
Good Bye Silver

Jul 7th, 2013
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  1. With a heavy sigh, the zebra known as Liven Up packed his saddle bags. Numerous dried flowers of varied colors filled its pockets, all for a single purpose; the brewing of tea. Liven’s golden eyes danced around the room. He listed off in his head each flower he took and the quantity, making sure not to take too many as to halt the clinical operations. “I can’t believe he’s still…. Ugh.”
  2. Liven felt butterflies in his stomach. Meeting with THIS pony was not one he wanted to do, but the air needed to be cleared, and wrongs needed to be righted. With flowers and kettle in bag, he made his way from the back room, passed his coworker Bob, and left the small clinic.
  3. Making his way to the town square, his mind began to wander before fixating itself on the last few days. The one he was going to see had caused quite a few problems with town stability, and there had already been several physical altercations. However after tonight that wouldn’t be an issue, he just knew it. Once again he took a deep breath as he arrived at the home of his gray pony friend. “Hey, Silver,” he said, a hint of happiness in his voice. “Want to grab a cup of tea?”
  5. The two of them sat not far from the docks, a makeshift fire preparing the water for their drink. It was late, and most of the town’s residents were at the Inn getting drunk and washing away the toils of the day. It was the perfect time for the two of them to just sit and talk. What started as just light conversation had soon turned into deep discussion about the town and its survival by the time the tea was ready, the heaviest questions were upon them.
  6. “Can we do it,” Liven asked as he poured a cup for Silver, “Can we make it as a colony?”
  7. Silver took the cup and sighed as he looked into the dark colored liquid. “Honestly, I don’t know. I hope we can, but… I can’t compromise my morals.”
  8. The zebra doctor poured himself a small cup as well. “Are they so important? Are they worth risking lives over?”
  9. There was no response for several seconds as Silver thought Liven’s question over. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, he spoke. “Yes. It may not be in the town’s interest, but I’d rather die than compromise who I am,” he said before taking a sip of his drink.
  10. Liven merely sighed. “And you can’t put that on hold? Say nothing and wait until we’re an established people before you go white knight on us?”
  11. Silver shook his head. “I am who I am, and I’m not changing that.” Again, he sipped from the stone cup Liven provided him. “Hey, this is pretty good. New brew?”
  12. Liven’s golden eyes looked down at the untouched cup in his hooves. “Yeah, you can say that…” The butterflies started up in his stomach again, this time stronger than before. His gaze darted over to Silver as he watched the last drop drained from the cup.
  13. “Silver… I’m sorry.”
  14. “Hm?” They gray furred stallion looked over at his friend. “What for?”
  15. “For doubting you, and your character. You’re much stronger than I thought.”
  16. A small smile crept onto Silver’s face. “Hey, thanks. That means a lot.”
  17. In contrast to Silver’s smile, however, Liven showed no outward emotion. “Which is why I’m also sorry for doing what I did…”
  18. A brow raised over Silver’s eye. “You mean the fight? Don’t worry, it’s not-“
  19. “No, not that.” His voice was cold and callous, a far cry from his earlier tone. “Silver… I’m afraid that I have to kill you.”
  20. There was a deafening silence between the two, the only noise coming from the cicadas in the trees. For nearly two minutes they sat there, not a word being spoken. Then, out of the blue, Silver started to laugh.
  21. “That’s… that a good one! Man, you got me going for a second.”
  22. Liven still didn’t say a word as he turned and looked Silver in the eye. There was no emotion in his pupils, only a cold void.
  23. “You’re…. not joking…” Without a moment’s hesitation Silver sprang up and crouched down into a fighting pose. “You bastard, don’t think I’ll go down without a fight!” He even growled a bit as he got ready to defend himself.
  24. A small sigh escaped Liven’s lips as he continued to sit and began to look into the sky. It was a starry night, one he would never have seen in the city he lived in back home. “There’s nothing you can do, Silver. It’s too late.”
  25. Confusion spread across the doomed pony’s face. “Too late? What are you implying, do you really think you can take me dw-” a sharp, painful cough cut him off. The pony’s legs began to shake as he continued to cough, and before long his vision became blurry. “What… did you…”
  26. “Back at the clinic I underestimated our ability to survive poison. The nightshade I gave you wasn’t nearly enough, but I corrected that mistake.” Liven propped up from his seat and dumped the cup in his hooves out. “Oleander is considered to be the most poisonous plant in existence. Even the honey made from bees that pollinate it can kill an adult human. You just drank a whole cup of its tea.”
  27. A fiery gaze shot across Silver’s face as he tried to focus on Liven. “You… I’ll survive… Like I did…”
  28. Liven shook his head. “Why do you think we’re down here? A strong flowing river, no witnesses but the cicadas... I wouldn’t doubt your ability to survive the poison. But considering your condition, there is no way you’ll be able to swim.”
  29. Before Silver could respond, he was knocked off balance by Liven. Hardly able to move, he was no match for the zebra. Once on the ground, all it took was a simple kick to knock the incapacitated stallion into the water. Despite a burst of energy and his wild flailing, Silver was no match for the strong current, was easily carried away. With his last audible breath he screamed, “I CURSE YOU, LIVEN! CURSE YOU FOREVER!!!” It was impossible for anyone else in town to hear, but its intended target caught it just fine.
  30. Liven waited at the river, waited to make sure that Silver was well out of sight before he felt safe. “I am sorry,” he said to himself as the dropped the stone cups into the water. “But you were a danger to us all. Rest in peace, my friend. I’m sure I’ll get what’s coming to me soon enough…”
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