
Heartwarming Moments with Rainbro (NOT MINE)

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. Heartwarming moments with Rainbro.
  2. You are Anonymous, the only human in equestria. After the accepting the fact that returning to your real home back on earth was impossible to achieve, you decide to just settle in a small town close by called Ponyville. After being able to assure the population that you are not dangerous to them, making friends was not hard at all. Especially after a certain pink pony threw you a huge party at which she invited a whole bunch of random ponies. Including the pony that always seems to have your back and be close when you need her, Rainbow Dash the best flier in equestria, the one and only, you’re Rainbro. Other ponies have been friendly to you as well but Rainbro was the closest of them all. There were certain reasons you felt closer to Dash then to all of her other friends.
  3. The pink party mare was also pretty fun to be around but she lacked coolness.
  4. There was a purple unicorn one who was interesting to talk to because she taught you everything you needed to know about what happens here. But other than informing she was boring to say the least.
  5. One certain Yellow one seemed to be obsessed with you being of another species and after seeing that you were of no harm was all over you asking about EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING so you actually tried to avoid that one.
  6. Your clothes are made by a white unicorn who always wants everything to be perfect. That reminded you of your old boss who fired you. Not a great choice, however you did really appreciate the fact that she made your clothes.
  7. At last we had an orange mare that was fun to be around but you can’t hang out with someone who’s always working now can you?
  8. Rainbro was also the first pony to walk around and actually do stuff with you, show you some games. Introduce you to the equestrian beverages… and she saved your ass twice after bringing it in danger in the first place but that doesn’t matter anymore.
  9. Every Friday you and Dash meet at your house to enjoy some movies, hang out and of course inhale a wide variety of alcohol filled beverages you randomly buy. Your house wasn’t the biggest so you had to find a way to fit in a bed somewhere, when you couldn’t you just decided to go for a couch-bed to save some space, inside your house you had a kitchen and a bathroom. Further luxuries were not available yet. However you're really living the good life with your best bro, that brings you to where you are now. Just another Friday night.
  10. "What is this shit? There is no evil, no plot, and no dastardly deeds! This is just random romantic crap" you exclaim clearly angered by the fact this horrible movie made it into your stash.
  11. "It also lacks action, let’s just skip this one" Rainbow says agreeing with your earlier statements."
  12. "How about this one?" She says holding up a daring do movie in her right hoof.
  13. "That's fine whatever my bro likes is fine with me” you say trying to stand up to stretch but failing miserably by falling back on the couch. Meh I didn't want to move anyway, you think to yourself.
  14. As your bro opens the box and grabs out the DVD to enter it in to the television your eyes slowly wander around her body stopping at her face. You notice that she looks adorable while the TV is the only light that shines on her face. Wait what?!? You think to yourself. She's my bro get ahold of yourself man, your thoughts are interrupted by her sitting down on the couch next to you and getting comfortable for the movie to start. You decide to do the same and just forget what just happened. You grab a random bottle of… Well you had no idea what they called this stuff but it had alcohol in it so it was fine with you. You passed one to your bro as well who gladly accepted it and started chugging it down as if it was the end of the world. However you weren’t a slow drinker yourself and you also chug it down. You decide to just put a whole bunch of them on the table and see how far you would get.
  16. Halfway through the movie all of it was gone when she suddenly rests her head on your chest. You look at her while she yawns and slowly starts dozing off. You turn off the TV and walk to the side of your couch, there you pull a lever making the lower part of the couch push forward revealing a bed big enough for 2 full grown stallions. Your bro visibly flinched at the sudden movement of the couch but soon realizes what happened and relaxes again.
  17. "Time to call it a night?" Rainbow says with a sleepy voice.
  18. "You don't think I’m letting my best bro fly away after drinking so much? Not on my watch." You say with a big drunken smile plastered to your face.
  19. "I don't want to be such a burden."
  20. "Trust me you're not a burden at all. This couch-bed thing is too big for me anyways"
  21. "W-well if you say so" she says a small blush forming on her face.
  22. You normally sleep in your boxers but assuming you're not alone today you only take of your shirt and hop in to bed. Rainbow just stood there watching you crawl into bed. Meanwhile you settle in to bed and redirect your view to face towards your bro, only to see her standing there with a blush on her face.
  23. "Don't worry were bro's 'S all fine, I won’t bite." You say whilst drunken laughter escapes your mouth.
  24. Rainbro slowly steps on to the bed and rests at the far side of the bed.
  25. "Goodnight Anon" she says ready to turn her back to you.
  26. "You don’t want in?" You say holding up your blanket. Only to make her blush several shades darker.
  27. "I’m fine Anon I got these wings to keep me warm you know" she spreads her wings to show them off in pride.
  28. "Ok well goodnight bro"
  29. "Goodnight Anon" a slightly depressed sigh escapes her mouth. Probably just too much drinking you think.
  30. You close your eyes and feel your mind slowly losing consciousness.
  31. What the? how did I get here you ask yourself as you awake on a beach with a lot of sand scrambled on top of your body, which actually felt really soft and warm, a pleasant feeling to say the least. Then suddenly your face feels itchy. You shrug it off not willing to lose the sand that lies on your body because it just felt so DAMN good. However after several minutes you couldn't take it anymore, when you're about to scratch you suddenly feel everything around you slipping away and turning to total darkness. You wake up, this time for real. Still with the warm sensation on your body though as you look down you see where the warmth is coming from. Your bro's snuggled against your chest...and you are...holding her tight against your body with your arms??? Wtf! as you look up you see your window is open, and there is cold air slipping through. You sigh in relief that you probably just grabbed the nearest warm thing close to you and held it in an embrace. You should let go before your bro wakes up to see the awkward situation you both are in. However when you look down at your bro you see that her eyes are wide awake and she is...returning the hug...What A Bro you think to yourself. See's I'm cold and keeps me warm. You smile as that thought floats to your mind.
