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  3. Eric Aboadwe
  4. June 14 2018
  8. Our Scripture reading for this New Day which the LORD has made is taken from Corinthians, where it is written:
  10. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  12. GREETINGS to all my longed-for Brethren. It has been a while since our series of studies were halted because of the audio teachings which I was preparing, but which couldn’t materialized as expected due to the challenges and inconveniences which I have to undertake such as getting the right type of audio/voice recorder. But the Scripture says that “In everything give THANKS; for this is the will of God in CHRIST JESUS for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
  14. Our biblical reading above talks about the ceaseless attempt by the Devil to “corrupt” the blessed “GOSPEL” of the Lord JESUS by using any means through his wicked, evil and cunning schemes in order to lead human beings astray from the true path of “LIFE” (John 14:6) to the path of “DEATH” (Proverbs 14:12) whose accompanying consequence is eternal “destruction” in the burning flames of hell where he (Satan) and his evil angelic followers and those who believe in his lies will be subjected and confined to.
  16. To get the full understanding of our TOPIC of study fully, I want us to first of all look at the historical background right from Genesis in the Old Testament to Revelation in the New Testament concerning how the Devil “corrupt” the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST into something “DIFFERENT” in his endeavour to achieve his own agenda by killing human beings spiritually.
  18. We must therefore know that the attempt by Satan to change the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST in the annals of the history of mankind dates as far back in ancient times after the creation of mankind when the “Serpent of Old” (Revelation 12:9) deceived our first ancestral parents to believe in his lies which continued and permeated even in the antediluvian era (the period before the flood), when Noah “...Condemned the world and became the heir of RIGHTEOUSNESS which is according to faith (Hebrews 11:7).
  20. Therefore when the Apostle says in our Scripture reading that “if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted,” we must know that the brain or person behind this whole plot is none other than Lucifer the devil. He is the one responsible for using human beings as one of his strategies to corrupt the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST. This “GOSPEL” was first given to Adam and Eve when God revealed to them the “The Tree of LIFE” which was also standing in the midst of the garden (Genesis 2:9).
  22. The “Tree of LIFE” was the “GOSPEL” (Good News) which God gave to Adam and his wife to eat from it so that “they may live forever” (Genesis 3:22). But Satan the enemy of good, “corrupt” this “GOSPEL,” and he told our ancestors that it is rather “The tree of the Knowledge of good and evil” which is good for their soul, and which will open their eyes to make them wise and be like God (Genesis 3:1-6). This is how the Devil actually “corrupted” the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST to bring the downfall of mankind.
  24. When Satan told our ancestors, “You will not surely DIE. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God” (Genesis 3:4-5), it was the beginning of how Satan corrupted the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST which God gave to Adam into a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” as clearly see from the biblical account in the Book of Genesis.
  25. And by giving human beings a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which is a perverted one, Satan was able to strip human beings naked, making them lose God’s “RIGHTEOUSNESS” and killing their “soul” in the process by waging his devilish attack on them. However, as the sayings goes, “The Downfall of a Man is Not The End of His Life.” Therefore the good LORD provided redemption for Adam and His wife when He gave them the prophecy of how JESUS (the Seed) will overcome Satan by crashing his head (Genesis 3:15).
  27. That’s why it is written that, “Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21). This prophetic act of God was fulfilled in the New Testament when JESUS came on this earth by being born of the Virgin, receiving baptism for the transfer of SINS, dying on the Cross, and resurrecting to redeem the entire human race from their impending destruction.
  29. We must therefore understand that when the merciful God “clothed” Adam and his wife with “tunics of skin,” it was a “shadow of GOOD things to come” (Hebrews 10:1). And because the Apostle Paul himself understood the fulfilment of this prophetic SACRIFICE which enables us to be “clothed” with the “tunics of skin,” he spoke about its fulfilment in the same Book of Galatians where our Scripture reading is derived. He said, “For as many of you as were BAPTIZED into CHRIST have put on CHRIST” (Galatians 3:27).
  31. Therefore no believer can put on the “tunics of skin” if he or she is not “BAPTIZED into CHRIST,” but rather he will end up putting on the garment of “fig leaves” which does not provide a lasting solution to mankind’s problem of SIN which the Devil formulated to bring man’s woes (misery). Therefore whether you are Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Anglican, Adventist, Baptist, Orthodox or whatever, you must be “BAPTIZED into CHRIST” by believing in the Lord’s baptism which fulfilled “all RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15) in addition to His blood on Calvary and His resurrection.
  33. When we set our path of FAITH straight like this as explained above, then we can discern and escape from the perverted “GOSPEL” which is something “DIFFERENT” made by Satan. Adam and Eve also believed in the SACRIFICE of CHRIST and they were saved from the paws of the Devil who came to devour them. But by the timely intervention of JESUS CHRIST through his plan of redemption, Adam and his descendants which includes all of us are ransomed when we believe in the genuine “GOSPEL.”
  35. But we must take a great LESSON from the two (2) devious SINS which Adam and Eve committed. The first (1st) was their disbelief in God’s Word, and believing in the lies of the devil. And the second (2nd) was believing in their own works when they “...sewed fig leaves together and made themselves COVERINGS” (Genesis 3:7). So from here, we can see that Adam and Eve also invented a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” in addition to what Satan gave to them. But God told them such is WRONG and false “GOSPEL.” That’s why He Himself clothed them with “tunics of skin” which is the true “GOSPEL.”
  37. There is a saying that “Those who do not learn from history repeats the MISTAKES of the past.” So as a believer, don’t make the same MISTAKE which Adam and Eve made. This is a LESSON for all Christians and the whole of mankind. That’s why God recorded this event for us in the Scriptures.
  39. Our study continues............
  46. Eric Aboadwe
  47. June 15 2018
  50. Please let us take Our Scripture reading once again from Corinthians where we are told:
  51. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  52. We give thanks to the One and only Divine Being who has enlightened us through His Word of Life in JESUS CHRIST which has redeemed our “soul” from the power of the grave (Psalm 49:15), and which has made us like a green olive tree in the house of God (Psalm 52: 8).
  53. In our previous study, we saw that after God introduced Adam and Eve to the TRUE “GOSPEL” Of our Lord JESUS who was standing in the midst of the Garden of Eden as “The Tree of LIFE,” Satan the Devil also came to introduce a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to our ancestors which led them to their spiritual demise (death). So we learnt a great LESSON from the events surrounding our first parents, and we were taught that we must not commit the two (2) grievous SINS which they committed by disbelieving in the Word of God and trying on their own to cover their NAKEDNESS (SIN) with “fig leaves.”
  54. Today we are going to look at the fact that Satan does not give up in his quest to manipulate human beings by changing and twisting the “Word” of God concerning God’s method of salvation into a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” Now, after Satan deceived Adam and Eve, it didn't end there, but the Devil decided even the more to sharpen his cunning “craftiness” which the Apostle Paul was talking about in our Scripture reading.
  55. Therefore it was not only Adam and his wife, but rather the Devil kept on with his constant attack to introduce a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to the children of Adam and his descendants who will come after them. Therefore when Adam and Even gave birth to Cain and Abel, their parents told them everything which happened to them in the Garden of Eden, and the method of SALVATION which God gave to them when He sacrificed a Lamb (JESUS CHRIST) as the “Tunics of skins” to cover them from their shameful SINS.
  56. Adam told these things to his children because he was supposed to “TRAIN up a child in the WAY he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Due to this, Adam taught his children and he TRAINED them concerning how God told them to offer sacrifices for their SINS in hope of the Saviour who will come in the future to blot out their SINS once and for all just as He gave them the prophecy (Genesis 3:15).
  57. So Cain and Abel were advised to believe and follow the “Word” of God which their father (Adam) who is a predecessor of the FAITH has introduced to them. But Satan came once again into the scene, and as usual, he introduced a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to Cain in order to draw him to perdition.
  58. Therefore it is written, “And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an OFFERING of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. Abel also brought of the FIRST BORN of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his OFFERING, but He did not respect Cain and his OFFERING. And Cain was angry, and his countenance fell” (Genesis 4:3-5).
  59. In the above passage, we must know that the Bible is talking about “DIFFERENT” kinds of FAITH and two “DIFFERENT” kinds of “GOSPEL.” Abel believed in the original and the genuine “GOSPEL” which God introduced to him through his father Adam. That’s why the Scripture is saying that Abel brought the “FIRST BORN of his flock,” and this refers to JESUS CHRIST who is “The FIRST BORN over all creation (Colossians 1:15), and also “The FIRST BORN from the death” (Colossians 1:18). This shows that Abel believed in the Saviour according to the original, genuine and the primitive “GOSPEL.”
  60. But Cain on the other hand did not believe in the TRUE GOSPEL, but he believed in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” introduced to him by Satan. So he became an instrument whom the Devil was using to propagate a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which is called the “the fruit of the ground.” This kind of faith is none other than human “WORKS” which forms the bases of all the religions in the world. This religion is the mean by which man attempts to seek the approbation (approval and commendation) from God through his own “WORKS.” The originator of this religion is Satan.
  61. Therefore because Cain believed in the “GOSPEL” according to Satan, and not the “GOSPEL” according to JESUS CHRIST, he was controlled by the spirit of the demonic Devil. For this reason, Cain became furious for the fact that God did not accept his “OFFERING” which was introduced to him by Satan. However God told him, “If you do WELL, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, SIN lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it” (Genesis 4:7).
  62. Here, when God told Cain that “If you do WELL,” it means if you “believe WELL.” That’s why when the Jews asked JESUS “What shall we do, that we may WORK the WORKS of God” (John 6:28), JESUS replied to them, “This is the WORK of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent” (John 6:29). So God was telling Cain, “If you believe WELL in the original GOSPEL which I gave to your father Adam by believing in the sacrifice of the FIRST BORN of the flock, then you will be accepted, but if you do not do WELL, then SIN lies at the door.”
  63. JESUS came to confirm this when He told us that SIN is lying at the door of the “HEART” of all human beings (Mark 7:21-23), but He came to wash all of them with His water, blood and the Spirit. Therefore those who believe in His “WORKS” will actually “rule over” SIN by faith. In other words, SIN can no longer have any dominion over them because they are no longer slaves of SIN under the “LAW,” but they are under the “GRACE” (Romans 6:14).
  64. But Cain did not believe in the “GRACE” of God, rather he believed in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” according to Satan. And he “HATED” his brother Abel, and the Devil incited him to “KILL” his own brother (Genesis 4:8). Dearly beloved, it is those who believe in the lies of the Devil who are the children of the Devil. And a time is coming in the nearest future when Satan the “ANTICHRIST” will once again incite his devilish children to “MARTYR” (kill) the born again Saints who believe in the original “GOSPEL” of the water and the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST as he did to Abel.
  65. In the Bible, Abel was the first “MARTYR.” This is because he was “MURDERED” for his FAITH in JESUS CHRIST who is the “FIRST BORN of his flock.” And why did Cain kill him? The Apostle John explained this when he said, “...Because his WORKS were evil and his brother righteous” (1 John 3:12). This shows that Cain’s FAITH was from Satan, and therefore he was practicing the deeds of his father the Devil who is “a MURDERER” himself.
  66. That’s why JESUS told the Jews, “You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a MURDERER from the beginning, and does not stand in the TRUTH, because there is no TRUTH in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it” (John 8:44).
  67. This shows clearly that when JESUS was saying these things at that time, Satan has once again introduced a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” and another religion to the Jews, and they were boasting of their own WORKS of the LAW, and they even attempted to “MURDER” a woman who was caught in adultery which is the “desire” of Satan their “father” without understanding the revelation of the LAW.
  68. Dearly beloved, it is extremely dangerous to believe in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” according to Satan.
  69. Our study continues...............
  79. Eric Aboadwe
  80. June 16 2018
  84. Our Scripture reading remain the same in Corinthians as it is written:
  86. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  88. It is indeed a great blessing to hear the “Word” of God in the Light of the Truth. And I want to take this opportunity to encourage my fellow believers who are all partakers with me of the GRACE in CHRIST, that no matter come what may, and no matter our life affliction and insufficiencies, and no matter how unscrupulous Christians oppose the “GOSPEL” message which we are preaching and teaching, God said our FAITH in His “water and blood” (1 John 5:6) is the right path of FAITH because He has substantiated it with the “Word.”
  90. So far, we have seen how Satan modifies and alter the TRUE message of salvation into a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” in various ways and diverse means with deceitful plotting in his “cunning” schemes and “craftiness” as He did to Adam and Eve, and to Cain their son. However, somebody may think and say that, “It is because the Devil did not approach Abel, but he approached only Cain, that’s why Abel was free from any Satanic attack or influence to alter his FAITH in the sacrifice of the “FIRST BORN of his flock.”
  92. But it is not like that. There is no human being who is free from Satanic attack or demonic influences. It can come directly from the Devil himself, or it can come from his fellow co-workers (demons), and it can also come from our fellow human beings. Apart from these, it can also come from “the LUST of the flesh, the LUST Of the eye, and the PRIDE of life” (1 John 2:16). All these are some of the TOOLS which the enemy has been using for us to compromise our FAITH in order to believe in “another JESUS” and to believe in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which our Scripture reading is talking about.
  94. That’s why our fellow Brother (Eric Fordjour) was admonishing members on the platform when he said, “Brothers this is how I felt when reading today’s daily bread. I felt that the devil is standing by your site as the tree of death stood by the site of the tree of life. We are saved, but we are not free from the devils pranks. So let us pray more for our brother and co believers for the good job they are doing....” What our Brother is saying here is the reality, and we must face it and take it very SERIOUS without thinking otherwise (differently).
  96. Maybe when he says, “I felt that the devil is standing by your site (side) as the tree of death as the tree of death stood by the site (side) of the tree of life,” some people may think different or misunderstand his statement. But it is very true and spiritually verified.
