

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. BellaRebelOutLaw: im gonna brb for a few i need to go to mom's and eat dinner
  2. QnDebShadow: tyt
  3. QnDebShadow: meet me at your empire room
  4. XxLordDukeAxX: Greetings , Everyone
  5. EmpersMaraDracon: vendui
  6. QnDebShadow: .Greetings
  7. XxLordDukeAxX: i would say sorry for the delays but noone answers invites
  8. EmpersMaraDracon: i never got one
  9. QnDebShadow: Angel is afk
  10. XxLordDukeAxX: 'looks around , Is Angel at home ?'
  11. XxLadyDestinyAxX: He should be doing insulin about now I think
  12. XxLordDukeAxX: i got all night i shall await his return
  13. QnDebShadow: there is a party going on at his house as well
  14. EmprsWickedNightfire: - she would appear from out of the shadows she would bow her head to the Empress- Greetings
  15. EmpersMaraDracon: he iss doing a family thing in rl
  16. XxLordDukeAxX: aye understandable wouldnt want to piss off his wife Kana
  17. XxLordDukeAxX: would we ...
  18. XxLordDukeAxX: i only to bare his lieing ass that he no need to worry for wicked and all you guys bs lies ....
  19. XxLordDukeAxX: now this can lead to alott of drama real fast
  20. EmpersMaraDracon: wth
  21. XxLordDukeAxX: so him and wicked are done
  22. BellaRebelOutLaw: o,o
  23. QnDebShadow: wb Bella
  24. BellaRebelOutLaw: ty
  25. XxLordDukeAxX: you all keep your lieing ass away from her any drama there will be a war
  26. BellaRebelOutLaw: what going on
  27. EmprsWickedNightfire: I know that him and Kani are married in RL and playing me as well
  28. XxLordDukeAxX: im rerady i hope you all are
  29. XxLordDukeAxX: your playing with a mother fucker now
  30. EmpersMaraDracon: for one you dont come in here acting hrude and crude
  31. QnDebShadow: you believe what you want Lord
  32. XxLordDukeAxX: we knoe the truth
  33. BellaRebelOutLaw: im lost
  34. XxLordDukeAxX: i bet you are
  35. EmpersMaraDracon: and for anothwer you dont know shitt
  36. BellaRebelOutLaw: o.o
  37. XxLordDukeAxX: this has nothing to do with you Outlaw
  38. EmpersMaraDracon: only false accusationdsa
  39. XxLordDukeAxX: you are blood mother
  40. EmprsWickedNightfire: oh really ?
  41. XxLordDukeAxX: this is not your fight
  42. XxLordDukeAxX: dont make it be
  43. EmpersMaraDracon: you do not know da wae!!!!
  44. QnDebShadow: let me and Mara handle this
  45. EmprsWickedNightfire: then why is Kani always around and they are supposedly divorced?
  46. QnDebShadow: It is called friendship
  47. XxLordDukeAxX: you dont know me well neither
  48. EmprsWickedNightfire: sorry but it doesnt work like that
  49. XxLordDukeAxX: just stay away we stay away and it done
  50. QnDebShadow: ten you dont know Angel very well
  51. XxLordDukeAxX: simple
  52. EmprsWickedNightfire: I have called him out along with you and Kani Deb
