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Apr 25th, 2019
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  1. ```css
  2. [M2 - Hoover]
  3. + He's been really active lately and seems to be on servers any time I've been around. He's actively taking support cases and responding to reports in-game.
  4. - I have received a few reports about him being aggressive or rude as a cop. I think that is part of his character, as he's not shown that side during support cases, and seems to be pretty calm and chill when I've spoken with him. I will have a chat with him about improvements he can make.
  5. *Candidate for Promotion? I would say at this time, he needs to work on engagement with players a bit.
  7. [M7 - ChrisDville]
  8. + Can't think of anything at this time.
  9. - I have not seen this one on much in the past week. Not sure of his timezone, but I believe he is from the US, but haven't seen him around at the times I have been. When I do see him online on Discord, he's usually playing other games. Not sure if he's discussed LOA or absense with anyone else. I will follow up with him to see what his plans are.
  10. *Candidate for Promotion? No
  12. [M11 - Blanket]
  13. + He's been really active in-game and in support channels. Very eager to handle reports and help people out. We are on a lot at the same times and he's helped me tremendously with things like organizing events, helped write the New Player Guide, and some development/testing things.
  14. - Can't think of anything at this time.
  15. *Candidate for Promotion? Needs to work on his professionalism and general knowledge a bit.
  16. ```
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