  98. For example, Satan came and stood beside the Apostle Peter as the “Tree of death.” And when JESUS told them that He must go to Jerusalem and “SUFFER” many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be “KILLED,” and be raised the third day (Matthew 16:21), Peter was influenced by Satan to reply to JESUS, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!” (Matthew 16:22).
  100. When Satan actually used Peter the disciple to speak these devilish words to JESUS, He resisted and rebuked, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not MINDFUL of the things of God, but the things of men” (Mathew 16:23). Why did JESUS rebuked the Apostle Peter like this? As we all know, JESUS took our SINS in the Jordan River through John the Baptism to fulfill “all RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15). And as a result of this, the “DEATH” of CHRIST was inevitable to complete our salvation. He came to this Earth purposly for this and this is what the Scripture mean by He “came by water and blood” (1 John 5:6).
  102. But Satan the enemy of mankind who wants everybody to remain SINNER and to hell used the Apostle Peter to obstruct the salvation “WORK” of JESUS and to make the “GOSPEL” incomplete. But after taking away the SINS of the world, JESUS set His heart on the divine decree to “SUFFER” and be “KILLED” in fulfilment of what God reveal to Adam and Abel concerning the sacrifice of the “FIRST BORN of the flock.” Therefore any interference against this comes from the Devil who wanted things to be done DIFFERENTLY in his attempt to manipulate Peter.
  104. That’s why JESUS once again told Peter, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may SIFT you as a wheat. But I have PRAYED for you, that your FAITH should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthened your brethren” (Luke 21:31-32). The fact that JESUS repeatedly mentioned Peter’s name “Simon, Simon!” tells us about His deep and unconditional “LOVE” for the Apostle Peter and all the Saints who believe in Him.
  106. But what does JESUS mean by “Satan has asked for you, that he may SIFT you as a wheat?” It means that Satan has desired strip the Apostle Peter’s FAITH in the “Word” of God and to make him “NAKED” as he did to Adam and Eve. That’s why even after JESUS rebuked Satan and Peter himself who was being used as instrument at the region of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13), still the Devil did not give up on Peter.
  108. The Devil actually wanted to “SIFT” the FAITH of Peter as our LORD told him, and this is the reason why JESUS told him that before the rooster crows, he will deny Him “three (3) times” (Matthew 26:34). These things actually happened (Luke 22:55-62). However JESUS interceded in PRAYERS for him. Our LORD knows all our insufficiencies and weaknesses, but He has “COMFORTED” us to know that He is even at the right hand of God making INTERCESSION for us (Romans 8:34) as He did for Peter.
  110. My fellow Brethren, all that I want to say is that Abel was not free from the Devil’s temptations. But his FAITH in JESUS CHRIST who is “the FIRST BORN of his flock” was unshakable and unmovable in the midst of the “devices” of Satan. His FAITH was in the same direction like the Apostle Paul who said, “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). Satan may have even told Abel the righteous to believe in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” such as the “fruit of the ground,” but he rejected anything from the imposter.
  112. A “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” such as the “fruit of the ground” may look very attractive and beautiful. Don’t you think so? When nice and big fruits such as watermelon, pumpkin, pineapple, apple, avocado (pear), apricot and some bananas are placed on top of the “ALTER” of sacrifice, they may look very attractive to the human eyes, but ABOMINABLE before God. This is because there is no “blood” in it for atonement. JESUS can never operate in such a sacrifice.
  114. However, God is only interested in the sacrifice where the “laying on of hands” is possible for the transfer of SIN and “blood” can be shed. This is how Adam and Abel believed in the “FIRST BORN of the flock.” Therefore even though FAITH in the blood of the Cross alone may look beautiful, attractive, incentive, motivative and popular all over the world, it is actually from Satan who instituted “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” These “false GOSPELS” are being broadcast all over the TV and radio stations worldwide. But what they are preaching is not from God.
  116. The “SIN of the world” (John 1:29) must be laid on JESUS (His baptism), and He has to die for them (the Cross), and he must be raised from the death (resurrection). Anybody whose FAITH is not based on this is preaching “another JESUS,” and he is receiving “a DIFFERENT spirit,” and he is accepting “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL” as revealed in our Scripture reading.
  118. Our study resumes on Monday if God permits..........
  124. Eric Aboadwe
  125. June 23 2018
  127. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 4)
  129. We are taking our Scripture reading from Corinthians once again:
  131. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  133. As we all know, there have been time elapses in our studies under this TOPIC. Therefore let us refresh our memories on the previous messages so that we can be on track by following the direction which this particular sermon is leading us to from the OLD to the NEW TESTAMENT. So PART 1, 2 & 3 were all centred on how Satan deceived mankind by introducing something “DIFFERENT” right from the beginning in the Garden of Eden by introducing a “A DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to Adam and Eve through the forbidden fruit and the garment of fig leaves.
  135. We also saw how the Devil introduced a “A DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to Cain by deceiving him to believe in the “fruit of the ground” as the method of his salvation which was a complete deviates from the original GOSPEL which God gave to Adam by sacrificing a Lamb (JESUS CHRIST) whose “Tunics of skin” was used to cover their nakedness. We also saw how Abel kept the primitive GOSPEL by sacrificing the “First born of his flock,” and he became “RIGHTEOUS” and acceptable before God. But because Satan hates those with the CORRECT FAITH, he incited Cain to kill Abel all because of his genuine FAITH in God.
  137. But are these the only instances when Satan attempted to change the “GOSPEL of CHRIST” into a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL”? The answer is “No!” There were many other instances in the Bible which God recorded in His written “Word.” So today, I want us to look at how the Devil introduced a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” when Solomon’s reign as a king came to an end, and the Kingdom of Israel was split into two (North and South) as God told him in 1 Kings 11:11-13.
  139. But before we dive into that, we must remember that when God gave the original GOSPEL to Moses, He told him the following:
  141. (1) Only Aaron and his sons (the Levites) were qualified as “PRIESTS” for a perpetual statue to make atonement for the people (Exodus 29:9 and 40:13-15; Numbers 8:14-19). This was done through the laying on of hands and the blood of the sacrificial animal (Leviticus 16:18-22).
  143. (2) That atonement was to be made for the Israelites on the on the tenth (10th) day of the seventh (7th) month which was a statue forever as God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29.
  145. But once again the Devil begun his work to CHANGE this method of SALVATION. Therefore Satan went into Jeroboam’s heart to give him ideas on how he CHANGE the whole set up. So Jeroboam said to himself, “Now the kingdom may return to the house of David: If these people go up to offer SACRIFICES in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn back to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me and go back to Rehoboam king of Judah” (1 Kings 12:26-27).
  147. What next? The Bible tells us that after Satan dropped his bombshell into Jeroboam’s heart, he pushed him further to make two (2) golden calves of gold, setting one in Bethel and one at Dan. Then he said to the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are our gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt” (1 Kings 12:28). But let us ponder about these words in a moment. Is it really true that the golden calves were the “gods” which brought the Israelites up from the land of Egypt?
  149. So we can see that the first (1st) thing that Satan propelled Jeroboam to do for the introduction of a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” was to change the Supreme God into the gods of golden calves. And the Second (2nd) thing he did was that, “He made shrines on the high places, and made PRIESTS from every class of people, who were not of the sons of LEVI” (1 Kings 12:31). This was a complete deviation from what God told Moses in Exodus 40:13-15.
  151. The third (3rd) thing is that Satan prompted Jeroboam to ordain a feast on the “fifteenth (15th) day of the eight (8th) month like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar” (1 Kings 12:32). This was also a total deviation from what God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29 which was supposed to be the tenth (10th) day of the seventh (7th) month.
  153. Through Jeroboam, Satan introduce “another” God, “DIFFERENT” priests, “DIFFERENT” date for the day of atonement, and he dismissed the laying on of hands. Satan masterminded these things so that the Israelites could not receive the “FORGIVENESS” of their SINS. This is because by changing these things which were a portrait and a “shadow” of CHRIST, he prevented them from the CORRECT method of receiving the true remission of sins. Therefore as Paul was saying in our Scripture reading, the people of Israel ended up receiving “another JESUS,” and a “DIFFERENT spirit” and a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  155. When the Apostle Paul was saying these things, he was fully aware of biblical events concerning how the Devil tried on so many occasions to alter the very foundation of people’s FAITH in God. Paul was a very learned man who studied the holy Scriptures thoroughly, and so he knew about all these things. That’s why he told us in Corinthians, “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not IGNORANT of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). And it was for this reason that he mentioned how “the Serpent deceived Eve” in our Scripture reading.
  157. What Jeroboam did by introducing a new god, changing the sacrificial system, and appointing anyone to become a “PRIEST” is the most devastating event in the history of the Israelites which brought a damning CURSE upon them and their descendants. But the question is: “Has this CHANGED today?” In fact it is the same! That’s why the WISEST man on our planet declared, “That which has been is what will be, that which is DONE is what will be DONE, and there is nothing NEW under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
  159. And do you know the reason why it is like that? It is because Satan who did these things in those times is still alive and present with us today. In fact JESUS said that He is the “ruler” of this world (John 14:30 and 16:11). Therefore what the Devil did to Adam and Eve, Cain and the Israelites in Jeroboam’s time, and in many other instances, is exactly what he has done today by changing the TRUE GOSPEL into a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  161. So just as the Devil inspired Jeroboam to CHANGE the sacrificial system, appointed anyone to become “PRIEST,” and ignored the laying on of hands, it remains the same today. As we speak now, those who graduate from theological seminaries can become “PRIESTS” even though they are not “born again of the water and the Spirit” as JESUS told Nicodemus (John 3:5).
  163. When you ask these Pastors, “Pastor, we know that John the Baptist baptized SINNERS for REPENTANCE. But JESUS was a RIGHTEOUS Man who doesn’t need any REPENTANCE. So why was He baptized by John?” These Pastors will then reply to you, “Eh, you see, the word baptism means baptizo in Greek. And so JESUS was baptized to set example for us.” When you hear this from any pastor, then you must know that he graduated from Jeroboam’s Seminary. Such ministers ignore the laying on of hands. Others among them include Apostles, teachers, prophets and gospel musicians who are all far from spiritual REGENERATION.
  165. So once again, we have seen how Satan used Jeroboam to “deceived” the Israelites with his cunning “craftiness” to believe in a “DIFFERENT” method of SALVATION which is a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  170. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  172. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 5).
  174. Our Scripture reading remains the same in Corinthians as it is written:
  176. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  178. Greetings to members of the household of God. We THANK God for giving us that enable environment and the opportunity once again in His spiritual domain for us to RESUME our studies of the “Word” which provides eternal nourishment for the gratification and edification of our innermost being (soul).
  180. In our previous sermon of study we saw how Satan the “SERPENT” of Old instigated and inspired Jeroboam to introduce a god called the “Golden Calves” to the Israelites and changing the entire sacrificial system of the atonement of SINS which foreshadows all the “WORKS” that CHRIST will come and do in the future for the fulfilment of all things to complete our salvation in perfection. Through Jeroboam, the Devil “deceived” the people of Israel by his “craftiness” and he “corrupted” the divine “GOSPEL” into something “DIFFERENT” so that the people cannot receive the “REMISSION” of their SINS. And the Devil’s objective in this regard is to send people into hell.
  182. Through these study series we are looking at how Satan has always attempted to change the “GOSPEL” of the Lord JESUS into something “DIFFERENT” in the annals of biblical history BEGINNING from the first humans (Adam and Eve) to the END of human history as revealed in the Book of Revelation. But before we proceed further, I want to clarify a QUESTION which somebody from Uganda posted on my Facebook page.
  184. He said: “Which other time has this "GOSPEL of water and spirit" been preached other than less than 20 yrs ago?” If you look at his question critically, it may look as if he just asked a simple QUESTION. But there is more to that. First of all, His QUESTIONS seems to CHALLENGE (question the validity of the TRUTH) in our studies. This is because he was trying to say that the “GOSPEL” that we are teaching and preaching is not something that has been there in the past, but it came recently. He said this because The New Life Mission was founded in 1991. But from that time till now is 27 years and not 20 years as he was alleging.
  186. Secondly, when he says, “Which other time has this "GOSPEL of water and spirit" been preached other than less than 20 yrs ago?” Then he is trying to tell us that this “GOSPEL” was not preached to the people of the Old Testament. Also when he says this “GOSPEL” has been preached “less than 20 yrs ago,” then he has gone as far as by saying that even the disciples of CHRIST did not know this “GOSPEL.”
  188. There are people who ask QUESTIONS in order to know and understand the “TRUTH” but others ask QUESTIONS to challenge the “TRUTH” and to doubt its authenticity. However, one thing which is certain is that God will help the former who desire to know the “TRUTH” to comprehend His “Word,” but He will leave the latter who ask QUESTIONS to challenge the “TRUTH” to remain in their ignorance. Such people will be denied the ability to understand the “mysteries” of the Kingdom of Heaven which was given to the disciples and to us (Matthew 13:11-12).
  190. But before I answer the QUESTION of “Which other time has this "GOSPEL of water and spirit" been preached other than less than 20 yrs ago?” One thing I want to say is that unless one denies his own thought's, he will be entrapped by his thoughts of the FLESH which is not subject to God and which is also an enmity Him (Romans 8:7).
  192. So to ANSWER the question, the Bible says, "For indeed the GOSPEL was preached to US as well as to THEM, but the Word which they heard did not profit THEM, not being mixed with FAITH in those who heard it" (Hebrews 4:2). Here when it says "to THEM," it is referring to the people of the Old Testament. In other words, the “GOSPEL” is a GOOD NEWS which God gave to all mankind from Adam to the last person who will be born.
