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Aug 27th, 2016
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  1. [27.08.2016 13:57:02] LH~Mrs.Glass: Hey, how are you?
  2. [27.08.2016 13:57:05] LH~Red.Grant: Hey hey
  3. [27.08.2016 13:57:09] LH~Red.Grant: Im doing fine
  4. [27.08.2016 13:57:11] LH~Red.Grant: Yourself?
  5. [27.08.2016 13:57:22] LH~Mrs.Glass: Now started lane robbing near Manhattan.
  6. [27.08.2016 13:57:32] LH~Red.Grant: "Hey sweetheart."
  7. [27.08.2016 13:57:39] Death: Lambda-4 was put out of action by GG-Hermes (Collision).
  8. [27.08.2016 13:57:40] LH~Mrs.Glass: Hopefully some defenseless transport soon come my way.
  9. [27.08.2016 13:57:42] Death: Hannibal-l- was put out of action by LH~Red.Grant (Gun).
  10. [27.08.2016 13:57:50] LH~Red.Grant: "Oops."
  11. [27.08.2016 13:57:53] LH~Red.Grant: "He shot at me."
  12. [27.08.2016 13:58:03] LH~Mrs.Glass: Mad man
  13. [27.08.2016 13:58:11] LH~Red.Grant: "Not anymore he aint."
  14. [27.08.2016 13:58:21] LH~Mrs.Glass: That is true.
  15. [27.08.2016 13:58:29] LH~Red.Grant: "Apparantly he took offense to me calling him a sweetheart. Oh well."
  16. [27.08.2016 13:58:57] LH~Red.Grant: // Playing a libertonian pirate while playing country music
  17. [27.08.2016 13:59:01] LH~Red.Grant: // 10 / 10 :D
  18. [27.08.2016 13:59:12] LH~Mrs.Glass: // :D
  19. [27.08.2016 13:59:44] LH~Mrs.Glass: I can understand that a little..a lot of man use that word and it is quite degradation for a woman..
  20. [27.08.2016 14:00:00] LH~Red.Grant: "Im a girl myself."
  21. [27.08.2016 14:00:04] Death: Lambda-4 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  22. [27.08.2016 14:00:09] LH~Red.Grant: She smiles.
  23. [27.08.2016 14:00:21] LH~Mrs.Glass: Good to know*laugh*
  24. [27.08.2016 14:00:30] Death: Lanci_Bastet was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  25. [27.08.2016 14:00:33] Felicia.Drum: Oh c'mon
  26. [27.08.2016 14:00:35] Felicia.Drum: why?
  27. [27.08.2016 14:00:48] LH~Red.Grant: "Well. Because I can?"
  28. [27.08.2016 14:01:02] Death: Jonathan_Range suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  29. [27.08.2016 14:01:08] LH~Mrs.Glass: It is incredible...where are all the traders when someone want to rob them..
  30. [27.08.2016 14:01:18] Felicia.Drum: Not the best thing to do on a saturday afternoon.
  31. [27.08.2016 14:01:19] LH~Red.Grant: "Easy."
  32. [27.08.2016 14:01:23] LH~Red.Grant: "They fear us."
  33. [27.08.2016 14:01:28] Death: Prospero was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  34. [27.08.2016 14:01:38] LH~Red.Grant: "Maybe. Maybe not. Only one way to find out really."
  35. [27.08.2016 14:01:44] LH~Mrs.Glass: That is okey but how i make reports when i have nothing to report..*smile*
  36. [27.08.2016 14:01:50] LH~Red.Grant: // incoming 5th
  37. [27.08.2016 14:01:57] LH~Mrs.Glass: // ye i know
  38. [27.08.2016 14:02:11] LH~Mrs.Glass: // i don't have much chance in a freighter :D
  39. [27.08.2016 14:02:22] LH~Red.Grant: // Do you know how to turret steer?
  40. [27.08.2016 14:02:28] LH~Mrs.Glass: // ofc
  41. [27.08.2016 14:02:35] LH~Red.Grant: // Zoom out to the max
  42. [27.08.2016 14:02:40] LH~Red.Grant: // aim at the cross
  43. [27.08.2016 14:02:42] LH~Red.Grant: // fire
  44. [27.08.2016 14:02:45] LH~Red.Grant: // and watch them pop
  45. [27.08.2016 14:02:51] LH~Red.Grant: // freighters are some of the best PVP ships
  46. [27.08.2016 14:03:12] LH~Red.Grant: // See how many they need for us XD XD
  47. [27.08.2016 14:03:28] LH~Mrs.Glass: // i seen a good pirate with that little armored transport some month ago. :D
  48. [27.08.2016 14:03:45] Death: GG-Hermes was put out of action by GG-Holly (Gun).
  49. [27.08.2016 14:03:52] LH~Red.Grant: // Pelican + full Purple goddess = destroy gunboats
  50. [27.08.2016 14:03:58] LH~Mrs.Glass: // 2 5th| in NY...they are gathering. :D
  51. [27.08.2016 14:03:59] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  52. [27.08.2016 14:04:04] LH~Red.Grant: // yeah
  53. [27.08.2016 14:04:13] LH~Red.Grant: // IF you see them appear, run
  54. [27.08.2016 14:04:21] LH~Mrs.Glass: // What did you think about if i go to you? :D
  55. [27.08.2016 14:04:23] LH~Red.Grant: // Fair play is not in their modus operandi
  56. [27.08.2016 14:04:31] LH~Red.Grant: // sure, go ahead
  57. [27.08.2016 14:05:16] Death: Bhaela was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  58. [27.08.2016 14:05:56] LH~Mrs.Glass: // baah..i'm killed Baelah and its says that it was a hostile vessel... this server XD
  59. [27.08.2016 14:06:35] LH~Red.Grant: // just take a screen
  60. [27.08.2016 14:06:41] LH~Red.Grant: // Fuck
  61. [27.08.2016 14:06:44] LH~Red.Grant: // sader
  62. [27.08.2016 14:06:55] 5th|John.Sader: Hello there
  63. [27.08.2016 14:07:16] LH~Red.Grant: "I wish I was saying goodbye, but ill keep it to a cold hello now."
  64. [27.08.2016 14:07:23] 5th|John.Sader: What is your business here?
  65. [27.08.2016 14:07:32] LH~Red.Grant: "Tradelane maintenance, of course."
  66. [27.08.2016 14:07:37] LH~Red.Grant: "Dont you know it was faulty?"
  67. [27.08.2016 14:07:42] 5th|John.Sader: Thanks to you.
  68. [27.08.2016 14:07:53] LH~Red.Grant: "It dropped every time. I even put out signs on both ends saying it was defecting."
  69. [27.08.2016 14:08:05] LH~Mrs.Glass: // Run, Forest. Run! :D
  70. [27.08.2016 14:08:10] LH~Red.Grant: // cant, he got me
  71. [27.08.2016 14:08:15] 5th|John.Sader: Yeah...
  72. [27.08.2016 14:08:26] Death: Prospero was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  73. [27.08.2016 14:08:27] LH~Red.Grant: "And why are you here then? Hmm?"
  74. [27.08.2016 14:08:28] LH~Mrs.Glass: // Thrust to base. :D
  75. [27.08.2016 14:08:43] Death: GG-Hermes was put out of action by GG-Holly (Gun).
  76. [27.08.2016 14:08:52] LH~Red.Grant: // Easy, but lets see what he does
  77. [27.08.2016 14:08:54] 5th|John.Sader: Because i got reports of a lane hacker harrasing people arround here.
  78. [27.08.2016 14:09:13] LH~Red.Grant: "Thats strange, I haven't seen a single soul aside from you."
