
[Verdant] - Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos

Dec 18th, 2018
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  1. Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos-
  3. Nyarlathotep is the god of illusion, trickery, magic, invention, dreams, unreality, and veils. He is a talented shapeshifter, but most often prefers to don the look of a handsome xenosapient with tanned skin and bronze eyes. Nyarlathotep delights in confusion and mental anguish--through giving boons to this followers, he ensures that he can, in kind, curse and confuse them, watching them unravel over their lifespan due to his strange blessings. He is accompanied by heavenly flutes and seemingly magical tools and instruments. Simple affairs such as romance and hive life amuse Nyarlathotep, who finds greater pleasure in emotional suffering than immediate death.
  5. Sacrifices:
  6. The caster must state that the ritual is devoted to Nyarlathotep.
  8. Boons:
  9. 1. The caster becomes incredibly beautiful, and is capable of shapeshifting into whatever form they desire. However, all forms still retain this allure and glamour.
  10. 2. The caster can change and strengthen or weaken other's romantic feelings towards them (with character consent) and can do the same to their own feelings.
  11. 3. The caster can modify their dreams to their liking and may perceive dreamtime as incredibly slow or fast, depending on their preferences. They are capable of crafting a fantasy realm within their own mind for their pleasure. In addition, the caster may 'cast' certain dreams on to others, and may modify these dreams (character consent/mod intervention for latter).
  12. 4. The caster gains the ability to play any instrument as a virtuoso would.
  14. Curses:
  15. 1. The caster comes to hate their matesprit and love their kismesis. This vacillation is unchangeable; though the caster, if they receive Boon 2, can make themselves -ambivalent- about both parties, this is all they can do, and they cannot change the matesprit or kismesis's feelings regarding -them-. If they attempt to restore feelings to themselves regarding these two parties, they will still hate their matesprit and love their kismesis.
  16. 2. The caster entirely forgets how to wield weapons of all sorts, including staffs, guns, bows, etcetera. They are also incapable of punching, kicking, or otherwise physically fighting anyone else. (No combat rolls, ever.)
  17. 3. The caster is unable to perceive anyone as they truly are, and instead sees them as near-clones of the caster, plus horn changes and caste color.
  18. 4. The caster is incapable of saying the words 'I love you' or 'I hate you', or permutations thereof. 'Let me show you how I feel' is perfectly acceptable, however. In addition, the caster is physically repelled from touching red, pale or black crushes -or- partners every other day.
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