
Licensing snafus

Jul 31st, 2016
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  2. 22:17 ? tyroz joined (
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  5. 22:40 <Bitterblue> "In addition we deny anyone the right to derive a Photoshop plugin from the source code of RemoveGrain."
  6. 22:42 <JEEB> lol
  7. 22:43 <Lord> chances are that's invalid anyway
  8. 22:44 <Lord> or at least it is questionable as it conflicts with the license mentioned in the source file
  9. 22:44 <•Myrsloik> what?
  10. 22:44 <•Myrsloik> where did you find that?
  11. 22:44 <Lord> the readme
  12. 22:45 <Lord> or whatever it is
  13. 22:45 <Bitterblue> degrainmedian.h
  14. 22:45 <Lord> oh, where's that one
  15. 22:45 <Bitterblue>
  16. 22:46 <Bitterblue> It borrows some code from Removegrain.
  17. 22:46 <Bitterblue> Macros containing inline asm.
  18. 22:46 <Lord> well, if it is stated more clearly there then it might actually apply
  19. 22:46 <Lord> that's just standard avs plugin code
  20. 22:47 <Lord> 95% inline asm with C macros
  21. 22:47 <Lord> (the remaining 5% is the C++ avs interface)
  22. 22:49 <Lord> ...ok, it is not clear at all
  23. 22:50 <Lord> it still claims that the license is GPL (which it cannot be)
  24. 22:50 <Lord> or well cannot be if we assume that the license of RemoveGrain is not GPL
  25. 22:50 <Lord> which wasn't clear itself, so yeah
  26. 22:50 <Lord> have fun
  27. 22:51 <Lord> but at least the copypasta would suggest that they can't claim they didn't see "that other license statement"
  28. 22:53 <Lord>  The plugin is based on STMedianFilter plugin by Tom Barry
  29. 22:53 <Lord> according to a quick google, that one is GPL
  30. 22:53 <Lord> tl;dr you can't distribute degrainmedian082
  31. 22:53 <JEEB> well you can, as it is a derivative work of a GPL work and thus is GPL by itself
  32. 22:53 <JEEB> virality, ho
  33. 22:53 <Lord> nope
  34. 22:54 <JEEB> unless it's a single author for all of them
  35. 22:54 <Lord> it is a combination of a GPL and a GPL-incompatible work
  36. 22:54 <Lord> see above
  37. 22:54 <JEEB> by putting non-GPL and GPL into the same thing you're effectively making it all GPL, though, no?
  38. 22:54 <Lord> only if you have the right to, obviously
  39. 22:54 <Lord> hence "incompatible"
  40. 22:55 <Lord> RemoveGrain does not provide any provisions to relicense as GPL
  41. 22:55 <Lord> (it explicitly denies it in fact)
  42. 22:55 <JEEB> you can't just randomly remove that virality from GPL, though
  43. 22:55 <Bitterblue> RemoveGrain is not GPL?
  44. 22:55 <junh1024-XD> There was a time when, You can't distribute FDK_AAC with FFMPEG
  45. 22:55 <junh1024-XD> cuz incomptible licenses
  46. 22:55 <JEEB> junh1024-XD: that's different
  47. 22:55 <Lord> JEEB: of course, but that won't make it GPL
  48. 22:55 <junh1024-XD> and all the herp about building & compiling
  49. 22:55 <junh1024-XD> and secret links
  50. 22:56 <junh1024-XD> oh?
  51. 22:56 <Lord> tl;dr it is a non-GPL license that has all the bad parts of GPL
  52. 22:56 <JEEB> fdk-aac and ffmpeg are clearly separate entities
  53. 22:56 <JEEB> while we're talking about someone who put GPL code into his own code base and tries to license it differently
  54. 22:56 <JEEB> which just won't fly :P
  55. 22:56 <JEEB> I mean, it will fly but it means that it is ALSO licensed as GPL
  56. 22:56 <JEEB> (unless it's a single author who has all of the copyright)
  57. 22:57 <Lord> it's actually the opposite
  58. 22:57 ? Temuthril joined (~Temuthril@4B5AFBC8.F6A94B89.DBE600CF.IP)
  59. 22:57 <JEEB> junh1024-XD: and I'm pretty sure enable-nonfree is still required for fdk-aac because it's a separate library with non-compatible licenses
  60. 22:57 <Lord> 1. there is RemoveGrain with the dodgy non-GPL license
  61. 22:57 <JEEB> it might not be required for an LGPL build
  62. 22:57 <Lord> 2. there is STMedianFilter with GPL
  63. 22:57 <Lord> and then you have degrainmedian that combines them
  64. 22:58 <Lord> only this last part is invalid
  65. 22:58 <Lord> (and only for distribution of course)
  66. 22:58 <JEEB> right
  67. 22:59 <JEEB> so the guy is breaking RemoveGrain's license
  68. 22:59 <Lord> basically
  69. 22:59 <Lord> if he claims GPL
  70. 22:59 <JEEB> also for some reason I'm still poking at android shit
  71. 22:59 <Lord> if he claims the non-GPL license then the other one :p
  72. 22:59 <JEEB> ye
  73. 22:59 <Lord> but looks like he claims GPL
  74. 23:00 <Lord> he would have the excuse of RemoveGrain's license not being clear if he didn't outright copypasted the non-GPL one in there :P
  75. 23:00 <Lord> -d
  76. 23:00 ? Shiz nipped out  
  77. 23:00 ? Shiz quit (~s@regrettable.effort) Quit: v. quit or quit·ted (kwtd), quit·ting, quits: To abandon or put aside; forsake
  78. 23:01 ? Shiz joined (~s@regrettable.effort)
  79. 23:01 <JEEB> lol
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