  79. [27.08.2016 14:10:04] 5th|John.Sader: Well... what should i do with you now?
  80. [27.08.2016 14:10:20] LH~Red.Grant: "I'd say, let me go, and safe yourself a headache."
  81. [27.08.2016 14:10:28] 5th|John.Sader: Maybe you're right.
  82. [27.08.2016 14:10:41] LH~Red.Grant: // I got him to go away O_O
  83. [27.08.2016 14:11:06] Death: A/)-Spiteri suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
  84. [27.08.2016 14:11:09] Death: 5th|John.Sader suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
  85. [27.08.2016 14:11:21] LH~Mrs.Glass: // killed himself XD
  86. [27.08.2016 14:11:44] Death: Hannibal-l- was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  87. [27.08.2016 14:12:08] LH~Red.Grant: // sehr gut
  88. [27.08.2016 14:13:18] LH~Miranda.Frost: Good day Mrs. Glass.
  89. [27.08.2016 14:13:37] LH~Mrs.Glass: How are you, Miranda?
  90. [27.08.2016 14:13:41] Death: GG-Hermes was put out of action by GG-Holly (Gun).
  91. [27.08.2016 14:14:24] LH~Miranda.Frost: Very good.
  92. [27.08.2016 14:14:37] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am waiting for my funds.
  93. [27.08.2016 14:14:43] LH~Miranda.Frost: To get myself a new toy.
  94. [27.08.2016 14:14:47] LH~Red.Grant: "Hey folks."
  95. [27.08.2016 14:14:59] Death: Captain_Jack_Raven was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  96. [27.08.2016 14:15:06] LH~Red.Grant: "Apparantly some of the 5th do have a brain, could you have guessed?"
  97. [27.08.2016 14:15:21] LH~Miranda.Frost: Really ?
  98. [27.08.2016 14:15:34] LH~Miranda.Frost: Or was it plain fear ?
  99. [27.08.2016 14:15:36] LH~Mrs.Glass: Never in my life. I always thinked that they are brainless sheeps who follow the flock.
  100. [27.08.2016 14:15:50] LH~Red.Grant: "Yeah, the guy let me go for some reason."
  101. [27.08.2016 14:15:51] Death: A/)-Basilisk.3 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  102. [27.08.2016 14:16:38] LH~Miranda.Frost: Hm.
  103. [27.08.2016 14:16:56] LH~Miranda.Frost: He must had been affraid.
  104. [27.08.2016 14:16:58] Death: Eclipse suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  105. [27.08.2016 14:17:00] LH~Red.Grant: "I told him i'd just give him an headache."
  106. [27.08.2016 14:17:15] LH~Red.Grant: "He said, yeah your right. He entered the lane and then, according to my computer blew himself up."
  107. [27.08.2016 14:17:30] LH~Miranda.Frost: *She starts to laugh*
  108. [27.08.2016 14:17:48] LH~Miranda.Frost: They really are inferior specimens, aren't they ?
  109. [27.08.2016 14:18:14] LH~Mrs.Glass: True. I'm suprised that they aren't extinct yet.
  110. [27.08.2016 14:18:17] LH~Red.Grant: "I dont care if they pretend to be superior, they all eventually end up on the business end of my gun." She smiles.
  111. [27.08.2016 14:18:49] Death: GG-Daxos was put out of action by GG-Holly (Gun).
  112. [27.08.2016 14:19:03] LH~Miranda.Frost: They pretend to be superior? I am sure even that is a task they lack the skill to complete.
  113. [27.08.2016 14:19:40] Death: Grim.Reaper was put out of action by 5th|Carl.Harrisford (Gun).
  114. [27.08.2016 14:19:51] LH~Red.Grant: "Well, you got to give them credit for the amount of people they need to take down a single one of us!"
  115. [27.08.2016 14:19:58] LH~Mrs.Glass: The fact that he is blowed up himself show enough well how inferior they are.
  116. [27.08.2016 14:20:22] LH~Miranda.Frost: The scanner shows five of them are on patrol.
  117. [27.08.2016 14:20:26] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: RM-Dietrich.Froste
  118. [27.08.2016 14:20:34] LH~Miranda.Frost: Four small crafts and a war ship.
  119. [27.08.2016 14:21:46] LH~Red.Grant: hmm
  120. [27.08.2016 14:21:49] LH~Red.Grant: "Hmm"
  121. [27.08.2016 14:21:52] LH~Red.Grant: "Lets see.."
  122. [27.08.2016 14:22:00] LH~Red.Grant: "Yeah, thats too much to take on."
  123. [27.08.2016 14:22:14] LH~Mrs.Glass: What did you think about going into California and try to capture some corporate lapdog?
  124. [27.08.2016 14:22:26] LH~Red.Grant: "Yeah, lets/
  125. [27.08.2016 14:22:33] LH~Red.Grant: "There are 3 jumpgates."
  126. [27.08.2016 14:22:41] LH~Red.Grant: "Ill take the jumpgate leading to Cortez."
  127. [27.08.2016 14:22:44] LH~Mrs.Glass: Miranda? Are you in?
  128. [27.08.2016 14:22:45] LH~Miranda.Frost: Wait.
  129. [27.08.2016 14:22:45] LH~Nick.Nack: *inhales cardamine* Greetings.
  130. [27.08.2016 14:22:49] LH~Miranda.Frost: Negative.
  131. [27.08.2016 14:22:56] LH~Mrs.Glass: Greetings, Nack.
  132. [27.08.2016 14:23:00] LH~Miranda.Frost: Attempting a system lockdown right now it would be foolish.
  133. [27.08.2016 14:23:11] LH~Nick.Nack: Not really.
  134. [27.08.2016 14:23:17] LH~Nick.Nack: We can lockdown Shikoku,
  135. [27.08.2016 14:23:31] LH~Miranda.Frost: We could do that.
  136. [27.08.2016 14:23:35] LH~Red.Grant: "Good call."
  137. [27.08.2016 14:23:39] LH~Mrs.Glass: Then lets do it.
  138. [27.08.2016 14:23:45] LH~Nick.Nack: Who takes the lead?
  139. [27.08.2016 14:23:55] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: RM-Dietrich.Froste
  140. [27.08.2016 14:23:58] LH~Mrs.Glass: I'm just an initiate so surely not I.
  141. [27.08.2016 14:24:07] LH~Red.Grant: "You apparantly, Nick."
  142. [27.08.2016 14:24:07] LH~Nick.Nack: Then miss Frost?
  143. [27.08.2016 14:24:16] LH~Miranda.Frost: I still need to wait for my funds and to set up a proper attack craft.
  144. [27.08.2016 14:24:29] Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
  145. [27.08.2016 14:25:09] LH~Nick.Nack: Alright then , I'll be in charge then.
  146. [27.08.2016 14:25:27] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: RM-Dietrich.Froste
  147. [27.08.2016 14:26:42] LH~Red.Grant: "Transport!"
  148. [27.08.2016 14:26:49] LH~Nick.Nack: Get him
  149. [27.08.2016 14:27:04] LH~Red.Grant: "He got cut from the lane."
  150. [27.08.2016 14:27:15] LH~Red.Grant: "Hold it right there."
  151. [27.08.2016 14:27:17] LH~Nick.Nack: Hold it.
  152. [27.08.2016 14:27:24] Death: Kasil'Ra was put out of action by K'Hara|Saturnia (Gun).
  153. [27.08.2016 14:27:30] LH~Nick.Nack: //take screens
  154. [27.08.2016 14:27:31] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am on my way to assit, it seems this could take a while.
  155. [27.08.2016 14:27:31] LH~Red.Grant: "Hold it boy."
  156. [27.08.2016 14:27:43] LH~Red.Grant: "Good job."
