
The Final Fluff-tier, Part 1

Mar 16th, 2013
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  1. Captain's Log: UNAF Research Vessel Epsilon
  2. In orbit around Athena IV, Macedon System
  3. Earth date: 17th June, 2345
  4. >SPACE! The final frontier!
  5. >Long has man stared in awe at the stars, and long have the stars been out of man's grasp
  6. >That is, until rockets and shit happened
  7. >Some dudes walked on the moon or something and everyone and their mom popped a boner
  8. >Now, I'm stuck flying around the ass end of nowhere on soufylyuugy.asdfhj7yuq390
  9. "Fwuffy wuv clacky wettews! Hehehehe!"
  11. >You are Captain Isaac Latt of the United Nations Armed Forces, commanding officer of the Epsilon, a state-of-the-art spacecraft, and you've just finished the first day of your new job
  12. >You WERE in the middle of typing up your take on the day's events, until one of the subjects escaped the labs
  13. >Your gaze slowly lowers from the holo-monitor to the keyboard and the vein in your forehead slowly becomes more defined
  14. >There, prancing all over the keys, is a Fluffy Pony
  15. >The boys back on Earth discovered centuries-old DNA that didn't match any living creature
  16. >Turns out, the DNA belonged to "Fluffy Ponies," also known as "Shit Dispensers"
  17. >Apparently, things on Earth got so bad a few hundred years back that they were eradicated
  18. >Upon their re-discovery, PETA, which is surprisingly still a thing, lost their shit
  19. >They wouldn't shut the hell up, so the government decided to do something about it
  20. >So, naturally, the government cloned some up and sent your sorry ass a few hundred light years from home to study them
  21. >The results were...less than satisfactory
  22. >You grab the horrid little creature by the scruff and bring it up to eye level
  23. "Listen to me, you little shit. You're lucky the only thing between you, me, and that vacuum is a single hull, or God help me there would be a plasma burn where your frontal lobe is right now."
  24. "Dat mean we gon' pway?"
  25. >You sigh and call for the science team to take the abomination back to containment
  26. "Hey, Jim, if that thing escapes again, it's going out the airlock. Understood?"
  27. "Yes, sir..."
  28. >You slump down in your chair and try to wrap your head around what the galactic fuck is happening
  29. >It's barely been a single day, and already four shits have been taken on the bridge alone
  30. >The Fluffies managed to break containment more times than you care to count
  31. >Honestly, security in the labs is pretty lax at the moment
  32. >Cute little ponies hardly call for standard protocol
  33. >Just a few hours ago, you were fine with that, as long as they stayed in the labs
  34. >Now, you're considering using the plasma cutters to scare the things into submission
  35. "How the hell did I get roped into this job...?"
  36. >You get up and start to head toward the labs, reminiscing as you go
  37. >You miss the good old days of space battles and alien booty
  38. >Now you've got to deal with your crew of retarded manchildren constantly trying to play with the Fluffies
  39. "Nyeh! But Cap'n, we were just pwaying!" you say in a mocking tone
  40. >You eventually arrive in the ship's bio-lab
  41. "Captain on deck!" Sylvan, the resident suckup, shouts
  42. "Shut the fuck up, Sylvan." you respond
  43. >You begin walking around the lab for an impromptu inspection
  44. >Everyone else is quietly going about their business, the silence occasionally broken by a giggle or some baby talk
  45. >The Fluffies are, for the most part, asleep
  46. >Some are still playing or eating, and at least one has managed to choke to death on its water bottle
  47. >That's alright, though, since there's about FOUR FUCKING MILLION OF THE LITTLE SHITS IN STASIS
  48. >You frown, head up to your quarters, frown some more, and pour yourself a drink
  49. >It's going to be a LONG mission...
  51. >You are Jim Townsend, a UNAF scientist
  52. >You are currently looking after Fluffers Vakarian, your personal favorite Fluffy
  53. >His coat is pale silver, and his mane is a blueish purple
  54. >Based on the data your team has dug up, he is what was once called an "Earth Fluffy"
  55. "Let's see...vitals, check...appetite, check...blah blah blah..."
  56. >You go down your extensive checklist and check off everything except "DECEASED?"
  57. >Apparently these little guys are going to be reintroduced to Earth to be sold as bio-toys by some rich motherfucker
  58. >He owns some company...Weyland something or other
  59. >You move on to the day's final test: intelligence
  60. "Hey there, little guy! How do you feel?"
  61. "Fwuffy sweepy..."
  62. >It understands you, that's a start
  63. "Well, you can go to sleep after you answer a few questions, okay?"
  64. "Otay, daddeh!"
  65. "I'm not your daddy. I'm just here to make sure you don't die."
  66. >A look of sheer confusion creeps onto the Fluffy's face
  67. "Buh yu daddeh! Yu gif food an pway wif fwuffy!"
  68. >You can't be bothered to deal with this, so you just mark its mental status as "Retarded"
  69. >Sure, it's cute, but you really don't feel like dealing with this kind of thing, so you put him to bed
  70. "Alright, Fluffers, sleep tight. I'll be back tomorrow."
  71. "Night daddeh! ...whah ta... too... mowwow mean?"
  72. >You slap your forehead and make a second check in the Retarded box
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