  194. When God told the people of the Old Testament to offer an animal without blemish and passed on their sins onto it and to kill it, it was the GOOD NEWS (GOSPEL) for sinners in the Old Testament, and it was the shadow of the GOOD things to come (Hebrews 10:1). But the reason why this “GOSPEL” did not profit them is because the Apostle Paul said they did not “mixed with FAITH those who heard it.”. Also they were deceived by the “SERPENT” to believe in something “DIFFERENT.” according to his cunning “craftiness.”
  196. Therefore if we are looking at how Satan attempted to change the “GOSPEL” starting from the Old Testament to the New Testament, nobody should think that the people of the Old Testament did not have this “GOSPEL” and so they are excluded. In fact they were giving the same “GOSPEL.” But whiles theirs was a shadow of the good things to come, our was the real image.
  198. This is the reason why the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians, “Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our FATHERS were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were BAPTIZED into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the SAME spiritual food, and all drank the SAME spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was CHRIST” (1 Corinthians 10:1-4).
  200. The passage above shows clearly that God also gave His people in the Old Testament the same original “GOSPEL” which we have today. But the sermons which God is giving us in our study TOPIC which is in series is to enable us to know how the Devil tried as much as possible to change the “GOSPEL” into something “DIFFERENT” on so many occasions by deceiving people and pushing them deeper into the outer darkness.
  202. So in our next study, we will continue to look at how the “SERPENT” continued change the “GOSPEL” in the Old Testament. And when we are done with that, we will look at it in the view of the New Testament.
  204. Remain BLESSED!
  212. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  214. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 6)
  216. Please let us take our Scripture reading once again from Corinthians:
  218. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  220. From time immemorial, the Devil who was formerly called Lucifer has always stand against God after his overthrow from Heaven when his evil desire and plot to EXALT his throne above the stars of God and to be like the Most High God was denied (Isaiah 14:12-15). Since then, this fallen and evil angelic creature is always on the move to lead human beings against their Creator just like how he did. So his strategic schemes to achieve this are:
  222. 1. To make human beings to lose “FAITH” in God, doubt His “Word,” believe in themselves, and to believe in something “DIFFERENT” which becomes their “god.”
  224. 2. To lead humans astray from God’s laid down (established) principles of SALVATION so that they cannot be redeemed nor received the “REMISSION” of their SINS through JESUS CHRIST who came by water and blood (1 John 5:6).
  226. These strategies are what the Devil has been employing and deploying to outwit those who fall into his snare (trap). Therefore we must know that the “SERPENT” who appears in our Scripture reading will never CEASE from using these methods of “craftiness” to “DESTROY” the soul of human beings. That’s why our Lord JESUS told us that Satan, “The thief does not come except to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY” (John 10:10).
  228. Therefore after using Jeroboam to introduce “another” God to the Israelites (Golden Calves) and a “DIFFERENT” sacrificial system of atonement to them as we saw in our previous studies, the Devil did not end it there. But things even became WORST during the reign of king “Ahab” and his wife “Jezebel.” These two personalities were used by Satan in his “craftiness” to achieve the two methods which I have listed above in order to make the Israelites accept a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  230. So to achieve it, the “SERPENT” persuaded king Ahab to marry Jezebel who was the pioneer and innovator of “Baal” worship. So first of all through these two personalities, the Israelites lost “FAITH” in God completely, and they believe in a god called “Baal.” Secondly, the Israelites lost “FAITH” in the sacrificial system which gave to them for propitiation (atonement). Therefore they believed in a “another” sacrificial system through the introduction of “Ball” worship which also involves a sacrifice.
  232. Therefore if the Apostle Paul says in our Scripture reading that, “if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted,” then we must know that this is how the Devil lead the Israelites to receive “a DIFFERENT spirit” and to believe in “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL” through king Ahab and his wife Jezebel who led the entire people astray and “corrupted” them.
  234. However, the LORD of mercy did not allow the Devil to make a complete end of his people and to destroy their soul in hell. Therefore He raised His own servant called “Elijah,” and the purpose of God in raising this servant of His were as follows:
  236. (1) To “RESTORE” the TRUE worship of YAHWEH (God) which in Hebrew consonant is YHVH or YHWH.
  238. (2) To “RESTORE” the TRUE sacrificial system of atonement which Israel lost through “corrupted” people such as Jeroboam, king Ahab, and Jezebel his wife.
  240. Therefore when king Ahab, who was a servant of Satan saw Elijah the servant of God, he said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” (1 Kings 18:17). But Brethren, I want us to pause a bit and ponder about these words very well. Elijah and king Ahab, who was a “troubler” of Israel? A person who leads people to “WORSHIP” God in truth, and a person who lead people to “WORSHIP” idols (Satan), who is “a troubler?” Someone who leads people to Heaven, and the one who leads people to hell, which among them is a “a troubler?”
  242. It is obvious that it was king Ahab and his wife Jezebel who were rather “a troubler” of Israel. But it is regrettable that king Ahab was the one who started accusing Elijah. He did this because his master the “SERPENT” whom he was serving is an “ACCUSER of our brethren” (Revelation 12:10). Therefore king Ahab and Jezebel who were servants of Satan wanted Elijah to keep quiet in Israel and to allow their “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which they have introduced to prevail. This is the reason why they accuse Elijah of being “a troubler” because he was a preacher of the true and original “GOSPEL.”
  244. Brothers and Sisters, as things were in the past, it is the same today. Even as we speak now, the true “GOSPEL” preachers who give all the glory to God by telling people that they cannot be saved by their “WORKS,” and that they must believe in both the “water” and the “blood” of CHRIST are also seen as “troublers” in the mainstream Christianity. In other words anybody who believes and propagate the ORIGINAL GOSPEL is seen as “a troubler” by the false pastors in the Christian Religion just like how Ahab and his wife saw Elijah as “a troubler” because what Elijah was preaching goes against their FALSE GOSPEL.
  246. It is really unthinkable for king Ahab to accuse Elijah as “a troubler” when he and his wife have been doing evil things beyond measure. In fact even before the Mountain Carmel victory, Obadiah who feared the LORD told Elijah about how Jezebel “KILLED the prophets of the LORD” and how he (Obadiah) hid hundred (100) men of the prophets, fifty (50) to a cave, and fed them with bread and water (1 Kings 18:13). But king Ahab did not see this as evil because he and his wife were “Birds of the same feathers” who worshiped the “SERPENT” of Old.
  248. But Elijah responded to king Ahab’s criticisms and accusations by telling him, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the COMMANDMENTS of the LORD and followed the Baals” (1 Kings 18:18). But we must not get confused by the word “COMMANDMENTS” which Elijah mentioned here. The Apostle Paul said that God’s “COMMANDMENTS” is holy, just, and good (Romans 7:12). But he also said that we are canal human beings who have been sold under SIN (Romans 7:14), and who are unable to obey in its entirety (Romans 7:15-24).
  250. For this reason, God also gave the sacrificial system of atonement which was attached to the “COMMANDMENTS” so that whoever break any of the written code could atone for his evil deeds. In the first (1st) commandment, God told us “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). But king Ahab broke this very commandment by worshiping the “Baals,” and he ignored the sacrificial system too which God established to atone for his SIN. In fact he actually replaced it with the sacrificial system of the “Baals.”
  252. This is the reason why Elijah told him “you have forsaken the COMMANDMENTS of the LORD and followed the Balls.” It is not because Elijah himself was able to obey all the Ten (10) Commandments and the 613 Articles of the Law that why he spoke like this to Ahab. Elijah also had his own “WEAKNESSES.” That’s why the Apostle James said, “Elijah was a man with a NATURE like ours” (James 5:17). This reveals that Elijah was also feeble (weak) to commit SINS, but he never forsook the sacrificial system which God gave to him through Moses to propitiate the SINS that he committed in his lifetime.
  254. Therefore the reason why Elijah lambasted king Ahab is because apart from worshiping idols, he also rejected and forsook the sacrificial system and “The Day of Atonement” which God gave to him to atone his SIN of “idolatry.” We must therefore understand that God is never SURPRISED when humans commit vicious SINS by wicked acts. That’ why in Noah’s time when the “wickedness” of men was high, God said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for his is indeed FLESH” (Genesis 6:3). So God’s anger is now against those who have “forsaken” the sacrificial system of atonement in the TRUE GOSPEL.
  256. If the LORD permits, in our next study tomorrow, we will look at how God used Elijah to trample over a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL,” and how the TRUE GOSPEL was “RESTORED” which turned the heart of the people back to the true worship of the God of their fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).
  267. Eric Aboadwe
  268. June 30 ·
  270. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 7)
  272. Our Scripture reading remains the same in Corinthians:
  274. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  276. In our previous studies, we saw how the SERPENT used king Ahab and Jezebel to introduce “another” God and “a DIFFERENT” sacrificial system by the worship of “Baals” which corrupted the Israelites by turning their heart away from God. And this was how a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” was introduced in the holy land of Israel.
  278. But we also learnt that God in His mercy raised Elijah in order to (1) Restore the TRUE worship of YAHWEH (God), and (2) Restore the TRUE sacrificial system of atonement which was “corrupted” by servants of the “SERPENT” such as Jeroboam, king Ahab and Jezebel.
  280. And even though our study is centred on how Satan changed the “GOSPEL” which God gave to the Israelites into something “DIFFERENT” during the reign of Ahab, we cannot skip or omit how the LORD restored the true worship of YAHWEH through Elijah in order to bring their “HEART” of the people back to God when reveal to them the POWER of salvation in the sacrificial system of the atonement of SINS which God first gave to Adam and his descendants, and which cannot be CHANGED.
  282. So what did Elijah do in order to bring restoration to Israel? As we all know, one of the most familiar biblical events which excite many Christians and Bible believers is Elijah versus the Prophets of “Ball” in open confrontation when Elijah prayed and “FIRE” came down from Heaven. But whiles many believers express so much interest in this event, they do not understand the “mystery” behind it. The only thing majority of them know is that Elijah prayed and God answered by “FIRE,” and so when they also pray hard, God will answer by “FIRE.” And they quote the passage from James to strengthened their claim.
  284. As a result of this, many pastors and Christians quote the biblical account in 1 Kings 18:1-40 as a passage of physical MIRACLE without knowing its spiritual connotation (intention). But why was Elijah’s prayer even ANSWERED in the first place? And why did God told him to prepare a “burnt offering”? These are some of the question which we must probe into in order to understand the “MIND” of God through which Elijah was “instructed” and which will also enable to understand the “MIND” of God through JESUS CHRIST (1 Corinthians 2:16).
  286. Therefore in order for the Israelites to know that there is no other “God” apart from YAHWEH, and that there is no other SACRIFICIAL SYSTEM apart from what He has given, Elijah told king Ahab to gather all Israel on Mount Carmel which includes the four hundred and fifty (450) prophets of “Baal,” and the four hundred (400) prophets of Asherah who ate at Jezebel’s table. So king Ahab did as he was instructed (1 Kings 18:19-20). This because he had a keen interest with great expectation in what the “Baals” will do that day.
  288. Elijah then spoke to the people, “How long will you FALTER between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him” (1 Kings 18:21). He then told the prophets of Baal to prepare their sacrifice and call on the name of their “gods,” and he will also a prepare a sacrifice and call on the name of the “LORD” (the true God), and the one who answers by “FIRE,” He is God (1 Kings 18:22-24). We must therefore understand that the whole thing was about (1) Who is the true God and (2) which of the sacrifices has the POWER to save them from SIN.
  290. The prophets of Baal therefore prepared their sacrifice and they called the name of Baal from morning till noon day saying, “O Baal, hear us!” (1 Kings 18:26). But the Scripture tells us that there was no answer. In fact Elijah even made a mockery of them saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is MEDITATING, or he is BUSY, or he is on a JOURNEY, or perhaps he is SLEEPING and must be awakened” (1 Kings 18:27). Hahahaha!!! Brothers and Sisters, whenever I read this I just laugh.
  292. Dearly beloved, a “god” who is “MEDITATING” means that he is not Omniscient. How can a god who is “BUSY” and who is on a “JOURNEY” be the true God? A “god” who is “BUSY” is a deity who cannot complete any WORK in an instant or in perfection. Such a “god” cannot save people from their SINS because he is limited and has no POWER to redeem mankind. In order words such a “god” is not Omnipotent.
  294. Also a “god” who is on a “JOURNEY” means that this “god” is not Omnipresent. That’s why when the true God asked the false “god” (Satan) the question, “From WHERE do you come?” the Devil answered by saying, “From GOING to and fro on the earth, and from WALKING back and forth on it” (Job 2:2). So this was the “god” that the prophets of Baal were waiting for to answer them. But he was nowhere to be found. Probably he was hiding somewhere because he is POWERLESS.
  296. Now before we proceed further in our studies, what I want to say is that if Christians believe in a “DIFFERENT god” who is “MEDITATING,” and who is always “BUSY,” and who is on a “JOURNEY,” then their SINS can never be washed away, but they will continue to cry out to him with their “Prayers of Repentance,” but their SINS will never go away, and their prayers will never be answered.
  298. This is the reason why Isaiah told such people, “Behold the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot SAVE; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot HEAR. But your INIQUITIES have separated you from you God; and Your SINS have hidden His face from you, so that He will not HEAR” (Isaiah 59:1-2). The SINS of such people do not go away even after fasting and prayers. And it is all because they believe in a god who is “BUSY.”
  300. They do not believe in the true God who said, “...But you have burdened Me with your SINS, you have wearied Me with you iniquities. I, even I, am He who blots out your TRANSGRESSIONS for My own sake, and I will NOT remember your SNS” (Isaiah 43:24-25). The truth is that many Christians today, do not serve this God who spoke the TRUTH concerning their SINS, but they offer a sacrifice which is similar to the one which the “Baal” prophets offered. Meanwhile this kind of sacrifice cannot wash away people’s SINS.
