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Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  4. #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
  6. #define TRACE(x) x
  7. #define WATCH(x) TRACE(cout << #x" = " << x << endl)
  8. #define PRINT(x...) TRACE(printf(x))
  9. #define WATCHR(a, b) TRACE(for (auto c=a; c!=b;) cout << *(c++) << " "; cout << endl)
  10. #define WATCHC(V) TRACE({cout << #V" = "; WATCHR(V.begin(), V.end());})
  12. #define FU(i, a, b) for (auto i = a; i < b; ++i)
  13. #define fu(i, b) FU(i, 0, b)
  14. #define FD(i, a, b) for (auto i = (b) - 1; i >= a; --i)
  15. #define fd(i, b) FD(i, 0, b)
  16. #define sz(x) (int) (x).size()
  17. #define pb push_back
  19. using ll = long long;
  20. using vi = vector<int>;
  21. using vvi = vector<vi>;
  22. using vll = vector<ll>;
  23. using vvll = vector<vll>;
  24. using vd = vector<double>;
  25. using vb = vector<bool>;
  26. using pii = pair<int, int>;
  27. using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
  29. ll mod(ll a, ll b) {
  30. return ((a%b)+b)%b;
  31. }
  33. int cmp(double x, double y = 0, double tol = 1.e-7) {
  34. return (x <= y + tol) ? (x + tol < y) ? -1 : 0 : 1;
  35. }
  38. struct graph {
  39. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  40. // Shared part. Also known as: You will need this!
  41. //
  42. vi dest; // use sz(dest) as nar
  43. vvi adj; // use sz(adj) as nvt
  44. int inv(int a) { return a ^ 0x1; }
  45. graph(int n = 0) {
  46. adj.resize(n);
  47. }
  48. // Adds an arc to the graph. u is capacity, c is cost.
  49. // u is only needed on flows, and c only on min-cost-flow
  50. int arc(int i, int j) {
  51. dest.pb(j);
  52. adj[i].pb(sz(dest)-1);
  53. dest.pb(i);
  54. adj[j].pb(sz(dest)-1);
  55. return sz(dest)-2;
  56. }
  58. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  59. // Both Bridges/Articulation points and to Strongly Connected Components
  60. //
  62. vi depth;
  66. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  67. // Strongly Connected Components - O(n+m)
  68. // see [rep] for results
  69. //
  71. vi ord, rep;
  73. int transp(int a) { return (a & 0x1); }
  75. void dfs_topsort(int u) {
  76. for (int a : adj[u]) {
  77. int v = dest[a];
  78. if (!transp(a) && depth[v] == -1) {
  79. depth[v] = depth[u] + 1;
  80. dfs_topsort(v);
  81. }
  82. }
  83. ord.pb(u);
  84. }
  86. void dfs_compfortcon(int u, int ent) {
  87. rep[u] = ent;
  88. for (int a : adj[u]) {
  89. int v = dest[a];
  90. if (transp(a) && rep[v] == -1) dfs_compfortcon(v, ent);
  91. }
  92. }
  94. void compfortcon() {
  95. depth = vi(sz(adj), -1);
  96. ord.clear();
  97. fu(u, sz(adj)) if (depth[u] == -1) {
  98. depth[u] = 0;
  99. dfs_topsort(u);
  100. }
  102. rep = vi(sz(adj), -1);
  103. for (int i = sz(adj)-1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--) if (rep[ord[i]] == -1)
  104. dfs_compfortcon(ord[i], j++);
  105. reverse( ord.begin(), ord.end() );
  106. }
  108. };
  110. int n, m;
  111. vector< pair<int, int> > edges;
  112. vector< vector<int> > secondGraph;
  113. vector<int> edgeColors;
  115. // Estou lidando com intervalos semi-abertos!!!
  116. void recursiveMark(int start, int end, int color, const graph& GRAPH) {
  117. vector<int> nodes;
  118. vector<int> groups(n, -1);
  119. int groupSize = (end - start) / 42 + 1;
  120. for(int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
  121. groups[ GRAPH.ord[i] ] = ( i - start ) / groupSize;
  122. }
  123. deque<bool> pendente( (end - start) / groupSize + 1, false);
  124. for(int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
  125. for(const auto& out : secondGraph[ GRAPH.ord[i] ] ) {
  126. int dest = edges[out].second;
  127. if( groups[dest] != groups[ GRAPH.ord[i] ] && edgeColors[out] == -1 && groups[ dest ] != -1) edgeColors[out] = color;
  128. else if( groups[ GRAPH.ord[i] ] == groups[dest] ) pendente[ groups[GRAPH.ord[i]] ] = true;
  129. }
  130. }
  131. for(int g = 0; g < (int) pendente.size(); ++g) {
  132. if( pendente[g] ) {
  133. int st = g * groupSize;
  134. int nd = st + groupSize;
  135. nd = min( nd, n );
  136. recursiveMark(st, nd, color + 1, GRAPH);
  137. }
  138. }
  139. }
  141. int main()
  142. {
  143. ios::sync_with_stdio( false );
  144. cin.tie(NULL);
  145. cin >> n >> m;
  146. edgeColors.assign(m, -1);
  147. graph g(n);
  148. secondGraph.resize(n);
  149. for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
  150. int a, b;
  151. cin >> a >> b;
  152. --a; --b;
  153. g.arc(a, b);
  154. edges.emplace_back(a, b);
  155. secondGraph[a].push_back(i);
  156. }
  157. g.compfortcon();
  158. recursiveMark(0, n, 0, g);
  159. for(const int& c : edgeColors) {
  160. if( c == 0 ) cout << "R";
  161. else if( c == 1) cout << "G";
  162. else cout << "B";
  163. cout << endl;
  164. }
  165. return 0;
  166. }
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