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Jun 14th, 2015
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  1. I0512 16:41:57.401049 30305 caffe.cpp:117] Use CPU.
  2. I0512 16:41:57.516182 30305 caffe.cpp:121] Starting Optimization
  3. I0512 16:41:57.516261 30305 solver.cpp:32] Initializing solver from parameters:
  4. test_iter: 100
  5. test_interval: 1000
  6. base_lr: 0.01
  7. display: 100
  8. max_iter: 6400
  9. lr_policy: "step"
  10. gamma: 0.5
  11. momentum: 0.9
  12. weight_decay: 0.005
  13. stepsize: 5000
  14. snapshot: 6400
  15. snapshot_prefix: "snapshot"
  16. solver_mode: CPU
  17. net: "train_test.prototxt"
  18. I0512 16:41:57.516284 30305 solver.cpp:70] Creating training net from net file: train_test.prototxt
  19. I0512 16:41:57.516444 30305 net.cpp:257] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer data
  20. I0512 16:41:57.516459 30305 net.cpp:257] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer accuracy
  21. I0512 16:41:57.516513 30305 net.cpp:42] Initializing net from parameters:
  22. name: "LogisticRegressionNet"
  23. state {
  24. phase: TRAIN
  25. }
  26. layer {
  27. name: "data"
  28. type: "HDF5Data"
  29. top: "data"
  30. top: "label"
  31. include {
  32. phase: TRAIN
  33. }
  34. hdf5_data_param {
  35. source: "train.txt"
  36. batch_size: 20
  37. }
  38. }
  39. layer {
  40. name: "fc1"
  41. type: "InnerProduct"
  42. bottom: "data"
  43. top: "fc1"
  44. param {
  45. lr_mult: 1
  46. decay_mult: 1
  47. }
  48. param {
  49. lr_mult: 2
  50. decay_mult: 0
  51. }
  52. inner_product_param {
  53. num_output: 40000
  54. weight_filler {
  55. type: "gaussian"
  56. std: 0.1
  57. }
  58. bias_filler {
  59. type: "constant"
  60. value: 0
  61. }
  62. }
  63. }
  64. layer {
  65. name: "sigmoid"
  66. type: "Sigmoid"
  67. bottom: "fc1"
  68. top: "fc1"
  69. }
  70. layer {
  71. name: "fc2"
  72. type: "InnerProduct"
  73. bottom: "fc1"
  74. top: "fc2"
  75. param {
  76. lr_mult: 1
  77. decay_mult: 1
  78. }
  79. param {
  80. lr_mult: 2
  81. decay_mult: 0
  82. }
  83. inner_product_param {
  84. num_output: 1
  85. weight_filler {
  86. type: "gaussian"
  87. std: 0.01
  88. }
  89. bias_filler {
  90. type: "constant"
  91. value: 0
  92. }
  93. }
  94. }
  95. layer {
  96. name: "loss"
  97. type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"
  98. bottom: "fc2"
  99. bottom: "label"
  100. }
  101. I0512 16:41:57.516559 30305 layer_factory.hpp:74] Creating layer data
  102. I0512 16:41:57.516569 30305 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer data
  103. I0512 16:41:57.516576 30305 net.cpp:338] data -> data
  104. I0512 16:41:57.516589 30305 net.cpp:338] data -> label
  105. I0512 16:41:57.516598 30305 net.cpp:113] Setting up data
  106. I0512 16:41:57.516603 30305 hdf5_data_layer.cpp:80] Loading list of HDF5 filenames from: train.txt
  107. I0512 16:41:57.516639 30305 hdf5_data_layer.cpp:94] Number of HDF5 files: 2
  108. I0512 16:42:01.519906 30305 net.cpp:120] Top shape: 20 56354 (1127080)
  109. I0512 16:42:01.519930 30305 net.cpp:120] Top shape: 20 (20)
  110. I0512 16:42:01.519938 30305 layer_factory.hpp:74] Creating layer fc1
  111. I0512 16:42:01.519951 30305 net.cpp:84] Creating Layer fc1
  112. I0512 16:42:01.519958 30305 net.cpp:380] fc1 <- data
  113. I0512 16:42:01.519968 30305 net.cpp:338] fc1 -> fc1
  114. I0512 16:42:01.519979 30305 net.cpp:113] Setting up fc1
  115. F0512 16:42:01.519989 30305 blob.cpp:101] Check failed: data_
  116. *** Check failure stack trace: ***
  117. @ 0x7f7c57486e0d (unknown)
  118. @ 0x7f7c57488cad (unknown)
  119. @ 0x7f7c574869fc (unknown)
  120. @ 0x7f7c574895ce (unknown)
  121. @ 0x7f7c5ce00adb caffe::Blob<>::mutable_cpu_data()
  122. @ 0x7f7c5ce2e29a caffe::GaussianFiller<>::Fill()
  123. @ 0x7f7c5ce2cab6 caffe::InnerProductLayer<>::LayerSetUp()
  124. @ 0x7f7c5ce20510 caffe::Net<>::Init()
  125. @ 0x7f7c5ce215c5 caffe::Net<>::Net()
  126. @ 0x7f7c5cf020bf caffe::Solver<>::InitTrainNet()
  127. @ 0x7f7c5cf03330 caffe::Solver<>::Init()
  128. @ 0x7f7c5cf03506 caffe::Solver<>::Solver()
  129. @ 0x40eb00 caffe::GetSolver<>()
  130. @ 0x407f52 train()
  131. @ 0x4058f7 main
  132. @ 0x7f7c53004040 __libc_start_main
  133. @ 0x405f10 (unknown)
  134. Command terminated by signal 6
  135. Command being timed: "../build/tools/caffe train -solver solver.prototxt
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