

Feb 1st, 2023
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  1. // Player
  2. native TogglePlayerWidescreen(playerid, bool:set);
  3. native IsPlayerWidescreenToggled(playerid);
  4. native GetSpawnInfo(playerid, &teamid, &modelid = 0, &Float:spawn_x = 0.0, &Float:spawn_y = 0.0, &Float:spawn_z = 0.0, &Float:z_angle = 0.0, &weapon1 = 0, &weapon1_ammo = 0, &weapon2 = 0, &weapon2_ammo = 0, &weapon3 = 0, &weapon3_ammo = 0);
  5. native GetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill);
  6. native GetPlayerWeather(playerid);
  7. native IsPlayerCheckpointActive(playerid);
  8. native GetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fSize = 0.0);
  9. native IsPlayerRaceCheckpointActive(playerid);
  10. native GetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fNextX = 0.0, &Float:fNextY = 0.0, &Float:fNextZ = 0.0, &Float:fSize = 0.0);
  11. native GetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, &Float:x_max, &Float:x_min = 0.0, &Float:y_max = 0.0, &Float:y_min = 0.0);
  12. native IsPlayerInModShop(playerid);
  13. native GetPlayerSirenState(playerid);
  14. native GetPlayerLandingGearState(playerid);
  15. native GetPlayerHydraReactorAngle(playerid);
  16. native Float:GetPlayerTrainSpeed(playerid);
  17. native Float:GetPlayerZAim(playerid);
  18. native GetPlayerSurfingOffsets(playerid, &Float:fOffsetX, &Float:fOffsetY = 0.0, &Float:fOffsetZ = 0.0);
  19. native GetPlayerRotationQuat(playerid, &Float:w, &Float:x = 0.0, &Float:y = 0.0, &Float:z = 0.0);
  20. native GetPlayerDialogID(playerid);
  21. native GetPlayerSpectateID(playerid);
  22. native GetPlayerSpectateType(playerid);
  23. native GetPlayerRawIp(playerid);
  24. native SetPlayerGravity(playerid, Float:gravity);
  25. native Float:GetPlayerGravity(playerid);
  26. native SetPlayerAdmin(playerid, bool:admin); // Set player as RCON admin
  27. native IsPlayerSpawned(playerid);
  28. native IsPlayerControllable(playerid);
  29. native IsPlayerCameraTargetEnabled(playerid);
  30. native TogglePlayerGhostMode(playerid, bool:toggle);
  31. native GetPlayerGhostMode(playerid);
  32. native GetPlayerBuildingsRemoved(playerid);
  33. native GetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, &modelid, &bone = 0, &Float:fX = 0.0, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fScaleX = 0.0, &Float:fScaleY = 0.0, &Float:fScaleZ = 0.0, &materialcolor1 = 0, &materialcolor2 = 0);
  34. native SendClientMessagef(playerid, color, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  35. native GameTextForPlayerf(playerid, displaytime, style, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  36. native SendPlayerMessageToPlayerf(playerid, senderid, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  37. native RemovePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid);
  38. native HidePlayerDialog(playerid);
  40. // Textdraw - Global
  41. native IsValidTextDraw(Text:textdrawid);
  42. native IsTextDrawVisibleForPlayer(playerid, Text:textdrawid);
  43. native TextDrawGetString(Text:textdrawid, text[], len = sizeof(text));
  44. native TextDrawSetPos(Text:textdrawid, Float:fX, Float:fY); // You can change textdraw pos with it, but you need to use TextDrawShowForPlayer() after that
  45. native TextDrawGetLetterSize(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  46. native TextDrawGetTextSize(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  47. native TextDrawGetPos(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  48. native TextDrawGetColor(Text:textdrawid);
  49. native TextDrawGetBoxColor(Text:textdrawid);
  50. native TextDrawGetBackgroundColor(Text:textdrawid);
  51. native TextDrawGetShadow(Text:textdrawid);
  52. native TextDrawGetOutline(Text:textdrawid);
  53. native TextDrawGetFont(Text:textdrawid);
  54. native TextDrawIsBox(Text:textdrawid);
  55. native TextDrawIsProportional(Text:textdrawid);
  56. native TextDrawIsSelectable(Text:textdrawid);
  57. native TextDrawGetAlignment(Text:textdrawid);
  58. native TextDrawGetPreviewModel(Text:textdrawid);
  59. native TextDrawGetPreviewRot(Text:textdrawid, &Float:fRotX, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fZoom = 0.0);
  60. native TextDrawGetPreviewVehCol(Text:textdrawid, &color1, &color2 = 0);
  61. native TextDrawSetStringForPlayer(Text:textdrawid, playerid, const fmat[], {Float,_}:...);
  63. // Textdraw - Player
  64. native IsValidPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  65. native IsPlayerTextDrawVisible(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  66. native PlayerTextDrawGetString(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, text[], len = sizeof(text));