  157. [27.08.2016 14:27:44] Nepgear: Did you just shoot misiles at me?
  158. [27.08.2016 14:27:53] LH~Nick.Nack: Alright misyer Grant , deal with him.
  159. [27.08.2016 14:27:54] LH~Red.Grant: "Cruise disruptors yes."
  160. [27.08.2016 14:28:09] LH~Red.Grant: "Those are nice types of ammo you got.""
  161. [27.08.2016 14:28:12] LH~Nick.Nack: Let's do it fast.
  162. [27.08.2016 14:28:22] LH~Nick.Nack: Fifth fleet may come after us.
  163. [27.08.2016 14:28:33] LH~Red.Grant: "Hmm, Ill have you pay me 8 million credits to prevent me from giving them to the government, aye?"
  164. [27.08.2016 14:28:40] LH~Nick.Nack: Look, how it works.
  165. [27.08.2016 14:29:07] LH~Nick.Nack: Miss Glass will secure the Galileo gate in Shikoku.
  166. [27.08.2016 14:29:08] LH~Red.Grant: "You have 30 seconds to comply."
  167. [27.08.2016 14:29:10] Nepgear: 8 million? Do you think i have no family to feed?
  168. [27.08.2016 14:29:18] LH~Nick.Nack: Mister Grant Kepler gate.
  169. [27.08.2016 14:29:21] LH~Red.Grant: "Do you think I give a damn?"
  170. [27.08.2016 14:29:21] LH~Mrs.Glass: Affirmative.
  171. [27.08.2016 14:29:37] LH~Nick.Nack: Me and Miss Forst will cut the New Tokio - Planet Junyo lane.
  172. [27.08.2016 14:29:45] Nepgear: Give me a second, i start transfering.
  173. [27.08.2016 14:29:52] Death: BabyMental suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  174. [27.08.2016 14:29:52] LH~Red.Grant: "20 seconds."
  175. [27.08.2016 14:30:07] LH~Cochrane.Exchanger: Outside Cochrane
  176. [27.08.2016 14:30:08] LH~Red.Grant: "Keeping the pressure on the kettle."
  177. [27.08.2016 14:30:16] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am on my way.
  178. [27.08.2016 14:30:26] LH~Red.Grant: "10 seconds."
  179. [27.08.2016 14:30:26] Nepgear: Ehm...somehow it doesnt let me
  180. [27.08.2016 14:30:35] Nepgear: I said i pay, wait.
  181. [27.08.2016 14:30:37] LH~Nick.Nack: //tell him to trade you.
  182. [27.08.2016 14:30:41] LH~Red.Grant: // i did
  183. [27.08.2016 14:30:48] LH~Miranda.Frost: I will rejoin your lockdown after I am donw with setting up a new ship.
  184. [27.08.2016 14:30:54] LH~Red.Grant: "Ill sent you a direct wiring link."
  185. [27.08.2016 14:30:57] LH~Nick.Nack: Alright.
  186. [27.08.2016 14:31:49] LH~Nick.Nack: I advise you to be faster Freelancer *inhales cardamine*
  187. [27.08.2016 14:31:53] LH~Red.Grant: "Come on, chop chop. Were burning daylight."
  188. [27.08.2016 14:32:06] LH~Cochrane.Exchanger: Use those funds to purchase a Vindicator.
  189. [27.08.2016 14:32:12] LH~Miranda.Frost: Indeed I will.
  190. [27.08.2016 14:32:22] LH~Miranda.Frost: But first, the armor.
  191. [27.08.2016 14:32:22] LH~Red.Grant: "Im imagining you are calling the cops on my ass right now."
  192. [27.08.2016 14:32:22] Nepgear: It doesnt let me type in a exact number
  193. [27.08.2016 14:32:41] LH~Red.Grant: // Select the credits, go to the number in the bottom, type in 8 mills, finito
  194. [27.08.2016 14:32:59] LH~Nick.Nack: 15 more seconds and I start shooting.
  195. [27.08.2016 14:33:02] LH~Red.Grant: "Good call."
  196. [27.08.2016 14:33:06] LH~Red.Grant: "Off with you now."
  197. [27.08.2016 14:33:11] Nepgear: Now leave me alone.
  198. [27.08.2016 14:33:13] LH~Nick.Nack: He paid?
  199. [27.08.2016 14:33:15] LH~Red.Grant: yep
  200. [27.08.2016 14:33:22] /sendcash lh~nick.hack 2000000
  201. [27.08.2016 14:33:22] ERR char does not exist
  202. [27.08.2016 14:33:25] LH~Nick.Nack: To Shikoku then.
  203. [27.08.2016 14:33:30] Death: GG-Daxos was put out of action by Test.Drive (Collision).
  204. [27.08.2016 14:33:42] /sendcash lh~nick.nack 2000000
  205. [27.08.2016 14:33:42] You have sent 2.000.000 credits to LH~Nick.Nack
  206. [27.08.2016 14:33:43] LH~Nick.Nack: Mrs Glass , are you in position?
  207. [27.08.2016 14:33:52] /sendcash lh~miranda.frost 2000000
  208. [27.08.2016 14:33:52] You have sent 2.000.000 credits to LH~Miranda.Frost
  209. [27.08.2016 14:33:56] LH~Mrs.Glass: Ten click away from the gate. Arriving soon.
  210. [27.08.2016 14:34:00] /sendcash 2000000
  211. [27.08.2016 14:34:00] You have sent 2.000.000 credits to LH~Mrs.Glass
  212. [27.08.2016 14:34:00] You have received 2.000.000 credits from LH~Nick.Nack
  213. [27.08.2016 14:34:08] LH~Nick.Nack: Keep them.
  214. [27.08.2016 14:34:19] LH~Red.Grant: "Alright, thanks."
  215. [27.08.2016 14:34:30] LH~Mrs.Glass: I am in position.
  216. [27.08.2016 14:34:33] LH~Nick.Nack: Good.
  217. [27.08.2016 14:34:42] LH~Red.Grant: "I managed to grab 8 million from this transport, for those who are wondering."
  218. [27.08.2016 14:34:43] LH~Nick.Nack: Alright mr Grant stay here.
  219. [27.08.2016 14:34:45] Mr.Yoshida: Greetings dear colleagues.
  220. [27.08.2016 14:34:48] LH~Miranda.Frost: Greetings mister Yoshida.
  221. [27.08.2016 14:34:54] LH~Nick.Nack: Greetings mr Yoshida.
  222. [27.08.2016 14:34:57] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: K'Hara|Zul'Tharus
  223. [27.08.2016 14:35:07] LH~Mrs.Glass: Welcome Mr. Yoshida.
  224. [27.08.2016 14:35:07] LH~Red.Grant: "Thats miss, but fair enough, ill remain here."
  225. [27.08.2016 14:35:17] LH~Nick.Nack: //actualy nevermind grant move to shikoku
  226. [27.08.2016 14:35:18] LH~Red.Grant: "And hello, mr Yoshida."
  227. [27.08.2016 14:35:31] LH~Nick.Nack: //i tought we were already in shikoku xd
  228. [27.08.2016 14:35:35] LH~Red.Grant: // XD
  229. [27.08.2016 14:35:39] Mr.Yoshida: Perhaps we can split forces. Cut both Bretonian and Kusarian trade routes.
  230. [27.08.2016 14:35:57] LH~Nick.Nack: Well we wanted to lockdown Shikoku.
  231. [27.08.2016 14:36:31] LH~Nick.Nack: But you and miss Frost can take care of Bretonia routes.
  232. [27.08.2016 14:36:53] LH~Miranda.Frost: Indeed, let me first get myself into something more...expensive.
