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a guest
Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. 000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 3.16 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
  2. 000b:fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on
  3. 000b:err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r" (2)
  4. 0009:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x23cc40 (nil)): stub
  5. 0009:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x830000 0 0x23e6f0 4 stub
  6. 0009:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0xc70000 0 0x23e6f0 4 stub
  7. info: Game: Fallout4.exe
  8. info: DXVK: v0.72
  9. warn: OpenVR: Failed to locate module
  10. info: Enabled instance extensions:
  11. info: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
  12. info: VK_KHR_surface
  13. info: VK_KHR_win32_surface
  14. info: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti:
  15. info: Driver: 396.54.0
  16. info: Vulkan: 1.1.70
  17. info: Memory Heap[0]:
  18. info: Size: 11264 MiB
  19. info: Flags: 0x1
  20. info: Memory Type[7]: Property Flags = 0x1
  21. info: Memory Type[8]: Property Flags = 0x1
  22. info: Memory Heap[1]:
  23. info: Size: 11988 MiB
  24. info: Flags: 0x0
  25. info: Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0x0
  26. info: Memory Type[1]: Property Flags = 0x0
  27. info: Memory Type[2]: Property Flags = 0x0
  28. info: Memory Type[3]: Property Flags = 0x0
  29. info: Memory Type[4]: Property Flags = 0x0
  30. info: Memory Type[5]: Property Flags = 0x0
  31. info: Memory Type[6]: Property Flags = 0x0
  32. info: Memory Type[9]: Property Flags = 0x6
  33. info: Memory Type[10]: Property Flags = 0xe
  34. info: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
  35. info: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Using feature level D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
  36. info: Enabled device extensions:
  37. info: VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
  38. info: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
  39. info: VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
  40. info: VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template
  41. info: VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
  42. info: VK_KHR_image_format_list
  43. info: VK_KHR_maintenance1
  44. info: VK_KHR_maintenance2
  45. info: VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge
  46. info: VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters
  47. info: VK_KHR_swapchain
  48. warn: DXGI: MakeWindowAssociation: Ignoring flags
  49. warn: D3D11Device: No matching border color found for (-3.40282e+038,0,0,0)
  50. info: DXGI: Setting display mode: 1280x800@60
  51. info: DXGI: Setting display mode: 1280x800@60
  52. info: DxgiVkPresenter: Recreating swap chain:
  53. Format: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
  54. Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR
  55. Buffer size: 1280x800
  56. wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x7fffe011e80 at address 0x67fb1ca2 (thread 002f), starting debugger...
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