  53. XxLordDukeAxX: it will end
  54. EmprsWickedNightfire: oh really
  55. QnDebShadow: me?
  56. EmprsWickedNightfire: yes it has
  57. EmprsWickedNightfire: yes I have
  58. EmprsWickedNightfire: why you leave when I come in
  59. QnDebShadow: because i dont like you
  60. EmprsWickedNightfire: along with that wretched cat Momo
  61. QnDebShadow: and showing respect to Angel to not start anything
  62. EmpersMaraDracon: 1Fyou did not
  63. XxLordDukeAxX: oh you one of those
  64. EmprsWickedNightfire: I really dont give a rats backside mam
  65. XxLordDukeAxX: she stealing your dick ayw
  66. XxLordDukeAxX: enough is enough
  67. XxLordDukeAxX: you got your man
  68. XxLordDukeAxX: it done
  69. EmprsWickedNightfire: When you are a mans woman it is your right if he claims it is her home
  70. QnDebShadow: not my man, no way
  71. XxLordDukeAxX: it settle stay away as we will
  72. EmprsWickedNightfire: good riddance
  73. XxLordDukeAxX: this family will known for lies
  74. QnDebShadow: very
  75. XxLordDukeAxX: if anyone if fucked with
  76. QnDebShadow: i am dying of laughter right clueless
  77. EmpersMaraDracon: then you dont shit about this familty
  78. XxLordDukeAxX: are blondes are
  79. EmprsWickedNightfire: I know more than I need to
  80. EmpersMaraDracon: and for another you dont know sit
  81. XxLordDukeAxX: it works both ways
  82. EmprsWickedNightfire: you underestimated me to begin with
  83. EmprsWickedNightfire: not a good idea
  84. XxLordDukeAxX: just remember that it stop here and now
  85. EmpersMaraDracon: no one underestimated you
  86. XxLordDukeAxX: block and delete all
  87. XxLordDukeAxX: this stop noone more contact
  88. QnDebShadow: trust me, i wont be going anywhere near her or her realms
  89. XxLordDukeAxX: or it goes to battle
  90. EmpersMaraDracon: we just dont like you or how you treat my broter
  91. XxLordDukeAxX: we dont like how you treat wicked
  92. XxLordDukeAxX: and brother a lie and not playing wicked
  93. XxLordDukeAxX: why you was toss from the family
  94. XxLordDukeAxX: then you come to mine
  95. EmpersMaraDracon: you controling freak and trows a big fit if e dont do as you want
  96. XxLordDukeAxX: noooo
  97. XxLordDukeAxX: keep your rl and drama outof the familiies
  98. XxLordDukeAxX: we stupid
  99. EmpersMaraDracon: yeah you are
  100. QnDebShadow: Mara is his sis in law here AND rl
  101. XxLordDukeAxX: haha
  102. XxLordDukeAxX: nah nothing like that u dont me
  103. EmpersMaraDracon: because i know for a fact wicked was in two rooms at once
  104. XxLordDukeAxX: iim not letting you or your people fuck over there
  105. EmprsWickedNightfire: I treat your brother with kindness and respect it is him that disrespects me by keeping a harem around and that is not how you treat someone you want to call your Wife and mother your children