  302. In the sacrifice that the “Ball” prophets offered, there was no laying of hands for the transfer of SINS. In other words it did not meet the criteria which God specified in Leviticus. Secondly it was offered to a “DIFFERENT” god called Baal. Such people “preaches another JESUS,” they “receive a DIFFERENT spirit” and they believe in “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL” according to our Scripture reading. They believe in God in their own way according to their own thoughts, and they reject the “water” baptism of CHRIST.
  304. If God permits, on Monday we will look at how Elijah prepared his SACRIFICE according to the TRUE GOSPEL, and how God answered by “FIRE” to prove to all Israel that there is only ONE God and only ONE sacrificial system which is able to SAVE them from their SINS.
  306. Our study continues...................
  311. Eric Aboadwe
  312. July 7 ·
  314. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 8)
  316. Let us look at the Scripture reading in Corinthians once more:
  318. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  320. In our previous studies, we learnt that Ahab, Jezebel and the prophets of Baal preached “a DIFFERENT” God to Israel (Ball), and this led the Israelites to “received a DIFFERENT spirit” and a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” But we saw how God begun the work of RESTORATION among the Israelites through Elijah who spoke the “Word” of God to the people in order to bring their “HEARTS” back to God.
  322. In the open confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of “Ball,” we all saw how these prophets prepared their sacrifice and PRAYED from morning till noon for “FIRE” to come from Heaven but no answer. So today, we are going to look at how Elijah prepared his sacrifice according to God’s demand which was stipulated in the Levitical offerings in Leviticus. But before we dive intot that, we must understand that during the reign of king Ahab, the entire people of Israel were in the same situation which Isaiah described as, “All we like sheep have gone ASTRAY; We have turned, every one, to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).
  324. And truly, because the Israelites had surely gone “ASTRAY” at that time, God used Elijah for His people to know that even though they have gone “ASTRAY,” they can actually come back to Him by placing their FAITH in Him and believing in the sacrificial system through which “the LORD laid” all their “iniquity” on the sacrificial lamb, goat, or bull which was a prefiguration of JESUS CHRIST. This was the revelation which God was giving to the Israelites through Elijah His servant.
  326. For this reason, the Word of God tells us that Elijah spoke to all the people saying, “Come to me.” And when the people had gathered to him, he repaired the “ALTAR” of the LORD that was broken down. He then took twelve (12) stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob to whom the Word of the LORD came to him saying, “Israel shall be your name.” And he used the 12 stones to built an “ALTAR” in the name of the LORD as recorded in 1 Kings 18:30-32.
  328. After this, the Scripture says Elijah then, “Put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “fill four waterpots with water, and pour it on the BURNT SACRIFICE and on the wood” (1 Kings 18:33). Here when it mentions the “BURNT SACRIFICE,” it is referring to the sacrifice of the “BURNT OFFERING” which God gave to Moses and which was recorded in Leviticus chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, and 16. In this “BURNT OFFERING,” God said that an animal without BLEMISH was require, and hands were to be laid on its head for SIN-transfer before it was killed (Leviticus 1:1-5).
  330. So when Elijah offered the sacrifice, he did these things.
  331. The holy Scriptures goes further to tell us, “And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the evening SACRIFICE, that Elijah the Prophet came near and said, “LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your servant, and that I have done ALL THESE THINGS AT YOUR WORD” (1 Kings 18:36). Now I want us to reflect on something here. When Elijah says, “I have done ALL THESE THINGS AT YOUR WORD,” it means that he did everything according to the exact procedure which God gave to Moses.
  333. In other words Elijah was saying, “I have done all these things according to your Word which you spoke to Moses concerning how we should offer the BURNT OFFERINGS.” After this, Elijah then prayed, “Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that You are the LORD God, and that You have turned their HEARTS back to You again.” Then the FIRE of the LORD fell and consumed the BURNT SACRIFICE, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. “Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God” (1 Kings 18:37-39).
  335. Here, when it says that “Then the FIRE of the LORD fell and consumed the BURNT SACRIFICE,” we must understand that Elijah was not the only person who offered a “BURNT SACRIFICE” for “FIRE” to come down from Heaven to consume a sacrifice. But the same thing happened when Abel offered his sacrifice of “BURNT OFFERING” before God. And though the Bible did not specifically say that “FIRE” came from Heaven to consume Abel’s sacrifice, is actually happened. Else how will Cain know that his sacrifice was not accepted? The evidence was the “FIRE” from God which consumed Abel’s sacrifice for approval, acceptance, delight and a sweet smelling aroma before God.
  337. A similar thing also happened when Moses and Aaron offered a SIN OFFERING, BURNT OFFERING and PEACE OFFERING before God (Leviticus 9:22). After this, the Scripture says, “And Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle of meeting, and came out and BLESSED the people. Then the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people, and FIRE came out from before the LORD and consumed the BURNT OFFERING and the fat on the ALTAR. When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces” (Leviticus 9:23-24).
  339. Is this not the SAME thing which happened when Elijah offered a “BURNT OFFERING” before the Israelites and the prophets of Baal? So what we are seeing above in Leviticus proves that God wanted the Israelites to return back to Him by having “FAITH” in the MESSIAH through the sacrificial system of atonement which He established. So it wasn’t only Elijah who offered sacrificial prayers for “FIRE” to come down from Heaven, but Abel, Moses and Aaron did likewise.
  341. The same thing happened when David also offered a “BURNT OFFERING” as it is written, “And David built there an ALTAR to the LORD, and offered BURNT OFFERINGS and PEACE OFFERINGS, and called on the LORD, and He answered him from Heaven by FIRE on the ALTAR of burnt offering” (1 Chronicles 21:26). These things which happend in Abel, Mose, Aaron, David, and Elijah’s time is telling us that the Bible is the unadulterated Word of God which has no defects, but it is elaborately clear as the “fine woven linen.”
  343. So now we have seen how Abel, Moses, Aaron, and David prayed through their “FAITH” in the sacrificial system of the “BURN OFFERINGS,” and how God answered them by “FIRE” as shown in the examples given above in the holy Scriptures. When we understand this very well, we will comprehend the fact that there is not “partiality” with God, but He loves and hears the PRAYERS of anyone who comes to Him through “FAITH” in the sacrifice of atonement which was fulfilled by the “BIRTH, BAPTISM, BLOOD and RESURRECTION” of His only begotten Son – JESUS CHRIST.
  345. God is therefore telling us that He does not hear sinful PRAYERS which is based on the “Prayers of Repentance” (fig leaves), but rather He hears those who PRAYE through their “FAITH” in the sacrifice of JESUS (Tunic of skins) by which He sanctified and perfected us forever (Hebrews 10:10,14).
  347. Through the event of the Mountain Carmel victory, God used Elijah as His instrument to pull the Israelites from “a DIFFERENT ” God (Ball), and from a “DIFFERENT spirit,” and from a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which they believed. When we ponder about this, we can only conclude that the “GOODNESS” of God is so great in magnitude and degree. In other words God’s “GOODNESS” is immeasurable. This is the reason why the Apostle Paul said that “...the GOODNESS of God leads to repentance” (Romans 2:4). That’s why His “GOODNESS” led the Israelites into repentance through Elijah.
  349. We still have a lot to learn concerning what happened on that Day when Elijah revealed the “POWER” of God which led the Israelites to SALVATION through the sacrifice of the “BURNT OFFERING.” And this work which “Elijah” did in bringing the people back to God is the same thing which “John the Baptist” also did to bring us to CHRIST JESUS. We will look into these things by God’s will.
  351. Our study continues...........
  356. Eric Aboadwe
  357. July 10 ·
  359. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 9)
  361. Our Scripture reading says:
  363. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  365. Previous, our study was centered on the fact that Elijah the chosen prophet of God was used by the LORD to inculcate and restore “FAITH” in the messianic prophecy through the sacrificial system which turned their “HEARTS” back to the LORD their God when “FIRE” came from Heaven to consume the Sacrifice of the “BURNT OFFERINGS.” This made the Israelites to realize that the ORIGINAL God is the one Whom Elijah testified, and that His counsel of old are faithfulness and truth (Isaiah 25:1).
  367. We also learnt that Elijah was not the only person who prepared a sacrifice for God to answer it by “FIRE,” but Abel, Moses, Aaron, David and other servants of God actually witnessed the “FIRE” of God coming from above consuming their sacrifice So when the biblical account says in 1 Kings 18:26 that, “And it came to pass, at the time of the OFFERING of the evening SACRIFICE,” it shows that Elijah himself believed that JESUS CHRIST who came to give Himself for our SINS as the sacrificial “LAMB” to deliver us from this present evil age according to the will of God the Father (Galatians 1:4).
  369. And after turning the HEARTS of the people this ways, the Scripture tells us that, “Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God.” This means that after the incidence, the people of Israel now realized that what they believed previously through Jeroboam, Ahab and Jezebel was a “DIFFERENT” God, a “DIFFERENT” spirit and a “DIFFERENT” gospel. This is how Elijah turned the HEART of the children of Israel from worshiping the devil to the worship of the one and only true God.
  371. John the Baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:17), also came to do the same thing. This is the reason why when the disciples asked JESUS, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” JESUS answered and said to them, “Indeed, Elijah is coming first, and will RESTORE all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come ALREADY, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands” (Matthew 17:11-12).
  373. Beloved, just sit down quietly and meditate on these words of Jesus. How can a Christian ignore the ministry of John the Baptist when Jesus Himself testifies so much about him? JESUS said here that John is the Elijah who came to “RESTORE” all things. And after JESUS told these things to the disciples, the next verse says, “Then the disciples UNDERSTOOD that He spoke to them of John the Baptist” (Matthew 17:13).
  375. Therefore just as the disciples “UNDERSTOOD” the work of John the Baptist, every Christian must have the same UNDERSTANDING as a necessity to obtain this free gift of salvation. And whoever fails to UNDERSTAND this ministry of John the Baptist will also end up believing in a “DIFFERENT” gospel, and he will worship a “DIFFERENT” God and he will receive a “DIFFERENT” spirit.
  377. And just as Elijah prepared the sacrificial “BURNT OFFERING,” it is John the Baptist who prepared JESUS CHRIST by passing all the SINS of the world unto Him through BAPTISM so that He will be sacrificed on the Cross to pay for the SINS of mankind. Therefore our “HEARTS” can only turn back to God when we believe in the testimony of John the Baptist when he proclaimed, “Behold! The LAMB of God who takes away the SIN of the world! (John 1:29). If a Christian does not believe in this, but he thinks that there is still SIN in the world, then God wants that person to know that he is worshiping a god called “Baal.”
  379. Since John the Baptist actually came in the “spirit of Elijah,” then we must know that whoever does not believe in his testimony believe in a “DIFFERENT” gospel. During the time of Elijah, the Israelites were suppose to choose between two things: Either they believe in the ministry of Elijah who was a servant of “God,” or they believe in the ministry of Ahab, Jezebel and the false prophets who were servants of “Baal.”
  381. If JESUS says that John the Baptist is Elijah, it means that whoever does not believe in his testimony will inevitably worship a “DIFFERENT” God. This is because the Scripture says, “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a WITNESS to bear WITNESS of the Light, that all through him might BELIEVE” (John 1:7). This verse is telling us that just as they people of Israel “BELIEVED” in God through Elijah, we cannot also “BELIEVE” in God without John the Baptist.
  383. These are issues which every Christian must take it very serious because it is a matter of Heaven and Hell. It is an
  384. undeniable fact that nobody can believe in JESUS CHRIST without John the Baptist. That is what the Scripture is telling us. And to confirm this to you, JESUS said, “...Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the Kingdom of God before you. For John came to you in the way of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and you did not BELIEVE him; but tax collectors and harlots BELIEVED him; and when you saw it, you did not afterward relent and BELIEVE him” (Matthew 21:31-32).
  386. This is not a denominational doctrine or some sort of dogma, but it is JESUS who is telling us that unless we Christians “BELIEVE” in the ministry and testimony of John the Baptist, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God. And when JESUS says that “John came to you in the way of RIGHTEOUSNESS,” he is talking about the work of John the Baptist which passed all our SINS unto Him. That’s why when JESUS went to John, He told him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15).
  388. Also when JESUS says, “For John came to you in the way of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and you did not BELIEVE him; but tax collectors and harlots BELIEVED him,” it means that those who think they can obey the LAW to become righteous can never “BELIEVE” in the work and testimony of John the Baptist, but only those who see themselves as total SINNERS like the tax collectors and harlots can “BELIEVE” in him.
  390. Since JESUS told us that John is the Elijah who came to “RESTORE all things,” you have to ask yourself as Christian whether you really “BELIEVE” in JESUS through John the Baptist or not. Don’t forget that the Scripture says, “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a WITNESS to bear WITNESS of the Light, that all through him might BELIEVE” (John 1:7). Here it didn’t say that some Christians can believe in God in whatever way they like, but rather it says that “All through him might BELIEVE.”
  392. Those who don’t believe in “John-Elijah” will end up being on the side of Ahab and Jezebel who worshiped the “Baals.” And such people believe in “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  397. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  399. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 10)
  401. Our Scripture reading says:
  403. “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST. For if he who comes preaches another JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a DIFFERENT spirit which you have not received, or a DIFFERENT GOSPEL which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it! (2 Corinthians 11:3-4).
  405. Greetings to all my longed-for (yearned-for) Brethren. Please pardon me for the absence of (The True Living Bread & Water) for the past two days. Sometimes I am engaged with other things which are also necessary for our livelihood. So we give THANKS to God in “everything” as the Scripture tells us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It is the secret of living a life of “FAITH” and a life of VICTORY in appreciation to what JESUS has done for us in our lives no matter come what may,.