  233. [27.08.2016 14:37:06] LH~Nick.Nack: Alright mr Grant this will be your position.
  234. [27.08.2016 14:37:13] LH~Red.Grant: "Gotcha."
  235. [27.08.2016 14:37:45] LH~Nick.Nack: Target coming your way
  236. [27.08.2016 14:37:47] LH~Nick.Nack: Grant
  237. [27.08.2016 14:38:03] LH~Red.Grant: "Hold it."
  238. [27.08.2016 14:38:06] Olympic.Carrier: Konbanwa!
  239. [27.08.2016 14:38:16] LH~Red.Grant: "I said hold it chap."
  240. [27.08.2016 14:38:16] LH~Nick.Nack: Got him?
  241. [27.08.2016 14:38:18] Olympic.Carrier: How can we help you LH~Red.Grant,San?
  242. [27.08.2016 14:38:24] Mr.Yoshida: Hello Mr Chang
  243. [27.08.2016 14:38:25] LH~Red.Grant: Yeah, but he is about to jump
  244. [27.08.2016 14:38:30] LH~Nick.Nack: After him
  245. [27.08.2016 14:38:34] LH~Nick.Nack: Im coming back.
  246. [27.08.2016 14:38:37] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh, you can help me easely."
  247. [27.08.2016 14:38:38] LH~Chang: hello guy's
  248. [27.08.2016 14:38:44] Mr.Yoshida: I believe you wish to conduct the lockdown requirement.
  249. [27.08.2016 14:38:45] Olympic.Carrier: Hai?
  250. [27.08.2016 14:38:50] LH~Red.Grant: "I see you got 4000 customers right?"
  251. [27.08.2016 14:38:52] LH~Chang: yes that is right
  252. [27.08.2016 14:38:59] LH~Nick.Nack: Well he can take charge of my operation here.
  253. [27.08.2016 14:38:59] Olympic.Carrier: Hai
  254. [27.08.2016 14:39:04] LH~Miranda.Frost: Greetings, mister Chang.
  255. [27.08.2016 14:39:09] Mr.Yoshida: Good. I will personally oversee your lockdown operation Mr Chang.
  256. [27.08.2016 14:39:09] Death: *IG*|Berghain was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  257. [27.08.2016 14:39:22] LH~Nick.Nack: We may need a hand here.
  258. [27.08.2016 14:39:23] LH~Chang: ok where should i set coruse for?
  259. [27.08.2016 14:39:25] Olympic.Carrier: Sir?
  260. [27.08.2016 14:39:26] Mr.Yoshida: Me and Interruptor Frost can be used for your lockdown.
  261. [27.08.2016 14:39:29] LH~Red.Grant: "What would you say if I told you that there is a jumpgate tax for passengers of 5 million credits?"
  262. [27.08.2016 14:39:31] Olympic.Carrier: San?
  263. [27.08.2016 14:39:37] LH~Nick.Nack: Cap 6 Samura Liner here.
  264. [27.08.2016 14:39:50] Olympic.Carrier: Hmmm, it hurts but ok
  265. [27.08.2016 14:39:56] LH~Red.Grant: "Good boy."
  266. [27.08.2016 14:40:01] LH~Nick.Nack: //red im going to get a cutlass
  267. [27.08.2016 14:40:12] Death: 5th|Carl.Harrisford was put out of action by (C~Ario.Navarro (Gun).
  268. [27.08.2016 14:40:12] Mr.Yoshida: Somewhere else from Shikoku.
  269. [27.08.2016 14:40:14] LH~Mrs.Glass: Lucky boys getting the good stuff while no one come this way..
  270. [27.08.2016 14:40:17] Mr.Yoshida: // good pick
  271. [27.08.2016 14:40:18] LH~Red.Grant: "Thank you kindly."
  272. [27.08.2016 14:40:26] LH~Red.Grant: "Feel free to proceed."
  273. [27.08.2016 14:40:29] Olympic.Carrier: Sayonara
  274. [27.08.2016 14:40:32] Mr.Yoshida: // Though I usually go for Warans
  275. [27.08.2016 14:40:43] LH~Red.Grant: "Alright, who wants a million's worth of a extortion cut?"
  276. [27.08.2016 14:40:53] LH~Nick.Nack: //we have enough firepower a cutlass will do
  277. [27.08.2016 14:41:07] LH~Chang: ok i am making my way to californa system
  278. [27.08.2016 14:41:45] /sendcash lh~miranda.frost 1000000
  279. [27.08.2016 14:41:45] You have sent 1.000.000 credits to LH~Miranda.Frost
  280. [27.08.2016 14:41:55] /sendcash mr.yoshida 1000000
  281. [27.08.2016 14:41:56] You have sent 1.000.000 credits to Mr.Yoshida
  282. [27.08.2016 14:41:57] LH~Miranda.Frost: buying now the vindicator
  283. [27.08.2016 14:42:05] /sendcash 1000000
  284. [27.08.2016 14:42:05] You have sent 1.000.000 credits to LH~Mrs.Glass
  285. [27.08.2016 14:42:17] You have received 1.000.000 credits from Mr.Yoshida
  286. [27.08.2016 14:42:20] LH~Chang: // thats a lot of 5th in new york
  287. [27.08.2016 14:42:27] Mr.Yoshida: Mr Grant, please disperse the funds between your colleagues in Shikoku.
  288. [27.08.2016 14:42:44] Mr.Yoshida: Mr Chang, Ms Frost and I are not participating in order to deserve part of the loot.
  289. [27.08.2016 14:42:44] LH~Mrs.Glass: It is okay if they are all stay there.
  290. [27.08.2016 14:42:47] LH~Red.Grant: "I already did that yes." She smiles
  291. [27.08.2016 14:42:53] Death: BabyMental suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  292. [27.08.2016 14:43:01] You have received 1.000.000 credits from LH~Miranda.Frost
  293. [27.08.2016 14:43:42] LH~Chang: ok im almost at the jomp hole now
  294. [27.08.2016 14:43:58] LH~Chang: jump sorry for the static
  295. [27.08.2016 14:44:31] LH~Red.Grant: "Ehh..."
  296. [27.08.2016 14:44:35] LH~Red.Grant: "2 Hogosha pilots."
  297. [27.08.2016 14:44:39] LH~Red.Grant: "At my station."
  298. [27.08.2016 14:44:47] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: There is something stuck on the gate today? Is it a sign?
  299. [27.08.2016 14:44:50] Mr.Yoshida: They are to be treated with respect.
  300. [27.08.2016 14:44:58] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 2 hours.
  301. [27.08.2016 14:44:58] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
  302. [27.08.2016 14:45:00] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Nay, a hacker it seems.
  303. [27.08.2016 14:45:13] LH~Red.Grant: "Whats it called... Ko-- Ki... Konnichiwa? Yeah, konnichiwa, honorable hogoshans."
  304. [27.08.2016 14:45:23] Death: 5th|Alan.Colins suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
  305. [27.08.2016 14:45:28] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Hello to you too stranger.
  306. [27.08.2016 14:45:35] LH~Red.Grant: "How are you two doing?"
  307. [27.08.2016 14:45:48] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Greetings!
  308. [27.08.2016 14:45:52] LH~Chang: ok Mr yoshida and ms frost i am in the target system
  309. [27.08.2016 14:45:55] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: A pleasant day through the clouds and so on. And you?
  310. [27.08.2016 14:46:13] Mr.Yoshida: I will return to California as quickly as possible.
  311. [27.08.2016 14:46:19] Mr.Yoshida: Along with Ms Frost.
  312. [27.08.2016 14:46:31] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am on my way to Ontario, 60k out.
