
This World geographical notes.

Aug 15th, 2017
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  1. So, the world of Tempest has 8 main elements: Fire, water, ice, electricity, earth, wind, light, and darkness. These elements, while no elemental being is restricted to a certain part of the world, have "hotspots," that serve as the location for the initial tribe or civilations that the elements originated from. And I'm thinking about making these tribes a select race in the world, a race that was pure at the beginning, but slowly grew more dispersed as time went on, AKA the gene pool getting mega mixed up, turning the populace into mutts, so to speak lol These races would follow some naming pattern, but as of right now, they don't have any names.
  3. As for the hotspots, the north pole region will be the ice domain, with glaciers and an artic sea, while the south will be the fire domain, created by a lone volcano, which serves as the planet's only outlet for magma, however, because it's located at the south pole, where it's naturally cold, there's fierce winds and turbulence that serves as the land's border, and that leads to the domain of the wind elemental, a stretch of tropical islands that scatter from the fire region, where the skies are controlled and tamed by the people of the area. That area then turns into the sea itself, where the water elementals reside, taking up 1/3 of the planet's surface overall. After that comes the mainland, where a large section of plains and forests contains the earth tribes, and the main cities and towns are also located on this plain. There's also a mountain range that actually has a sort of... canyon/caldera for its peak, that turns into a cave system that's home the the darkness elements. And that same mountain range is home to the light elementals as well. The mountain range actually forms a ring of sorts around the planet's more northern section, and past that ring is the storm-torn lands of the electric elementals, and that area is a sort of barrier that protects the aforementioned north pole, home to the ice elementals. However, these were only homes for the first elementals, and in the year 3021, they're mostly just tourist destinations that have been morphed by time. The first elemental beings are still present, too, but very dispersed among the people of Tempest.
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