  407. Our study topic has been a very long one and in fact there is more to come. Our study topic is centered on the various means and ways by which the Devil attempts to change the “GOSPEL” of God into something “DIFFERENT” as recorded in the Old Testament. So we are going to look at another example where the enemy altered the “GOSPEL” once again to fulfill his evil desire of avoiding human to receive the blessing of the “REMISSION” of SINS in order to drag them to the burning flames. And when we are done with it, we will look at our TOPIC in view of the New Testament in our subsequent studies.
  409. As many of you are aware, the Book of “Malachi” is the last Book of the Old Testament Canon. And during the days of Malachi, the “GOSPEL” which God gave to His people was CHANGED and corrupted by Satan to the extent that God had to intervene. If not He said, “Lest I come and strike the earth with a CURSE” (Malachi 4:6). This tells us how severe it was. So why did God say this?
  411. He said this because during the time of Malachi, Satan with his “craftiness” corrupted the “GOSPEL” to the extent that the Israelites were bringing polluted sacrificial offerings to God. We can see this from God’s own words when He said, “And when you offer the blind as a SACRIFICE, is it not EVIL? And when you offer the lame and sick, is it not EVIL? (Malachi 1:8). In fact they even brought animals which were stolen for sacrifices.
  413. And because these sacrifices were a prefiguration which depicts JESUS CHRIST, God pronounced a CURSE for their acts. He declared, “But CURSED be the deceiver who has in his flock a male, and takes a vow, but SACRIFICES to the LORD what is BLEMISHED—For I am a great King, says the LORD of host, and my name is to be feared among the nations” (Malachi 1:14). This is how the Serpent changed the GOSPEL in the days of Malachi. And do you know the reason why God was so much concern about this?
  415. This is because everything about the sacrifice of atonement was about JESUS CHRIST who is the UNBLEMISHED LAMB of God. That’s why during the institution of the Passover, God told the people through Moses, “Your LAMB shall be without BLEMISH” (Exodus 12:5). And the Apostle Peter confirms this when He said, “but with the precious blood of CHRIST, as of a LAMB without BLEMISH and without spot” (1 Peter 1:19).
  417. Therefore when the people brought animals which were BLEMISHED such as blind, lame, sick an stolen animals, it was the work of the Devil who changed the “GOSPEL” of God at that time into something “DIFFERENT” for the people to believe. In fact during the days of Malachi, the priests at that time were also corrupt as it is today. And in the days of Hosea, Satan made the priests to REJECT the “KNOWLEDGE” of the Sacrificial System and its procedures. That’s why God told them, “...Because you have REJECTED KNOWLEDGE, I also will REJECT you from being a priest for Me” (Hosea 4:6).
  419. When we take a careful look at events from Genesis to Malachi, we can see that the Devil has been using “DIFFERENT” strategies to change the -“GOSPEL.”_ He used a _“DIFFERENT”_ strategy with Adam, and another strategy with Cain, and then a _“DIFFERENT”_ strategy with Jeroboam, Ahab, Jezebel, and the Baal prophets. What Satan does is that even when people are bringing a sacrificial _“LAMB”_ for their _“REMISSION,”_ he still deceives them to bring a _“BLEMISHED”_ animal.
  421. Sometimes he will persuade people not to even bring any animal at all just like he did to Cain. Even when people bring animals, the enemy of good has another strategy to “persuade” them to bring a “BLEMISHED” animals. And when people pass the test of bringing “a LAMB without BLEMISH,” still the “SERPENT” who appears in our Scripture reading deceives them with his craftiness to ignore the “Laying on of Hands.”
  423. Has this “Old SERPENT” changed? And has he ceased from his evil works of perverting the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST? The answer is “NO!” This is the reason why the Apostle Paul raised a concern in our Scripture reading when he told the Corinthians, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the SERPENT deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST.” Here when Paul says “I fear,” it is not for himself, but for the Corinthians. This is because he saw that there was the likelihood for them to be persuaded by the “craftiness” of the Devil for them to believe a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” and to receive a “DIFFERENT spirit.”
  425. This is something that has occurred repeatedly as we have also seen in Malachi. Therefore in order to SAVE the Israelites and all the people of the world from the “deceptions” of Satan, God promised that He will sent His two Messengers (John the Baptism and JESUS CHRIST). And it is the LORD Himself who planned that the former (John) will work as a transfer of SIN whiles the latter (CHRIST) will be the recipient.
  427. Therefore through Malachi, God told the people that JESUS “ like a refiner’s fire and like a launderers’ soap. He will sit as a REFINER and a PURIFIER of silver; He will PURIFY the sons of Levi, and PURGE them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the LORD an offering of RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Malachi 3:2-3).
  429. But unfortunately as we speak now, many believers in the Christian fraternity and Brotherhood including the clergy, do not UNDERSTAND these passages. For this reason, they have ignored the MINISTRY of John the Baptist and the “water” baptism of JESUS CHRIST. And by so doing, they have embraced “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  431. Our study continues........
  435. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  437. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 11)
  439. We are now looking at our TOPIC in the New Testament where it says:
  441. “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the GRACE of CHRIST to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, which is not another, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the GOSPEL of CHRIST” (Galatians 1:6-7).
  443. The desire of Satan to change the GOSPEL of our blessed LORD into something “DIFFERENT” by deceiving human beings started from antiquity. Our previous studies from Part 1 to Part 10 has revealed to us how the fallen angel is always been on the move to pervert the “GOSPEL” of CHRIST. This has continued from the times of Old to the New Testament age, and it will continue until God’s judgment is poured on the Dragon and his followers.
  445. What Paul is saying to the Galatians is something which occurred almost two thousand (2,000) years ago, and it has permeated from that time up to the present age. When he says “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the GRACE of CHRIST to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL,” it means that the Galatians were leaving God’s “calling” through His GRACE in JESUS to a GOSPEL which tells them to “call” themselves through the LAW of works.
  447. Therefore any “GOSPEL” which tells people to believe in JESUS as their Lord and Saviour and to make themselves righteous and holy by their own deeds of the “LAW” is not the “GOSPEL of CHRIST,” but it is completely a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” What many people fail to realize is that The “LAW” and the “GRACE” are two different things in opposite directions. So I want us to look at these two scenarios.
  449. 1. When JESUS “calls” you, He tells you, “Come to Me, all you who LABOR and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST” (Matthew 11:28). In this calling, JESUS speak to SINNERS by saying, “Are you insufficient? Are you struggling to obey the LAW and COMMANDMENTS? Are you weak? Are you failing miserably? Then come to Me, all you who LABOR and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST.” This is how JESUS “called” all SINNERS into His “GRACE.”
  451. 2. When you receive a human “calling” through the false pastors and prophets, they will call you through a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which says, “Take JESUS as your Lord and Savior. And if you are insufficiently weak, and you are struggling to obey the LAW and COMMANDMENTS, then you must work HARDER. You have to PRAY all night and do a lot of fasting. You can even do seven (7) days dry fasten, or you can try forty (40) days, and you will find REST.” Then they will add, “Don’t forget that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”
  453. They say these things without understanding what they are saying. But when you compare these two “GOSPEL” kinds of “calling” as shown above, which one do you think is GOOD for your “soul?” To be honest with you, I also tried the second method so many times but it didn’t work. This is because it was a human “calling” according to the works of the “LAW,” but SALVATION is not in human endeavor, power, abilities or capabilities.
  455. However, the moment I received my “calling” according to the first method above, which is genuine, and which is according to God’s “calling,” the burden of SIN was rolled away from my HEART through the water, blood, and the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. This is for real! All those who believe in the first method of “calling” in the “GRACE of CHRIST” also have the same testimony. JESUS cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). Therefore when He says, “I will give you REST,” it is for real! It really occurs! It is instantaneous! And you obtain a total liberation from SIN!
  457. Since it is the “TRUE GOSPEL” and the false or “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which will determine whether we will go to Heaven or Hell, everyone must open his/her eyes to discern the -“TRUTH”_ and believe in JESUS accordingly and accurately. If somebody thinks that “All GOSPELS are GOSPELS,” then he has already been overthrown by Satan.
  459. And do you know how the “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” sounds? When preachers of this kind of gospel perch the Word, they quote John 8:36 which says, “Therefore if the Son makes you FREE, you shall be FREE indeed.” But what is their interpretation? They say that when you believe in JESUS, you will be “FREE” from you marital problems, and you will be “FREE” from you financial problems, He will make you prosper, and He will “FREE” you from all the witches and demons in your family. Is that what JESUS actually told us?
  461. When you hear any “GOSPEL” which sounds like that, then you must know that it is the corrupted “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which is according to -“DIFFERENT Jesus.”_ So what does the passage in John 8:36 really mean? When the Lord JESUS says that, _“Therefore if the Son makes you FREE, you shall be FREE indeed,”_ it means that whoever believes that He _“came by water and blood” (1 John 5:6)_ will surely be liberated indubitably from the bondage and dominion of SIN. And there are no two ways about this.
  463. But because many pastors and Christians alike are very “CANAL,” they interpret and believe in the Scriptures to suit their “CANAL” desires. Such people draw all their focus and attention on their own FLESH and FLESHLY things. And because we have many of such people in this age, it has accounted for the reason why we have so many “DIFFERENT GOSPELS.”
  465. This FALSE GOSPEL makes changes to the Word of God and says, “Therefore if the Son makes you FREE, you are NOT FREE indeed.” This is what they believe. It sounds similar like the words of JESUS, but if you take a closer look at it, you will see that the Devil has added his poison asp into it. Henceforth, those who believes and swallow this bait of Satan cannot “FREE” themselves from the shackles of SIN unless they deny their own thoughts and believe in the EXACT words of JESUS CHRIST.
  467. When the Apostle Paul says in our Scripture reading that, “there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the GOSPEL of CHRIST,” then we must know that such people even exist in Christianity today as we speak right now. So please WATCH out!
  469. Our study continues...............
  475. Eric Aboadwe
  476. July 13 ·
  478. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 12)
  480. Let’s take our reading from Galatians again where it says:
  482. “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the GRACE of CHRIST to a DIFFERENT GOSPEL, which is not another, but there are some who TROUBLE you and want to pervert the GOSPEL of CHRIST” (Galatians 1:6-7).
  484. In the previous days we were able to break down the first part of the passage above concerning what it means to be “called” in the “GRACE” of God and what it means when one is “called” by a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” through the false pastors and prophets who keep their victims in the bondage of SIN, and being unable to “FREE” themselves from its yoke. We also got a clear definition and understanding of what it means when JESUS says, “You shall be FREE indeed.”
  486. Today, I want us to concentrate on the latter part of our Scripture reading which says, “but there are some who TROUBLE you and want to pervert the GOSPEL of CHRIST.” So if the Apostle Paul says this, who then are such people? In fact Paul himself spoke about these kind of people when he said, “And this occurred because of FALSE brethren secretly brought in (who came by stealth to spy our LIBERTY which we have in CHRIST JESUS, that they might bring us into BONDAGE), to whom we did not yield SUBMISSION even for an hour, that the TRUTH of the GOSPEL might continue with you” (Galatians 2:4-5).
  488. So the description given above refers to those who “TROUBLE” us and want to “pervert the GOSPEL” of CHRIST. Such people are around us everywhere, and they also call themselves Christians. When you share the “Word” of God with such people, and you tell them that our SINS have “ENDED” because God said our “warfare is ENDED,” and our “iniquity is PARDONED” (Isaiah 40:2), they refuse to accept this and they say that our “warfare” against SIN has not “ENDED” yet, and so we must strive to overcome SIN by obeying the “LAW” of Moses.
  490. Even though sometimes we say that these Christians are our Christian brothers, we don’t really mean that per se, but we say this politely so that we may WIN them to CHRIST by introducing the “TRUE GOSPEL” to them. But in reality, those who are NOT truly born again of the water and the Spirit of CHRIST are not our “TRUE brethren,” but rather our Scripture reading is telling us plainly that they are the “FALSE brethren.”
  492. It is such people whom Paul is saying that they “TROUBLE” us and also “spy our LIBERTY” which we have in CHRIST so that they might bring us into the “BONDAGE” of SIN again. However, Paul and his colleagues in the TRUE GOSPEL did not allow this to happen to them. That’s why he said, “to whom we did not yield SUBMISSION even for an hour, that the TRUTH of the GOSPEL might continue with you.”
  494. Brothers and Sisters, this is what we must do continuously against those who “TROUBLE” us and who want “pervert” the “GOSPEL of CHRIST” to bring us into “BONDAGE.” If we don’t want to become “SLAVES” of SIN again, then the “TRUTH of the GOSPEL” must continue with us. We don’t have to yield “SUBMISSION” to them at all, but we must be bold to expose the SINS in their “HEARTS” by revealing their true colors (human nature) through the “Word” of God.
  496. When we do that, we will be able to overcome them with the “Sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17). This “Sword” is sharper than any two-edged sword, and it can pierce even to the division of souls and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). It is this same “Sword” of the “Spirit” which JESUS used to defeat the Pharisees. Therefore when He told them, “He who is without SIN among you, let him throw a stone at her first,” they became SPEECHLESS. This is how JESUS silenced His hypocritical opponents with the “Word” of God.
  498. The Apostle Paul and all the Apostles and the true disciples in the Early Church era also did the same thing. They used the “Word” of God to silence their opponents, and they did not yield any “SUBMISSION” to the false apostles, ministers and prophets who were fighting them with a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” That’s why Paul spoke about them saying, “For such a FALSE apostles, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING themselves into apostles of CHRIST. And no wonder! For Satan himself TRANSFORMS himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13-14).