  106. EmpersMaraDracon: you have not
  107. XxLordDukeAxX: you arleady tried that with the family
  108. QnDebShadow: LMAOOOOOOOO
  109. XxLordDukeAxX: and got tossed out
  110. EmpersMaraDracon: a aren really
  111. QnDebShadow: say goodbye, its done
  112. EmpersMaraDracon: he is not like tat at all
  113. XxLordDukeAxX: it done any more shit it the battle field
  114. XxLordDukeAxX: the rp will be on
  115. XxLordDukeAxX: not playing
  116. EmprsWickedNightfire: Duke, I am quite finished with the web of lies
  117. EmpersMaraDracon: go blow it out of you asses
  118. EmprsWickedNightfire: I have other matters to attend to
  119. QnDebShadow: says the spider
  120. EmprsWickedNightfire: only that would come from a mouth of a commoner
  121. XxLordDukeAxX: aye let leave the shit house for i caught the disease of lies
  122. EmpersMaraDracon: you good for nothing creatin
  123. XxLordDukeAxX: poof
  124. EmpersMaraDracon: and lies noone tell more lies than you two trust me
  125. EmprsWickedNightfire: oh really
  126. EmpersMaraDracon: yes really
  127. QnDebShadow: Mara shhh
  128. MisticAngelWDracon: fire ball shots and tequila !!
  129. EmprsWickedNightfire: remember you cant boot me mam
  130. MisticAngelWDracon: bk
  131. BellaRebelOutLaw: mara hush
  132. EmpersMaraDracon: no i am not gonna shh
  133. MisticAngelWDracon: oops wait
  134. BellaRebelOutLaw: please
  135. MisticAngelWDracon: hello
  136. QnDebShadow: Angel, unmod her
  137. EmprsWickedNightfire: ANgel this is goodbye
  138. MisticAngelWDracon: huh
  139. EmpersMaraDracon: i had it woth her mistreating my brother and making hium a bad uy
  140. EmprsWickedNightfire: I know that you and Kani are married in RL
  141. MisticAngelWDracon: wait what!
  142. MisticAngelWDracon: no
  143. MisticAngelWDracon: we arent
  144. QnDebShadow: they are divorced you idiot
  145. MisticAngelWDracon: we was
  146. MisticAngelWDracon: nor any more
  147. EmprsWickedNightfire: care to lie to me somemore?
  148. EmpersMaraDracon: your are as stupid as the come wicked
  149. EmpersMaraDracon: tey are not married in rl
  150. MisticAngelWDracon: umm i am not lieying
  151. EmprsWickedNightfire: sure
  152. MisticAngelWDracon: we aint married in rl
  153. EmpersMaraDracon: i am the one tat is married to his brother in rl and ere
  154. MisticAngelWDracon: we was together not anymore
  155. MisticAngelWDracon: why would u say that
  156. QnDebShadow: they got divorced awhile ago
  157. EmpersMaraDracon: so you can take your abusive lying ass some were else
  158. EmprsWickedNightfire: I am not abusive at all
  159. MisticAngelWDracon: hey hey
  160. QnDebShadow: UNMOD HER
  161. EmpersMaraDracon: and spin you your own fuckin lies to someone that cares
  162. MisticAngelWDracon: get along people
  163. EmprsWickedNightfire: you dont like the fact that a real woman knows how she is supposed to be treated
  164. MisticAngelWDracon: whats wrong
  165. EmpersMaraDracon: cause i dont
  166. QnDebShadow: if you contact any of them after tonight there will be a war, so no more contact
  167. EmpersMaraDracon: my brother know how to treat women
  168. EmpersMaraDracon: and you are no womean
  169. EmprsWickedNightfire: and this ANgel you can have along with your WIFE and these things you call friend and Familia
  170. QnDebShadow: sure, but how do you treat a man? verbally abuse him, control him, accuse him of things he didnt do, thats a real woman for ya
  171. EmpersMaraDracon: and a real woman know how to treat her man
  172. EmprsWickedNightfire: I have kids ANgels age how would you know
  173. EmprsWickedNightfire: you just getting started
  174. MisticAngelWDracon: i am not married !
  175. MisticAngelWDracon: wtf
  176. EmprsWickedNightfire: you can not and have not proven it
  177. EmpersMaraDracon: i am bnot holdiong my toungue for you or any one
  178. QnDebShadow: you can leave now wicked
  179. EmprsWickedNightfire: Deb while your down there you can lick my boots
  180. EmpersMaraDracon: you are abusive and controling and noone gonna lick your ugly ass boots
  181. QnDebShadow: i can shove them up your ass while i am at it >:)
  182. EmprsWickedNightfire: I am not
  183. Guest_katrinamoon2: Someone's salty
  184. EmprsWickedNightfire: good luck trollop
  185. EmpersMaraDracon: yes you are
  186. MisticAngelWDracon: wow
  187. BellaRebelOutLaw: o,o
  188. MisticAngelWDracon: why are u accusing me of something is not real
  189. EmpersMaraDracon: it had to be said
  190. EmpersMaraDracon: se left bro
  191. QnDebShadow: block her now
  192. BellaRebelOutLaw: /me crys
  193. EmpersMaraDracon: now block her if i see her i ll kill er
  194. Guest_katrinamoon2: Welp
  195. MisticAngelWDracon: bella pls dont be sad
  196. QnDebShadow: -laughs- im a trollop thats funny
  197. QnDebShadow: Angel
  198. QnDebShadow: block wicked now
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