
Mira Style refund

Apr 10th, 2020
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  1. Key: Marikia
  2. Character: Mira
  3. Skill(or transformation): Style refund (Fencing/Zornhau)
  4. Reasoning: When Mira first started her training towards uniting her soul with her weapon, she was running off dreams and legends. So, she went into her training with a style that she had always known, relying on it to help her get to know her blade better and by extension, herself better. Through that training, and with help from others, she finally united and started understanding her sword. Unfortunately for her, as she continued training with her new partner, something became painfully obvious.
  6. Both her blade and her style were not what was needed. Every time she connected with her sword, something felt off. She was just a bit too slow, to late to dodge enemies that just a bit a go, wouldn't have phased her. Her blade itself felt like it needed to be shorter, quicker. Mira starts noticing the holes in her guard, and goes for guidance from Lady Helena. The kind Kaio gives her a shorter sword, enchanted with the speed of the wind, and guides her towards covering her guard with magic. Understanding the guidance, Mira has begun to try and retrain her body to go faster, dodge better. She may not hit as hard, but this new style of fighting will allow her to get more hits in.
  8. She also goes to the library and researches why her style doesn't fit, looking for any bit of knowledge she could on the legendary blades. What Mira comes to realize is that her blade and soul are leading her towards a legendary that is meant to be quicker, cast magic, and shorter. Despite her mind not knowing it, her soul does and is trying to correct her path before it becomes too late and she will no longer be able to be a proper partner for the blade.
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