  500. When we read the Scriptures, we must open our eyes very well, and we must underline some words for notice and emphasis. In the above passage, the Bible is saying that they “TRANSFORM themselves.” This is telling us that it is not God who “TRANSFORMED” them, but they transform themselves in “HYPOCRISY” by enrolling in theological seminaries and pretending that they are “righteous” because they obey the “LAW” and they don’t commit SINS such as fornication, adultery, bribery and stealing. But it is all lie in “HYPOCRISY.” They commit these SINS in their minds and thoughts, and sometimes in their acts.
  502. Even if a human being does not commit these SINS, what is so special about this in front of God? If a human being is born with these SINS from his mother’s womb (Psalm 51:5), and he does not even commit any of them, what has he ACCOMPLISHED? Is there anything special about human beings before God? If someone does not uproot the “ROOT” of the “TREE” and he just cut the top of it, is there any achievement in this? Will the “TREE” not GROW again? So when it GROWS again what do they do? They have no choice than to offer “The Prayers of Repentance.” But does it solve the problem of SIN?
  504. JESUS CHRIST is the One who uprooted the “ROOT” of SIN from our hearts with His water and blood so that it can never GROW again in our hearts. But those who are not born again are fond of using “The Prayers of Repentance” to cut the “TREE” of SIN in order to make it short. But before they realize, it is GROWING again, and so the only option they have is to continuously offer the Prayers of Repentance.
  506. This is the “life-cycle” of SINNERS which goes round and come back again. For this reason, those who have not received their deliverance from SIN bear the “FRUIT” of SIN all the time, and they offer the prayers of repentance all the time. But the Saints of God bear the “FRUIT of RIGHTEOUSNESS which are by JESUS CHRIST to the praise and glory of God” (Philippians 1:11).
  508. All those who don’t admit their fundamental SINFUL NATURE are the ones who preach a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL,” and they are the very people who try to “TROUBLE” us according to our Scripture reading. But the Word of God is saying that we must not “yield SUBMISSION” to them at all.
  510. Our study continues.................
  516. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  518. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 13)
  520. Let us look at the subsequent verses of our Scripture reading from Galatians. It says:
  522. “But even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any OTHER GOSPEL to you that what you have received, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8-9).
  524. The Apostle Paul spoke this way as he was directed by the “Spirit” of God. And what he is saying is spiritually SERIOUS which must be taken as such. This is because the “Word” spoken above has a great consequence, and its resultant effect is very devastating because it has to do with a “CURSE” and going to “HELL.” The above passage is one of the stern WARNINGS from the Apostle Paul to those who think that all Christians are Christians, all Churches are Churches, and any “OTHER GOSPEL” is the “GOSPEL.”
  526. When we look at what is happening in Christianity, we can see that many of them are not SERIOUS at all, and so they have taken the “Word” of God for granted. They believe in the Bible somehow but not in its entirety or totality. Therefore the enemy of “GOOD” (Satan) has planted a seed of “unbelief” and “doubt” in their hearts. As a result, religious Christians do not CARE whether they go to Heaven or Hell. Their “FAITH” has turned out to be a GAMBLING one. So deep down in their conscience, they think that they are likely to make it to Heaven.
  528. However, we must know that going to “Heaven” or “Hell” is not a PROBABILITY kind of faith. It is not something which happens by CHANCE based on favorable combination of circumstances. Whether a person receives “BLESSING” or “CURSING,” or whether he will go to “Heaven” or “hell” is not an unpredictable phenomenon which causes an event to result in one way or the other. It is not a GAMBLING game like “kyakya” as we call it in our Ghanaian Akan language.
  530. Every human being including Christians must know that going to “hell” is not like taking a chance (to take risk for a favourable outcome). They must also know that going to “Heaven” is not based on one’s own conviction according to his Church doctrine. Rather it is based on the Words of JESUS when He said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, UNLESS one is born of the WATER and the SPIRIT, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5).
  532. This is the TRUE GOSPEL which the Apostle Paul believed after meeting JESUS whiles on his way to Damascus to arrest the people “of the WAY” (the born again Saints) as recorded in Acts 9:1-2. But after seeing the great “LIGHT” which shone around him from Heaven, Paul became truly born again by believing that JESUS is God and the “MESSIAH” born of the Virgin Mary, and Who received “BAPTISM” from John the Baptist to take away the SIN of the world, and Who died on the Cross and resurrected on the third day.
  534. And because Paul finally reached this understanding, JESUS Himself directed him to go into the City to meet one of His disciples called “Ananias.” At the same time, the Omnipresent JESUS went to Ananias too and spoke to him about Paul (Acts 9:10-10-12). But Ananias was even afraid to meet him. But JESUS told him, “Go, for he is a CHOSEN vessel of Mine to bear My NAME before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15).
  536. This is the reason why when Paul is preaching, he always preach about JESUS CHRIST as revealed in all his epistles. He started everything after receiving BAPTISM from Ananias to confirm his “FAITH” in the water, blood and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST. Paul himself understood that our own BAPTISM cannot “SAVE” us. That’s why he said, “For CHRIST did not send me to BAPTIZE, but to preach the GOSPEL, not with wisdom of words, lest the offense of the CROSS of CHRIST should be made of no effect” (1 Corinthians 1:17).
  538. Here, when many pastors and Christians read the biblical passage above, they think that the preaching of the Apostle Paul was all about “the CROSS of CHRIST.” However, even right here in Galatians where our Scripture reading is derived, the Apostle Paul told the Galatians that, “For as many of you were BAPTIZED into CHRIST have put on CHRIST” (Galatians 3:27).
  540. Please let us pay attention to something important here. Yesterday I said that when we read the Scriptures, we must take our time to read the “Word” with spiritual discernment. In what we read in Corinthians, Paul made mention of the “CROSS of CHRIST.” But right here in Galatians, he also spoke about being “BAPTIZED into CHRIST.” Therefore if Christians believe that the “CROSS of CHRIST” refers to the “CROSS” of JESUS, then they must also believe that to be “BAPTIZED into CHRIST” also refers to being “BAPTIZED” into the “BAPTISM” of JESUS by which He took away our sins.
  542. When the Scripture talks about being “BAPTIZED into CHRIST,” it is not referring to our own baptism. That’s why Paul said earlier in Corinthians that, “CHRIST did not send me to BAPTIZE,” but rather he said that JESUS sent him to “preach the GOSPEL” so that whoever believes in His birth, water, blood and the resurrection will be “BAPTIZED into CHRIST” (dying and being resurrected with Him).
  544. This is the reason why even though the thief of the Cross was not “BAPTIZED,” but because he believed in the four ministries of JESUS, our LORD promised him, “Assuredly, I say to you, TODAY you will be with Me in PARADISE” (Luke 23:43). In other words, JESUS did not require the thief of the Cross to be “BAPTIZED” in some river before he goes to “PARADISE,” but rather all that JESUS required from the thief was “FAITH” in His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” fulfilled by His divine works.
  546. Therefore Christians who say, “Do you speak in TONGUES? Are you BAPTIZED? Do you pay your TITHE?” are the ignorant Christians who believe in a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which is propagated by false pastors and prophets. Those who claim that “Unless you speak in TONGUES, you don’t have the Holy Spirit” are those who preach the “OTHER GOSPEL.” These are the people whom Paul was talking about in our Scripture reading. Therefore God is WARNING such people to REPENT and turned around, else they will surely be “ACCURSED” according to the Word of God.
  548. Spiritually to be “ACCURSED” means “to burn forever in hell.” This is very gruesome dangerous. Christians must not play with the “GOSPEL” of JESUS CHRIST because it cannot be changed. JESUS is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). For this reason, those who preach the “OTHER GOSPEL” which is a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” are the enemies of CHRIST, and their destiny is a dangerous place.
  550. Our study resumes on Monday if God permits.
  552. God is “GOOD” to us and the whole of mankind.
  561. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  563. DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 14)
  565. Let us take another look at our Scripture reading from Galatians where it is written:
  567. “But even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any OTHER GOSPEL to you that what you have received, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8-9).
  569. We give thanks to the LORD of host for BLESSING us with His Word which is always new, fresh and powerful irrespective of the number of times that we read it. We are really thankful to Him for His lovinkindness towards us. It would have been impossible for us to grasp His Word if it had not been given to us from above (Matthew 3:27).
  571. When the Apostle Paul says in our Scripture reading that “even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED,” then we need to find out the nature of Paul’s preaching which includes all the Apostles and the disciples of CHRIST. This is because he said “we” to indicate the fact that all of them preached the same message without any variation. So how did the Apostle Paul presented the “GOSPEL”?
  573. First and foremost, Paul identified the GREATEST problem of mankind which is SIN. That’s why he said, “For all have SINNED and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Secondly, Paul preached about the solution to man’s problem of SIN in great detail, and so he said that the solution was provided through JESUS CHRIST.
  575. In clarification of the solution, Paul preached that JESUS is God who was manifested in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16), and that He was born by the Virgin Mary of the seed of David (Romans 1:3). He also preached about the BAPTISM of the LORD by saying that that, “ many of us as were BAPTIZED into CHRIST JESUS were baptized into His death” (Romans 6:3). In addition, Paul preached about the death of the LORD (1 Corinthians 15:3) and His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:17). These are the summary of Paul’s preaching.
  577. Therefore when he says “even if we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED,” then we must know what he is talking about. On this note, I want us to look at the CHARACTERISTICS of the “OTHER GOSPEL” so that we can spiritually discern it. They are:
  579. 1. It talks about human RIGHTEOUSNESS
  581. 2. Emphasis is laid on the LAW of Moses and works
  583. 3. It removes the “baptism” of JESUS from the GOSPEL,
  585. 4. It says that JESUS came only by the “Blood” of the Cross
  587. 5. It ignores the Ministry of John the Baptist and his testimony in 1 John 1:29
  589. 6. It seeks for material PROSPERITY
  591. 7. It is believed by the MAJORITY (many people)
  593. What then are the CHARACTERISTICS of the genuine, original and the primitive “GOSPEL” which is a direct OPPOSITE to the fake one? They are as follows:
  595. 1. It reveals that human RIGHTEOUSNESS is a filthy garment (Isaiah 64:6), and it gives all the credit to the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God
  597. 2. Emphasis is laid on the LAW of the Spirit of life in CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8:2).
  599. 3. The “baptism” of JESUS forms an integral part of the message (Matthew 3:13-17)
  601. 4. It says that JESUS came by both “water” and “blood” (1 John 5:6).
  603. 5. Attention is given to the ministry of John the Baptist and his testimony in 1 John 1:29
  605. 6. It seeks for spiritual PROSPERITY of the soul (3 John 1:2)
  607. 7. It is believed by the MINORITY (few people).
  609. Therefore Paul was saying in our Scripture reading that even if a pastor, prophet, evangelist, teacher, or “an angel from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL” which is devoid of any of the CHARACTERISTICS of the above, then he said that such people will be “ACCURSED.”
  611. So let us be full of eyes.
  613. Our study continues...............
  618. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  620. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 15)
  622. God is speaking to us through the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians which says:
  624. “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8).
  626. When we read this Scripture passage, we may ask ourselves the following QUESTIONS: But can “an ANGEL” even preach the GOSPEL in the first place and for that matter “OTHER GOSPEL”? How can “an ANGEL” preach? Probably some of us or some people out there may have been contemplating on such questions. But with the “Word” of God being our guidance, we will understand whether it is “YES” or “NO.”
  628. First of all we have to remember that there are generally two (2) types of ANGELS. We have the “ANGELS” of God in Heaven, and we have the fallen “ANGELS” such as the principalities and powers on this earth and in the heavenly places whose mentor (trusted guide and advisor) is Satan the Devil. Secondly we must understand the meaning of the word “preach,” which means to announce the GOOD NEWS of the “GOSPEL” or to declare GLAD tidings.
  630. Therefore as to whether “an ANGEL” can preach or not, the answer is emphatically “YES” for both the ANGELS of God in Heaven and for the fallen ANGELS. However, for the ANGELS of God, their “preaching” is possible only by the PERMISSION of God, and the messages that they deliver or preach is very short and precise. For example when “an ANGEL” of the LORD appeared to the shepherds, it is written as shown below:
  632. “And behold, an ANGEL of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the ANGEL said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you GOOD tidings of great JOY which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is CHRIST the LORD. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the ANGEL a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:9-14).
  634. So here in the above passage of Scripture, we can see “an ANGEL” of the Lord who was delivering a short sermon about the birth of CHRIST and his work of SALVATION which He came to fulfill by His birth, baptism, blood and resurrection to the shepherds. Of course the “ANGEL” did not talk about the “BAPTISM” and the “BLOOD” of JESUS, but these were works which were inevitable to follow afterwards in the life of the REDEEMER of mankind. In fact the “ANGEL” even told the shepherds that what I am saying to you is “a GOOD tidings of great JOY which will be to all people.”
  636. So if for example, at the very same time period, another “ANGEL” has gone somewhere else to announce to some people, “I bring you GOOD tiding of great JOY which will be to all people. For there is born o you this day in the City of Samaria a Savior who is CHRIST the LORD.” If an ANGEL were to say this, then we must know that even though it looks very similar to what the “ANGEL” of God said in Luke, it is completely “a DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” In this case there was only a sly change to the Word of God, but we must know abruptly that it is the “OTHER GOSPEL.”
  638. And do you know the reason why? It is because God’s Word had already prophesied that the Saviour will be born in the “city of David” and not in “Samaria.” So anything contrary to this will be a fake GOSPEL. It shows that we can detect the FALSE GOSPEL or the “OTHER GOSPEL” through the written Word of the Bible which does not change. So I as I said earlier, there are times when ANGELS also deliver the “Word” of God to His people under His PERMISSION. And we can see this so many times in both the Old and New Testaments. However, their preaching is very prompt without any delay, and it is always on time.
