
FEF4re: Elana Farrugia (notquitethere)

Feb 22nd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Name: Elana Farrugia
  2. Class: Bard
  3. Character Skill: Charisma+
  4. Affinity: Anima
  5. Personal Fault: Bored of This Song: If a lyric is used more than twice in a battle, it is reduced by an additional -1 QL on each subsequent use.
  6. Personal Skill: Pearl Diver: If the situation is desperate enough, Elana can tap into her deep-swimming heritage. If at 30% HP or lower gain Water Walk skill.
  7. Personal Skill: Rhyming Triplets : If the Elena is within 3 spaces of 3 allied units, her support bonuses are increased by 50% until their next turn.
  9. Preferred Stats: LCK, SPD
  11. Weapon profs: Lyrics (C), Performance (D)
  13. Level: 1
  14. Total Level: 5
  16. Progression Spent: 300/300
  18. Base Stats:
  20. HP: 16 (70%)
  21. STR: 2 (0%)
  22. MAG: 2 (60%)
  23. SKL: 2 (10%)
  24. LUK: 5 (70%)
  25. DEF: 1 (10%)
  26. RES: 2 (10%)
  27. SPD: 5 (70%)
  29. CON: 3
  30. AID: 2
  31. MOV: 4
  33. Character Creation: +1 LCK, +1 DEF, +2 SPD
  34. Trainee class lvl2: +HP, +MAG, +LCK, +RES, +SPD
  35. Trainee class lvl3: +LCK, +DEF, +RES, +SPD
  36. Trainee class lvl4: +LCK, +SPD
  37. Trainee class lvl5: +HP, +MAG, +LCK, +SPD
  38. Promotion to Bard: +2 MAG, +2 LCK, +2 RES, +2 SPD, +1 CON/AID; MOV 5; +5% LCK
  40. Current Stats:
  42. HP: 18 (70%)
  43. STR: 2 (0%)
  44. MAG: 6 (60%)
  45. SKL: 2 (10%)
  46. LUK: 12 (75%)
  47. DEF: 3 (10%)
  48. RES: 6 (10%)
  49. SPD: 13 (70%)
  51. CON: 4
  52. AID: 3
  53. MOV: 5
  55. Inventory:
  56. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  57. Artemis' Song Lyri (E) 1 - - - - 28/30 [+10 Hit for 3 Turns] [E]
  58. Charming Flute Inst (E) 1 - - - - 30/30 [Heals MAG/2 HP]
  59. Vulnerary (3/3)
  61. Battle Stats (nothing):
  62. AT: -
  63. Hit: -
  64. AS: 13
  65. Eva: 38
  66. Crt: -
  67. DG: 12
  69. Bio:
  70. Elana is a scion of the Farrugia House, a minor house in the Tunis magistocracy. The Farrugia house legend is that they were once humble pearl divers until the first Maria Farrugia found the secret of interpreting comets inscribed on the inside of a golden oyster deep in the Tunis Trench. The legend isn't taken literally nowadays, but the eldest daughter of the House Farrugia is still to this day expected to dedicate her life to the study of the heavens, and Elana was no exception.
  72. Growing up she was inducted into the ways of the stargazers and she learned the various prophecies and counterprophecies. In the church choirs, she excelled at singing. She liked to learn the songs of the travellers who occasionally came to her island.
  74. When the House Farrugia saw cataclysmic signs of conjunction around the Red Devil moon, Elana was chosen as an (expendable) envoy from Tunis to advise the Prince in what the patterns of the heavens foretell for him. It is in this capacity as an advisor and singer of wisdom that she now accompanies the royal party.
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