  313. [27.08.2016 14:46:33] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: I'm fine personally, you LH san?
  314. [27.08.2016 14:46:44] LH~Miranda.Frost: I will then proceed towards California system.
  315. [27.08.2016 14:46:48] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: *inahles cardamine* Nack: Good day Hogosha.
  316. [27.08.2016 14:46:54] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh, I got a few extra pocket cents already, so I would say, doing great." She smiles. "Thanks for asking."
  317. [27.08.2016 14:47:01] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Ah, a second one. Can't have one without a second one.
  318. [27.08.2016 14:47:02] LH~Chang: ok meet up point will be the Ontario jump hole on my end
  319. [27.08.2016 14:47:09] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Greetings pilot.
  320. [27.08.2016 14:47:27] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Good day to you too!
  321. [27.08.2016 14:47:38] Death: Ganymade suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  322. [27.08.2016 14:47:58] LH~Red.Grant: "Can we ehh... "Liberate" money from traders infront of the Hogosha?"
  323. [27.08.2016 14:47:58] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: Alright miss Grant , I'll be on my way.
  324. [27.08.2016 14:47:59] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Guess you are plying your trade today in Shikoku uh?
  325. [27.08.2016 14:48:06] LH~Red.Grant: "Alrighty. Stay safe."
  326. [27.08.2016 14:48:16] LH~Red.Grant: "And sure is so."
  327. [27.08.2016 14:48:16] Mr.Yoshida: Yes but not if it's Samura or some of their benefactors...
  328. [27.08.2016 14:48:27] Death: ColdR was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  329. [27.08.2016 14:48:29] LH~Red.Grant: "Just now a Luxury Liner."
  330. [27.08.2016 14:48:34] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: //forgot that cael is playing a girl ;0))
  331. [27.08.2016 14:48:38] Mr.Yoshida: Using your superior intelligence and getting rid of them is usually the most optimal suggestion.
  332. [27.08.2016 14:48:45] Death: (C~Ario.Navarro was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  333. [27.08.2016 14:48:49] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Don't work too hard boys and girls, otherwise the police will come and start taxing your hard earned wages.
  334. [27.08.2016 14:48:59] LH~Red.Grant: "I ehh... Liberated some of their hard corruption gained credits."
  335. [27.08.2016 14:49:18] Death: Jim_Trenton was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  336. [27.08.2016 14:49:22] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh, the police can try. I left quite a legacy in Liberty already."
  337. [27.08.2016 14:49:32] LH~Red.Grant: "Just ask the 5th fleet."
  338. [27.08.2016 14:49:36] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Ohhh? Any interresting stories to tell?
  339. [27.08.2016 14:49:45] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh sure. Just an hour ago."
  340. [27.08.2016 14:49:57] LH~Red.Grant: "There was this 5th pilot, thought he was superior and all."
  341. [27.08.2016 14:50:00] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Oh? Kon'nichiwa there.
  342. [27.08.2016 14:50:08] LH~Red.Grant: "So when he tried to take me down, he dropped one of those fancy nuclear mines."
  343. [27.08.2016 14:50:17] LH~Chang: // thats odd a nomad in new york
  344. [27.08.2016 14:50:28] LH~Red.Grant: "I got on his tail, and managed to turn him into a pile of molten metal with his own weapon."
  345. [27.08.2016 14:50:30] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: //thats daerune
  346. [27.08.2016 14:50:41] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Guess it's a classical army maneuver.
  347. [27.08.2016 14:51:00] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Heh, liberty 'official' pilots.
  348. [27.08.2016 14:51:04] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Ah, one of the ladies of the syndicate. Welcome, welcome.
  349. [27.08.2016 14:51:19] LH~Red.Grant: "Ah, and yes. Good day to the newcomer."
  350. [27.08.2016 14:51:28] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Ohh Yakumo-sama!
  351. [27.08.2016 14:51:31] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Now... that took you a while. But very well.
  352. [27.08.2016 14:51:52] LH~Red.Grant: "Apologies. I got caught up in my story."
  353. [27.08.2016 14:52:04] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: It was a good story!
  354. [27.08.2016 14:52:08] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Oh no problem!
  355. [27.08.2016 14:52:14] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: It seems the Hackers are hard at work today. Perhaps we should leave them with their devices?
  356. [27.08.2016 14:52:15] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Continue if you desire.
  357. [27.08.2016 14:52:38] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh, soem company never hurt, now did it?"
  358. [27.08.2016 14:52:54] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: More the merrier!
  359. [27.08.2016 14:53:10] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Hai until the Naval Forces or the Police arrives, then we have sadly to leave you alone.
  360. [27.08.2016 14:53:11] LH~Miranda.Frost: 20k out from California jump hole.
  361. [27.08.2016 14:53:13] LH~Red.Grant: "Especially if somehting like the Kishiro were to stop by."
  362. [27.08.2016 14:53:33] LH~Chang: i have seen a 5th fleet member in system watch out
  363. [27.08.2016 14:53:46] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: It is possible that one may come across. Who knows...
  364. [27.08.2016 14:54:08] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: How are things on the other side of the border these days?
  365. [27.08.2016 14:54:11] LH~Red.Grant: "Who knows what the future holds indeed."
  366. [27.08.2016 14:54:12] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: You know, in such case we do like, we paid him and leaving quick.
  367. [27.08.2016 14:54:16] Death: OutcastRevenge was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  368. [27.08.2016 14:54:17] Death: JudiCator was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  369. [27.08.2016 14:54:21] LH~Red.Grant: "Liberty? Overly chaotic."
  370. [27.08.2016 14:54:38] LH~Red.Grant: "You got the intelligence agency and a navy battlegroup shooting up the official naval forces."
  371. [27.08.2016 14:54:53] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: The official what?
  372. [27.08.2016 14:54:53] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Indeed, passed by there on few occasions madness!
  373. [27.08.2016 14:54:55] LH~Red.Grant: "Its an outright internal war inside the government."
  374. [27.08.2016 14:54:57] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Amusing... what is wrong with them?
  375. [27.08.2016 14:55:09] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Ah, navy officers. Ok
  376. [27.08.2016 14:55:17] LH~Red.Grant: "I dont know what the problem is, but it sure safes me a lot of trouble."
  377. [27.08.2016 14:55:33] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: So they forgot who their enemies are, and started shooting eachother?
  378. [27.08.2016 14:55:39] LH~Red.Grant: "Exactly."
  379. [27.08.2016 14:55:46] Death: Mr.Lizard was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  380. [27.08.2016 14:55:50] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: That's liberty for you...
  381. [27.08.2016 14:55:56] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: *Opening her fan and waves some cool air into her face* Quite the story.
  382. [27.08.2016 14:56:01] LH~Red.Grant: "The fifth and first fleet versus the Security Force and battlegroup harmony."
  383. [27.08.2016 14:56:21] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Perhaps we should check Colorado, I think the boss has some contacts on the Planet.
  384. [27.08.2016 14:56:26] Death: 5th|LNS-Odyssey was divided by zero.
  385. [27.08.2016 14:56:31] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: He would be pleased to know they are secure.
  386. [27.08.2016 14:56:43] LH~Red.Grant: "Ah, Colorado. Hope you dont run into any Xeeners."
  387. [27.08.2016 14:56:50] LH~Red.Grant: "They are quite the aggressive bunch these days."
  388. [27.08.2016 14:56:55] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: You folks stay here, I'll head down there.
  389. [27.08.2016 14:57:08] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Xenos uh? Haven't seen one in a long while.
  390. [27.08.2016 14:57:12] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Very well, then take a look.
  391. [27.08.2016 14:57:20] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: They are weird... I don't understnad what they are saying half the time when I meet one.