  640. So God’s “ANGELS” also preach by His own will and approval (and please don’t forget the meaning of the word “preach”). That’s why it is written in the Book of Revelation, “Then I saw another ANGEL flying in the midst of Heaven, have the EVERLASTING GOSPEL to preach to those who dwell on the earth? – to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people – saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give GLORY to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and WORSHIP Him who made Heaven and Earth the sea and springs of water ” (Revelation 14:6-7).
  642. So this authenticates what we are studying today. But please, I want all and sundry to lend me their ears and to pay a very close attention to the biblical verse above. What kind of “GOSPEL” did the Bible says that this “ANGEL” will preach to the inhabitants on the Earth? It says that the “ANGEL” flying in Heaven will preach the “EVERLASTING GOSPEL.” It is the “GOSPEL” by which JESUS told Nicodemus, “Most assuredly, I say to you, UNLESS a man is born again of the water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5).
  644. Dearly beloved, the “GOSPEL” of JESUS CHRIST is one (1), and it does not change. But it is the same yesterday, today tomorrow and forever. That’s why it is called “the EVERLASTING GOSPEL,” and this is the “GOSPEL” which the “ANGEL” in the eschatological times (end times) will preach. Therefore when the “ANGEL” proclaimed, “Fear God,” he was telling the people of the earth to admit their SINS, to acknowledge and to believe that JESUS is the one who came to save the World with His water and blood.
  646. But unfortunately, many Christians do not understand the phrase “Fear God.” They think that to “Fears God” simply means that a person does no longer commit SINS. In the Ghanaian Akan language they say, “Bra wei deɛ ɔsuro Onyankopɔn paa! Enti ɔnyɛ bɔne, na mmom papa nko ara na ɔyɛ” (meaning: As for this brother, he fears God so much, and therefore he doe not commit SINS, but rather he does good things only.” But is this the meaning of “Fear God”? Is that what we call the “Fear God”?
  648. However, the Bible actually STOPS the mouth of everybody (Romans 3:19), and it says that there is no “RIGHTEOUS” man on earth who does GOOD and does not SIN (Ecclesiastes 7:20). So if at the end of the day every human being commits SIN, then where is their “Fear of God”? Therefore let us understand that the “Fear God” is only possible when we admit our SINFUL NATURE before God with all humility, and we believe in His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” fulfilled by the baptismal water and blood of JESUS CHRIST.
  650. This is the only way by which we can “give GLORY” to God because it is this kind of “FAITH” which makes us refuse to “WORSHIP” the Antichrist. So this is what the “ANGEL” was telling the inhabitants of the Earth.
  652. If God permits, tomorrow we will look at how the FALLEN ANGELS also preach or present their “OTHER GOSPEL” which is “DIFFERENT” from what God tells us in His Word.
  654. Our study continues.......
  661. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  663. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 16)
  665. It is written in the Book of Galatians:
  667. “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8).
  669. On the previous day, we tried to look at the possibilities of whether ANGELS can preach or not based on the Scripture passage above. This led us to differentiate between the two categories of angels which are (1) God’s “ANGELS” and (2) the Fallen “ANGELS.” So we learnt that sometimes God permits His ANGELS to preach the glad tidings of the GOSPEL to His people which is according to the TRUE and EVERLASTING GOSPEL as we saw in Luke 2:9-14 and in Revelation 14:6-7.
  671. Therefore since there is an “enmity” between God and Satan, we must know that just as God sometimes sent His “ANGELS” on a mission to deliver His Word His people, the Devil also sent his fallen “ANGELS” to be on a mission to deliver a FAKE and a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” which is not from God. This is the reason why there are so many religions, denominations and “OTHER GOSPEL” all over the world.
  673. But how was the Devil and his fallen “ANGLES” able to achieve this? The Bible gives an answer to this question through the same Paul who warned the Galatians and Christians to be careful of fallen “ANGELS” who are on a mission to present a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to people. That’s why Paul said in Corinthians, “And no wonder! For Satan transforms himself into an ANGEL of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his MINISTERS also transform themselves into MINISTERS of RIGHTEOUSNESS, whose end will be according to their works” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
  675. Here in the above passage, God is speaking to us through the Apostle Paul that it is possible for the fallen “ANGELS” to preach or to present a false GOSPEL to people through dreams, visions, and human thoughts. And His Word is telling us that the Devil and his “ANGELS” have been doing this by transforming themselves “into an ANGEL of light.” Due to this, there are so many “MINISTERS” such as pastors and prophets who claim that they have been hearing the voice of God just as it happened to Samuel (1 Samuel 3:8-9).
  677. However, the Bible is telling us that the voice which that the so called “MINISTERS” are hearing is not the voice of God, but it is from Satan and his fallen “ANGELS” who transform themselves “into an ANGEL of light.” During the time of Jeremiah, there were such “MINISTERS” and “PROPHETS,” and they were so many. But God told Jeremiah, “The PROPHETS prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor SPOKEN to them; they prophesy to you a FALSE vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the DECEIT of their heart” (Jeremiah 14:14).
  679. Even in Christianity today, there are many of such “MINISTERS” and “PROPHETS” who tell lies to Christians by saying that JESUS came only by “blood” when God Himself has testified that His beloved Son whom He is well pleased came by “water and blood.” That’s why the Apostle John said that, “...this is the WITNESS of God which He has TESTIFIED of His Son” (1 John 5:9). And it was for this is the reason that after CHRIST was baptized in Jordan God said, “This is My beloved Son whom I am well PLEASED” (Matthew 3:17).
  681. But the false PROPHETS who received their calling from the “fallen ANGELS” do not say anything concerning the things above even though it is clearly written in the Bible. And they tell people that God did not blot away all their SINS, and that JESUS couldn't take away all the SINS, and so their SINS are still with them, but the only remedy is for them to continue to beg for fogginess on daily bases. These are the “MINISTERS” of whom the Bible is saying that they “transform themselves into MINISTERS of RIGHTEOUSNESS” just as the Devil also “transforms himself into an ANGEL of light.”
  683. Therefore when Paul said that, “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED,” it is because he knew very well that it is possible for the fallen ANGELS on this earth to deceive human being including the Christians to believe in “OTHER GOSPEL.” This is something that Apostle Paul realized during his days, and it has continued until now.
  685. For example, the leader of “The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints” who is called “Joseph Smith” claimed that when he was 14yrs old, he wanted to know the Church which he should join. So when he asked God about this in sincere prayer, God sent His Son JESUS CHRIST to him. And when CHRIST appeared to him, He told him there was no TRUE Church on this earth, and therefore He has chosen he (Joseph Smith) to RESTORE it. This is an example of how Satan “transform himself into an ANGEL of light” to people such as Joseph Smith and Christian leaders (pastors and prophets) who receive their call from a strange source.
  687. This “MINISTER” Joseph Smith claimed that when he was persecuted for claiming that he has seen God, one night whiles he was praying for the forgiveness of his SINS and looking ahead for God’s manifestation, an “ANGEL” called “Moroni” appeared in his room, and the “light” in his room continued to increase until it became lighter than noonday. He went further to says that “ANGEL Moroni” gave him a book written upon “golden plates” similar like the Urim and the Thumim as the Word of God giving unto him.
  689. Dearly beloved, when you hear a pastor or “MINISTER” saying things like this, and the Apostle Paul also says in the Scriptures that “Satan transforms himself into an ANGEL of light,” are you now getting the picture? Is the Word of God not true? We can only escape from the deceptions of Satan when we depend on the written “Word” of God and nothing else. But unfortunately many pastors and “MINISTERS” such as Joseph Smith depend on dreams, visions, and hearing some voice in their ears, and they seek for physical manifestations which forms the bases of their “calling” and preaching.
  691. Even right here in Ghana, Prophet Obinim also claimed that he received a visitation of “ANGELS” whose names he gave as “Nimokafui” and “Ayitaferem.” He even claimed that he went to Heaven with “ANGEL Gabriel,” but because he and his master “Gabriel” did not execute their duties well, God was blaming them, but he (Obinim) defended himself that it was not his fault, but it was “ANGEL Gabriel” who was to be blamed. All these kind of nonsense exist in Christianity with millions of followers all over the world.
  693. In fact there are some popular preachers and prophets in the Christian Orthodox Churches who also claim they went to “Heaven” and came back to the Earth. They have all deviated from the “Word” of God, and they preach a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.” However, destruction awaits such preachers. So if you are a Christian and you don’t know the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God fulfilled by the water, blood, and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, then you will never be free from these Satanic influences which comes from his -“MINISTERS.”_
  695. As a Christians, if you really desire to enter the Kingdom of God, then the earlier you believe in God’s “RIGHTEOUSNESS,” the better!
  697. Our study continues...............
  703. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  705. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 17)
  707. The Word of God says that:
  709. “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8).
  711. We THANK our Lord God and Savior JESUS for giving us another day which comes with a privilege for us to enjoy His Word which our fore-fathers enjoyed which king David testified, “How SWEET are Your words to my taste, SWEETER than honey to my mouth” (Psalm 119:103). Job also had his own share enjoyment in this regard, and therefore he proclaimed, “I have TREASURED the Words of His mouth more than my necessary FOOD” (Job 23:12).
  713. This same Word has also come to us as the True Living Bread and Water, and we ourselves can also testify without any shadow of DOUBT that His Word is indeed “SWEETER than honey.” Thanks be to God who told us in Psalm 81:10 to open our mouth wide for Him to fill us with this spiritual “FOOD” for our satisfaction. It is such a great BLESSING that He has fulfilled His promise to us exactly as He told us.
  715. Therefore whenever we -“bow”_ our _“knees to the Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST from whom the whole family in Heaven and Earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15),_ we must give sincere THANKS to God because He is wealthy to be praised and adored. It is an unspeakable privilege for us to be part and parcel of the household of God (Ephesians 2:9).
  717. In our previous studies, we learnt about how Satan and his fallen “ANGELS” transform themselves into an “ANGEL of light” to present and preach the -“OTHER GOSPEL”_ to people, and typical examples which testifies about these things were given. So we learnt that the Apostle Paul knew the possibility of fallen _“ANGELS”_ to pervert the -“GOSPEL”_ of CHRIST, and this was the reason why He admonished the Galatians to be spiritually alert and to abstain from any “mystical” experience which comes from the fallen “ANGELS” whose motive is to destroy their “FAITH” and to lead them to the path of destruction.
  719. And because the “Spirit” God knew very well that the attempt by the fallen “ANGELS” to corrupt the “GOSPEL” was going to be worse in the future, it is written in the Book of Timothy, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the FAITH, giving heed to DECEIVING spirits and DOCTRINES of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). Here the “DECEIVING spirits” and “DOCTRINES of demons” refers to none other than the fallen -“ANGELS.”_
  721. In other words, Paul was saying here that the fallen “ANGELS” have their own “DOCTRINES” which they preach and present to people. It is therefore not surprising that they have deceived more than 90% of Christian leaders and their followers in so many ways with different methods. That’s why the Bible defines the fallen “ANGELS” as “DECEIVING spirits.” It was the “Holy Spirit” who spoke and revealed these things to Apostle Paul. That’s why in his open address in 1 Timothy chapter 4, he said, “Now the Spirit expressly says that...”
  723. The “Holy Spirit” is the “Spirit” of God, and the Scripture clearly testifies that He is God (Acts 5:3-4). In fact He is the one who created the “ANGELS.” That’s why it is written in Hebrews, “And of the ANGELS He says: Who made His ANGELS spirits and His ministers a flame of fire” (Hebrews 1:7). But one third (1/3) of these heavenly hosts were hurled down from Heaven after being defeated by the ARCHANGEL Michael and his holy ANGELS in a spiritual combat (Revelations 12:7-9). So they became “DECEIVING spirits” and “demons.”
  725. And because they have been sentenced into eternal condemnation of an everlasting punishment,” what they do is that they “DECEIVE” human beings including Christians by dropping any filthy thing mixed with the Word of God into the human brain, and the moment one believes in it, it gives birth to the “OTHER GOSPEL” whose origin is not from above.
  727. This is how the fallen “ANGELS” works, and this is how they have been forming many religions and denominations in the world. And all them claim to have discovered something SPECIAL which is according to their own peculiar teachings. However, if one fails to discovered how JESUS has “blotted out” his transgressions (Isaiah 43:25), then dreams, visions, prophecy and MIRACLES are all lawlessness (Matthew 7:22-23).
  729. Apart from the “Christian Religion,” there are many others such as Confucianism, Calvinism, Hinduism, Hare Krishna, Mormonism, Protestantism, Islamism and many others which were formed under the influence of “DECEIVING spirits” and “DOCTRINES of demons.” As a result, the Devil has been able to raise false pastors and preachers, and the reason why he has succeeded in his evil scheme is all because humans love “LIES” more than the “TRUTH.”
  731. In Christianity, these “DECEIVING spirits” are responsible for “DECEIVING” many people to accept that believing in JESUS does not mean SINS are forgiven at once, but rather it can be forgiven and cleansed by -“OTHER”_ methods which they have embraced. These fallen _“ANGELS”_ who are called _“DECEIVING spirits,”_ knows very well that there is nothing good in human beings, but yet still they do not teach Christians anything about the LORD’s _“ RIGHTEOUSNESS_” and how He fulfilled it.
  733. To go straight to the point, these “DECEIVING spirits” speak to Christians by telling them that even though JESUS is the Lamb of God, He couldn't “take away” all their SINS, but He took away only those of the past. Therefore when you tell them that there is no SIN in this world, they reply back by saying, “If there is no SIN in this world, then why do people commit SINS?” When you hear this, then you must know that it is because they have been deceived by “DECEIVING spirits” of the fallen “ANGELS.”