  67. native PlayerTextDrawSetPos(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, Float:fX, Float:fY);
  68. native PlayerTextDrawGetLetterSize(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  69. native PlayerTextDrawGetTextSize(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  70. native PlayerTextDrawGetPos(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  71. native PlayerTextDrawGetColor(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  72. native PlayerTextDrawGetBoxColor(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  73. native PlayerTextDrawGetBackgroundCol(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  74. native PlayerTextDrawGetShadow(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  75. native PlayerTextDrawGetOutline(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  76. native PlayerTextDrawGetFont(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  77. native PlayerTextDrawIsBox(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  78. native PlayerTextDrawIsProportional(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  79. native PlayerTextDrawIsSelectable(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  80. native PlayerTextDrawGetAlignment(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  81. native PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewModel(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid);
  82. native PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewRot(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &Float:fRotX, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0, &Float:fZoom = 0.0);
  83. native PlayerTextDrawGetPreviewVehCol(playerid, PlayerText:textdrawid, &color1, &color2 = 0);
  85. // Gangzone - Global
  86. native IsValidGangZone(zoneid);
  87. native IsPlayerInGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  88. native IsGangZoneVisibleForPlayer(playerid, zoneid);
  89. native GangZoneGetColorForPlayer(playerid, zoneid);
  90. native GangZoneGetFlashColorForPlayer(playerid, zoneid);
  91. native IsGangZoneFlashingForPlayer(playerid, zoneid);
  92. native GangZoneGetPos(zoneid, &Float:fMinX, &Float:fMinY = 0.0, &Float:fMaxX = 0.0, &Float:fMaxY = 0.0);
  93. native UseGangZoneCheck(zoneid, bool:toggle);
  95. // Gangzone callbacks - Global
  96. forward OnPlayerEnterGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  97. forward OnPlayerLeaveGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  98. forward OnPlayerClickGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  101. // Gangzone - Player
  102. native CreatePlayerGangZone(playerid, Float:minx, Float:miny, Float:maxx, Float:maxy);
  103. native PlayerGangZoneDestroy(playerid, zoneid);
  104. native PlayerGangZoneShow(playerid, zoneid, color);
  105. native PlayerGangZoneHide(playerid, zoneid);
  106. native PlayerGangZoneFlash(playerid, zoneid, color);
  107. native PlayerGangZoneStopFlash(playerid, zoneid);
  108. native IsValidPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  109. native IsPlayerInPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  110. native IsPlayerGangZoneVisible(playerid, zoneid);
  111. native PlayerGangZoneGetColor(playerid, zoneid);
  112. native PlayerGangZoneGetFlashColor(playerid, zoneid);
  113. native IsPlayerGangZoneFlashing(playerid, zoneid);
  114. native PlayerGangZoneGetPos(playerid, zoneid, &Float:fMinX, &Float:fMinY, &Float:fMaxX, &Float:fMaxY);
  115. native UsePlayerGangZoneCheck(playerid, zoneid, bool:use);
  117. // Gangzone callbacks - Player
  118. forward OnPlayerEnterPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  119. forward OnPlayerLeavePlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  120. forward OnPlayerClickPlayerGangZone(playerid, zoneid);
  123. // Object - Global
  124. native Float:GetObjectDrawDistance(objectid);
  125. native Float:GetObjectMoveSpeed(objectid);
  126. native GetObjectTarget(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  127. native GetObjectMovingTargetPos(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  128. native GetObjectMovingTargetRot(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  129. native GetObjectAttachedData(objectid, &attached_vehicleid, &attached_objectid = 0, &attached_playerid = 0);
  130. native GetObjectAttachedOffset(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0);
  131. native GetObjectSyncRotation(objectid);
  132. native IsObjectMaterialSlotUsed(objectid, materialindex); // Return values: 1 = material, 2 = material text
