
Broken Wings, Chapter 9 - Muddy Waters

Jun 5th, 2012
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  2. “Alright Rainbow…you ready?”
  3. >”Yeah…ready.”
  4. “You know, you didn’t have to wait for me to be with you to do this.”
  5. >Rainbow just turns red and glares at you.
  6. >”Well, I wanted you here with me, you dunce!”
  7. >You laugh and step back, giving Rainbow the room she needs atop a hill behind your home.
  8. >It’s been almost two weeks since you last saw Applejack.
  9. >She made it clear she didn’t want you around…and you respected that.
  10. >Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath of the late morning breeze.
  11. >She could have had her first flight weeks ago, but no.
  12. >It had to be a perfect day. Perfect conditions, perfect wind.
  13. >And you had to be there.
  14. >You admit, you were not surprised in the least when you woke up after that first night spent with her.
  15. >It felt almost natural. After all, in a perverse way, you knew Rainbow inside and out.
  16. >That’s a little surgeon’s joke, there.
  17. >Dash limbers up, stretching her wings slowly, like a diner sampling fresh soup.
  18. >You think AJ would have come to talk to you long ago if she had any interest in it.
  19. >Luckily for you, Rainbow was there to pick up the pieces.
  20. >She flaps her wings a few times, getting a feel for it.
  21. >It reminds you of the time you first settled in to your first car.
  22. >Pure, unadulterated joy.
  23. >”Ok Anon…you be sure to catch me if something goes wrong, ok?”
  24. >You smirk and fold your arms.
  25. “Rainbow, are you nervous?”
  27. >You smirk as Rainbow hunkers down…
  28. >…and takes flight.
  29. >You cheer and clap your hands as Rainbow rises higher and higher, each wingbeat stronger than the last.
  30. >You couldn’t imagine this day back when this all started, when your first introduction to Rainbow Dash was as a twisted lump of flesh and bone on your operating table.
  31. >But, you made a promise to see her back to the sky she so loves.
  32. >You hear her laughter spread in all directions as she turns and pitches, playing in currents and thermals you aren’t even sure she can see.
  33. >You kept your promise.
  34. >As you follow Rainbow dancing above you, your eye is drawn to the distant hillside, in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.
  35. >More specifically, the blurry orange form on top of it.
  36. >You blink…Is that…
  37. >You rub your eyes and blink.
  38. >Huh…she’s gone.
  39. >Applejack…..ACK!
  40. >Rainbow laughs as she barrels into your chest, sending the two of you rolling down the hill.
  41. >You grunt as you come to a stop, your vision filled with the cyan mare on top of you, laughing through the tears of joy welling in her eyes.
  42. >You can only smile as she kisses you tenderly.
  43. >It makes your senses tingle, smelling the wild sky in her multicolored mane.
  44. >You had definite feelings for Rainbow, that much is true.
  45. >You just hope these feelings you also have for AJ die in time.
  47. --------------
  50. >You are Applejack.
  51. >He seemed happy…
  52. >Rainbow seemed healthy, that was good.
  53. >You had a lot of time to think.
  54. >Leave it to your kin, your family has rallied around you, keeping Sweet Apple Acres humming along as it always has.
  55. >It’s given you a lot of time to think.
  56. >You walk slowly back towards the farm.
  57. >You went there wanting to talk to him.
  58. >To say the things you were too scared to say that day, when you chased him away.
  59. >That deep down, you knew he did everything in his power for Mac.
  60. >That your words were of confusion and blind anger.
  61. >That you were sorry.
  62. >”’ey Big Sis, how’dit go?”
  63. >Applebloom.
  64. “…ah didn’t talk to ‘im.”
  65. >Applebloom grunts as she trots alongside her sister.
  66. >”Ah thought yer’ was gonna talk to ‘im!”
  67. >You stop and stomp your hoof.
  68. “An’ ah thought ye’r gonna mind yer own business!”
  69. >Applebloom does not respond immediately as you start walking again, passing row upon row of apple trees.
  70. >The flowers are in bloom, soon the trees will be forming a fresh crop.