  735. Also even though God told believers in CHRIST that He will not remember their SINS anymore as a covenant (Hebrews 10:17), the “DECEIVING spirits” tell people to go before God to remind Him of their SINS and to tell Him that they are still SINNERS. This is how Satan has been able to take away “POWER” from many Churches, and so God’s “POWER” can never be found those Churches. We must know that when the “POWER of REDEMPTION” is lacking in any Church, then it is not a Church of God.
  737. Therefore when our Scripture reading says that, “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED,” it is because there is the existence of “DECEIVING spirits” and “DOCTRINE of demons” whose works are manipulated by Satan the "RULER of the world” (John 14:30 and 2 Corinthians 4:4).
  739. Our study continues...................
  745. (The True Living Bread & Water)
  747. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 18)
  749. Because the gospel of Christ is one (1), the Apostle Paul said that:
  751. “But even if we, or an ANGEL from Heaven, preach any OTHER GOSPEL to you than what we have preached to you, let him be ACCURSED” (Galatians 1:8).
  753. The reason why this particular verse of the Scripture has been re-surfaced over and over again is because it is an IMPORTANT message which God is conveying to us. If it were not so, then I don’t think the LORD would have taken us deeper into His “Word” in more details concerning this particular title or subject of our study.
  755. To be sincere with you and before God, most of the time I do not know what I am going to say or write the next day, but because God Himself has a “Word” for us, He always gives us our spiritual “FOOD which endures to everlasting life” which JESUS the “Son of Man” has given to us (John 6:27). And as I keep on saying, we must give ceaseless THANKS to the LORD for this. The Psalmist (David) also had this understanding, that’s why he said, “What shall I render to the LORD for all His BENEFITS toward me? (Psalm 116:12).
  757. Therefore if there is somebody on this platform who cannot see or realize all the “BENEFITS” which God is giving to us on this platform, then that person is “short-sighted,” and he is actually suffering from what I called “Spiritual Myopia” (unable to see the things of God due to spiritual abnormalities of the eyesight caused by one’s own volition or free will).
  759. And if there is anybody out there who has been receiving these messages (The True Living Bread & Water) as it is being FORWARDED daily to them by the born again Saints, and he or she is also unable to see all the “BENEFITS” which God is given to him or her through the AUTHENTIC gospel of the water and the Spirit of JESUS, then the person is also suffering from “Spiritual Myopia.”
  761. That’s why in Isaiah, God said, “Pause and wonder! BLIND yourselves and be BLIND! (Isaiah 29:9). This means that people are responsible for BLINDING themselves because they believe in the “OTHER GOSPEL” which is proposed and propagated by fallen “ANGELS” through the false prophets, and they do not want to believe or accept the “TRUTH” in order for JESUS to anoint their eyes with eye salve so that they may see (Revelation 3:18).
  763. So coming back to our main subject of study, we must know that God made the Apostle Paul to speak several times about the fallen “ANGELS” (demons) and their activities whereby they introduce a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” to people. That’s why he in Thessalonians, he stated below:
  765. “The coming of the LAWLESS one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and LYING wonders, and with all UNRIGHTEOUS deception among those who perish, because they did not believe in the LOVE of the TRUTH, that they may be SAVED. And for this reason God will send them a strong DELUSION, that they should believe in a LIE, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the TRUTH but had pleasure in UNRIGHTEOUSNESS (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
  767. This passage is telling us that Satan as a fallen “ANGEL” with his colleague “ANGELS” have been using false miracles, signs and “LYING wonders” to deceive people so that they will never be able to receive the “LOVE of the TRUTH” so that they may be saved from their SINS eternally. When the Bible says that “The coming of the LAWLESS is according to the working of Satan,” you may think that it is talking about the Antichrist who is coming in the future.
  769. YES! Your thought is right, but it is not only talking about the Antichrist in the future, but it also talks about the activities of the Antichrist at the present time. That’s why when you read verse 7 of the same chapter of Thessalonians, the Word of God says that, “For the mystery of LAWLESSNESS is already at work.” The word “already” in this passage shows that Satan and his fallen “ANGELS” (the demons) are “already working” to put the system and structures in place for the emergence of the Antichrist who is mentioned in Daniel chapter 8 and in Revelation chapter 13.
  771. That’s why the Apostle John declared to us, “Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the ANTICHRIST is coming, even now many ANTICHRISTS have come, by which we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). When the Apostle John talks about the “last hour,” he is referring to the end times. So are we not in the end times? Of course, we are. That’s why he is saying that even now “many ANTICHRISTS” have come.
  773. But before we proceed further, who is an “ANTICHRIST” in the first place? The word “ANTICHRIST” derived from the word “ANTI,” and it means against “CHRIST.” Therefore the word “ANTICHRIST” refers to anybody who is against JESUS. And it is none other than those who are controlled by Satan and his fallen “ANGELS,” and who teach and preach a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” formulated by Satan and his “demons.”
  775. These “ANTICHRISTS” do not talk about the perfect salvation of the LORD, and neither do they speak about His “RIGHTEOUSNESS” which is given as a gift to anyone who believes in God’s “abundance of GRACE” which came through JESUS CHRIST (Romans 5:17). The Apostle John said that these “ANTICHRISTS” are many in the world even as we speak now. And according to the passage that we read in Thessalonians, they preach according to the “working of Satan, with all power, signs and LYING wonders, and with all UNRIGHTEOUS deception among those who perish.”
  777. When a preacher is preaching and he does not say anything about the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST, he ends up talking about human “righteousness” through the written code of the Law and human standard of “righteousness” which is according to the society. But such preachers are the “ANTICHRISTS.” For example, if JESUS says that “No one is GOOD but One, that is God” (Luke 18:19), and a preachers also tell people that they can be “GOOD” by their own works and deeds, then that preacher is challenging the Word of JESUS CHRIST. This is the reason why such a person is referred to as the “ANTICHRISTS.”
  779. Also when JESUS says that, “Did not Moses give you the Law, yet NONE of you obey the Law?” (John 7:19), and a preacher or pastor also tell people that they can “obey” the “Law” in order to prove JESUS wrong, then we must know that such people are the very “ANTICHRISTS” whom the Bible is talking about.
  781. In addition, when JESUS says that, “Unless one is born of the WATER and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5), and a pastor or prophet says that people can be born again of the “BLOOD” of JESUS alone, and they can enter the Kingdom of God with such a faith, then they are the preachers challenge the Word of JESUS CHRIST, and this is why they are the “ANTICHRIST.”
  783. All these has come about because such preachers believe in the “OTHER GOSPEL” which was formulated, propounded, and propagated by Satan and the fallen “ANGELS.” And those who believe as such becomes propagators of a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL.”
  785. Our study continues...............
  792. (The True Living Bead & Water)
  794. A DIFFERENT GOSPEL (Part 19)
  796. Our Scripture reading is taken from the Second (2nd) Book of Timothy where it says:
  798. “For the TIME will come when they will not endure SOUND DOCTRINE, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the TRUTH, and be turned aside to FABLES” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
  800. In the Word of Scripture above, God the Holy Spirit revealed to the Apostle Paul concerning how a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL” will unfold and rise in the future through countless “teachers” who do not teach their followers the COMPLETE GOSPEL or the eternal accomplishment of our blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
  802. When it says “For the TIME will come,” it indicates a prophecy, but this prophetic Word has been fulfilled. This is because “the TIME” which Paul was talking about has already come, and we are living in that “TIME” that he was talking about, and so we are not looking ahead for any other “TIME” to come. Therefore when he says during that period of “TIME” people will not endure
  804. “SOUND DOCTRINE,” is it not true? Are we not witnessing this prophecy?As you and I are spreading the unquestionable “GOSPEL” of salvation, how many people give heed to the message? How many accept the “TRUTH”? How many believe in the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God fulfilled by the water and blood of CHRIST? How many Christians are humble enough to admit that they are SINFUL by nature? And how many of them admit that they cannot obey the “LAW” in its entirety? When you tell them that JESUS came by “water and blood,” do they accept it wholeheartedly in good faith?
  806. The answer to these questions is a big “NO!” But why is this so? This is because our Scripture reading is saying that “they will turn their ears away from the TRUTH.” This means that they will become uncomfortable when the TRUE GOSPEL is preached to them. Most of us have all experienced this in our one-on-one conversation with people including Christians. And it is not an exaggeration to say that the Christians are even WORSE than the Non-Christians.
  808. When you attend the Sunday Bible Class of these “teachers” that our Bible reading is talking about, they use passages such as the story of THE GOOD SAMARITAN in Luke 10:25-37 to tell people to be “GOOD.” Meanwhile the reason why JESUS brought that story is to teach the “lawyer” and everybody that we are the “transgressors” who have all failed to obey the “LAW” and commandments. In the story, JESUS was teaching us that the Priests, Levites, the Lawyer and everybody have not been able to obey even a simple commandment such as “LOVE your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).
  810. In other words, JESUS was saying that all human beings are FAILURES when it comes to the Law of Moses. But the false “teachers” do not teach their congregation and students the exact teachings of JESUS CHRIST, but because they teach a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL,” they contradict the LORD who is the Word. This is the reason why the Apostle Paul spoke about them in the same Book of Timothy that they are those “desiring to be teachers of the LAW, understanding neither what they SAY nor the things which they affirm” (1 Timothy 1:7).
  812. Here the Bible is saying that many pastors, teachers, prophets and evangelists teach people to obey the “LAW” of the written code, but they neither understand what they “SAY” or the things which they “affirm.” Some of them even go to the extent of saying that, “If you don’t pay your TITHE, God will CURSE you.” But the question is, if God will “CURSE” us for not paying our “TITHE,” then why did the Bible say that, “CHRIST has redeemed us from the CURSE of the LAW”? (Galatians 3:13). This is why the Apostle Paul said that they do not understand what they say or affirm.
  814. So what is the actual “CURSE” or the real “CURSE” according to the Bible? It says that, “For as many as are of the works of the LAW are under the CURSE; for it is written, “CURSED is everyone who does not continue in all the things which are written in the book of the LAW to do them. But that NO ONE is justified by the LAW in the sight of God is evident, for the JUST shall live by FAITH” (Galatians 3:10-11).
  816. Sometimes when I read passages like this one above, I ask myself, “Have the pastors and Bible school teachers actually read the entire Bible? And when they read, do they come across passages like this in the New Testament?” You may also wonder whether they read these passages or not. However “TRUTH” must be told, and the “TRUTH” is that they have read it and seen it vividly before their eyes, but the reason why they have blinded themselves to the “TRUTH” is because they want MONEY to fill their pockets and to satisfy their “belly,” and they don’t care whether their followers go to “hell” or not.
  818. This is the reason why the Apostle Paul said that their “god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame – who set the MIND on earthly things” (Philippians 3:19). But what about Paul? As for him, his God was JESUS CHRIST, and he did not set his mind on earthly things. In fact the Apostle Paul did not teach people to pay “TITHES” to him, but rather when it comes to contribution and giving MONEY in the Church of God, he told the congregation, “Let each one give as he PURPOSES in his HEART, not grudgingly or of necessity; For God loves a cheerful GIVER” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
  820. Here when the Bible says that you must give as you have “PURPOSE” in your “heart,” it means that you must give according to what you can afford and according to what you have decided to bring. Also the word “grudgingly” means that it is not by FORCE. So if you are a reader of “The True Living Bread & Water,” then you must pay a close attention here especially the LADIES. This is because most of the WOMEN become culprits of emptying their “purse” to give all their money to the false pastors and prophets when they cannot even afford to pay their children’s School Fees.
  822. My Christian Brothers and Sisters, this is very pity! May be some pastors, prophets, and Bible School teachers will not be happy for today’s SERMON. But what I want to say is that if somebody is interested in “LIES” and “hell,” then it is his own choice. However those who are interested in “TRUTH” and “Heaven” will enjoy this SERMON to the uttermost, and they will eat it even once more and over and over again
  824. Dearly Beloved, do you think I don’t need MONEY? Let me tell you that I also face financial challenges even right now, but I am living by “FAITH.” Therefore if I was somebody who teaches the “OTHER GOSPEL,” I would have told all you Brethren on this platform and those that I have been having fellowship with to bring their “TITHES,” and I will say to all of you according to my own interpretation, “Bring all your TITHES to me according to the Word of God, so that it can be kept into the storehouse for food to be in the house of God” (Malachi 3:10). With this, I will have MONEY in no time.
  826. But God didn't tell me to do this in the New Testament. So please, if you are a pastor or prophets who is reading this, hold your breath! Don’t breath profusely as if you cannot survive without collecting “TITHES.” You are not the only one preaching the “GOSPEL” of JESUS CHRIST and who needs MONEY. We all need MONEY for our wants and other activities including the spread of the “GOSPEL,” but we don’t have to allow our personal interest to override or prevail over the “Word” of JESUS CHRIST. Our Lord is the one who told us to give our contribution as we have purposed in our heart.
  828. In fact JESUS Himself was the greatest MINISTER ever to preach the “GOSPEL” of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:23). And even though He didn't have MONEY and he was not physically rich, He sent the disciples to catch a fish and take a coin of “MONEY” from its mouth to pay “taxes” (Matthew 17:27). However, JESUS never collected “TITHES” from people in order to bless them. Rather, people gave Him and the disciples contributions from their own heart, and according to John 12:6, it was Judas Iscariot who was in charge of the MONEY (Financial Secretary, Treasurer or Accountant as you may call it).
  830. Therefore if people want to obey the “TRUTH” and not a “DIFFERENT GOSPEL,” then they must deny themselves completely. When they do that, they will help themselves and other “souls” around them to enter the Kingdom of God by teaching them the “RIGHTEOUSNESS” of God.
  832. Our study continues............
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