  392. [27.08.2016 14:57:22] LH~Red.Grant: "Be glad, they aint nice company."
  393. [27.08.2016 14:57:25] Mr.Yoshida: Okay Mr Chang
  394. [27.08.2016 14:57:28] Death: [tCS]Triumvirate was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
  395. [27.08.2016 14:57:28] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Coming through
  396. [27.08.2016 14:57:31] Mr.Yoshida: You are in control now.
  397. [27.08.2016 14:57:34] LH~Red.Grant: "They way's clear."
  398. [27.08.2016 14:57:46] LH~Chang: ok thank's Mr yoshida
  399. [27.08.2016 14:58:02] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Xenos... I think they are more brain dead than anyone else in Liberty.
  400. [27.08.2016 14:58:10] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: //crap gtg guys
  401. [27.08.2016 14:58:15] LH~Red.Grant: She inhales a bit of cardamine, coughs a bit. "Ugh, as advantageous as it is, it still isnt good for your throat."
  402. [27.08.2016 14:58:15] LH~Leiden.Interdictor: //take care
  403. [27.08.2016 14:58:20] LH~Miranda.Frost: //cheers
  404. [27.08.2016 14:58:21] LH~Red.Grant: "Ugh."
  405. [27.08.2016 14:58:22] Mr.Yoshida: Goodbye Deceiver
  406. [27.08.2016 14:58:45] Death: piccolo suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
  407. [27.08.2016 14:58:48] LH~Chang: well ms frost i belive you will be best placed at the cortez jump gate
  408. [27.08.2016 14:58:51] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Seems like it... our liner got held by one for a while above Manhattan... The Xeno's ramblings made no sense.
  409. [27.08.2016 14:58:59] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: *Smugs cheeky* Your very own fault, but we have all to make a living with our own destiny and story.
  410. [27.08.2016 14:59:00] LH~Red.Grant: "And well, Xenos... They are a real strange bunch."
  411. [27.08.2016 14:59:12] LH~Miranda.Frost: Copy that, I will be headding that way.
  412. [27.08.2016 14:59:22] LH~Chang: ok yell if you need help
  413. [27.08.2016 14:59:28] LH~Red.Grant: "I had more sensible conversations with drunken and tranquilized Liberty Rogues."
  414. [27.08.2016 14:59:43] LH~Miranda.Frost: Oh there will be yelling, just not from me.
  415. [27.08.2016 14:59:45] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Rogues... they are to chaotic for my taste.
  416. [27.08.2016 14:59:51] LH~Red.Grant: "Exactly."
  417. [27.08.2016 14:59:53] Mr.Yoshida: *chuckles*
  418. [27.08.2016 15:00:01] LH~Red.Grant: "Especially those torpedoes."
  419. [27.08.2016 15:00:11] LH~Red.Grant: "They seems to have a specific type of brain damage."
  420. [27.08.2016 15:00:16] LH~Mrs.Glass: You are so bad, Miranda.*chuckles* I like it.*laugh*
  421. [27.08.2016 15:00:18] LH~Red.Grant: "But they do make for good cannon fodder."
  422. [27.08.2016 15:00:24] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: It is easier to train a dog than speaking with one of those Rogues.
  423. [27.08.2016 15:00:25] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by [tCS]Triumvirate (Gun).
  424. [27.08.2016 15:00:46] LH~Red.Grant: "oh, the rogues speak a universal language."
  425. [27.08.2016 15:00:53] LH~Red.Grant: "The language of firing weapons."
  426. [27.08.2016 15:00:54] LH~Miranda.Frost: Don't get too attached to dangerous things, it can kill you, fast. *She grins*
  427. [27.08.2016 15:01:13] LH~Red.Grant: "These hogoshans are nice company for sure."
  428. [27.08.2016 15:01:18] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Well firing weapons does solve a lot of problems.
  429. [27.08.2016 15:01:20] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Efficient at times, but not always. *smiles behind the fan*
  430. [27.08.2016 15:01:27] LH~Chang: Mr yoshida i will be putting you at the new york jump gate as i belive that's where your best
  431. [27.08.2016 15:01:50] LH~Red.Grant: "Not always does shooting work, indeed. Sometimes you have to make a good extortion to get through to them."
  432. [27.08.2016 15:02:01] LH~Red.Grant: "If you spot them with an illegal cargo for example."
  433. [27.08.2016 15:02:01] LH~Mrs.Glass: Without dangerous things the life is boring.
  434. [27.08.2016 15:02:13] LH~Red.Grant: "You can use that against them really well."
  435. [27.08.2016 15:02:22] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Oh? Sounds... handy?
  436. [27.08.2016 15:02:35] Mr.Yoshida: Roger that Mr Chang.
  437. [27.08.2016 15:02:42] LH~Red.Grant: "Yeah, just now I ran across one with 3600 crates of black market weapons."
  438. [27.08.2016 15:02:43] Mr.Yoshida: On which ship type you want me to be there?
  439. [27.08.2016 15:02:46] LH~Chang: so i will be at the magellan jump gate
  440. [27.08.2016 15:03:01] LH~Red.Grant: "I dont think the liberty government likes those, so.. I used that card against him."
  441. [27.08.2016 15:03:15] Death: Shaun_Cook was put out of action by RM|Schleswig.Holstein (Gun).
  442. [27.08.2016 15:03:17] LH~Chang: what ever ship type you think will be best
  443. [27.08.2016 15:03:42] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: And what happened?
  444. [27.08.2016 15:03:50] Mr.Yoshida: I think a heavier solution might be better.
  445. [27.08.2016 15:03:54] LH~Red.Grant: "He paid me the 8 million credits i demanded."
  446. [27.08.2016 15:04:07] LH~Red.Grant: "And I took some nice cargo scan results as a means to bribe him in the future."
  447. [27.08.2016 15:04:24] LH~Red.Grant: "How are things on your end, miss Glass?"
  448. [27.08.2016 15:04:30] Mr.Yoshida: Got a boogy
  449. [27.08.2016 15:04:30] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: *Chuckles short* Efficient.
  450. [27.08.2016 15:04:31] LH~Mrs.Glass: Silent.
  451. [27.08.2016 15:04:34] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Hmm but aren't the rogues well unlaws to begin with?
  452. [27.08.2016 15:04:37] Mr.Yoshida: 2.4k away - Avenger
  453. [27.08.2016 15:04:42] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Outlaws*
  454. [27.08.2016 15:04:49] LH~Red.Grant: "Well, this guy was a freelancer."
  455. [27.08.2016 15:04:51] LH~Miranda.Frost: Do you require assistance ?
  456. [27.08.2016 15:05:02] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Ohhhh now that makes more sense.
  457. [27.08.2016 15:05:04] Mr.Yoshida: Got away.
  458. [27.08.2016 15:05:14] Mr.Yoshida: But we can vaporize him if that's what you want.
  459. [27.08.2016 15:05:19] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
  460. [27.08.2016 15:05:20] LH~Red.Grant: "Exactly. Using the extortion card usually works."
  461. [27.08.2016 15:05:22] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Freelancer... Annoying people. To many for my taste who trying their luck in space...
  462. [27.08.2016 15:05:33] Mr.Yoshida: He headed back to Mojave, be cautious.
  463. [27.08.2016 15:05:34] LH~Red.Grant: "You can use this card against everyone."
  464. [27.08.2016 15:05:47] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by [tCS]Triumvirate (Gun).
  465. [27.08.2016 15:05:48] LH~Red.Grant: "But you gotta beware not to expose to much
  466. [27.08.2016 15:05:58] LH~Red.Grant: "Hey mate, hold it right there
  467. [27.08.2016 15:06:04] LH~Miranda.Frost: You have a gunboat headding your way mister Yoshida.
