's actually on our side this time." She said as she stood up. "I think we have Sunday and next Tuesday open for sure." Cadence said to Bliss, "If either of those days work out. I can double check with Hayley."
  25. Tsaaq: Bliss tapped her chin. "We want to start playing Dungeons and Dragons on Sundays. How're Tuesdays?" She asked as she pulled out her phone. // "You're welcome. And it's my pleasure. It's only what you deserve" Sedrick stoop up. "Well you guys sort that out. I have to get myself situated in my brother's room." He yawned a bit. "We'll definitely be in touch. Have a goodnight." He called out. // When Remy stood up he gave Sedrick a wave and turned to Cadence. "Okay well... Awesome. This is going well. It's just that we gotta take it one day at a time... Well I guess Tuesday is the day."
  26. Covet: "You nerds" Cadence said with a laugh then nodded, "Tuesday works for me, You as well Mr. Maverick." She said gave a smile and a more at ease sigh, "Yeah, it feels good. Just one day at a time." Cadence turned to Bliss and went to give her a hug, "I'm forever and eternally greatful for you and your family right now."
  27. Tsaaq: "We are." She whispered regrettably and grit her teeth. "Well... Both of you have been my friends for a long time. And so has Hayley... Something needs to be done." Bliss said. "And I'm willing to help as much as I can." She patted Cadence's back. // Remy put his arm around Cadence, only releasing her when she stepped away to hug Bliss. "I think we've done a lot of productive shit. And deserve a nap. So... If you guys don't mind?" He asked with a chuckle. "I'll go through our expenses tomorrow afternoon after my internship and think of a rough estimate of what we'd be suing for. We shoud have everything set up soon."
  28. Covet: "Yes, a nap.. that's exactly what I want when you talk like that." Cadence said blinking at him before clearing her throat as he talked about expenses and shit. "It means a lot, for all of us." She said to Bliss, then spoke genuinely, "You guys have fun with your D and D game, slay the dragons or whatever you do, I'd say we'd see you Tuesday, but I think we're going to the festival tomorrow, so we'll probably see you around there."
  29. Tsaaq: "You definitely will. I'm SGA after all. You both have a good night. Enjoy your naps... Which just sound like bedtime because it's night?" She chuckled with a shrug. // Remy took Cadence's hand again. "Yeah Bliss. What you're doing is amazing. I owe you one. Seriously." He nodded then tugged at Cadence. "Well then, are you ready for our NAPS?" He asked very defiantly as he looked at Bliss.
  30. Covet: Cadence grinned and followed Remy, "Yes please, take me home Mr. Berkoff. I want a good tuck in tonight." She said heading up the stairs so they could head home.
  31. Tsaaq: ((I read something else lol))
  32. Covet: [XD ALWAYS I almost read it wrong too]
  34. Tsaaq: ((Then I saw it was tuck lol.))
  35. Covet: [HAHAHA Yeah.. but we all know what Cadence means by tucking in.. it might as well be fuck. He sounded all sexy and professional now she's got a lady boner okay.]
  36. Tsaaq: ((Oh gosh.))
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