
O1Y Horde Upset

May 4th, 2016
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  1. [ 2016.05.04 07:35:42 ] Zid Freeman > please jump into O1Y standing - as many of you as possible.
  2. [ 2016.05.04 07:54:46 ] Ilian Amarin > Hey, gewnies, why dont you fight Waffles
  3. [ 2016.05.04 07:55:13 ] cepo > keep drinking that koolaid goonerinos
  4. [ 2016.05.04 07:55:15 ] Markus Ulaire > fuck test
  5. [ 2016.05.04 07:55:18 ] Markus Ulaire > test is next
  6. [ 2016.05.04 07:55:19 ] Markus Ulaire > after you
  7. [ 2016.05.04 07:55:44 ] Era Vulgaris > Falk vonTreskow Goons are dead....only some newbeans killer left in frigs and T3Ds
  8. [ 2016.05.04 07:56:17 ] Ilian Amarin > Hey, goons. Why dont you test your cap fleet again PL. Oh dont have any caps anymore.....
  9. [ 2016.05.04 07:59:10 ] YammaHamma Rotineque > You'll never take dek tho
  10. [ 2016.05.04 07:59:13 ] YammaHamma Rotineque > MBC wont allow it
  11. [ 2016.05.04 08:04:24 ] Markus Ulaire > Hibernator X mittens is using oyu dudes
  12. [ 2016.05.04 08:06:56 ] Markus Ulaire > Pherick Sjang you really need to spot believing all the random garbage mittens says
  13. [ 2016.05.04 08:07:50 ] Rastino > Markus Ulaire dont bother arguing with them, when you get spoon-fed shit for so long it may take a while to get the taste out
  14. [ 2016.05.04 08:09:22 ] Rekan Fizk > Who: ? Doxxes people ? Tries to awox memorial fleet(and fails twice EleGiggle) ? taunts streamer over grandpa who just passed on ? abandons its allies ? yup must be goons
  15. [ 2016.05.04 08:12:23 ] Markus Ulaire > join cfc so mittens can make dollars off you
  16. [ 2016.05.04 08:22:39 ] Trottel Elf > Not even my facebook feed makes me cringe as hard as you trying to trashtalk local
  17. [ 2016.05.04 08:26:59 ] Trottel Elf > Pherick Sjang 500 ISK? you should ask mittens for allowance before you spend that much dude...
  18. [ 2016.05.04 08:32:51 ] paik > I am a evil coward who has no skill
  19. [ 2016.05.04 08:33:43 ] Trottel Elf > That moment when goons are so brainwashed that they don't realize anymore that noone gives a fuck if you jump a sinking ship
  20. [ 2016.05.04 08:36:19 ] Trottel Elf > You guys aint on grid. You guys are in a "sword fleet" whos only goal is to pick off slow newbros.
  21. [ 2016.05.04 08:37:37 ] Trottel Elf > the only thing i know is that you dont want to fight a fleet of 20 dudes
  22. [ 2016.05.04 08:45:02 ] Dafarr Maul > hi <- said after about 15 seconds on the O1Y gate in K4YZ-Y; think this was one of the cerb guys.
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