  71. >”Sis…ah’m sorry, ah’m just worried ‘bout ya, is all…”
  72. >You glare at the ground as you walk, not heading anywhere in particular.
  73. “Ya’ don’t need ta’ worry ‘bout me. Now run along.”
  74. >You stop as Applebloom dashes in front of you, getting in your way with an indignant look.
  75. >”An’ why shouldn’t I? Ya’ been floatin’ ‘round ‘ere like a ghost for weeks now! Ah jus’ want t’see ya happy…”
  76. >You pause and frown.
  77. >”An…ah know Anon made ya’ real happy…”
  78. “Applebloom…”
  79. >It’s your sister’s turn to stomp her hoof.
  80. >”No, AJ! It was Big Brother’s job t’knock sense into ya, but…he’s not here any more…”
  81. >You go to try and comfort AB as she sniffles.
  82. >She knocks your hoof away and looks up at you angrily.
  83. >”He ain’t here, so ah gotta do it! But you know what? Ah miss him. You miss him. And ah bet Anon misses him too…”
  84. >You step back a little.
  85. >”Ah know Anon did everything he could…and he was hurtin’ just as much as any of us…”
  86. >You snort.
  87. “That’s enough, Applebloom!”
  88. >She eeps and cowers a little, not used to you snapping at her like that.
  89. “Ah appreciate you’re worried about me…but ah’ll address my issues with Anon when I am good an’ ready!”
  90. >AB just stands there as the only answer you get is wind in the leaves.
  91. >”Just answer me one thing, Big Sis…an’ be honest.”
  92. >You sigh.
  93. “What?”
  94. >”Do you hate Anon? Do you blame ‘im fer’ what happened?”
  95. >…
  96. >You blink as your face falls, looking at your hooves.
  97. “…no…”
  98. >”So do ya’ like ‘im?”
  99. >You feel a knot forming in your chest.
  100. >You had an answer for this weeks ago…you thought blaming him would change your answer.
  101. >But it didn’t.
  102. >You voice is a whisper, barely audible above the autumn breeze.
  103. “…ah’ love ‘im.”
  104. >There are small damp spots forming on the soil at your hooves.
  105. >Must be raining…
  106. >”Then Big Brother would say ya’ know what ya’ gotta do.”
  107. >With that, Applebloom turns and heads back towards the house.
  108. >She’s such a smart filly.
  109. >A little too smart, sometimes…
  110. >You look up at the sun.
  111. >It’s getting close to noon.
  112. >You look back at the way you came, back towards Anon’s house.
  113. “Yer’ right, Big Mac.”
  114. >You turn around and start walking.
  116. ------------
  118. >You are still AJ.
  119. >It’s noon by the time you get to Anon’s front door.
  120. >Deep breath, AJ…
  121. >You knock.
  122. >The door opens.
  123. “…Rainbow.”
  124. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  125. >”Applejack.”
  126. “Is Anon home?”
  127. >Rainbow shakes her head. “Nope, hospital asked him to come in and consult on a case of severe horn rot.”
  128. >Nasty…
  129. “Excuse me…”
  130. >Rainbow stands aside as you walk in.
  131. “Ah think ah’ll wait for him.”
  132. >You could cut the tension in the air as you and Rainbow stand in the waiting area, silently.
  133. “Ah saw ya flying this mornin’…glad to see yer’ better.”
  134. >”Yeah, thanks…”
  135. >Something’s up here.
  136. “How’s Anon?”
  137. >Rainbow snorts.
  138. >”Fine.”
  139. >Yup, something’s definitely up.
  140. “So Rainbow, you watchin’ th’place before you go ho-“
  141. >”What are you doing here?”
  142. >You blink, taken aback.
  143. “Pardon?”
  144. >”I mean, what are you doing here?”
  145. “Now what in tarnation d’ya mean by that?”
  146. >”I mean, I want to know what you’re doing here!”
  147. >Rainbow stomps her hoof as she marches up to you.
  148. >”Because I ain’t gonna let you hurt him again!”
  149. >Well…this is going to be a problem.
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