  468. [27.08.2016 15:06:07] LH~Red.Grant: "One second please."
  469. [27.08.2016 15:06:12] LH~Miranda.Frost: It appears to have cloacking abilities.
  470. [27.08.2016 15:06:14] LH~Red.Grant: Got one
  471. [27.08.2016 15:06:15] Mr.Yoshida: Switching to a bomber.
  472. [27.08.2016 15:06:17] LH~Red.Grant: Just jumped
  473. [27.08.2016 15:06:22] Mr.Yoshida: Ship type?
  474. [27.08.2016 15:06:24] LH~Miranda.Frost: I couldn't get a read to its weapons configuration.
  475. [27.08.2016 15:06:31] LH~Miranda.Frost: Gunboat.
  476. [27.08.2016 15:06:34] LH~Miranda.Frost: Corvo.
  477. [27.08.2016 15:06:36] LH~Red.Grant: "Nevermind, he got away."
  478. [27.08.2016 15:06:43] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 14 seconds.
  479. [27.08.2016 15:06:44] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 13 seconds.
  480. [27.08.2016 15:06:44] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 13 seconds.
  481. [27.08.2016 15:06:44] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 13 seconds.
  482. [27.08.2016 15:06:44] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 13 seconds.
  483. [27.08.2016 15:06:45] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 13 seconds.
  484. [27.08.2016 15:06:45] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 12 seconds.
  485. [27.08.2016 15:06:45] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 12 seconds.
  486. [27.08.2016 15:06:45] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 12 seconds.
  487. [27.08.2016 15:06:45] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 12 seconds.
  488. [27.08.2016 15:06:48] LH~Mrs.Glass: How? Via lane?
  489. [27.08.2016 15:06:51] LH~Red.Grant: Yep
  490. [27.08.2016 15:06:52] Jump systems recharging. Charging complete in 5 seconds.
  491. [27.08.2016 15:06:58] LH~Red.Grant: In Kepler
  492. [27.08.2016 15:07:04] Death: Bradley.Joey was put out of action by Octavio.D.Lorez (Gun).
  493. [27.08.2016 15:07:12] LH~Red.Grant: "Sorry about that. The guy managed to escape me."
  494. [27.08.2016 15:07:30] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: So fast?
  495. [27.08.2016 15:07:36] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: This shared bomber is more suitable I think. It's also equipped with cloaking abilities, considering how dangerous is the NY
  496. [27.08.2016 15:07:40] LH~Red.Grant: "Yeah, he was in the tradelane before i got there."
  497. [27.08.2016 15:07:42] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Jump Gate.
  498. [27.08.2016 15:07:43] LH~Miranda.Frost: Miner.
  499. [27.08.2016 15:08:07] LH~Red.Grant: "Well, cutting this lane should make it easier to keep em stuck."
  500. [27.08.2016 15:08:12] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Is it carrying ore?
  501. [27.08.2016 15:08:13] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Ah well. Guess the next one will be better.
  502. [27.08.2016 15:08:15] LH~Miranda.Frost: Hegemon headding towards Ontario jump gate.
  503. [27.08.2016 15:08:16] LH~Miranda.Frost: Yes
  504. [27.08.2016 15:08:24] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Did you miss him?
  505. [27.08.2016 15:08:37] LH~Red.Grant: "I sure hope so."
  506. [27.08.2016 15:08:38] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Hmmm hopefully someone passes by here then?
  507. [27.08.2016 15:08:45] LH~Mrs.Glass: // I'm unlucky..everyone goes via Kepler.. :P
  508. [27.08.2016 15:08:48] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am right behind him, he dropped the lanes early.
  509. [27.08.2016 15:08:54] LH~Red.Grant: // ye, and this guy managed to get away
  510. [27.08.2016 15:09:02] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Let him jump to Ontario then. And don't jump too
  511. [27.08.2016 15:09:03] LH~Red.Grant: "Well, only time'll tell
  512. [27.08.2016 15:09:08] LH~Mrs.Glass: // We will catch him next time.
  513. [27.08.2016 15:09:08] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: I am laying a trap on the trade lane to Toronto
  514. [27.08.2016 15:09:10] LH~Miranda.Frost: He jumped
  515. [27.08.2016 15:09:18] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Got him.
  516. [27.08.2016 15:09:25] LH~Chang: ok do you need a hand
  517. [27.08.2016 15:09:30] Death: piccolo was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  518. [27.08.2016 15:09:32] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am already on route.
  519. [27.08.2016 15:09:41] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Are you bored my dear? *Rises one eyebrow slowly*
  520. [27.08.2016 15:09:46] LH~Chang: // i had a call to atend to sorry about that
  521. [27.08.2016 15:09:49] LH~Red.Grant: "Perhaps this one was the last for now."
  522. [27.08.2016 15:10:15] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: I guess so...
  523. [27.08.2016 15:10:16] Death: Satan was put out of action by 5th|LNS-Odyssey (Gun).
  524. [27.08.2016 15:10:18] LH~Red.Grant: "Nah, im not bored." She smiles. "Its just the first one to have gotten away in quite a while."
  525. [27.08.2016 15:10:33] Death: [tCS]Triumvirate was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
  526. [27.08.2016 15:10:47] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Mr Chang we are hitting a Hegemon full of ore.
  527. [27.08.2016 15:10:55] LH~Red.Grant: "So how are things in Kusari?"
  528. [27.08.2016 15:10:56] LH~Chang: ok i will be there soon
  529. [27.08.2016 15:11:04] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: At least your mood is up. That will give you more strenght.
  530. [27.08.2016 15:11:09] LH~Red.Grant: "Dragons giving you much trouble?"
  531. [27.08.2016 15:11:28] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: No need, if you don't want to. It's fully under control.
  532. [27.08.2016 15:11:33] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Hm, it is the usual trouble with them. They come and go.
  533. [27.08.2016 15:11:47] LH~Red.Grant: "how about the law?
  534. [27.08.2016 15:11:53] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: They be amusing.
  535. [27.08.2016 15:12:03] LH~Red.Grant: "
  536. [27.08.2016 15:12:03] LH~Chang: ok i going back to where i was then
  537. [27.08.2016 15:12:36] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: The law... I find it pretty headless. But well, they are to afraid of the Exiles.
  538. [27.08.2016 15:12:53] LH~Red.Grant: "Exactly, they come in quite harsh on the north."
  539. [27.08.2016 15:13:19] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Indeed. But we will just wait and see what the outcome is.
  540. [27.08.2016 15:13:32] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by [tCS]Triumvirate (Gun).
  541. [27.08.2016 15:14:04] LH~Red.Grant: "Yep, perhaps the republican forces manage to get back on their feet."
  542. [27.08.2016 15:14:06] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: All was peaceful in Denver, for the moment.
  543. [27.08.2016 15:14:10] LH~Red.Grant: "Only time will tell."
  544. [27.08.2016 15:14:29] LH~Chang: how's the hit on the miner going?
  545. [27.08.2016 15:14:45] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Peaceful for the moment? Did you lose money?
  546. [27.08.2016 15:15:04] LH~Miranda.Frost: What do you say mister Yoshida, I think he's a liar.
  547. [27.08.2016 15:15:08] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Miner is offering 5 millions
  548. [27.08.2016 15:15:13] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: What, no no. It was just quiet, and all our contacts in place.
  549. [27.08.2016 15:15:16] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: I would leave the decision to Mr Chang
  550. [27.08.2016 15:15:22] LH~Chang: That not bad for ore
  551. [27.08.2016 15:15:29] LH~Chang: i would take that
  552. [27.08.2016 15:15:32] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Oh whew... good to hear that.