  133. native GetObjectMaterial(objectid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], txdnamelen = sizeof(txdname), texturename[], texturenamelen = sizeof(texturename), &materialcolor = 0);
  134. native GetObjectMaterialText(objectid, materialindex, text[], textlen = sizeof(text), &materialsize, fontface[], fontfacelen = sizeof(fontface), &fontsize = 0, &bold = 0, &fontcolor = 0, &backcolor = 0, &textalignment = 0);
  135. native IsObjectNoCameraCol(objectid);
  138. // Object - Player
  139. native Float:GetPlayerObjectDrawDistance(playerid, objectid);
  140. native SetPlayerObjectMoveSpeed(playerid, objectid, Float:fSpeed);
  141. native Float:GetPlayerObjectMoveSpeed(playerid, objectid);
  142. native GetPlayerObjectTarget(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  143. native GetPlayerObjectMovingTargetPos(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  144. native GetPlayerObjectMovingTargetRot(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  145. native GetPlayerObjectAttachedData(playerid, objectid, &attached_vehicleid, &attached_objectid = 0, &attached_playerid = 0);
  146. native GetPlayerObjectAttachedOffset(playerid, objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRotX = 0.0, &Float:fRotY = 0.0, &Float:fRotZ = 0.0);
  147. native GetPlayerObjectSyncRotation(playerid, objectid);
  148. native IsPlayerObjectMaterialSlotUsed(playerid, objectid, materialindex); // Return values: 1 = material, 2 = material text
  149. native GetPlayerObjectMaterial(playerid, objectid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], txdnamelen = sizeof(txdname), texturename[], texturenamelen = sizeof(texturename), &materialcolor = 0);
  150. native GetPlayerObjectMaterialText(playerid, objectid, materialindex, text[], textlen = sizeof(text), &materialsize, fontface[], fontfacelen = sizeof(fontface), &fontsize = 0, &bold = 0, &fontcolor = 0, &backcolor = 0, &textalignment = 0);
  151. native IsPlayerObjectNoCameraCol(playerid, objectid);
  152. native GetPlayerSurfingPlayerObjectID(playerid);
  153. native GetPlayerCameraTargetPlayerObj(playerid);
  154. native GetObjectType(playerid, objectid);
  157. // Pickup - Global
  158. native IsValidPickup(pickupid);
  159. native IsPickupStreamedIn(playerid, pickupid);
  160. native GetPickupPos(pickupid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  161. native GetPickupModel(pickupid);
  162. native GetPickupType(pickupid);
  163. native GetPickupVirtualWorld(pickupid);
  164. native SetPickupPos(pickupid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, bool:update=true);
  165. native SetPickupModel(pickupid, model, bool:update=true);
  166. native SetPickupType(pickupid, type, bool:update=true);
  167. native SetPickupVirtualWorld(pickupid, virtualworld);
  168. native ShowPickupForPlayer(playerid, pickupid);
  169. native HidePickupForPlayer(playerid, pickupid);
  170. native IsPickupHiddenForPlayer(playerid, pickupid);
  172. // Menu
  173. native IsMenuDisabled(Menu:menuid);
  174. native IsMenuRowDisabled(Menu:menuid, row);
  175. native GetMenuColumns(Menu:menuid);
  176. native GetMenuItems(Menu:menuid, column);
  177. native GetMenuPos(Menu:menuid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0);
  178. native GetMenuColumnWidth(Menu:menuid, &Float:fColumn1, &Float:fColumn2 = 0.0);
  179. native GetMenuColumnHeader(Menu:menuid, column, header[], len = sizeof(header));
  180. native GetMenuItem(Menu:menuid, column, itemid, item[], len = sizeof(item));
  182. // 3D Text - Global
  183. native bool:IsValid3DTextLabel(Text3D:id);
  184. native Is3DTextLabelStreamedIn(playerid, Text3D:id);
  185. native Get3DTextLabelText(Text3D:id, text[], len = sizeof(text));
  186. native Get3DTextLabelColor(Text3D:id);
  187. native Get3DTextLabelPos(Text3D:id, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  188. native Set3DTextLabelDrawDistance(Text3D:id, Float:dist);
  189. native Float:Get3DTextLabelDrawDistance(Text3D:id);
  190. native bool:Get3DTextLabelLOS(Text3D:id);
  191. native Set3DTextLabelLOS(Text3D:id, bool:status);
  192. native Set3DTextLabelVirtualWorld(Text3D:id, worldid);
  193. native Get3DTextLabelVirtualWorld(Text3D:id);
  194. native Get3DTextLabelAttachedData(Text3D:id, &attached_playerid, &attached_vehicleid = 0);
  196. // 3D Text - Player
  197. native bool:IsValidPlayer3DTextLabel(playerid, PlayerText3D:id);
  198. native GetPlayer3DTextLabelText(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, text[], len = sizeof(text));
  199. native GetPlayer3DTextLabelColor(playerid, PlayerText3D:id);