  32. "Hey br-" she flinches at your voice and scoots to the far end of the bed again.
  33. "Eh heh heh sorry about that Anon it’s just-" you interrupt her.
  34. "I totally understand, and I really wanted to say that I don’t know what I would do without you. You mean so much to me.” You say, your drunken mind making you oblivious of how awkward it actually was and not noticing her blush at all.
  35. "R-really you really feel that way Anon?" She says a big smile starting to from on her face as she slowly moves toward you.
  36. “Of course I feel that way. I mean you’re the best bro anyone could imagine! I felt cold and you decide to warm me up. Thanks bro"
  37. "Y-yeah warm you up that’s what I was doing" she sounded disappointed.
  38. “Something wrong bro?”
  39. "N-nothing really, just... Well never mind it’s stupid to think anyway"
  40. "Okay then the window is still open and I’m freezi-" suddenly she is right back in the embrace, snuggling even closer to your chest than the first time. If that was even possible.
  41. "Bro… What are you doing?"
  42. "Keeping you warm ofcourse she states" tightening the embrace ever so slightly.
  43. You decide to just deal with it and wrap your arms around her once again. You could have sworn you actually heard hear her...purr? Or something related to that but you decide to not think about it. What time was it actually? Looking up to your alarm clock you realize that its 5AM. You hardly even slept 2 hours now realizing that’s why you’re still feeling so groggy you decide it’s better to go to sleep again. You're already hearing light snoring as your bro was already fast asleep. You decide to try to get some shut eye as well. Well here we go again.
  44. Waking up again in the same beach you were before you actually realize that you're dreaming this time. A lucid fucking dream! Awesome! You stand up and notice that the sand falls off but the warm sensation stays. You walk around the beach but there's nothing really of interest on this beach. There were a lot of trees behind you but there was no sign of life in this whole area. What a lame dream you think to yourself, at that moment you feel the tickling sensation again, better check what it is this time you think to yourself.
  45. Slowly you start opening your eyes only to close them again because of the light that is soo FUCKING BRIGHT. Attempt number two. Once again opening you're eyes only to see a wall of blue in front of you. As your vision slowly starts getting sharper you notice that you're now face to face with Rainbro, only thing separating you were a few hairs of her mane. Well this is awkward... You let go of her and try to increase the distance between the two of you. Only for her to tighten the embrace and slowly move closer. Fumbling something about feeling good she slowly starts moving her head towards yours and her muzzle meets your nose.
  46. "Erm bro?" You notice Rainbro is now slowly opening her eyes. Only to close her eyes again at the bright light.
  47. "Morning Anon" you hear her mumbling. And once again she closes the distance between your body and her body.
  48. "You can let go of me now you know..."
  49. "I'm cold" the moment she said your heart melted. You wrap your arms around her and close all the distance that was left between you two. Gotta return the favor to my bro you think to yourself. You feel her mane within your hands and it is SO SOFT, you decided that caressing it would be appropriate and would bring some warmth at well. This time you notice her wings are slowly unfolding, strange... She looks up with a look in her eyes so full of? Affection??? Nah it couldn't be she's your bro she's probably just sleepy. Until she starts moving her head closer to yours slowly closing her eyes in the process. And then you could feel her mouth pressed fully against your cheek. After a few moments she ends her moment of affection towards you. Slowly opening her eyes only to see a startled and completely unfocused you. Your brain is still processing what happened to you. Your bro... She... Kissed you. She loves you? But she's a friggin pony!!!! You can't say you've never thought of being in a relationship with a pony. But what you can be fully sure of is that you never thought it would be your own bro who was falling for you. And yet you didn’t mind at all, you actually felt very happy.
  50. “I should have known you never thought of me that way” Slowly tears were forming around her eyes. Rainbro buried her muzzle in your chest slowly, regretting everything she had done. NO you can’t let this happen. THINK ANON what can you do? I’m horrible with words... you think to yourself and you don’t want to screw this up, so you do the only thing that pops up in your head. You slowly lift her head to eye level with yours.
  51. “I’m sorry Anon I shouldn’t ha-” She begins only to be interrupted by something closing her mouth. That something was your lips. You kissed her. Slowly she realized what had happened and returned the affection pressing back against you. When you think enough is enough you decide to break the kiss. Right when you were going to speak again her lips press firmly against yours once again. Screw words you smile slightly as you return the kiss. Your lips slowly separate and you look each other in the eyes.
  52. “Rainbow when did you realize you felt like this?” you asked curiously.
  53. “Not much time after we started hanging out, but I couldn’t tell you that because...”
  54. “Because what?” You were very curious now. ”what stopped you from trying to be with me?”
  55. “Well you were always calling me bro ‘n stuff so I figured you only saw me as a friend... and whenever I did try to drop some hints, you would remind me of me being your bro and, that would totally break the mood ” She looks down feeling pretty bad of what you had her going through.
  56. You were astonished. You and your foolish theories about bro’s for life were blocking any signs she was dropping to actually want to be more than friends. You mentally slap yourself for being so stupid. But now you had a mare in front of you that just confessed her feelings towards you.
  57. “I’m sorry for never realizing, I can be very lightheaded sometimes”
  58. “Sometimes?”
  59. “Stop messing with me” you grinned and yanked her into a hug.
  60. “I’m going to make it all up to you…”
  61. Life was now officially going to be about 20% cooler.
  62. THE END?.
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