  553. [27.08.2016 15:15:37] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Cargo is worth about 4 million credits
  554. [27.08.2016 15:16:07] LH~Red.Grant: // I got to attend some RL business for now
  555. [27.08.2016 15:16:17] LH~Chang: hm
  556. [27.08.2016 15:16:21] LH~Red.Grant: // Ill make..
  557. [27.08.2016 15:16:27] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: So I guess no one comes today.
  558. [27.08.2016 15:16:30] LH~Red.Grant: "Hold it slick."
  559. [27.08.2016 15:16:44] LH~Red.Grant: "I said stop."
  560. [27.08.2016 15:16:50] LH~Red.Grant: "Last chance."
  561. [27.08.2016 15:16:59] LH~Red.Grant: "Alright then."
  562. [27.08.2016 15:17:00] LH~Chang: ok then ask him how much he vaule's his cargo at
  563. [27.08.2016 15:17:00] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Red Grant, before you go
  564. [27.08.2016 15:17:08] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Anything happened with the [HA]?
  565. [27.08.2016 15:17:11] LH~Red.Grant: "I got a transport, one second."
  566. [27.08.2016 15:17:20] LH~Red.Grant: "Just chat."
  567. [27.08.2016 15:17:36] LH~Red.Grant: "Stop it, or you will die."
  568. [27.08.2016 15:18:05] LH~Red.Grant: "Now listen up."
  569. [27.08.2016 15:18:10] LH~Red.Grant: "Right.:
  570. [27.08.2016 15:18:13] LH~Red.Grant: "Im done."
  571. [27.08.2016 15:18:16] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Mr Chang, we were successful.
  572. [27.08.2016 15:18:16] LH~Red.Grant: "Bye now."
  573. [27.08.2016 15:18:21] LH~Miranda.Frost: Could be the heat affecting them
  574. [27.08.2016 15:18:28] 2016-08-27 15:20:43 SMT : Star_Runner is attempting to engage cloaking device
  575. [27.08.2016 15:18:28] LH~Red.Grant: "Need help."
  576. [27.08.2016 15:18:39] LH~Chang: good to hear about the hualer
  577. [27.08.2016 15:18:52] Death: Star_Runner was put out of action by LH~Red.Grant (Gun).
  578. [27.08.2016 15:18:53] LH~Mrs.Glass: Mr. Chang, am i need to go back to the part of the group that now i'm alone in Shikoku?
  579. [27.08.2016 15:18:56] LH~Red.Grant: "Nevermind."
  580. [27.08.2016 15:18:59] LH~Mrs.Glass: other*
  581. [27.08.2016 15:19:00] LH~Red.Grant: // he F1d out
  582. [27.08.2016 15:19:06] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: // kill it
  583. [27.08.2016 15:19:11] LH~Red.Grant: // its ded
  584. [27.08.2016 15:19:25] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: // while the shields drop because of the F1, we kill the offender
  585. [27.08.2016 15:19:36] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: CR| in Manchester
  586. [27.08.2016 15:19:48] LH~Red.Grant: "Well, he's dead."
  587. [27.08.2016 15:19:59] LH~Chang: ok eye's open ms frost
  588. [27.08.2016 15:20:01] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Not a big lose.
  589. [27.08.2016 15:20:03] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Bretonian liner full of VIPs. Cortez JG.
  590. [27.08.2016 15:20:05] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: He didn't listen?
  591. [27.08.2016 15:20:11] LH~Red.Grant: "He didnt stop."
  592. [27.08.2016 15:20:16] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Did he had anything of worth risking his life?
  593. [27.08.2016 15:20:17] LH~Red.Grant: "Even disabled his shields for me!"
  594. [27.08.2016 15:20:18] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Tsk tsk.
  595. [27.08.2016 15:20:21] LH~Red.Grant: "easy kill."
  596. [27.08.2016 15:20:28] LH~Red.Grant: "Oh, i didnt even bother to look."
  597. [27.08.2016 15:20:33] LH~Red.Grant: "he should've stopped."
  598. [27.08.2016 15:20:42] LH~Red.Grant: "All the cargo got destroyed however."
  599. [27.08.2016 15:20:51] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: // BHG| logged
  600. [27.08.2016 15:20:55] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: I suppose he wasn't rich anyway.
  601. [27.08.2016 15:20:58] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: // Chang it's in your hands how to handle it.
  602. [27.08.2016 15:21:07] LH~Red.Grant: "Unfortunately i have to be off now. So ill wish you a safe day, fella's."
  603. [27.08.2016 15:21:12] LH~Red.Grant: // RL calls
  604. [27.08.2016 15:21:15] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Wasn't aware that the hackers would destroy just for the sake of paying back an insult.
  605. [27.08.2016 15:21:16] LH~Chang: // finsh up what we are doing and flee
  606. [27.08.2016 15:21:19] LH~Miranda.Frost: //he's in cali too
  607. [27.08.2016 15:21:25] [HA]-Tb|Fortune's.Spear: Aye, may the Fortunes guide you home.
  608. [27.08.2016 15:21:28] [HA]-$|Yukari.Yakumo: Well, good luck and sayonara.
  609. [27.08.2016 15:21:29] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Ms Frost
  610. [27.08.2016 15:21:31] LH~Red.Grant: "And you aswell."
  611. [27.08.2016 15:21:32] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Take down that lane
  612. [27.08.2016 15:21:37] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: To Los Angeles
  613. [27.08.2016 15:21:39] [HA]|Ryoko.Arashi: Have safe skies, Grant-san.
  614. [27.08.2016 15:21:42] LH~Red.Grant: "Stay safe, my friends."
  615. [27.08.2016 15:21:46] LH~Red.Grant: She bows her head.
  616. [27.08.2016 15:21:48] LH~Chang: ok finsh what we are doing and then we flee
  617. [27.08.2016 15:22:07] LH~Red.Grant: Alright, i will upload full communications logs and camera pictures."
  618. [27.08.2016 15:22:25] LH~Red.Grant: // RL calls me sadly
  619. [27.08.2016 15:22:31] LH~Chang: // ok
  620. [27.08.2016 15:22:37] LH~Mrs.Glass: I'm also go back to Cochrane now, nothing to here at the gate.
  621. [27.08.2016 15:22:44] LH~Red.Grant: "As for the hogoshans, not much happened, they just kept me company."
  622. [27.08.2016 15:22:46] LH~Mrs.Glass: do*
  623. [27.08.2016 15:22:48] LH~Chang: ok good idea
  624. [27.08.2016 15:22:49] LH~Red.Grant: "Nice bunch of people."
  625. [27.08.2016 15:22:52] LH~Cochrane.Interdictor: Ms Frost, time is of the essence, we need to wrap up and go for Manchester
  626. [27.08.2016 15:22:56] 2016-08-27 15:25:11 SMT Traffic control alert: LH~Red.Grant has requested to dock
  627. [27.08.2016 15:22:56] Auto-Buy(Nanobots): Bought 2 unit(s), cost: 400$
  628. [27.08.2016 15:22:56] Auto-Buy(Mines): Bought 10 unit(s), cost: 60.000$
  629. [27.08.2016 15:22:56] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 88 unit(s), cost: 35.200$
  630. [27.08.2016 15:22:56] Auto-Buy(Cruise Disruptors): Bought 19 unit(s), cost: 38.000$
  631. [27.08.2016 15:23:00] LH~Miranda.Frost: Roger.
  632. [27.08.2016 15:23:05] LH~Red.Grant: "Good luck everyone, stay safe."
  633. [27.08.2016 15:23:15] LH~Miranda.Frost: Hunters !
  634. [27.08.2016 15:23:21] Shutdown
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