  200. native GetPlayer3DTextLabelPos(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0);
  201. native SetPlayer3DTextLabelDrawDist(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, Float:dist);
  202. native Float:GetPlayer3DTextLabelDrawDist(playerid, PlayerText3D:id);
  203. native bool:GetPlayer3DTextLabelLOS(playerid, PlayerText3D:id);
  204. native SetPlayer3DTextLabelLOS(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, bool:status);
  205. native GetPlayer3DTextLabelVirtualW(playerid, PlayerText3D:id);
  206. native GetPlayer3DTextLabelAttached(playerid, PlayerText3D:id, &attached_playerid, &attached_vehicleid = 0);
  208. // Vehicle
  209. native GetVehicleSpawnInfo(vehicleid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fRot = 0.0, &color1 = 0, &color2 = 0);
  210. native SetVehicleSpawnInfo(vehicleid, modelid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fAngle, color1, color2, respawntime = -2, interior = -2);
  211. native GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, &color1, &color2 = 0);
  212. native GetVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid);
  213. native GetVehicleInterior(vehicleid);
  214. native GetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, plate[], len = sizeof(plate));
  215. native SetVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicleid, delay);
  216. native GetVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicleid);
  217. native GetVehicleTower(vehicleid);
  218. native GetVehicleCab(vehicleid);
  219. native GetVehicleOccupiedTick(vehicleid);
  220. native HasVehicleBeenOccupied(vehicleid);
  221. native IsVehicleOccupied(vehicleid);
  222. native GetVehicleRespawnTick(vehicleid);
  223. native IsVehicleDead(vehicleid);
  224. native ToggleVehicleSirenEnabled(vehicleid, enabled);
  225. native IsVehicleSirenEnabled(vehicleid);
  226. native GetVehicleModelCount(modelid);
  227. native GetVehicleLastDriver(vehicleid);
  228. native GetVehicleDriver(vehicleid);
  229. native GetVehicleModelsUsed();
  230. native GetVehicleSirenState(vehicleid);
  231. native GetVehicleLandingGearState(vehicleid);
  232. native GetVehicleHydraReactorAngle(vehicleid);
  233. native Float:GetVehicleTrainSpeed(vehicleid);
  234. native GetVehicleMatrix(vehicleid, &Float:rightX, &Float:rightY = 0.0, &Float:rightZ = 0.0, &Float:upX = 0.0, &Float:upY = 0.0, &Float:upZ = 0.0, &Float:atX = 0.0, &Float:atY = 0.0, &Float:atZ = 0.0);
  236. // Actor
  237. native GetActorSkin(actorid);
  238. native SetActorSkin(actorid, model);
  239. native GetActorSpawnInfo(actorid, &skinid, &Float:fX = 0.0, &Float:fY = 0.0, &Float:fZ = 0.0, &Float:fAngle = 0.0);
  240. native GetActorAnimation(actorid, animlib[], animlibsize = sizeof(animlib), animname[], animnamesize = sizeof(animname), &Float:fDelta, &loop = 0, &lockx = 0, &locky = 0, &freeze = 0, &time = 0);
  242. // Chat character replacement
  243. native ToggleChatTextReplacement(bool:toggle);
  244. native bool:ChatTextReplacementToggled();
  246. // Classes
  247. native GetAvailableClasses();
  248. native GetPlayerClass(classid, &teamid, &modelid = 0, &Float:spawn_x = 0.0, &Float:spawn_y = 0.0, &Float:spawn_z = 0.0, &Float:z_angle = 0.0, &weapon1 = 0, &weapon1_ammo = 0, &weapon2 = 0, &weapon2_ammo = 0, &weapon3 = 0, &weapon3_ammo = 0);
  249. native EditPlayerClass(classid, teamid, modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo);
  251. // Weapons
  252. native GetWeaponSlot(weaponid);
  254. // Core
  255. native ClearBanList();
  256. native IsBanned(const ipaddress[]);
  257. native bool:IsValidNickName(const name[]);
  258. native AllowNickNameCharacter(character, bool:allow);
  259. native bool:IsNickNameCharacterAllowed(character);
  260. native bool:AddServerRule(const name[], const value[]);
  261. native bool:SetServerRule(const name[], const value[]);
  262. native bool:IsValidServerRule(const name[]);
  263. native bool:RemoveServerRule(const name[]);
  264. native SendClientMessageToAllf(color, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  265. native GameTextForAllf(displaytime, style, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  266. native SendPlayerMessageToAllf(senderid, const message[], {Float,_}:...);
  267. native SendRconCommandf(const command[], {Float,_}:...);
  268. native GetRunningTimers();
  269. native GetVehicles(outputVehicles[], size = sizeof outputVehicles);
  270. native GetPlayers(outputPlayers[], size = sizeof outputPlayers);
  271. native GetActors(outputActors[], size = sizeof outputActors);
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