

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. id be my best if
  2. i could find my brain
  3. i had it for a second
  4. cuntfaec
  5. that day
  6. peaches
  7. its right there
  8. no
  9. you dont live inside of it
  10. its fog right now
  11. its fog and foghorns
  12. and circus fucking msuic
  13. and potholes
  14. peaches
  15. my head doesnt have the luxury of being foggy
  16. have you ever been on a boat
  17. in the night time
  18. in absolute fog
  19. that you can touch
  20. its absolutely terrifying
  21. no gps
  22. silence
  23. fog
  24. each inch you crawl forward
  25. exactly the same as the last
  26. black inky water lapping on the sides of your boat
  27. and the two people who own the boat
  28. are screaming at each other about which is the right way home
  29. and you're in the bay
  30. and can hear the huge ocean break
  31. not far off
  32. and you know that if you go the wrong way
  33. you'll end up swept out to sea
  34. in a boat far to small to make it through the break
  35. so u break down and cry
  36. with nobody to hold
  37. alone
  38. on a boat that you aren't driving
  39. and you're pretty sure is going to go somewhere u dont want it to
  40. and you can only pray for the fog to clear
  41. and then you hit a dock
  42. and someone lets you off the boat
  43. and wraps you in a blanket
  44. and you sit in front of a fire
  45. and they bring you something hot to drink
  46. and ask if you're ok
  47. and you wonder if they really want to know if you're ok
  48. or just get you ready to leave their house again
  49. but they say you can stay
  50. so you do
  54. help me
  55. you can lead a donkey in a circle around a mill
  56. but i want to be able to learn things for myself
  57. i want to feel like i own myself
  58. like i fill my own body with a person that knows what he's doing
  59. a real person
  60. not some fucking frightened child
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