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a guest
Jan 28th, 2011
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  1. two sticks, dash, cake with a stick down <perhaps 11-9 or 9-11?>
  2. ...
  3. [today] marks a great day [for] egypt
  4. I need [vuer]
  5. eth2dec
  6. reet now
  7. reet 9 et
  8. for today [...]
  9. it was all
  10. "[time] two sticks, dash, cake with a stick down" 7079.88 kHz
  11. "test time" 7079.88 kHz
  13. "net time, [...] dark skies, bloody [moon]" 7079.55 kHz
  14. "didn't catch that, [repeat]" 7079.55 kHz
  15. "su32 will be [well] known" 7079.55 kHz
  16. "test time" 7079.88 kHz
  17. "all but one" 7080.23 kHz
  18. "dial not working," 7080.23 kHz
  19. "airports [being shut] down" 7080.23 kHz
  20. "2 miles -- no, [1 miles] away" 7080.23 kHz
  21. "have you been [able] to get a hold [of a] american?" 7080.23 kHz
  22. "I have a [internet] connection, ill" 7080.23 kHz (couldn't make out anything else)
  23. "have you contacted [anyone] yet?" 7080.23 kHz
  24. "americans, the americans" 7080.23 kHz
  25. "everything is happening, everything we thought" 7080.23 kHz
  26. "I got a contect [from] germany" 7080.66 kHz
  28. ~00:30 UTC 7078.70 - 7079.88 kHz
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