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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. /datum/chemical_reaction/reagent_explosion/potassium_explosion/holyboom/on_reaction(datum/reagents/holder, created_volume)
  2. for(var/mob/living/carbon/C in get_hearers_in_view(round(created_volume/48,1),get_turf(holder.my_atom))
  3. if(iscultist(C) || holy(C))
  4. to_chat(C,"<span class='userdanger'>You feel as if your soul is being pulled into two directions at once..</span>")
  5. //make sleep 20 but the not-byond var one
  6. switch(rand(1,3))
  7. if(1)
  8. to_chat(C,"<span class='nicegreenlarge'>A soothing wave of victory refreshes your body as you feel your deity triumph!</span>"))
  9. if(iscultist(C))
  10. C.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/fuel/unholywater, 15)
  11. if(holy(C)) //jesus has to cheat because his water sucks
  12. C.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/medicine/omnizine, 15)
  13. C.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/medicine/regen_jelly, 15) //pretty much the same as unholy
  14. if(2)
  15. if(holy(C))
  16. to_chat(C,"<span class='cultlarge'>\"BURN.\"</span>"))
  17. C.Knockdown(50)
  18. C.adjust_fire_stacks(5)
  19. C.IgniteMob()
  20. C.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/fuel/unholywater, 15)
  21. if(iscultist(C))
  22. to_chat(C,"<span class='userdanger'>\"Begone, wretched creature!\"</span>"))
  23. to_chat(C,"<span class='userdanger'>You feel a foreign presence enter your body..</span>"))
  24. C.add_reagent(/datum/reagent/water/holywater, 40) //better purge that
  25. C.confused += 20
  26. C.dizzy += 10
  27. if(3)
  28. to_chat(C,"<span class='notice'>You feel as if the combined magics of both entities cancelled each other out.</span>"))
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